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Case Rep Neurol ; 16(1): 154-158, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39015831


Introduction: Bradykinesia, characterized by slowed movement, stands out as a primary symptom observed in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). Nonetheless, there are instances where PD patients exhibit sudden and effective movements despite the presence of bradykinesia. This phenomenon, referred to as paradoxical kinesia, has remained a subject of interest for neuroscientists, who have struggled to unravel its underlying neural mechanisms for decades. Case Presentation: We describe a patient who is suffering from advanced PD. The patient has severe motor limitations, including difficulty rising from bed and walking, as well as cognitive decline and visual impairment. However, an interesting occurrence took place during a nightmare episode. Surprisingly, the patient was able to get out of bed and quickly run away from the perceived threat within the nightmare, without any assistance. Conclusion: This report presents the first documented case of paradoxical kinesia induced by nightmares in a patient with PD. This phenomenon raises questions about the neurological mechanisms involved, which are still not fully understood. Based on existing research conducted on both animal and human subjects, we propose that after processing the emotion of fear, the brain aversive system activates motor outputs to generate appropriate behavior. Thus, the brain aversive system converts the emotion of fear into action through projections from the inferior colliculus to motor-related areas such as the mesencephalic locomotor region, pontine nuclei, and substantia nigra.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433741


Los sueños en niños y adultos son frecuentes, pero con contenido perturbador y un aumento en la frecuencia, deben ser una alarma para el médico y la familia. Las pesadillas son un tipo de parasomnia, principalmente asociada con el sueño REM. Las pesadillas son más frecuentes en el insomnio y también pueden causar insomnio debido al miedo al sueño. Están relacionados con altos niveles de ansiedad, miedo a conciliar el sueño o déficits cognitivos secundarios a la privación del sueño y, por lo tanto, pueden aumentar la vulnerabilidad al desarrollo de otros trastornos mentales. Las pesadillas tienen relevancia clínica porque deterioran la salud física y mental y están relacionadas con una mayor tasa de suicidio. La consulta debe guiarnos como una bandera roja para evaluar el estado de salud; la cantidad y calidad del sueño; y factores como comorbilidades asociadas, consumo de drogas o síntomas de abstinencia, o vulnerabilidades. Esta revisión se basó en dos casos clínicos, un niño que se presentó en la pandemia y un adolescente que presentó inicio abrupto de pesadillas.

Dreams in children and adults are frequent, but with disturbing content and an increase in frequency, they should be an alarm for the doctor and the family. Nightmares are a type of parasomnia, mostly associated with REM sleep. Nightmares are more frequent in insomnia and can also themselves cause insomnia due to fear of sleep. They are related to high levels of anxiety, fear of falling asleep or cognitive deficits secondary to sleep deprivation and, therefore, may increase vulnerability to the development of other mental disorders. Nightmares have clinical relevance because they deteriorate physical and mental health and are related to a higher suicide rate. The consultation should guide us as a red flag to evaluate the state of health; the quantity and quality of sleep; and factors such as associated comorbidities, drug use or withdrawal symptoms, or vulnerabilities. In this review based on two clinical cases, a child who presented in the pandemic and an adolescent who presented abrupt onset and nightmares.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dreams/psychology , Parasomnias/psychology
Medisan ; 25(1)ene.-feb. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1154853


Se describe caso clínico de un escolar de 6 años y 3 meses de edad, quien a partir del aislamiento social por la COVID-19 presentó pesadillas asociadas a irritabilidad, desinterés por las clases y necesidad de la presencia de los padres a la hora de dormir. Se efectuó evaluación y se descartaron clínicamente enfermedades orgánicas, así como trastornos mentales. Se realizaron recomendaciones psicológicas y se indicó la terapia floral de Bach. El paciente tuvo una evolución favorable.

The case report of a 6 year and three months school boy is described; he had nightmares associated with irritability, lack of interest for the classes and necessity of his parents presence at bed time, due to social isolation for the COVID 19. An evaluation was carried out and organic diseases were clinically ruled out, as well as mental disorders. Psychological recommendations were carried out and Bach's floral therapy was indicated. The patient had a favorable clinical course.

Sleep , Social Isolation/psychology , COVID-19/complications , Child , Night Terrors/therapy , Dreams
Front Psychol ; 10: 2618, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31849749


Nightmares are defined as repeated occurrences of extremely dysphoric and well-remembered dreams that usually involve subjective threats to survival, security, or physical integrity. Generally, they occur during rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) and lead to awakenings with distress and insufficient overnight sleep. Nightmares may occur spontaneously (idiopathic) or as recurrent nightmares. Recurrent nightmares cause significant distress and impairment in occupational and social functioning, as have been commonly observed in post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. By contrast, during lucid dreaming (LD), subjects get insight they are dreaming and may even control the content of their dreams. These features may open a way to help those who suffer from nightmare disorder through re-significations of the dream scene, i.e., knowing that they are dreaming and having control over their dream content. Thus, lucid dreamers might be able to render nightmares normal dreams, thereby assuring a restoring sleep. The aim of the present study is to review the existing literature of the use of LD as an auxiliary tool for treatment of nightmares. We conducted a careful literature search for eligible studies on the use of LD treatment for nightmares. We observed that whereas LD may be a feasible aid in the treatment of patients with nightmares through minimizing their frequency, intensity and psychological distress, the available literature is still scarce and does not provide consistent results. We conclude therefore that more research is clearly warranted for a better estimation of the effective conductance and therapeutic outcome of LD treatment in clinical practice.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 52(1): 57-66, jan.-mar. 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1288719


A autora parte de um pesadelo que, considera, nasceu dentro de um contexto de análise para observar, em vários níveis, aspectos possíveis do aparecimento de novas configurações na mente da analista e na relação analítica. Compreende o momento em que novas configurações podem surgir como de simultaneidade morte/vida e pretende enfatizar a importância desses momentos como ferramenta de observação psicanalítica.

Given that this nightmare has arisen with in a context of analysis, the author starts from an analyst's nightmare in order to observe, at various levels, possible aspects of the emergence of new configurations in both the analyst's mind and the psychoanalytic relationship. The author understands the moment when new configurations may appear as being simultaneously of life and death. Her purpose is to emphasize these moments as tools of psychoanalytic observation.

La autora parte de una pesadilla de la analista que, se considera, nació dentro de un contexto de análisis, para observar, en varios niveles, aspectos posibles del surgimiento de nuevas configuraciones en la mente de la analista y en la relación analítica. Comprende el momento en que pueden surgir nuevas configuraciones como simultaneidad de muerte/vida y pretende enfatizar estos momentos como herramientas de observación psicoanalítica.

L'auteur part d'un cauchemar de l'analyste qui, d'après ses considérations, est né dans un contexte d'analyse pour observer à plusieurs niveaux des aspects possibles de l'apparition de nouvelles configurations dans l'esprit de l'analyste et dans la relation analytique. L'auteur comprend le moment où de nouvelles configurations peuvent surgir comme relevant simultanément de la vie et de la mort. Met l'accent sur ces moments comme des outils d'observation psychanalytiques

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 49(2): 37-48, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1149758


Neste trabalho, a partir da leitura de várias vozes sobre o Homem dos Lobos, procurei localizar o que para mim soava como um sonho e o que me parecia da ordem do pesadelo, para Freud, para Sergei Pankejeff e, principalmente, para os psicanalistas no contato com a obra de Freud. Neste último caso, pensar o quanto a idealização de Freud tem nos dificultado, assim como possivelmente dificultou para o Homem dos Lobos, seguir sonhando o impacto que o contato com sua genialidade provoca. E questionar o quão flexível tem sido o continente oferecido pelo grupo psicanalítico (um determinado imaginário que varia de lugar para lugar e que se espera que varie com a passagem do tempo) para propiciar que cada analista se aproxime da escrita freudiana com liberdade criativa, possibilitando um conhecimento enativo, que se constrói a cada momento através da experiência. Quanto mais afastados deste ideal, mais próximos de pesadelos.

In this paper, from reading several views about the Wolf Man, I tried to detect what sounded like a dream for me and what seemed, for me, like a nightmare for Freud, Sergei Pankejeff, and notably for the psychoanalysts that are connected with Freud's work. As for the last ones, we wonder how much Freud's idealization has made it harder - as it possibly made it harder for the Wolf Man - to keep dreaming the impact caused by being in contact with his genius. And we question how flexible is the vessel that is offered by the psychoanalytic group (a certain imagery that is different in each place and - we hope - that varies with time) in order to enable each analyst to be closer to Freudian writing with creative freedom - in order to allow an enactive knowledge, which is constantly built through experience. The farther (we are) from this ideal, the closer (we are) to nightmares.

En este trabajo, a partir de la lectura de varias voces sobre el Hombre de los Lobos, traté de localizar lo que para mí sonaba como un sueño y lo que me parecía una pesadilla para Freud, para Sergei Pankejeff y, principalmente, para los psicoanalistas en contacto con la obra de Freud. En este último caso, pensar cuánto nos ha dificultado la idealización de Freud, así como posiblemente dificultó al Hombre de los Lobos, el hecho de seguir soñando el impacto que provoca el contacto con su genialidad. Y cuestionar cuán flexible ha sido el continente ofrecido por el grupo psicoanalítico (un determinado imaginario que varía de un lugar a otro y que se espera que varíe con el paso del tiempo) para permitir que cada analista se aproxime a la escritura freudiana con libertad creativa, haciendo posible un conocimiento enactivo, que se construye en todo momento a través de la experiencia. Cuanto más nos alejamos de este ideal, más próximo estamos de las pesadillas.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 49(2): 63-72, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1149760


O autor faz um link entre literatura e psicanálise, inspirado em um ensaio de J.L. Borges sobre o pesadelo. Destaca nuances e as coloca lado a lado de questões contidas em obras de Sigmund Freud e de outros autores. Com isso, utiliza a observação dos escritores e poetas como subsídio à psicanálise no sentido da apreensão da realidade psíquica e da descrição fenomenológica do estado de pesadelo, o sonho de angústia. A intenção é também enriquecer o conhecimento dos estados da alma humana apresentado por escritores e poetas e, dessa maneira, atentar para a importância do vértice artístico como mais uma forma de observação no trabalho analítico.

Inspired by J.L. Borges' essay on nightmare, the author establishes a link between literature and psychoanalysis. He shows nuances that are put side by side with matters contained in the work of Sigmund Freud and other authors. Thus, he uses the observation of writers and poets as a contribution to psychoanalysis, in the sense of apprehending the psychic reality and the phenomenological description of the state of nightmare - the anguish dream. This paper aims to enrich the knowledge about the states of the human soul - a knowledge that was brought by writers and poets - and, therefore, it also aims to underline the importance of the artistic vertex as another way of observation in the analytic practice.

El autor hace un enlace de la literatura con el psicoanálisis, inspirado en un ensayo de J.L. Borges sobre la pesadilla. Señala matices y los pone lado a lado con asuntos presentes en las obras de Sigmund Freud y otros autores. De esa forma, utiliza la observación de escritores y poetas como un subsidio al psicoanálisis en sentido de la aprehensión de la realidad psíquica y la descripción fenomenológica del estado de pesadilla, el sueño de angustia. La intención es enriquecer el conocimiento de los estados del alma humana traído por escritores y poetas y así prestar atención a la importancia del vértice artístico como otra forma de observación en el trabajo analítico.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 49(2): 73-80, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1149761


A partir de um fragmento de material clínico, a autora teoriza a respeito dos sonhos, dos pesadelos, do representável e do irrepresentável.

From a fragment of clinical material, the author proposes a theory about dreams and nightmares, about what can and what cannot be represented.

A partir de un fragmento de un material clínico, la autora teoriza a respecto de los sueños, las pesadillas, lo representable y lo irrepresentable.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 49(2): 128-140, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1149766


Uma reflexão sobre a relevância do pesadelo em literatura deve levar em conta o ofício dos sonhadores, tão em vista na Antiguidade. Em nossos tempos, o domínio literário do pesadelo foi descoberta do Romantismo, o qual, reagindo contra a Revolução Industrial e seus valores, apela para o predomínio do irracional. O primado da razão, típico da época das Luzes, vai ser contestado pelos românticos, que põem em xeque o equilíbrio, as proporções e a simetria do Neoclassicismo. Em troca, vão privilegiar o impulso, o informe, o desequilibrado, o assimétrico. O sonho e o pesadelo como mananciais da arte serão postos acima de tudo. Daí derivam as simpatias pelo satanismo, pelo oculto e pelas perquirições do lado negro da alma. Grandes escritores figuram entre aqueles que assim procederam.

A reflection on the importance of the nightmare in literature should consider the profession of dreamer, which was very common in Ancient Times. In our time, the literary domain of nightmares was discovered from Romanticism, which turned to the irrational supremacy as a reaction against the Industrial Revolution. The primacy of reason, which was typical in the Age of Enlightenment, was contested by romantic writers, who questioned the neoclassic balance, proportions and symmetry. In return, they privileged the impulse, lack of shape, imbalance, asymmetry. Dream and nightmare were prioritized as the sources of art. A sympathy for Satanism, occultism, and searching for the dark side of the soul was originated therefrom. There are great writers among those who adopted the new aesthetics.

Para evaluar la relevancia de la pesadilla en la literatura es necesario tener en cuenta la importancia del oficio de soñador, muy en boga en la Antigüedad. En nuestra época, el dominio literario de la pesadilla fue un descubrimiento del Romanticismo, el cual, en reacción a la Revolución Industrial y sus valores, apela para el predominio de lo irracional. El primado de la razón, típico de la época del Iluminismo, será contestado por los románticos, que ponen en jaque al equilibrio, a las proporciones y a la simetría del Neoclasicismo. A cambio, van a privilegiar el impulso, el informe, lo desequilibrado, lo asimétrico. El sueño y la pesadilla como manantiales serán puestos por encima de todo. De donde derivan las simpatías por el satanismo, por lo oculto y por las peregrinaciones del lado negro del alma. Grandes escritores están entre los que se adhirieron a este nuevo movimiento.