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HardwareX ; 16: e00485, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38020543


The Earth's magnetic field is used in various navigation systems, but this field has a dynamic behavior that can be affected by different physical factors in local environments. These factors can pose risks to navigation systems and at the same time be a signal of a phenomenon that needs to be investigated, such as mineral concentration or the presence of interference from electrical equipment, among others. For that reason, in this project, this system was designed and integrated using a low-cost, military-grade magnet inductive magnetometer, which is integrated into two Inertial Measurement Units to corroborate the movement data, and at the same time a geopositioning system to georeference the sensor measurements. The information is managed by an MCU, which also stores data on an SD card. The system includes a lithium battery management system to provide more than an hour of autonomy. Wireless communication systems are intentionally avoided to prevent interference, and an infrared transmission LED is included instead, in case the real-time transmission is necessary. The results show that the proposed system allows for obtaining maps of magnetic field intensity in open spaces, and this information can be used to determine regions with anomalies.

HardwareX ; 13: e00403, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36875259


The use of IoT systems that support the construction of smart cities is a global trend that directly affects the quality of life of citizens. for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the detection of living beings and especially of humans, is a way of quantifying different variables pertinent to the improvement of roads, traffic flows, frequency of visits, among others. the implementation of low-cost systems that do not involve high-processing systems makes the solutions more scalable at a global level. The data acquired by this type of device offers advantages to the different entities in statistics and public consultations, thus contributing to their growth. In this article, an assistance system for the task of pedestrian flow detection is designed and constructed. It integrates strategically located arrays of sensors to detect the direction and general location, which include microwave sensors to detect motion, and infrared presence sensors. The results demonstrate that the system manages to establish the direction of flow of the individual and laterally of the displacement and differentiation between humans and objects for assistance to other systems of counting or analysis of pedestrian flow.

Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 30-36, ene.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416082


Objetivo: este trabajo busca caracterizar el comportamiento relacionado con el suicidio en la población admitida al Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, con sobredosis de acetaminofén entre enero 2019 y diciembre 2020 y detectar factores asociados con la dosis tóxica. Metodología: análisis descriptivo con información obtenida de historias clínicas. Resultados: 63 individuos presentaron ingestión aguda de dosis tóxica de acetaminofén como comportamiento relacionado con suicidio. Cuarenta y tres eran mujeres, 60% tenía antecedente de enfermedad psiquiátrica, 35% reportó al menos un intento suicida previo y 22% consumieron 25g o más. La lesión hepática aguda se asoció con una dosis tóxica. Conclusiones: evidenciamos una alta prevalencia de antecedente de enfermedad psi­quiátrica y comportamiento relacionado con suicidio y casi un tercio de los pacientes ingirió dosis mayores al umbral de riesgo para falla hepática. Además, la impulsividad e ingesta en casa sugiere que políticas públicas restrictivas pueden no impactar en la reducción de estos eventos en la población.

Objective: this work seeks to characterize the behavior related to suicide in the po­pulation admitted to the Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, with an overdose of acetaminophen between January 2019 and December 2020, and to identify factors associated with the toxic dose. Methodology: descriptive analysis with information obtained from medical records. Results: 63 individuals presented acute ingestion of a toxic dose of acetaminophen as behavior related to suicide. Forty-three were women, 60% had a history of psychiatric illness, 35% reported at least one previous suicide attempt, and 22% consumed 25g or more. Acute liver injury was associated with a toxic dose. Conclusions: we evidenced a high prevalence of a history of psychiatric illness and beha­vior related to suicide; almost a third of the patients ingested doses greater than the risk threshold for liver failure. In addition, impulsiveness and eating at home suggests that res­trictive public policies may not have an impact on reducing these events in the population.

Objetivo: Este trabalho busca caracterizar o comportamento relacionado ao suicídio na população internada no Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, com overdose de acetaminofeno entre janeiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020 e detectar fatores associados à dose tóxica. Metodologia: análise descritiva com informações obtidas dos prontuários. Resultados: 63 indivíduos apresentaram ingestão aguda de dose tóxica de paracetamol como comportamento relacionado ao suicídio. Quarenta e três eram mulheres, 60% tinham histórico de doença psiquiátrica, 35% relataram pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio anterior e 22% consumiram 25g ou mais. A lesão hepática aguda foi associada a uma dose tóxica. Conclusões: evidenciamos alta prevalência de história de doença psiquiátrica e com-portamento relacionado ao suicídio e quase um terço dos pacientes ingeriu doses superiores ao limiar de risco para insuficiência hepática. Além disso, a impulsividade e a alimentação em casa sugerem que políticas públicas restritivas podem não ter impacto na redução desses eventos na população.

Humans , Acetaminophen , Suicide , Suicide, Attempted , Liver Failure , Mental Disorders
Medicina UPB ; 41(2): 100-106, julio-diciembre 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1392112


Objetivo: el virus SARS-COV-2 llegó a Medellín el 9 de marzo del 2020, afectando hasta el 8 de octubre 2021 a 397.395 personas en esta ciudad. Este estudio busca describir el comportamiento clínico de los pacientes hospitalizados en la Clínica SOMA en el periodo entre julio 1 de 2020 y enero 31 de 2021, así como identificar variables clínicas y paraclínicas asociadas a su ingreso a UCI y la mortalidad. Metodología: cohorte retrospectiva con datos de historias clínicas de adultos admitidos en la Clínica SOMA por Covid-19 entre julio 1 de 2020 y enero 31 de 2021. Resultados: se identificaron 849 individuos adultos con Covid-19, de los cuales 326 fueron hospitalizados (38.4%), la mortalidad fue del 13%. Los factores más asociados a severidad fueron la disnea, hipertensión arterial, enfermedad cardiovascular, dímero D elevado, deshidrogenasa láctica, linfopenia y una mayor edad. Conclusiones: nuestro estudio evidenció un comportamiento similar al descrito en otros estudios en el mundo frente a variables al ingreso por Covid-19, que se asocian con peores desenlaces clínicos.

Objective: SARS COV-2 virus arrived in Medellin on March 9, 2020, affecting 397 395 people in Medellin by Oct 8, 2021. This study aims to describe the clinical behavior of patients hospitalized in SOMA Clinic between July 1st, 2020, and January 31st, 2021, and to identify clinical and paraclinical variables associated with ICU entry and mortality. Methodology: retrospective cohort with data from medical records of all patients over 18 years of age admitted to the SOMA Clinic for Covid-19 between July 1st, 2020, and January 31st, 2021. Results: 849 patients with Covid-19 consulted the emergency room of the SOMA Clinic, out of which 326 were hospitalized (38.4%) with a mortality of 13%. Dyspnea, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, elevated D-dimer values, lactic dehydrogenase, and lymphopenia and older age were associated with severity. Conclusions: like other studies worldwide, we evidenced clinical and paraclinical parameters at entry that are associated with worst clinical outcomes in a SARS-COV-2 infection.

Objetivo: o vírus SARS-COV-2 chegou a Medellín em 9 de março de 2020, afetando 397.395 pessoas nesta cidade até 8 de outubro de 2021. Este estudo busca descrever o comportamento clínico dos pacientes internados na Clínica SOMA no período entre 1º de julho de 2020 e 31 de janeiro de 2021, bem como identificar variáveis clínicas e paraclínicas associadas à sua admissão na UTI e mortalidade. Metodologia: coorte retrospectiva com dados de prontuários de adultos internados na Clínica SOMA por Covid-19 entre 1º de julho de 2020 e 31 de janeiro de 2021.Resultados: foram identificados 849 indivíduos adultos com Covid-19, dos quais 326 foram hospitalizados (38,4%), a mortalidade foi de 13%. Os fatores mais associados à gravidade foram dispneia, hipertensão arterial, doença cardiovascular, D-dímero elevado, desidrogenase lática, linfopenia e idade avançada. Conclusões: nosso estudo mostrou um comportamento semelhante ao descrito em outros estudos no mundo frente às variáveis na admissão por Covid-19, que estão associadas a piores desfechos clínicos.

Humans , COVID-19 , Viruses , Mortality , Emergency Service, Hospital , Infections , Intensive Care Units , Lymphopenia
Medicina UPB ; 41(1): 3-11, mar. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1362378


Objetivo: este estudio busca describir los individuos evaluados por sobredosis de acetaminofén entre 2019 y 2020 en un centro de referencia de trasplante hepático en Colombia. Metodología: estudio derivado del análisis secundario de historias clínicas entre el 1.º de enero de 2019 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Los criterios de inclusión abarcan individuos con ingestión aguda y voluntaria de dosis tóxicas de acetaminofén (>4 g/día). Resultados: sesenta y tres casos, 68% mujeres, 67% menores de 18 años y 54% estudiantes. Reportó historia personal de enfermedad psiquiátrica el 60% y el 35% al menos un intento de suicidio previo. La mediana de dosis de acetaminofén fue 15g, 46% refirieron co-ingesta de otras sustancias y 13% estaba bajo efecto de sustancias psicoactivas. El 57% tenía la intención clara de suicidarse, así como 81% vomitó antes de acudir al servicio de urgencias, 22% recibió medidas de descontaminación y 10% no recibió N - acetilcisteína. Quince individuos desarrollaron lesión hepática aguda, nueve con criterios de severidad. Conclusiones: la población era predominantemente joven, la historia de enfermedad psiquiátrica fue muy prevalente y la mayoría refirieron un evento vital que explicara el comportamiento impulsivo de consumo. Ninguno desarrolló criterios para trasplante hepático, lo cual podría explicarse por la edad de los individuos, los episodios de vómito temprano, y la ausencia de enfermedad hepática crónica o de consumo de sustancias hepatotóxicas.

Objective: this study aims to describe patients with overdose intake of acetaminophen between 2019 and 2020 at a reference center for liver transplantation in Colombia. Methodology: study derived from a secondary analysis of the clinical records between January 1st, 2019, to December 31st, 2020. Inclusion criteria were individuals with voluntary acute ingestion of toxic doses of acetaminophen (>4 g/day). Results: sixty-three cases, 68% women, 67% <18-year-old, and 54% students. 60% had personal history of psychiatric illness and 35% reported at least one previous suicide attempt. The median dose of acetaminophen was 15g, 46% referred to co-ingestion with other substances and 13% were under the effect of any psychoactive substance. 57% had a clear intention of suicide. 81% vomited before the arrival to the emergency room, 22% received decontamination intervention with gastric lavage or activated charcoal, and 10% did not receive any dose of N-Acetylcysteine. Fifteen individuals developed an acute liver injury, nine with severity criteria. Conclusions: the population was predominantly young, the personal history of psychiatric disease was highly prevalent, and most of the cases referred a vital event that explains the impulsive behavior in acetaminophen consumption. None developed criteria for liver transplantation, and this could be explained by the young age of the individuals, the episodes of early vomiting, and the absence of chronic liver disease or hepatotoxic substance consumption.

Objetivo:este estudo busca descrever os indivíduos avaliados por sobredose de acetaminofen entre 2019 e 2020 num centro de referência de transplante hepático na Colômbia. Metodologia: estudo derivado da análise secundário de histórias clínicas entre o dia 1.º de janeiro de 2019 e 31 de dezembro de 2020. Os critérios de inclusão abrangem indivíduos com ingestão aguda e voluntária de dose tóxicas de acetaminofen (>4 g/dia).Resultados:sessenta e três casos, 68% mulheres, 67% menores de 18 anos e 54% estudantes. Reportou história pessoal de doença psiquiátrica, 60% e 35% pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio prévio. A média de dose de acetaminofen foi de 15g, 46% referiram com ingestão de outras sustâncias e 13% estava sob efeito de sustâncias psicoativas. 57% tinham a intenção clara de suicidar-se, assim como 81% vomitou antes de acudir ao serviço de urgências, 22% receberam medidas de descontaminação e 10% não recebeu N - acetilcisteína. Quinze indivíduos desenvolveram lesão hepática aguda, nove com critérios de severidade. Conclusões: a população era predominantemente jovem, a história de doençapsiquiátrica foi muito prevalente e a maioria referiram um evento vital que explicasse o comportamento impulsivo de consumo. Nenhum desenvolveu critérios para transplantehepático, o qual se poderia explicar pela idade dos indivíduos, os episódios de vómito precoce, e a ausência de doença hepática crónica ou de consumo de sustâncias hepatotóxicas.

Humans , Acetaminophen , Acetylcysteine , Suicide, Attempted , Vomiting, Anticipatory , Charcoal , Decontamination , Emergency Service, Hospital , Dosage , Gastric Lavage , Liver Diseases , Mental Disorders
Fisioterapia (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 43(4): 201-209, jul.- ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219137


Introducción Los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en miembros superiores mantienen su prevalencia. Aunque hay investigaciones sobre factores intralaborales, pocos estudios han determinado la participación de factores extralaborales. Objetivo Analizar factores laborales y extralaborales de población administrativa de una entidad pública y su relación con sintomatología en miembros superiores. Método Bajo un estudio analítico, a 57 trabajadores se les administró: cuestionario nórdico de Kourinka, pruebas para identificar irritaciones de tejidos blandos, cuestionario que averiguó frecuencia de actividades extralaborales y una lista de chequeo para puestos de trabajo que indagó sobre factores laborales. Se aplicó coeficiente V de Cramer para identificar relaciones entre sintomatología y factores laborales y Rho de Spearman para determinar relaciones entre actividades extralaborales y duración de síntomas. Resultados Se encontró relación estadística entre estado civil y síntomas a nivel de codo y muñeca derecha (V de Cramer=0,332; p<0,05), (V de Cramer=0,359; p<0,05). Percepción de temperaturas no confortables en el puesto de trabajo y sintomatología en codo derecho (V de Cramer=0,313; p<0,05). Posturas forzadas en codos y sintomatología en codo derecho (V de Cramer=0,350; p<0,05). Se halló relación directamente proporcional entre duración de molestias a nivel de articulación de muñecas y frecuencia en el uso del computador fuera de la jornada (Rho=0,313; p=0,05). Conclusiones Se encuentra relación entre sintomatología reportada a nivel de articulaciones de codos y muñecas con variables demográficas y factores presentes en el ambiente y la tarea. Se identifica correspondencia directamente proporcional entre duración de sintomatología y frecuencia de actividades extralaborales (AU)

Introduction Musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs remain prevalent. Although there is research on intra-occupational factors, few studies have determined the participation of non-occupational factors. Objective To analyse occupational and non-occupational risk factors of the administrative workers of a public entity and their relationship with symptoms in the upper limbs. Method An analytical study was performed. Fifty-seven workers were administered the Nordic Kourinka questionnaire, tests to identify soft tissue irritations, a questionnaire to identify the frequency of extra-occupational activities and a checklist for jobs that inquired about occupational factors. Cramer's V coefficient was applied to identify relationships between symptoms and work factors and Spearman's Rho to determine relationships between extra-occupational activities and duration of symptoms. Results A statistical relationship was found between marital status and symptoms at the elbow and right wrist level (Cramer's V=.332; P<.05), (Cramer's V=.359; P<.05). Perception of uncomfortable temperatures in the workplace and symptoms in the right elbow (Cramer's V=.313; P<.05). Forced postures in elbows and symptoms in right elbow (Cramer's V=.350; P<.05). A directly proportional relationship was found between duration of discomfort at the wrist joint level and frequency in the use of the computer outside the working day (Rho=.313; P=.05). Conclusions Relationship is found between symptoms reported at the elbow and wrist joint level with demographic variables and factors present in the environment and the task. Directly proportional correspondence is identified between duration of symptoms and frequency of extra-occupational activities (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Musculoskeletal Pain/etiology , Upper Extremity/physiopathology , 16360 , Computer Terminals , Risk Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Socioeconomic Factors
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 73(1): 35-38, Jul 1, 2021. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-227897


Introducción: La mucopolisacaridosis de tipo II (MPS II) es una enfermedad lisosómica causada por deficiencia de la enzima iduronato-2-sulfatasa, ligada al cromosoma X, y produce un gran espectro de manifestaciones clínicas. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de dos hermanos con MPS II de diferente origen paterno con la misma mutación genética; la edad en el momento del diagnóstico fue de 5 años (caso 1) y de 8 meses (caso 2). Dichos hermanos presentan hallazgos diferentes en la resonancia magnética cerebral entre sí: el caso 1 presentó hallazgos clásicos para la edad, y el caso 2 presentó múltiples hallazgos tempranos, como espacios perivasculares dilatados de hasta 9,5 mm y megacisterna magna, entre otros, sin presentar manifestaciones neurológicas. Conclusiones: La afectación cerebral del paciente del caso 2 se presentó antes del año de edad y previa a la hepatoesplenomegalia. La resonancia magnética se convierte en una herramienta de diagnóstico temprano para la MPS II.(AU)

Introduction: Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a lysosomal disease caused by deficiency of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS), linked to the X chromosome, producing a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Case report: We present the case of two siblings with MPS II of different paternal origin with the same genetic mutation; the age at the time of diagnosis was 5 years of age (case 1) and 8 months of age (case 2). These brethren present different findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with each other, case 1 presented classic findings for age, case 2 presented multiple early findings, such as dilated perivascular spaces up to 9.5 mm, magna megacisterna, among others; without neurological manifestations. Conclusion: This patient’s brain compromise was presented before the year of age and prior to hepatosplenomegaly, thus, MRI becomes an early diagnostic tool for MPS II.(AU)

Humans , Male , Infant , Child , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Genetic Diseases, X-Linked , Iduronate Sulfatase , Mucopolysaccharidosis II/diagnostic imaging , Corpus Callosum/diagnostic imaging , Sibling Relations , Neurology , Nervous System Diseases , Colombia , Mucopolysaccharidosis II/pathology , Corpus Callosum/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Inpatients , Physical Examination , Symptom Assessment
Rev Neurol ; 73(1): 35-38, 2021 Jul 01.
Article in Spanish, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34170006


INTRODUCTION: Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a lysosomal disease caused by deficiency of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS), linked to the X chromosome, producing a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. CASE REPORT: We present the case of two siblings with MPS II of different paternal origin with the same genetic mutation; the age at the time of diagnosis was 5 years of age (case 1) and 8 months of age (case 2). These brethren present different findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with each other, case 1 presented classic findings for age, case 2 presented multiple early findings, such as dilated perivascular spaces up to 9.5 mm, magna megacisterna, among others; without neurological manifestations. CONCLUSION: This patient's brain compromise was presented before the year of age and prior to hepatosplenomegaly, thus, MRI becomes an early diagnostic tool for MPS II.

TITLE: Hallazgos tempranos y tardíos en la resonancia cerebral de dos hermanos con síndrome de Hunter.Introducción. La mucopolisacaridosis de tipo II (MPS II) es una enfermedad lisosómica causada por deficiencia de la enzima iduronato-2-sulfatasa, ligada al cromosoma X, y produce un gran espectro de manifestaciones clínicas. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso clínico de dos hermanos con MPS II de diferente origen paterno con la misma mutación genética; la edad en el momento del diagnóstico fue de 5 años (caso 1) y de 8 meses (caso 2). Dichos hermanos presentan hallazgos diferentes en la resonancia magnética cerebral entre sí: el caso 1 presentó hallazgos clásicos para la edad, y el caso 2 presentó múltiples hallazgos tempranos, como espacios perivasculares dilatados de hasta 9,5 mm y megacisterna magna, entre otros, sin presentar manifestaciones neurológicas. Conclusiones. La afectación cerebral del paciente del caso 2 se presentó antes del año de edad y previa a la hepatoesplenomegalia. La resonancia magnética se convierte en una herramienta de diagnóstico temprano para la MPS II.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Mucopolysaccharidosis II/diagnostic imaging , Neuroimaging , Cerebral Ventricles/diagnostic imaging , Cerebral Ventricles/pathology , Child, Preschool , Corpus Callosum/diagnostic imaging , Corpus Callosum/pathology , Dilatation, Pathologic/diagnostic imaging , Humans , Infant , Male , Mucopolysaccharidosis II/pathology , Time Factors
JAR Life ; 10: 32-38, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36923517


Background: Weight loss and malnutrition are frequent findings in late-onset and sporadic presentations of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, less is known about nutritional status in Early-Onset Autosomal Dominant AD (EO-ADAD). Objective: To analyze the association between nutritional status and other clinical and sociodemographic characteristics in individuals with a genetic form of EO-ADAD. Design settings and participants: Cross-sectional study with 75 non-institutionalized participants from a cohort of Autosomal Dominant AD (13 with mild cognitive impairment and 61 with dementia, ages from 38 to 67 years) underwent a structured clinical assessment with emphasis on nutritional status. Measurements: Primary outcome was nutritional status and it was measured using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Patients were categorized according to MNA total score, as undernourished (MNA ≤23.5) and well-nourished (MNA ≥ 24). Sociodemographic and clinical variables identified as potential predictors or confounders of nutritional status were also collected. Results: Undernourishment by MNA was present in 57.3% of the sample. Forty-two percent of participants had abnormal BMI values considered lower than 18.5 or higher than 24.9 kg/m2. Total BMI values were similar in well and undernourished patients (median 24.2 IQR 3.59 and median 23.9 IQR 4.42, respectively, p=0.476). When comparing well and undernourished groups, we found statistically significant differences for variables: severity of dementia (p=0.034), frailty (p=0.001), multimorbidity (p=0.035) and, polymedication (p=0.045). Neither adjusted logistic regression nor the Poisson regression showed that any clinical or sociodemographic variables explained undernourishment. Conclusions: Undernourishment was a frequent finding in our sample of EO-ADAD, especially in later stages of the disease. Patients with polymedication, multimorbidity, frailty and severe dementia show differences in their nutritional status with a tendency to be more frequently undernourished. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to establish this association.

HardwareX ; 10: e00217, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35607671


Nowadays, additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping and assembly modules represent a market that has invaded the entire world, especially in developing countries where traditional manufacturing is more restricted. In robotics, it is pertinent to think that modular construction is essential, due to the complexity of geometry in each of the pieces and their manufacture. Taking into account the globalization of information and the worldwide reproduction of databases, facilitating access to CAD files to be reproduced in 3D printing promotes the easy construction of archived mechanical designs. A robotic architecture becomes a complex assembly by having multiple operating systems. The sensorics, mechanics, electronics and programming that it requires for navigation, collaboration, development, operation and even industrial manufacturing means that more and more elaborate embedded systems are used. In this work, a mobile robotics architecture was developed with a sensory system that allows free movement and navigation in closed loop inverse kinematics. This kind of robot uses navigation algorithms to take a trajectory in collaborative closed environments, that is, closed industrial environments where obstacles are normally immovable and corridors to move narrow, in addition to having mobile obstacles like humans.

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol ; 401: 115104, 2020 08 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32531296


Nitrofurans (5-nitro-2-hydrazonylfuran as pharmacophore) are a group of widely used antimicrobial drugs but also associated to a variety of side effects. The molecular mechanisms that underlie the cytotoxic effects of nitrofuran drugs are not yet clearly understood. One-electron reduction of 5-nitro group by host enzymes and ROS production via redox cycling have been attributed as mechanisms of cell toxicity. However, the current evidence suggests that nitrofuran ROS generation by itself is uncapable to explain the whole toxic effects associated to nitrofuran consumption, proposing a nitro-reduction independent mechanism of toxicity. In the present work, a series of nitrated and non-nitrated derivatives of nitrofuran drugs were synthesized and evaluated in vitro for their cytotoxicity, ROS-producing capacity, effect on GSH-S-transferase and antibacterial activity. Our studies showed that in human cells non-nitrated derivatives were less toxic than parental drugs but, unexpectedly preserved the ability to generate intracellular ROS in similar amounts to nitrofurans despite not entering into a redox cycle mechanism. In addition, some non-nitrated derivatives although being uncapable to generate ROS exhibited the highest cell toxicity among all derivatives. Inhibition of cytosolic glutathione-S-transferase activity by some derivatives was also observed. Finally, only nitrofuran derivatives displayed antibacterial effect. Results suggest that the combined 2-hydrazonylfuran moiety, redox cycling of 5-nitrofuran, and inhibitory effects on antioxidant enzymes, would be finally responsible for the toxic effects of the studied nitrofurans on mammalian cells.

Anti-Bacterial Agents/toxicity , Microsomes, Liver/drug effects , Microsomes, Liver/metabolism , Nitrofurans/toxicity , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , A549 Cells , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , HCT116 Cells , HEK293 Cells , HL-60 Cells , Hep G2 Cells , Humans , Male , Nitrofurans/chemistry , Oxidation-Reduction/drug effects , Rats , Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Br J Dermatol ; 181(4): 770-777, 2019 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30729508


BACKGROUND: In recent years, the need for international, objective, patient-reported outcomes measures has grown as international collaboration has increased. As most quality-of-life scales have been developed in English, there is a growing need to adapt them transculturally to obtain equivalence between the original instrument and the adapted scale. OBJECTIVES: To assess the construct and convergent-discriminant validity and responsiveness of the Colombian version of Skindex-29. METHODS: The cross-sectional and longitudinal validity and responsiveness were tested in both healthy and dermatology patients. Construct validity was tested through a confirmatory factor analysis. The convergent-discriminant validity was assessed by examining the Spearman correlation coefficient. Change sensitivity was tested by means of the standardized response mean. The effect size and the minimum detectable change were also assessed. RESULTS: A total of 265 participants were included; 21·1% were healthy individuals, and 78·9% patients had either inflammatory or noninflammatory skin diseases. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate comparative fit index and Tucker-Lewis index adjustment for the root mean square error of approximation. Convergent validity showed moderate correlations between the emotions, functioning and physical function or physical role domains. Discriminant validity showed low correlations between overall domains for both scales. Sensitivity to change at the first and third month showed effect sizes in global Skindex scores of 0·92 and 0·82, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Colombian version of Skindex-29 is a valid and clinically sensitive instrument, which can be used for clinical practice and for research to measure the impact of skin diseases on the quality of life of dermatology patients.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Quality of Life , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Colombia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Healthy Volunteers , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies , Psychometrics/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Skin Diseases/psychology , Translations , Young Adult
Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 39(1): 95-104, ene.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-902386


Abstract: In this work, a Brain Computer interface able to decode imagery motor task from EEG is presented. The method uses time-frequency representation of the brain signal recorded in different regions of the brain to extract important features. Principal Component Analysis and Sequential Forward Selection methods are compared in their ability to represent the feature set in a compact form, removing at the same time unnecessary information. Finally, two method based on machine learning are implemented for the task of classification. Results show that it is possible to decode the mental activity of the subjects with accuracy above 80%. Furthermore, visualization of the main components extracted from the brain signal allow for physiological insights on the activity that take place in the sensorimotor cortex during execution of imaginary movement of different parts of the body.

Resumen: En este trabajo es presentada una Interfaz Cerebro Computadora que tiene la capacidad de decodificar actividades motrices. El método utiliza representación en el dominio de la frecuencia y el tiempo de las señales del cerebro grabadas en distintas regiones de este mismo, con el fin de extraer características importantes. Los métodos: Análisis de Componentes Principales y Selección Secuencial, son comparados en términos de su capacidad para representar características de la señal de una forma compacta, removiendo de esta forma, información innecesaria. Finalmente, dos métodos basados en aprendizaje de máquinas fueron implementados para la clasificación de actividades motrices utilizando solo las señales cerebrales. Los resultados muestran que es posible decodificar la actividad mental en los sujetos con una precisión superior al 80%. Además, la visualización de las componentes principales extraídas de las señales del cerebro permite un analísis de la actividad que toma lugar en la corteza cerebral sensorimotora durante la ejecución de la imaginación de movimientos de distintas partes del cuerpo.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28559269


Rifamycins exhibit concentration-dependent killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis; higher exposures potentially induce better outcomes. We randomized 180 tuberculosis patients in Peru to receive rifampin at 10, 15, or 20 mg/kg/day. A total of 168 had noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses; 67% were sampled twice, and 33% were sampled six times. The doses administered were well tolerated. The median area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 6 h (interquartile range) was 24.9 (17.6 to 32.1), 43.1 (30.3 to 57.5), or 55.5 (35.7 to 73.2) h · µg/ml. The median maximum drug concentration in serum in the experimental arms reached the target of 8 µg/ml. Continued investigation of higher rifampin doses is warranted. (This study has been registered at under registration no. NCT01408914.).

Antitubercular Agents/administration & dosage , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/drug effects , Rifampin/administration & dosage , Tuberculosis/drug therapy , Administration, Oral , Adolescent , Adult , Antitubercular Agents/pharmacokinetics , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Female , Humans , Male , Peru , Rifampin/pharmacokinetics , Tuberculosis/microbiology , Young Adult
Arch. alerg. inmunol. clin ; 47(4): 146-151, 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-915659


A pesar de que el angioedema hereditario es un padecimiento raro, tiene una amplia bibliografía que ratifica que la fisiopatología de esta enfermedad es compleja. La constante investigación de la industria farmacéutica no solo ha aportado nuevos recursos terapéuticos sino que ha logrado despertar un inusitado interés en la comunidad médica, permitiendo que tengamos una mayor comprensión sobre los mecanismos que presiden la aparición de las crisis. El Comité de Angioedema Hereditario de la AAAeIC ha desarrollado una puesta al día sobre esta entidad, que, por las características de sus síntomas, es abordada principalmente por los especialistas en alergia e inmunología clínica(AU)

Although hereditary angioedema is a rare condition, it has a large number of references that confirm that the pathophysiology of this disease is complex. The constant research of the pharmaceutical industry has not only brought new therapeutic resources, but also aroused an unusual interest in the medical community, allowing us to have a better understanding of the mechanisms that perform the onset of crises. The AAA e IC Hereditary Angioedema Committee has developed an update on this entity, which, due to the characteristics of its symptoms, is mainly addressed by specialists in allergy and clinical immunology.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Angioedemas, Hereditary/physiopathology , Angioedemas, Hereditary/genetics , Respiratory System , Skin , Bradykinin , Gastrointestinal Tract , Allergy and Immunology
SAR QSAR Environ Res ; 26(11): 925-42, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26505124


A major problem today is bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the small number of new therapeutic agents approved in recent years. The development of new antibiotics capable of acting on new targets is urgently required. The filamenting temperature-sensitive Z (FtsZ) bacterial protein is a key biomolecule for bacterial division and survival. This makes FtsZ an attractive new pharmacological target for the development of antibacterial agents. There have been several attempts to develop ligands able to inhibit FtsZ. Despite the large number of synthesized compounds that inhibit the FtsZ protein, there are no quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) that allow for the rational design and synthesis of promising new molecules. We present the first 3D-QSAR study of a large and diverse set of molecules that are able to inhibit the FtsZ bacterial protein. We summarize a set of chemical changes that can be made in the steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic and donor/acceptor hydrogen-bonding properties of the pharmacophore, to generate new bioactive molecules against FtsZ. These results provide a rational guide for the design and synthesis of promising new antibacterial agents, supported by the strong statistical parameters obtained from CoMFA (r(2)(pred) = 0.974) and CoMSIA (r(2)(pred) = 0.980) analyses.

Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacterial Proteins/antagonists & inhibitors , Benzamides/pharmacology , Cytoskeletal Proteins/antagonists & inhibitors , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Benzamides/chemistry , Drug Design , Hydrogen Bonding , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions , Ligands , Models, Molecular , Static Electricity
Int J Obstet Anesth ; 24(4): 323-8, 2015 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26355021


BACKGROUND: Approximately 0.1-0.2% of pregnancies are complicated by respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilatory support, but few data exist to inform clinical management. This study aimed to characterize current practice and the effect of delivery on respiratory function. METHODS: A retrospective review was performed of pregnant women who received mechanical ventilation for more than 24h, from four intensive care units in institutions with large-volume obstetric units. RESULTS: Data were collected from 29 patients with a mean gestation at intensive care unit admission of 25.3 ± 6 weeks. Tidal volumes were 7.7 ± 1.7 mL/kg predicted body weight. Estimated respiratory system compliance was reduced, but was higher in four patients ventilated for neurological conditions without lung disease. Three maternal and three neonatal deaths occurred. Ten patients delivered while on ventilatory support: one spontaneous delivery, four for obstetric indications and five for worsening maternal condition. Following delivery of these 10 patients, three demonstrated a greater than 50% decrease in oxygenation index and five a greater than 50% increase in compliance. No characteristics identified which patients may benefit from delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Review of current practice in four centers suggests that mechanical ventilation in pregnant patients follows usual guidelines applicable to non-pregnant patients. Delivery was associated with modest improvement in maternal respiratory function in some patients. Any potential benefit of delivery in improving maternal physiology must be weighed against the stress of delivery. The risks of premature birth for the fetus must be weighed against continued exposure to maternal hypoxemia and hypotension.

Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Insufficiency/epidemiology , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy , Adult , Analysis of Variance , Argentina/epidemiology , Australia/epidemiology , Canada/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Critical Care/methods , Critical Illness , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies