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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 64(1): 7-16, ene.-feb. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250767


Resumen: El tejido óseo, anteriormente considerado como una estructura mecánica de soporte y movimiento, ha mostrado una participación importante en la homeostasis del organismo, incluyendo al metabolismo energético y el tejido adiposo. En la actualidad se considera un órgano endócrino que sintetiza moléculas reguladoras del metabolismo denominadas osteocinas. A su vez, el tejido adiposo, considerado como una glándula de secreción interna, ayuda a mantener la reserva energética del organismo y produce proteínas y moléculas como las adipocinas, algunas de las cuales afectan directamente al hueso. El análisis del ciclo resorción/formación ósea, muestra que la masa ósea es reflejo del balance entre ambas. Cuando se pierde este balance y hay reducción de la masa ósea con aumento de la fragilidad, aparece la osteoporosis lo que incrementa el riesgo de fractura. Una de cada 3 mujeres y 1 de cada 5 hombres mayores de 50 años presenta una fractura por osteoporosis. La interacción entre tejido adiposo y hueso está mediada por citocinas, osteocinas y adipocinas. La obesidad puede incidir en el hueso por varios mecanismos entre los cuales se encuentran los inflamatorios y los inducidos por citocinas derivadas de los adipocitos como la leptina y la adiponectina que pueden modificar el metabolismo óseo. Evidencias apoyan el efecto negativo de la obesidad sobre la salud del hueso, aunque estudios al respecto aún son contradictorios.

Abstract: The bone tissue, previously considered as a mechanical support for structure and movement, has shown an important participation in the homeostasis of the body, including energy metabolism and adipose tissue. Currently, it is considered an endocrine organ that synthesizes regulatory molecules of metabolism called osteokines. At the same time, the adipose tissue, considered as an internal secretion gland, helps to maintain the body energy and produces proteins and mol ecules such as adipokines, some of which affect the bone directly. The analysis of bone resorption/formation cycle shows that bone mass is a reflection of the balance between both. When this balance is lost and there is a reduction of bone mass with increased fragility, osteoporosis appears and increases the risk of fracture. One in three women and one in five men over 50 years old have a fracture due to osteoporosis. The interaction between adipose tissue and bone is mediated by cytokines, osteokines and adipokines. Obesity may affect the bone by several mechanisms, among which the inflammatory is included and those induced by cytokines secreted by adipocytes such as leptin and adiponectin which can modify bone metabolism. Evidence supports the negative effect of obesity on bone health, although studies about it are still contradictory.

Rev Alerg Mex ; 66(3): 340-353, 2019.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31606018


The adipose tissue, which is currently viewed as an organ with neuroimmunoendocrine functions, participates in the homeostasis of the human organism. It has great plasticity and functional variability based on the intake of nutrients or to the increase or decrease of its tissue volume, which modifies both the function and the number of the cells that form it or reach it. The elements that are released abnormally by these cells, among other cytokines and adipokines, cause both local and systemic inflammation, mainly when they come from the visceral adipose tissue, and they can affect diverse organs like the liver and the cardio-vascular system. It has been pointed out that obesity entails a greater risk for developing inflammatory, metabolic, autoimmune, or allergic diseases, as well as alterations in scarring, and cancer.

El tejido adiposo, actualmente considerado un órgano con funciones neuroinmunoendocrinas, participa en la homeostasis del organismo. Posee gran plasticidad y variabilidad funcional acorde con la ingesta de nutrientes o con el incremento o la disminución de su volumen tisular, el cual modifica la función y el número de las células que lo integran o llegan a él. Los elementos liberados anormalmente por estas células, entre otros citocinas y adipocinas, ocasionan inflamación local y sistémica, predominantemente cuando provienen del tejido adiposo visceral y pueden afectar diversos órganos como el hígado y el sistema cardiovascular. Se ha señalado que la obesidad implica un mayor riesgo de padecer enfermedades inflamatorias, metabólicas, autoinmunes, alérgicas, alteraciones en la cicatrización y cáncer.

Adipose Tissue/immunology , Obesity/immunology , Adipocytes/physiology , Humans , Obesity/complications
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 56(3): 287-294, 2018 Oct 25.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30394717


In this review several characteristics of the aging process are described and some theories that try to explain it are briefly mentioned. Although none of them fully explains this phenomenon, they can interact between each other in a complex way, out of which cellular senescence is the common outcome. Molecular changes take place on both genetic and epigenetic levels, and several studies have associated senescence with changes in the epigenetic-mediated chromatin condensation, while others consider that free radicals represent a useful mechanism to explain aging and age-related disorders that, along with the alteration of mitochondrial homeostasis, promote the aging process through the accumulation of damage along time.

En esta revisión se describen varias características del proceso de envejecimiento y de manera resumida algunas de las teorías que intentan explicarlo y, si bien ninguna es totalmente satisfactoria, pueden actuar entre sí de una manera compleja; en ellas, la senescencia celular es el factor común. Las alteraciones moleculares se llevan a cabo tanto a nivel genético como epigenético y varios estudios asocian la senescencia con cambios en la condensación de la cromatina, los cuales están regulados por factores epigenéticos y otros; en esos estudios se considera que los radicales libres representan un mecanismo útil para explicar el envejecimiento y los trastornos relacionados con la edad y que en forma conjunta, con las alteraciones en la homeostasis de la mitocondria, promueven el envejecimiento por daño acumulado a través del tiempo.

Aging/physiology , Cellular Senescence/physiology , Epigenesis, Genetic/physiology , Free Radicals , Gene-Environment Interaction , Humans
Rev Alerg Mex ; 65(2): 160-170, 2018.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29983013


Sleep is a process that occupies one third part of the life of the human being, and it is essential in order for the individual to be able to maintain body homeostasis. It emerges as an important regulator of the immune system since, during sleep, the necessary functions to maintain its balance are carried out. On the other hand, decreased sleep has deleterious effects that alter the metabolism and produce an increase in the secretion of C-reactive protein, interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). These cytokines activate NF-κB; therefore, sleep disturbance can be a risk factor for the development of chronic inflammatory and metabolic diseases. Pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF increase non-rapid eye movement sleep, whereas anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 decrease it. Sleep can modify the immune system function by inducing changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. In turn, the circadian rhythm of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which have a nocturnal decrease, favors different activities of the immune system. The purpose of the present review is to address different aspects of sleep and their relationship with the immune system.

El sueño es un proceso que ocupa la tercera parte de la vida del ser humano y resulta imprescindible para que el individuo mantenga la homeostasis del organismo. Emerge como un regulador importante del sistema inmune, ya que durante el sueño se llevan a cabo las funciones necesarias para mantener su equilibrio. Por otro lado, la reducción de sueño tiene efectos adversos que alteran el metabolismo y produce incremento en la secreción de la proteína C reactiva, interleucina (IL)-6 y factor de necrosis tumoral (TNF). Estas citocinas activan a NF-κB, por lo que la alteración en el sueño puede ser un factor de riesgo para desarrollar enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas y metabólicas. Las citocinas proinflamatorias IL-1, IL-6 y TNF aumentan el sueño de movimientos oculares no rápidos y las antiinflamatorias como IL-4 e IL-10 lo disminuyen. El sueño puede modificar la función del sistema inmune induciendo cambios en el eje hipotálamo-pituitaria-adrenal y el sistema nervioso simpático. A su vez, el ritmo circadiano de hormonas como el cortisol y la adrenalina, que descienden en la noche, favorece diferentes actividades del sistema inmune. El objetivo de la presente revisión es abordar diversos aspectos del sueño y su relación con el sistema inmune.

Immune System , Sleep/immunology , Circadian Rhythm , Cytokines/physiology , Humans
Rev Alerg Mex ; 64(2): 206-219, 2017.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28658729


Senescence is an irreversible process by which cells enter to a permanent cell cycle arrest with generalized molecular changes. Senescent cells remain metabolically active and most of them show a secretory phenotype; through its secretion may induce senescence or cancer in other cells. The secretory cells in the so-called transient senescence may participate in embryogenesis, tissue regeneration and immune response. The deleterious changes associated with age affect the immune system members and the immune senescence cause poor response to vaccines and susceptibility to cancer and infections. These latter are a frequent cause of asthma mostly in the elderly, the incidence is increasing in old people, and it may be related with those anatomical, physiological and immune changes caused by age, asthma chronicity and external agents. Comorbidity in the elderly worsens the ailment and hinders diagnosis, therefore, knowledge and handling of these clinical entities must be in control by the physicians responsible of the first level attention to old patients.

La senescencia, proceso por el cual la célula entra en un estado de parálisis per-manente del ciclo celular, implica cambios moleculares generalizados. Las células senescentes permanecen metabólicamente activas y la mayoría expresa el fenotipo secretor; mediante su secreción inciden en otras células y pueden inducir senes-cencia o cáncer. Por el contrario, en la llamada senescencia transitoria, las células secretoras pueden participar en la embriogénesis, la regeneración tisular y la res-puesta inmune normal. Los cambios deletéreos asociados con la edad afectan a los integrantes del sistema inmune y la inmunosenescencia ocasiona pobre respuesta a vacunas y susceptibilidad a cáncer e infecciones. Estas últimas son causa fre-cuente de asma, sobre todo en ancianos, en quienes al parecer su incidencia va en aumento, lo que puede estar en relación con los cambios anatómicos, fisiológicos e inmunes ocasionados por la edad, la cronicidad del asma y los factores externos. La comorbilidad en los ancianos agrava el padecimiento y dificulta el diagnóstico, por lo que el conocimiento y manejo de estas entidades clínicas, deben ser del do-minio de los médicos responsables de la atención primaria de los adultos mayores.

Aging/immunology , Asthma/immunology , Age of Onset , Asthma/diagnosis , Asthma/epidemiology , Asthma/therapy , Cellular Senescence , Comorbidity , Homeostasis , Humans , Immunocompetence , Incidence , Inflammation , Lymphocytes/immunology , Models, Immunological , Myeloid Cells/immunology , Oxidative Stress , Telomere Shortening , Thymus Gland/growth & development , Thymus Gland/immunology
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 52(3): 302-7, 2014.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24878090


MicroRNAs are small non-coding ribonucleic acids of endogenous nature. They persist in various groups of eukaryotes and perform critical functions during the development and the cell homeostasis. They have from 19 to 25 nucleotides in length and regulate the translation of the target RNA messenger (mRNA). MicroRNAs can inhibit its translation, stabilizing it or inducing its degradation. They regulate the genetic expression and are involved in the control of cellular functions (the differentiation, the proliferation, the apoptosis and the metabolism). They are also involved in the response to stress, the angiogenesis, the oncogenesis and in cardiovascular functions. That is the reason why their abnormal expressions are associated to many pathological conditions. The aim of this review was to describe the importance of microRNAs, their biological origin and their role in various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and neurological disorders. The microRNAs are an attractive therapeutic target because it has been observed that just one of them can regulate several genes and it could influence all the signaling route; besides, they could inhibit themselves in vivo without adverse effects related to the usual therapeutic agents. Since they can be detected in serum, plasma, urine and saliva samples in a stable, reproducible and consistent form between individuals of the same species, we expect them to be useful as biomarkers for the clinical diagnosis and the monitoring of diseases.

Los microARN son ácidos ribonucleicos pequeños no codificantes, endógenos, que se encuentran conservados en varios grupos de eucariontes y que desempeñan funciones críticas durante el desarrollo y la homeostasis celular. Son secuencias de una longitud entre 19 y 25 nucleótidos, que regulan la traducción de un ARN mensajero (ARNm) blanco, que inhiben su traducción, estabilizándolo o llevándolo a su degradación. Los microARN son reguladores de la expresión génica y participan en el control de procesos celulares como la diferenciación, la proliferación, la apoptosis y el metabolismo; también están involucrados en la respuesta al estrés, en la angiogénesis, la oncogénesis y los procesos cardiovasculares. De ahí que su desregulación o expresión anormal esté relacionada con numerosas condiciones patológicas. Esta revisión describe la importancia de los microARN, su biogénesis y su participación en enfermedades como cáncer, diabetes, obesidad y trastornos neurológicos. Los microARN representan un atractivo blanco terapéutico porque se ha observado que uno solo puede regular a muchos genes blanco e influir en toda la vía de señalización; además, pueden inhibirse in vivo sin muchos de los efectos adversos relacionados con los agentes terapéuticos tradicionales. Dado que se pueden detectar en suero, plasma, orina y saliva en forma estable, reproducible y consistente entre individuos de la misma especie, se espera que puedan utilizarse como biomarcadores para el diagnóstico clínico y monitoreo de enfermedades.

Disease/genetics , MicroRNAs , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques/methods , Humans , Neoplasms/genetics
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 50(1): 39-45, 2012.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22768816


Obesity is considered a low-inflammatory condition. An increasing number of reports suggest that the adipose tissue itself might be a source of proinflammatory factors and a target of inflammatory processes. Accumulating evidence suggest the involvement of adipose tissue derived proteins, collectively known as adipokines as well as other factors produced in this tissue by cells besides to adipocytes, like fibroblasts, lymphocytes and macrophages. The burden of obesity on health extends across multiple organs systems and diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart diseases, osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia). The high incidence and its chronic inflammatory condition have had a wide impact. The chronic nature of obesity produces a tonic low-grade activation of the innate immune system that affects steady-state measures of metabolic homeostasis over time. In this review we highlight the macrophage participation in the generation of obesity-induced inflammation.

Adipose Tissue/immunology , Inflammation/immunology , Macrophages/immunology , Adipose Tissue/cytology , Cytokines/immunology , Cytokines/metabolism , Humans , Obesity/immunology
Ginecol Obstet Mex ; 80(5): 332-40, 2012 May.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23301425


Pregnancy progresses through mechanisms that allow the embryo implantation and its development during gestation. Those mechanisms involve the immune cells that participate in the regulation of immune tolerance and response, as well as the protection conferred by Th2 cytokines and molecules expressed on trophoblast cells. Local factors expressed in the fetal interface as HLA-G, which inhibits the cytotoxicity of uterine natural killer cells and induces apoptosis of activated CD8 cells; transforming growth factor-beta, that induces tolerance, and uterine natural killer cells that are functionally different to the peripheral, as well as circulating progesterone and the glicodeline molecules that are important regulators of the immune response, also intervene in the process. From the conventional immunological point of view, pregnancy is a unique immune condition in which the fetus, semiallogenic, avoids being rejected immunologically by the mother, apparently by inducing a tolerance more than a sensitization

Pregnancy/immunology , Decidua/cytology , Female , Humans , Killer Cells, Natural/immunology , Macrophages/immunology , T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory/immunology