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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564922


El presente estudio investigativo abordó el tema de la inclusión de las gestantes adolescentes en las clases de Educación Física, enfocado al mejoramiento de la salud física y el bienestar de la madre y el feto durante el embarazo. El objetivo principal del trabajo fue proponer un programa de actividades físicas adaptadas para la inclusión de estudiantes en estado de gestación en la clase de Educación Física, en la Unidad educativa fiscal "Pichincha". Se planteó una metodología con enfoque cualitativo, se utilizaron como métodos empíricos la observación científica, la entrevista, la encuesta y la revisión documental que facilitaron la identificación del problema en la parte inicial hasta la realización de la propuesta de ejercicios físicos adaptados, en su etapa final. Se concluye con la aplicación y ejecución de actividades físicas adaptadas, y se obtienen mejoras en la salud cardiovascular, el fortalecimiento de los músculos y las articulaciones, el control del aumento de peso, la reducción del riesgo de complicaciones del embarazo y la mejora del bienestar emocional. Estos resultados fueron comparados con investigaciones de otros autores que corroboran que implementar actividades físicas adaptadas contribuye al mejoramiento de la salud, tanto de la madre como del feto.

A presente pesquisa abordou a questão da inclusão de adolescentes grávidas nas aulas de Educação Física, com foco na melhoria da saúde física e do bem-estar da mãe e do feto durante a gravidez. O objetivo principal do trabalho foi propor um programa de atividades físicas adaptado para a inclusão de estudantes grávidas na aula de Educação Física, na unidade educacional fiscal "Pichincha". Foi proposta uma metodologia com abordagem qualitativa, foram utilizados observação científica, entrevista, levantamento e revisão documental como métodos empíricos que facilitaram a identificação do problema na parte inicial até a realização da proposta de exercícios físicos adaptados, em sua etapa final. . Conclui com a aplicação e execução de atividades físicas adaptadas, obtendo-se melhorias na saúde cardiovascular, fortalecimento de músculos e articulações, controle do ganho de peso, redução do risco de complicações na gravidez e melhora do bem-estar emocional. Esses resultados foram comparados com pesquisas de outros autores que corroboram que a implementação de atividades físicas adaptadas contribui para melhorar a saúde da mãe e do feto.

The present research study addressed the issue of the inclusion of pregnant adolescents in Physical Education classes, focused on improving the physical health and well-being of the mother and fetus during pregnancy. The main objective of the work was to propose a program of physical activities adapted for the inclusion of pregnant students in the Physical Education class, in the "Pichincha" Fiscal Educational Unit. A methodology with a qualitative approach was proposed, scientific observation, interview, survey and documentary review were used as empirical methods that facilitated the identification of the problem in the initial part until the proposal of adapted physical exercises was carried out, in its final stage. It concludes with the application and execution of adapted physical activities, and improvements are obtained in cardiovascular health, strengthening of muscles and joints, control of weight gain, reduction of the risk of pregnancy complications and improvement of well-being. emotional. These results were compared with research by other authors that corroborate that implementing adapted physical activities contributes to improving the health of both the mother and the fetus.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-5, abr. 2024. fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571972


Na pandemia de COVID-19, tanto o isolamento quanto o fechamento temporário das academias impactaram no cotidiano das pessoas, incluindo na prática de atividade física (AF). Essa é essencial para a saúde, por isso, devemos incentivá-la. Estudantes de Medicina com tempo escasso e falta de estímulo curricular para AF, tendem a subestimar sua importância. O seguinte relato busca descrever vivências e impactos da disciplina "Atividade Física na Promoção da Saúde" em uma instituição de ensino superior no ensino remoto, sua relação com enfermidades e discussões sobre políticas de saúde. Foi perceptível impacto positivo para estudantes e familiares. A adesão dos pacientes à AF está relacionada ao estímulo despertado pelo profissional pelas linhas terapêuticas voltadas ao estilo de vida. Assim, sendo o currículo das escolas médicas inestimável, deve-se valorizar os efeitos da AF para os indivíduos. A disciplina foi um bom exemplo da importância e êxito resultante da conscientização do futuro médico ainda em graduação.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, both the lockdown and the temporary closure of gyms had an impact on people's daily lives, including the practice of physical activity (PA). This is essential for good health, so we should encourage it. Medical students, with limited time and a lack of curricular encouragement for PA, tend to underestimate its importance. The following report seeks to describe the experiences and impact of the subject 'Physical Activity in Health Promotion' at a higher educa-tion institution in remote teaching, its relationship with illnesses and discussions on health policies. A positive impact on students and their families was clearly noted in class. Patients' adherence to PA is related to the stimulus provided by the professional through lifestyle-oriented therapeutic lines. Therefore, since medical schools' curricula is invaluable, the effects of PA on individuals should be valued. The subject was a good example of the importance and success of raising awareness among future doctors while they are still undergraduates.

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Medical , Exercise , Education, Distance
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 35: e3509, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558227


RESUMO Modelos de formação de atletas primam pela ampliação de experiências esportivas, incluindo os eventos esportivos. Assume-se que a variabilidade de propostas incute na vivência de situações paradoxais, importantes na permanência no esporte e/ou vida ativa. Este trabalho discute a percepção da experiência vivida em dois eventos de ginástica para todos com distintos vieses: um com caráter competitivo e outro com caráter demonstrativo. Protagonizaram o estudo 29 crianças participantes de um projeto de extensão universitária. Para a coleta de dados, realizaram-se 8 Grupos Focais, sendo utilizada a Análise Temática. Diários de campo e texto reflexivo do mediador dos GF foram considerados para a triangulação dos dados. Dois eixos foram evidenciados em ambos os eventos: a) aspectos intersubjetivos, cujo comprometimento, o componente estético e a ansiedade perpassaram ambos os eventos e a superação e o nervosismo tiveram maior destaque na competição; e b) inter-relações pessoais, nas quais a importância do outro/grupo foi evidente, com maior relação ao tipo de apresentação coreográfica de grupo, do que especificamente ao tipo de evento. Reconhece-se, então, o fomento a eventos de diferentes naturezas, uma vez que os praticantes de base podem presumir o alto rendimento ou a vida ativa pelo esporte.

ABSTRACT Models for athlete development have prioritized sports experiences, including events. It is assumed that the variety of events instills in the experience of paradoxical situations, important in the permanence in sport and/or active life. This article discusses the lived experience perception by children in two gymnastics for all events with different biases: one competitive and the other demonstrative. Based on qualitative research, 29 children were interviewed using Focus Groups (n=8), and data analysis using Thematic Analysis. Furthermore, field notes by 4 coaches and reflective narrative from the Focus Group interviewer were considered for triangulation. Two themes were highlighted: a. intersubjective aspects and b. interrelationships. These themes were addressed in both events to a greater or lesser extent. In item a, commitment, aesthetic components, and anxiety were in both events, but overcoming and nervousness more prominent in the competition. In item b, the importance of the other/ group was evident, mostly because of the presentation than the type of event. Recognizing the sporting bias of a practice is, therefore, promoting events of different natures, as practitioners can presume high performance or an active life through sport.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521348


Elevar la calidad de vida de estudiantes en todas las carreras universitarias es uno de los retos más importantes para los especialistas de Educación Física, y la terapéutica en particular; sin embargo, cuando los beneficiarios presentan lesiones en la columna vertebral, necesitan una adecuada rehabilitación física y mental. Se planteó como objetivo desarrollar ejercicios físicos como tratamiento para compensar el tiempo de recuperación de los estudiantes con lesiones en la columna vertebral que asisten al área terapéutica de la Universidad de Oriente, a través de las clases de Educación Física. En la investigación, se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico y empírico, para conocer el estado real del problema, además de las técnicas para recoger y procesar información. Los ejercicios físicos propuestos están dirigidos fundamentalmente a estudiantes que presentan escoliosis, y de forma profiláctica-terapéutica se ofrece tratamiento para compensar y/o prevenir el tiempo de aparición del dolor que permita su recuperación inmediata e incorporación al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro de las clases de Educación Física. Se tuvo en cuenta una estructura y ordenamiento metodológico de los contenidos en cuatro etapas escalonadas durante la aplicación del tratamiento, en correspondencia con las características individuales de la muestra. Los especialistas que valoraron la propuesta lo consideraron factible para su aplicación y de utilidad.

Elevar a qualidade de vida dos estudantes em todas as carreiras universitárias é um dos desafios mais importantes para os especialistas em Educação Física e, em particular, para a terapia; Contudo, quando os beneficiários apresentam lesões na medula espinhal, necessitam de reabilitação física e mental adequada. O objetivo foi desenvolver exercícios físicos como tratamento para compensar o tempo de recuperação de alunos com lesões medulares que frequentam a área terapêutica da Universidade de Oriente, por meio de aulas de Educação Física. Na pesquisa foram utilizados métodos teóricos e empíricos para conhecer o real estado do problema, além das técnicas para coletar e processar informações. Os exercícios físicos propostos são direcionados fundamentalmente aos alunos portadores de escoliose, e de forma profilático-terapêutica é oferecido tratamento para compensar e/ou prevenir o momento do aparecimento da dor que permite recuperação imediata e incorporação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dentro do aulas de educação física. Foi considerada uma estrutura e ordenação metodológica dos conteúdos em quatro etapas escalonadas durante a aplicação do tratamento, em correspondência com as características individuais da amostra. Os especialistas que avaliaram a proposta consideraram-na viável e útil para sua aplicação.

Raising the quality of life of students in all university careers is one of the most important challenges for Physical Education specialists, and therapy in particular; however, when beneficiaries have spinal cord injuries, they need adequate physical and mental rehabilitation. The objective was to develop physical exercises as a treatment to compensate for the recovery time of students with spinal cord injuries who attend the therapeutic area of the Universidad de Oriente, through Physical Education classes. In the research, theoretical and empirical methods were used to know the real state of the problem, in addition to the techniques to collect and process information. The physical exercises proposed are fundamentally aimed at students who have scoliosis, and in a prophylactic-therapeutic way, treatment is offered to compensate and/or prevent the time of onset of pain that allows immediate recovery and incorporation into the teaching-learning process within the physical education classes. A structure and methodological ordering of the contents was taken into account in four staggered stages during the application of the treatment, in correspondence with the individual characteristics of the sample. The specialists who evaluated the proposal considered it feasible for its application and useful.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37947578


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of supervised and unsupervised physical training programs using outdoor gym equipment on the lifestyles of elderly people. METHODS: physically independent elderly people were randomly distributed into three groups: supervised training (n: 20; ST), unsupervised training (n: 20; UT) and control (n: 20; C). The ST and UT groups completed a 12-week program, with exercises performed three times a week. The ST group underwent weekly 30 min sessions consisting of a 5 min warm-up (walking at 60% of HRmax), followed by 20 sets of 30, "monitored by a metronome with 30" of passive recovery between sets and a five-minute cool-down. The following equipment was used: elliptical, rowing, surfing and leg press. The UT group was instructed to freely attend the gym and train spontaneously using the same equipment used by ST. Lifestyle changes were evaluated using a questionnaire containing specific domains. RESULTS: no significant differences were identified in the domains for family, physical activity, nutrition, smoking, sleep, behavior, introspection, work and overall score; however, the values corresponding to the alcohol domain for the ST and UT groups were lower (p < 0.05) than the C group, remaining even lower after the 12 weeks of intervention. Time effect (p < 0.05) was found only in the ST group for the physical domains, sleep, behavior and overall score. CONCLUSION: elderly people submitted to supervised and unsupervised physical exercise programs using outdoor gym equipment present positive changes in lifestyle parameters compared to physical inactive elderly people.

Exercise , Warm-Up Exercise , Aged , Humans , Exercise Therapy , Life Style , Walking
Saúde Pesqui. (Online) ; 16(2): 11189, abr./jun. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510601


O exercício físico está presente no cotidiano com vários objetivos; dentre eles, a melhora da qualidade de vida. Apesar proporcionar benefícios à saúde, também patologias e sintomas podem incidir nesse tipo de atividade. Estes são desencadeados, na maioria das vezes, por comportamentos inadequados durante o treino, entre outros. Temos os benefícios da musculação para o corpo humano, porém essa prática constante também leva ao aumento da instalação de lesões musculoesqueléticas e sintomas, como a lombalgia. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar quais são os prejuízos da lombalgia à qualidade de vida dos praticantes de musculação. O método proposto foi de estudo quantitativo exploratório. Os participantes foram abordados em academias da cidade de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil, respondendo aos questionários Roland Morris e Short Form Health Survey. Os dados demonstraram um comprometimento da capacidade funcional e de aspectos sociais dos indivíduos afetados pela lombalgia e praticantes de musculação.

Physical exercise is present in everyday life with several objectives: among them, the improvement of the quality of life. Despite providing health benefits, pathologies and symptoms can also affect this type of activity. These are triggered, most of the time, by inappropriate behavior during training, among others. We have the benefits of bodybuilding for the human body, but this constant practice also leads to an increase in the installation of musculoskeletal injuries and symptoms, such as low back pain. The objective of this study was to identify the damage caused by low back pain to the quality of life of bodybuilders. The proposed method was an exploratory quantitative study. Participants were approached in gyms in the city of Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, answering the Roland Morris and Short Form Health Survey questionnaires. The data showed an impairment of functional capacity and social aspects of individuals affected by low back pain and bodybuilders.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440745


Las personas con lesiones de la médula espinal cervical tienen de dos a cinco veces más probabilidades de morir prematuramente, estas lesiones son una de las causas de muerte más frecuente en la población mundial independientemente de la religión, edad, raza, sexo, nacionalidad o clase social; las tasas de supervivencia más bajas, se encuentran en los países de ingresos bajos y medianos. En Guinea-Bissau, los pacientes desconocen su enfermedad y los beneficios de la actividad física para su tratamiento; por ello, se realizó un estudio con diez pacientes que asisten al área de Neuro-rehabilitación motora, Bissau, donde el objetivo fue: determinar el impacto de los ejercicios físicos en la rehabilitación de los pacientes con lesión medular cervical incompleta. Se utilizaron métodos de orden cualitativo (revisión documental) y cuantitativos (medición) y criterio de expertos que permitieron el estudio del objeto y la evaluación teórica y práctica de los ejercicios físicos, los que fueron validados por 17 expertos, entre los cuales el 95 % evaluaron los indicadores en adecuados y muy adecuados y se aplicó en la práctica a diez pacientes con resultados muy satisfactorios, lo que confirmó la pertinencia del estudio realizado. El 100 % de los participantes alcanzaron un nivel significativo en las actividades de la vida diaria, capacidades físicas y funcionales. Este estudio respondió a necesidades investigativas de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte "Manuel Fajardo", de Cuba y al Centro de Neuro-Rehabilitación Físico Motor Sanca, de Guinea-Bissau.

SÍNTESE Pessoas com lesões da medula cervical têm duas a cinco vezes mais probabilidade de morrer prematuramente, essas lesões são uma das causas de morte mais freqüentes na população mundial, independentemente da religião, idade, raça, sexo, nacionalidade ou classe social; as mais baixas taxas de sobrevivência são encontradas em países de baixa e média renda. Na Guiné-Bissau, os pacientes desconhecem sua doença e os benefícios da atividade física para seu tratamento; portanto, foi realizado um estudo com dez pacientes que freqüentavam a área de neuro-reabilitação motora, Bissau, onde o objetivo era: determinar o impacto dos exercícios físicos na reabilitação de pacientes com lesão incompleta da medula cervical. Foram utilizados métodos qualitativos (revisão documental) e quantitativos (medição) e julgamento de especialistas para estudar o objeto e a avaliação teórica e prática dos exercícios físicos, que foram validados por 17 especialistas, 95% dos quais avaliaram os indicadores como adequados e muito adequados, e foram aplicados na prática a dez pacientes com resultados muito satisfatórios, confirmando a relevância do estudo realizado. 100% dos participantes atingiram um nível significativo nas atividades de vida diária, nas habilidades físicas e funcionais. Este estudo respondeu às necessidades de pesquisa da Universidade de Cultura Física e Ciências do Esporte "Manuel Fajardo", Cuba e do Centro de Reabilitação Neuro-Motora Sanca, Guiné-Bissau.

People with cervical spinal cord injuries are two to five times more likely to die prematurely, these injuries are one of the most frequent causes of death in the world population regardless of religion, age, race, sex, nationality or social class; the lowest survival rates are found in low- and middle-income countries. In Guinea-Bissau, patients are unaware of their illness and the benefits of physical activity for their treatment; for this reason, a study was carried out with ten patients who attend the area of Motor Neuro-rehabilitation, Bissau, where the objective was: to determine the impact of physical exercises on the rehabilitation of patients with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury. Qualitative (documentary review) and quantitative (measurement) and expert criteria methods were used, which allowed the study of the object and the theoretical and practical evaluation of the physical exercises, which were validated by 17 experts, among whom 95% they evaluated the indicators as adequate and very adequate and it was applied in practice to ten patients with very satisfactory results, which confirmed the relevance of the study carried out. 100% of the participants reached a significant level in activities of daily living, physical and functional capacities. This study responded to the research needs of the "Manuel Fajardo" University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences, of Cuba and the Sanca Neuro - Physical Motor Rehabilitation Center, of Guinea-Bissau.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0151, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441225


RESUMO Neste artigo, objetivou-se identificar possibilidades e dificuldades relacionadas ao teleatendimento em exercício físico para crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) atendidas por um serviço especializado de Maceió. Utilizou-se o delineamento AB; e, na linha de base, foram aplicados instrumentos de caracterização dos perfis de sintomas relacionados ao TEA dos participantes e de aspectos sociodemográficos, tanto dos participantes quanto de seus mediadores familiares. A fase de intervenção, que consistiu em um teleatendimento em exercício físico via WhatsApp e chamada telefônica para aqueles que tinham smartphones e somente via chamada telefônica para quem não tinha, estendeu-se de abril de 2020 a dezembro de 2021 e contou com dez crianças (6,8 ± 2,1 anos) do sexo masculino e seus mediadores familiares. Ao longo da intervenção, realizaram-se análises dos registros audiovisuais dos mediadores familiares acerca das possibilidades e das dificuldades relacionadas à aplicação da intervenção. Concluiu-se que, ainda que tenha havido dificuldades tecnológicas e sociais, o teleatendimento foi uma importante estratégia para dar continuidade à prática de atividade física no ambiente doméstico e esteve associado à melhoria na relação dos mediadores familiares com os indivíduos com TEA.

ABSTRACT In this paper, we aimed to identify possibilities and difficulties related to teleservice in physical exercise for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attended by a specialized service in Maceió, Brazil. The AB design was used, and, at baseline, instruments for characterizing the ASD-related symptom profiles of the participants and sociodemographic aspects of both the participants and their family mediators were applied. The intervention phase, which consisted of a teleservice in physical exercise via WhatsApp and a phone call for those who had smartphones and only via phone call for those who did not, was extended from April 2020 to December 2021 and counted on ten male children (6.8 ± 2.1 years old) and their family mediators. During the intervention, analyses of the audiovisual records of the family mediators were conducted regarding the possibilities and difficulties of the application of the intervention. Although there were technological and social difficulties, it was concluded that teleservice was an important strategy to continue the practice of physical activity in the home environment and was associated with an improvement in the relationship between family mediators and individuals with ASD.

Women Health ; 62(9-10): 799-808, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36404410


This study evaluated the relationship of self-reported exercise, physical activity (PA) level, and Quality of Life (QoL) among women in their third trimester of pregnancy and verified which factors are associated with physical exercise (PE) and QoL. A cross-sectional study was performed with women who have been pregnant for at least 28 weeks and who can engage in PE. Data on self-reported exercise, sociodemographic characteristics, PA level, and QoL were collected through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire BREF version (WHOQOL-BREF). Frequencies, bivariate analyses, and logistic and linear regression were performed. Among 405 pregnant women, 103 (25.43 percent) reported practicing PE. The self-reported PE was associated with better scores in the physical and environmental domains of the WHOQOL-BREF. Several IPAQ variables and the WHOQOL-BREF environmental score were associated with self-reported exercise. The majority classified as "active" by the IPAQ was due to employment and not the PE practice. A correct conceptual approach to PA and PE during antenatal care has a different impact on health and QoL during pregnancy.

Exercise , Quality of Life , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Self Report , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530155


Introducción: El ejercicio físico sistemático constituye una herramienta indispensable para el tratamiento de los pacientes con fibromialgia, y más aún en la etapa de COVID-19. Objetivo: Constatar la eficacia de los ejercicios físicos terapéuticos domiciliarios en la atención a pacientes con fibromialgia durante la COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un prexperimento, con una muestra intencional de 20 pacientes con fibromialgia. Se utilizó el cuestionario de impacto de fibromialgia para conocer el impacto general de la enfermedad y la escala analógica visual del dolor para determinar la intensidad del dolor. Se conoció por medio de los exámenes físicos la condición física de los pacientes. Se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica de McNemar y Wilcoxon para identificar cambios producidos en los pacientes mediante la aplicación de ejercicios físicos terapéuticos domiciliarios. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 47,85 años, con predominio del sexo femenino (95,0 por ciento). Al inicio de la investigación las puntuaciones del cuestionario de impacto de fibromialgia determinaron que el 85,0 por ciento de los pacientes tenían un impacto moderado y severo de la enfermedad. La escala analógica visual del dolor evidenció que los pacientes padecían dolor moderado y severo. La evaluación de los exámenes físicos demostró que en su mayoría los pacientes tenían una condición física inadecuada. Después de implementado los ejercicios físicos terapéuticos domiciliarios se demostró una mejoría de los parámetros evaluados, evidenciado mediante la estadística inferencial a través de la prueba McNemar ya que los resultados estuvieron a un nivel inferior (p = 0,005). Los resultados de Z de Wilcoxon tuvieron una significación bilateral de 0,000. Conclusiones: Se evidenciaron cambios significativos en los pacientes con fibromialgia. Los ejercicios físicos terapéuticos domiciliarios fueron efectivos en los pacientes con fibromialgia durante el aislamiento por la COVID-19(AU)

Introduction: Systematic physical exercise constitutes an indispensable tool for the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia: and even more so in the COVID-19 stage. Objective: To verify the effectiveness of home therapeutic physical exercises in the care of patients with fibromyalgia during COVID-19. Methods: A pre-experiment was conducted with a purposive sample of 20 patients with fibromyalgia. A general characterization of the sample was performed. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire was used to know the general impact of the pathology and the Visual Analog Scale to determine the intensity of the patients' pain. Physical tests were used to determine the physical condition of the sample. The McNemar and Wilcoxon non-parametric test was applied to identify changes produced in the patients through the application of home therapeutic physical exercises. Results: The average age was 47.85 years with a predominance of the female sex (95.0 percent). At the beginning of the research, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire scores showed that 85.0 percent of the patients were in moderate and severe impact of the disease, as well as the Visual Analog Scale, which showed that the patients were in moderate and severe pain. The evaluation of the physical tests showed that most of the patients were in inadequate physical condition. After implementing the home therapeutic physical exercises, an improvement of the evaluated parameters was demonstrated, thus evidenced by the contracting of inferential statistics through McNemar since the results were at a lower level for p=0.005 and the Wilcoxon Z results resulted in a bilateral significance of 0.000. Conclusions: It is concluded that the results obtained evidenced significant changes in fibromyalgia patients, which can be said that home therapeutic physical exercises were effective in fibromyalgia patients during isolation by COVID-19(AU)

Humans , COVID-19/complications , Fibromyalgia/therapy
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(2): 583-596, mayo.-ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406257


RESUMEN La problemática del estudio recae en que los tratamientos para niños con escoliosis en Chile carecen de la integración desde el ejercicio físico. El objetivo fue analizar el ejercicio físico para tratamiento de niños con escoliosis idiopática. Se estudiaron las diversas formas de tratamiento físico en la escoliosis idiopática a través de la revisión de documentos oficiales (historias clínicas de los pacientes, programas de ejercicios y métodos de intervención). La investigación se llevó a cabo en el Centro Cubano de Rehabilitación Física de Temuco, Chile. Se aplicó el método empírico indirecto o no interactivo: análisis a documentos oficiales, análisis-síntesis y modelación, que permitieron la sistematización teórica del ejercicio físico en el tratamiento. Como resultado fundamental se diseña el programa para el tratamiento de la escoliosis idiopática mediante ejercicios físicos correctivos en un período de 18 meses.

RESUMO O problema do estudo reside no facto de os tratamentos para crianças com escoliose no Chile carecerem da integração do exercício físico. O objectivo era analisar o exercício físico para o tratamento de crianças com escoliose idiopática. As várias formas de tratamento físico para a escoliose idiopática foram estudadas através da revisão de documentos oficiais (registos médicos dos pacientes, programas de exercício e métodos de intervenção). A investigação foi realizada no Centro Cubano de Reabilitação Física em Temuco, Chile. O método empírico indireto ou não-interativo foi aplicado: análise de documentos oficiais, análise-síntese e modelação, o que permitiu a sistematização teórica do exercício físico no tratamento. Como resultado fundamental, foi concebido um programa para o tratamento da escoliose idiopática através de exercícios físicos corretivos durante um período de 18 meses.

ABSTRACT The problem of the study lies in the fact that the treatments for children with scoliosis in Chile lack integration from physical exercise. The objective was to analyze physical exercise for the treatment of children with idiopathic scoliosis. The various forms of physical treatment in idiopathic scoliosis were studied through the review of official documents (patient medical records, exercise programs and intervention methods). The research was carried out at the Cuban Center for Physical Rehabilitation in Temuco, Chile. The indirect or non-interactive empirical method was applied: analysis of official documents, analysis-synthesis and modeling, which allowed the theoretical systematization of physical exercise in treatment. As a fundamental result, the program for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis is designed through corrective physical exercises in a period of 18 months.

J Affect Disord ; 314: 86-93, 2022 10 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35810830


Multimorbidity is a global health issue impacting the quality of life of all ages. Multimorbidity with a mental disorder is little studied and is likely to have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We used a survey of 14,007 respondents living in Brazil to investigate whether people who already had at least one chronic medical condition had more depression and anxiety symptoms during social distancing in 2020. Generalized linear models and structural equation modelling were used to estimate the effects. A 19 % and 15 % increase in depressive symptoms were found in females and males, respectively, for each unit of increase in the observed value of reported chronic disease. Older subjects presented fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. There was a 16 % increase in anxiety symptoms in females for each unit increase in the reported chronic disease variable and a 14 % increase in males. Younger subjects were more affected by anxiety symptoms in a dose-response fashion. High income was significantly related to fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms in both males and females. Physical activity was significantly associated with fewer anxiety and depression symptoms. Structural equation modelling confirmed these results and provided further insight into the hypothesised paths.

COVID-19 , Anxiety/diagnosis , Anxiety/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Chronic Disease , Depression/diagnosis , Depression/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Male , Multimorbidity , Pandemics , Quality of Life
Kinesiologia ; 41(2): 124-129, 15 jun 2022.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552398


Introducción. Introducción. Durante la etapa de embarazo es de vital importancia realizar ejercicio físico por ser un período que conlleva modificaciones y adaptaciones tanto anatómicas como fisiológicas en la mujer generando beneficios tanto para ella como para el bebé en gestación. Objetivo. Describir beneficios del ejercicio físico prenatal en embarazadas como facilitador del periodo de parto y prevención de complicaciones postparto. Métodos. Se incluyeron revisiones de fuente primaria en las bases de datos EBSCO, SCIENCE DIRECT, Pubmed y se aplica evaluación de los artículos con escala PEDro. Resultados. El ejercicio físico en embarazo disminuye los partos instrumentales y por cesárea, uso de analgesia epidural, duración del trabajo de parto, dolor perineal reduce las episiotomía, y contribuye a un perineo intacto. Conclusiones. Existe escasa evidencia de que el ejercicio físico en embarazadas es beneficioso durante el parto y postparto.

Introduction. During the pregnancy stage it is vital to perform physical exercise because it is a period that involves modifications and adaptations both anatomical and physiological in women, generating benefits for the mother and the unborn child. Objective. Describe benefits of prenatal physical exercise in pregnant women as a facilitator of the period of childbirth and prevention of postpartum. Methods. Primary source reviews were included in the EBSCO, SCIENCE DIRECT, Pubmed databases and article evaluation with the PEDro scale was applied. Results. Physical exercise in pregnancy decreases instrumental and cesarean deliveries, use of epidural analgesia, duration of labor, perineal pain reduces episiotomy, and contributes to an intact perineum. Conclusions. There is little evidence that physical exercise in pregnant women is beneficial during childbirth and postpartum.

Int J Occup Saf Ergon ; 27(1): 247-257, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30696364


Purpose. This study investigated the effectiveness of a workplace-based multifaceted intervention to manage musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and their consequences in the workers of a medium-sized company. Materials and methods. A program consisting of participatory ergonomics (PE), workplace exercises (WE) and acupuncture as the main resources of physical therapy (PT) performed at the workstations was conducted for 22 months with 126 workers. The outcomes were complaints of MSDs and absenteeism measured by the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire. We also measured workers' perceptions about the intervention using a Likert-based questionnaire. Results. The rate of MSDs was significantly reduced in at least one body region (p = 0.001). Absenteeism was also significantly reduced (p = 0.020). For workers with pain at baseline, at least 40% improved totally, while for others the duration, frequency and intensity of pain was reduced for all body regions, except for the lower back and fingers. For workers without pain at baseline, a 70% target for prevention of MSDs was achieved. Most workers (56-99%) agreed that the intervention improved the consequences of MSDs. Conclusions. A multifaceted intervention consisting of PE, WE and acupuncture as the main resources of PT performed at the workstations may be relevant to managing MSDs in working populations.

Musculoskeletal Diseases , Occupational Diseases , Absenteeism , Ergonomics , Humans , Musculoskeletal Diseases/epidemiology , Musculoskeletal Diseases/prevention & control , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workplace
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 54(4)2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359288


RESUMEN: Los programas de intervención para prevenir o tratar el Síndrome de Burnout son esenciales para mejorar la salud de los estudiantes. Pero la mayoría de las investigaciones realizadas son intervenciones psicológicas y cognitivas.Objetivo: Determinar los efectos de los ejercicios físicos en los niveles de Síndrome de Burnout y la Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca en estudiantes universitarios.Métodos: Estudio experimental con pre-test y post-test, con 2 grupos de intervención y un grupo de control. La muestra fue probabilística y estratificada con participación proporcional. Instrumentos utilizados: Maslach Burnout Inventory Students Survey (MBI-SS) y Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca (HRV): cálculo de la media RR, SDNN y RMSSD. Para el ejercicio físico, se aplicaron ejercicios aeróbicos y de fuerza durante 3 sesiones semanales de una hora, en días alternos, durante 16 semanas.Resultados: El grupo de aeróbicos con Agotamiento MBI-SS fue mayor, reduciendo sus niveles en un 26,4% (d=0,532), en Cinismo (-21,06, d=0,252) y en Eficacia (-13,11, 0,397). Grupo de fuerza en Cinismo (-27,38, d=0,315), en Eficacia (-21,69, d=0,704), Agotamiento (-19,55, d=0,299). El grupo de control Agotamiento aumentó en un 10,26% (d=0,128). En la HVR, con el grupo aeróbico el SDNN tuvo el mayor cambio porcentual, con un aumento del 24,82 %, sobre la media RR y RMSSD (14,40 % y 16,45 %). En el grupo de fuerza y en el grupo de control (21,77%, 14,24%, 12,60%; y 12,59%, 4,97% y 4,99% respectivamente). Hubo un cambio en el RR medio en los grupos aeróbico y de fuerza (d = 1,281 y 1,328).Conclusiones: Efecto de reducción del síndrome de burnout y efecto contrario de incremento de valores del HRV. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Intervention programs to prevent or treat Burnout Syndrome are essential to improve the health of students. But most of the research that has been done is psychological and cognitive interventions.Objective: To determine the effects of physical exercises on Burnout Syndrome levels and Heart Rate Variability in university students.Methods: An experimental study was carried out with pre-test and post-test, with 2 intervention groups and a control group. The sample was probabilistic and stratified with proportional participation. Study variables and instruments were included: Maslach Burnout Inventory Students Survey (MBI-SS) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV): calculation of the average RR, SDNN and RMSSD. For physical exercise, aerobic and strength exercises were applied during 3 weekly sessions of one hour, on alternate days, for 16 weeks.Results: The group of aerobics with MBI-SS exhaustion was higher, reducing its levels by 26.4% (d=0.532), in Cynicism (-21.06, d=0.252) and Efficiency (-13.11, 0.397). Force group in Cynicism (-27.38, d=0.315), in Efficiency (-21.69, d=0.704), Exhaustion (-19.55, d=0.299). The Exhaustion control group increased by 10.26% (d=0.128). In HVR, with the aerobic group, NDL had the greatest percentage change, increasing 24,82 %, over the average RR and RMSSD (14,40 % and 16,45 %). In the force group and in the control group (21.77%, 14.24%, 12.60%; and 12.59%, 4.97% and 4.99% respectively) there was a change in the mean RR in the aerobic and strength groups (d = 1.281 and 1.328).Conclusions: Effect of reduction of burnout syndrome and opposite effect of increase of HRV values. (AU)

Humans , Students , Exercise , Student Health , Burnout, Psychological , Heart Rate
ACM arq. catarin. med ; 49(2): 117-128, 06/07/2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354251


RESUMO O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a influência do exercício físico durante a gestação, correlacionando a sua prática com o desfecho materno fetal. O estudo realizado foi de caráter observacional, descritivo, quantitativo e retrospectivo, com entrevistas realizadas com as puérperas primigestas internadas no serviço de pós-parto em uma maternidade pública de Joinville, SC. Os questionários perguntavam sobre informações prévias da puérpera, condições da gestação, exercícios físicos realizados durante a gestação e dados acerca do recém-nascido (RN). As puérperas foram divididas em dois grupos: ativo (n=110) e inativo (n=122), possibilitando, desta maneira, a análise dos diferentes desfechos entre os grupos. Evidenciou-se que o grupo ativo apresentou maiores chances de obter ganho de peso adequado durante a gestação (RC 1,556) e de realização de parto normal (RC 1,899). Em contrapartida, apresentou maiores chances de o RN ser pequeno para a idade gestacional (PIG) (RC 2,436), considerando o intervalo de confiança de 95%. Os dados do presente estudo sugerem que a atividade física durante o período gestacional traz benefícios tanto para a saúde materna quanto para o recém-nascido, desde que realizado de maneira programada, bem orientada e dentro de um limite de intensidade e duração.

ABSTRACT The aim of the article was to analyze the influence of physical exercise during pregnancy, correlating its practice with the fetal maternal outcome. The study was observational, descriptive, quantitative and retrospective, with interviews conducted with primiparous mothers who were in the postpartum service in a public maternity hospital in Joinville, SC. The questionnaires asked about previous information on the postpartum women, pregnancy conditions, physical exercises performed during pregnancy and data about the newborn (NB). The postpartum women were divided into two groups: active (n = 110) and inactive (n = 122), allowing the analysis of the different outcomes between the groups. It was shown that the active group was more likely to obtain adequate weight gain during pregnancy (OR 1,556) and normal delivery (OR 1,899). On the other hand, it was more likely that the newborn was small for gestational age (SGA) (OR 2,436), considering the 95% confidence interval. The data from the present study suggest that physical activity during pregnancy brings benefits to both maternal and newborn health, provided that it is performed in a regular, well-oriented manner and within a limit of intensity and duration.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 15(1): 61-71, ene.-abr. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091737


Resumen La tendinopatía es una causa importante de morbilidad musculo-esquelética. Tiene una alta incidencia en el ámbito deportivo de 30 a 50 % de las lesiones, en atletas profesionales y recreativos, que pueden comprometer el rendimiento deportivo y causar discapacidad. En gran medida, es causada por una alteración en los orígenes músculo-tendinosos, en los cóndilos humerales. En la mayoría de los casos, se encuentra en población laboralmente activa, por lo cual tiene alto impacto en la reducción de la productividad por ausencias laborales, que de acuerdo con la severidad pueden ser días o semanas. El objetivo general de la investigación consiste en proponer un complejo de ejercicios físicos que contribuyan a la recuperación de dicha lesión en lanzadores de béisbol. Se emplearon los métodos teóricos, empíricos y se determinaron los fundamentos teóricos que componen la rehabilitación de la epicondilitis medial. Se analizó la información obtenida luego de aplicar una entrevista a los entrenadores, con la finalidad de caracterizar el estado actual del proceso de rehabilitación de esta lesión. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se diseñó un conjunto de ejercicios físicos para rehabilitar dicha lesión en el área de entrenamiento. Los ejercicios diseñados se clasifican en pasivos, activos asistidos, activos libres, activos resistidos; este último dividido en dos grupos. Para facilitar la labor de los entrenadores, se describen la forma de ejecución de los ejercicios, así como las indicaciones metodológicas, músculos implicados, organización y variantes.

Resumo A Tendinopatia é uma das principais causas de morbidade músculo-esquelética. Tem uma alta incidência no ambiente desportivo de 30-50% das lesões em atletas profissionais e recreativos, o que pode comprometer o desempenho desportivo e causar incapacidade. Em grande medida, é causada por uma alteração na origem músculo-tendão nos côndilos umerais. Na maioria dos casos, encontra-se na população ativa, pelo que tem um elevado impacto na redução da produtividade por faltas ao trabalho, que de acordo com a gravidade pode variar de dias a semanas. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é propor um complexo de exercícios físicos que contribuam para a recuperação desta lesão em arremessadores de beisebol. Os métodos teóricos e empíricos foram utilizados e os fundamentos teóricos que compõem a reabilitação da Epicondilite medial foram determinados. As informações obtidas após a entrevista com os treinadores foram analisadas a fim de caracterizar o estado atual do processo de reabilitação para esta lesão. Com base nos resultados obtidos, um conjunto de exercícios físicos foi concebido para reabilitar esta lesão na área de treino. Os exercícios concebidos são classificados em passivos, ativos assistidos, ativos livres e ativos resistidos; sendo estes últimos divididos em dois grupos. Para facilitar o trabalho dos treinadores, é descrita a forma de execução dos exercícios, assim como as indicações metodológicas, músculos envolvidos, organização e variantes.

Abstract Tendinopathy is a major cause of musculoskeletal morbidity. A high incidence of sports-related injuries of 30-50 % in professional and recreational athletes, which can compromise sports performance and cause disability. Mostly, it is caused by an alteration in the muscle-tendontium origins in the humeral condyles. In most cases, it is in the working population, so it has a high impact on reducing productivity due to absences from work, which, depending on the severity, can range from days to weeks. The general objective of the research is to propose a complex of physical exercises that will contribute to the recovery of such injury in baseball pitchers. Theoretical and empirical methods were used and the theoretical foundations for the rehabilitation of medial epicondylitis were determined. The information obtained after interviewing the coaches was analyzed in order to characterize the current state of the rehabilitation process for this injury. Based on the results obtained, a set of physical exercises was designed to rehabilitate this injury in the training area. The exercises designed are classified into passive, assisted active, free active, and resisted active; the latter being divided into two groups. In order to facilitate the work of the trainers, the form of execution of the exercises is described, as well as the methodological indications, muscles involved, organization and variants.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(1): e494, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, fig
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126686


Introduction: The present investigation arises from the insufficiencies in the physical rehabilitation of the hemiparesic patients of the orthopedic center of Viana, in many cases, determined by the low preparation of the physiotherapists for the use of the physical exercises with therapeutic aims. Objective: To elaborate a set of therapeutic physical exercises to favor the physical rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with hemiparesis. Methods: To develop the present investigation, the following methods were used: analytical-synthetic, hypothetical-deductive, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural-functional; and as empirical methods were used document analysis, observation, the Tinetti test and the experiment, which were supported by the survey and interview techniques, as well as by the statistical-mathematical empirical frequency distribution method. Conclusions: The correct selection, dosage and application of the physical therapeutic exercises allowed favoring the physical rehabilitation of two patients diagnosed with hemiparesis of the orthopedic center of Viana, results evaluated by the Tinetti test(AU)

Introducción: La presente investigación surge de las insuficiencias en la rehabilitación física de los pacientes hemiparésicos del centro ortopédico de Viana, en muchos casos, determinadas por la baja preparación de los fisioterapeutas para el uso de los ejercicios físicos con fines terapéuticos. Objetivo: Elaborar un conjunto de ejercicios físicos terapéuticos para favorecer la rehabilitación física de los pacientes diagnosticados con hemiparesia. Métodos: Para desarrollar la presente investigación se utilizaron como métodos teóricos los siguientes: analítico-sintético, hipotético-deductivo, inductivo-deductivo y sistémico-estructural-funcional; y como métodos empíricos se utilizaron el análisis de documentos, la observación, la medición, el test de Tinetti y el experimento, que fueron apoyados por las técnicas de encuesta y entrevista, así como por el método estadístico-matemático distribución empírica de frecuencias. La muestra utilizada estuvo constituida por seis pacientes y tres fisioterapeutas del centro ortopédico de Viana, Luanda, Angola. Resultados: Después del diagnóstico inicial, se elaboró el conjunto de ejercicios físicos terapéuticos, el cual se aplicó desde el mes de mayo hasta el mes de noviembre del 2018, donde se aplicó al medición final, que permitió determinar las mejoras en la rehabilitación física de los pacientes diagnosticados con hemiparesia, al mejorar la marcha y el equilibrio Conclusiones: La correcta selección, dosificación y aplicación de los ejercicios físicos terapéuticos permitió favorecer la rehabilitación física dos pacientes diagnosticados con hemiparesia del centro ortopédico de Viana, resultados evaluados mediante el test de Tinetti(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Orthopedics , Rehabilitation , Exercise , Dosage , Physical Therapists , Stroke/diagnosis
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 14(3): 463-477, sept.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091727


Resumen En el mundo actual, las personas realizan ejercicios físicos como vía para mejorar su estado de salud, condición física, imagen, utilización constructiva del ocio y calidad de vida. Diferentes son los estudios que demuestran la efectividad del ejercicio físico en el organismo, también hacen referencia a la importancia de la dosificación de los mismos para evitar lesiones y enfermedades en los practicantes. Esto se convierte en uno de los pasos vitales cuando se practica, pues a partir de ahí se marca la meta que se persigue y según la dosificación, que se aplique, serán los resultados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue diagnosticar el estado actual de la práctica de ejercicio físico en el municipio Guanabacoa. El tipo de estudio empleado fue no experimental-descriptivo. Los métodos utilizados fueron entre los teóricos, el analítico-sintético; dentro de los empíricos la encuesta y el análisis documental y como estadístico-matemático, la estadística descriptiva. Los resultados revelan la necesidad de que especialistas capacitados dirijan la práctica de ejercicios físicos en el municipio Guanabacoa. Se comprueba el desconocimiento por parte de los especialistas, en la dosificación y planificación de los ejercicios físicos.

Abstract In today's world, people perform physical exercises as a way to improve their health status, physical condition, image, constructive use of leisure and quality of life. Different studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of physical exercise in the body, also refer to the importance of dosing them to avoid injuries and diseases in practitioners. This becomes one of the vital steps when we are going to practice them, because from there we mark the goal that we pursue and according to the dosage that we apply, the results will be. The objective of this research was to diagnose the current state of the practice of physical exercise in the Guanabacoa municipality. The type of study used was not experimental-descriptive. The methods used were among the theorists, the analytical-synthetic; within the empirical surveys and documentary analysis and as statistical-mathematical, descriptive statistics. The results reveal the need for trained specialists to direct the practice of physical exercises in the municipality of Guanabacoa. The lack of knowledge on the part of the specialists in the dosage and planning of the physical exercises is checked.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 14(2): 165-180, mayo.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091709


Resumen La atención al adulto mayor es una de las prioridades del gobierno cubano. La investigación se realizó en el consultorio 6 del municipio Pinar del Río. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: (revisión de documentos, inductivo-deductivo) y empíricos: (observación y entrevista) que permitieron profundizar en características de los adultos, enfermedades más comunes, sintomatología, tratamiento, lo que posibilitó constatar que los adultos mayores, al despertar, presentan mayor sintomatología en algunas enfermedades. Para atender este caso, se elaboraron guías de ejercicios para compensar este padecimiento. Estas guías se basaron, fundamentalmente, en el trabajo con la movilidad articular. Los ejercicios son sencillos y fáciles de recordar. Se han obtenido resultados favorables respecto a la muestra seleccionada para el estudio, se logró alivio en los dolores y reducción del entumecimiento y un mejor inicio del día, con un favorable estado de ánimo.

Abstract Attention to the elderly is one of the priorities of the Cuban government. The research was carried out in the doctor´s office number 6 of Pinar del Río municipality. Theoretical methods were used (review of documents, inductive-deductive) and empirical methods (observation and interview) that made possible to deepen into the elderly characteristics, more common diseases, symptomatology and treatments, what confirmed that the elderly, when awakening, suffer from greater symptomatology in some diseases. Some guides of physical exercises were made to compensate this disorder, which are mainly based on joint mobility. The exercises are simple and easy to remember. Favorable results have been obtained according to the sample selected for the study, it was achieved pain relief and reduction of numbness, as well as undoubtedly a better day start with a favorable mood.