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Rev. bioét. derecho ; (48): 246-260, mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-192090


Ante la preocupación por el desarrollo de argumentos que soportan estrategias de protección animal, en este artículo se identifican y analizan distintos discursos sobre derechos de los animales que pronuncian documentos de los poderes ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial de Colombia. Se encontraron discursos tergiversados para promover prácticas de maltrato animal y otros cuya falta de rigor argumentativo no permite que se les pueda caracterizar propiamente como derechos de los animales. Esta situación plantea la necesidad de revisar las herramientas conceptuales en particular de quienes participan activamente en la defensa de los animales no humanos

In light of the development of arguments that support animal protection strategies, in this article we identify and analyse different discourses on animal rights which have been pronounced in documents associated with the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power in Colombia. We found misconstrued discourses that promote animal mistreatment practices and others whose lack of argumentative rigour does not allow them to be properly characterized as animal rights. This situation reveals the need to review the conceptual tools, particularly, of those that actively participate in the defence of non-human animalS

Davant la preocupació pel desenvolupament d'arguments que suporten estratègies de protecció animal, en aquest article s'identifiquen i analitzen diferents discursos sobre drets dels animals que pronuncien documents dels poders executiu, legislatiu i judicial de Colòmbia. Trobem discursos tergiversats per a promoure pràctiques de maltractament animal i uns altres la falta del qual de rigor argumentatiu no permet que se'ls pugui caracteritzar pròpiament com a drets dels animals. Aquesta situació planteja la necessitat de revisar les eines conceptuals en particular dels qui participen activament en la defensa dels animals no humans

Animals , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Care Committees/legislation & jurisprudence , Colombia
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (46): 203-217, jul. 2019.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-184860


En este artículo se analiza el alcance de la reciente sentencia del Alto Tribunal de Uttarakhand que declara a todos los miembros del reino animal titulares de derechos legales y además establece obligaciones jurídicas positivas hacia los animales callejeros. Además, se defiende que dado que la capacidad de sufrir y disfrutar es el único factor relevante para considerar moralmente a una entidad, tenemos buenas razones para pensar que debemos atribuir derechos legales a los animales no humanos para proteger sus intereses fundamentales y que algunos de estos derechos supondrían que determinados seres humanos tienen, al menos en determinadas circunstancias, obligaciones positivas hacia ellos

This article analyses the argumentation and the scope of the High Court of Uttarakhand’s rulling that declares all members of the animal kingdom to be rights holders and also establishes positive legal obligations towards stray animals. Due to the fact that the capacity for suffering and enjoying is the only relevant fact to morally consider an entity, we have good reasons to think that we must bestow legal rights to nonhuman animals in order to protect their fundamental interests. Those rights shouldn’t be just negative rights, but some of those should entail that certain human beings have, at least in some circunstances, positive obligations towards the other animals

En aquest article s'analitza l'argumentació i l'abast de la recent sentència de l'Alt Tribunal de Uttarakhand que declara a tots els membres del regne animal titulars de drets legals i estableix obligacions jurídiques positives cap als animals del carrer. A més, es defensa que, atès que la capacitat de sofrir i gaudir és l'únic factor rellevant per a considerar moralment a una entitat, existeixen raons per a pensar que hem d'atribuir drets legals als animals no humans per a protegir els seus interessos fonamentals. Tals drets no haurien de ser solament drets negatius, sinó que alguns d'ells haurien de suposar que determinats éssers humans tinguessin, en certes circumstàncies, obligacions positives cap als altres animals

Animals , Animal Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Government Regulation , Animals, Wild , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Care Committees/legislation & jurisprudence
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci ; 58(4): 469-474, 2019 07 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31092306


Federal regulations and policies require institutions to establish procedures for ongoing IACUC oversight of approved animal care and use program activities including animal procedures. To fulfill these requirements, research institutions implement postapproval monitoring (PAM) programs designed to assure compliance in animal activities. Although several references commenting on the requirement to conduct PAM are available, few publications discuss actual best practices for accomplishing PAM. Here we use information collected through a survey of large academic research institutions to identify common practices for conducting PAM reviews. Many similarities and differences exist between institutions, which may or may not influence the overall quality of an institution's PAM program.

Animal Care Committees/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Husbandry/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Biomedical Research/legislation & jurisprudence , Housing, Animal/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Husbandry/standards , Animals , Animals, Laboratory , Housing, Animal/standards
Zebrafish ; 13 Suppl 1: S150-2, 2016 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27158771


The National Institutes of Health: Final Report to Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) on Euthanasia of Zebrafish (2009) established for the first time a policy for the developmental stage at which zebrafish would qualify for animal oversight by OLAW interpretation of Public Health Service policy. This policy established the time point based on a comparison with chicken/avian hatching. For zebrafish, this is 3 days postfertilization (dpf). This is in contrast to the traditional time established within the community as 7 dpf. There are significant implications for this policy not the least of which is the demand to account for all embryo and larvae at all stages. This narrative provides a situational context based on a synthesis of real experience with this policy. The hope is that it provides a starting point for a community conversation on the hatching time point as the appropriate established policy for the future.

Animal Care Committees/legislation & jurisprudence , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Zebrafish , Animals , Animals, Laboratory , United States