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J Hist Behav Sci ; 60(1): e22258, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37148563


José Miguel de Barandiarán considered the central figure of Basque anthropology, played a prominent role in the Basque people's cultural rescue (material and spiritual). His dual status as an ethnologist and priest prepared him to study collective mentalities and rural societies. However, the scientific approach of the Völkerpsychologie (roughly translated as ethnic psychology), as proposed by Wilhelm Wundt, greatly influenced him and aroused broad interests of ethnological and sociological-religious concerns. This essay examines the scope and depth of Wundt's influence on Barandiarán, and suggests that, by combining the techniques of folklore with those of ethnography, Barandiarán stamped Basque anthropology with a unique defining quality in Europe.

Anthropology, Cultural , Ethnopsychology , Sociology , Humans , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Europe , European People/history , European People/psychology , Sociology/history , Spain , Ethnopsychology/history
Cult. cuid ; 27(65): 93-104, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-218961


Objective: to analyze the construction of representations of health care in the drawings, stories and prayers inscribed in the Makuxi Tarumu leaflets. Method: This is a historical-anthropological, documentary that used elements of New Cultural History from the perspective of the Historian Roger Chartier and ethnography. The research was carried out at the Indigenous Documentation Center (IDC) in Boa Vista-RR-Brazil. The leaflet entitled Makuxi Tarumu (Makuxi Prayers), volumes I and II, of 1987 was used as the object document. Results: In the Makuxi prayers, written in the Makuxi Tarumu leaflets, the representation of care appears in all prayers in a supernatural form, where the spiritual authority makes an evocation, interfering in the natural world. The prayer and the shaman are the authorities. Conclusion: The prayers preserve remarkable features of the Makuxi culture without religious syncretism, although it was produced by the DioceseRR. (AU)

Objetivos: analizar la construcción de las representaciones del cuidado en salud en las rezas inscritas en los folletos Makuxi Tarumu. Metodología: Estudio de cuño histórico-antropológico, documental, que utilizó elementos de la Nueva Historia Cultural en la perspectiva del Historiador Roger Chartier y de la etnografía. La investigación se realizó en el Centro de Documentación Indígena (CDI) de Boa Vista-RR-Brasil. Como documento-objeto se utilizó el folleto titulado Makuxi Tarumu (Oraciones Makuxi), volúmenes I y II, de 1987. Resultados: En las oraciones Makuxi, escritas en los folletos Makuxi Tarumu, la representación del cuidado aparece en todas las oraciones de una forma sobrenatural, donde la autoridad espiritual hace una evocación, interfiriendo en el mundo natural. El rezador y el pajé son las autoridades. Conclusión: las oraciones preservan características marcadas de la cultura Makuxi sin sincretismo religioso, a pesar de haber sido producido por la Diócesis-RR (AU)

Objetivos: analisar a construção das representações do cuidado em saúde nas rezas inscritas nos folhetos Makuxi Tarumu. Metodologia: Estudo de cunho histórico-antropológico, documental, que utilizou elementos da Nova História Cultural na perspectiva do Historiador Roger Chartier e da etnografia. A pesquisa foi realizada no Centro de Documentação Indígena (CDI) de Boa VistaRR-Brasil. Como documento-objeto utilizou-se o folheto intitulado Makuxi Tarumu (Orações Makuxi), volumes I e II, de 1987. Resultados: Nas orações Makuxi, escritas nos folhetos Makuxi Tarumu, a representação do cuidado aparece em todas as orações de uma forma sobrenatural, onde a autoridade espiritual faz uma evocação, interferindo no mundo natural. O rezador e o pajé são as autoridades. Conclusão: as orações preservam características marcantes da cultura Makuxi sem sincretismo religioso, apesar de ter sido produzido pela Diocese-RR. (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Catholicism , Worldview , Culturally Competent Care , Culturally Competent Care/ethnology , Culturally Competent Care/history , Brazil/ethnology
Cult. cuid ; 27(65): 458-168, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-218970


This article aims to promote conceptual exploration in the literature of Medical Anthropology or Health and Interpretative Anthropology, approaching the perspectives of Clifford JamesGeertz and Cecil Helman. The segmented three-axis approach reflects some perspectives on thekey concepts of culture and ethnography. It was also evident from the impasses generated by theacademic effort of the medical system when studying other care systems, a clear tendency to resortto generalizations, stratigraphic conception and consensus gentium, typical of colonialist ethnography, addressing the ethical commitment and self-reflexivity of the researcher as solution. It endswith an approximation between Cecil Helman's theories on causes of illness and Clifford Geertz'sknowledge and interpretation of the senses, values, behaviors and local knowledge. Therefore, webelieve that the article complements the debates in the area of ethnography, meanings of illness and health, standardized in the Anthropology of Health-disease. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo promover la exploración conceptual en la literatura deAntropología Médica o Antropología de la Salud e Interpretativa, reuniendo las perspectivas deClifford James Geertz y Cecil Helman. El enfoque segmentado de tres ejes refleja algunas tivas sobre los conceptos clave de cultura y etnografía. También fue evidente por los impases generados por el esfuerzo académico del sistema médico al estudiar otros sistemas de atención, una claratendencia a recurrir a generalizaciones, concepción estratigráfica y consensus gentium, típico de laetnografía colonialista, abordando el compromiso ético y la autorreflexividad de investigador comosoluciones. Termina con una aproximación entre las teorías de Cecil Helman sobre las causas de laenfermedad y el conocimiento e interpretación de Clifford Geertz de los sentidos, valores, comportamientos y conocimiento local. Por lo tanto, creemos que el artículo complementa los debates en el área de etnografía, sentidos de la enfermedad y salud, estandarizados en la Antropología de la Salud-enfermedad. (AU)

Este artigo tem como objetivo promover exploração conceitual na literatura de Antropologia Médica ou da Saúde e Antropologia Interpretativa, aproximando as perspectivas de CliffordJames Geertz e Cecil Helman. A abordagem segmentada em três eixos reflete algumas perspectivassobre os conceitos-chave cultura e etnografia. Evidenciou-se ainda a partir dos impasses geradospelo esforço acadêmico do sistema médico ao estudar outros sistemas de cuidado, clara tendência arecorrer a generalizações, concepção estratigráfica e consensus gentium, típicos da etnografia colonialista, abordando-se o compromisso ético e a autorreflexividade do pesquisador como soluções.Encerra-se com uma aproximação entre as teorias sobre causas do adoecimento de Cecil Helman eo conhecimento e interpretação dos sentidos, valores, condutas e saber local de Clifford Geertz. Diante disso, acreditamos que o artigo complementa os debates na área da etnografia, sentidos do adoecimento e saúde, estandardizados na Antropologia da Saúde-doença. (AU)

Humans , Anthropology, Medical/history , Anthropology, Cultural/history
Psicol. USP ; 342023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1443117


O nome próprio, para além de designativo de uma identidade transmitida intergeracionalmente, pode abrigar memórias sociais consubstanciais às representações de uma genealogia familiar, entrecruzada a processos históricos transgeracionais. Neste estudo de caso, as ressonâncias de sentidos atrelados ao significante "Terena" são analisadas à luz do processo social onomástico de transformação de etnônimos em sobrenomes, com base em fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos etnopsicanalíticos. Encontrou-se não haver transparência nem correspondência linear, pelo menos neste caso, entre o significante Terena na qualidade de etnônimo e na condição de sobrenome familiar, ficando em aberto em que medida a sua multivocidade se prende ao recalque da memória familiar e/ou a resistências a uma identificação genealógica que em diferentes momentos históricos terá assumido valorações distintas e eventualmente antagônicas

The proper name, in addition to designating an identity transmitted intergenerationally, can harbor social memories consubstantial with the representations of a family genealogy, intertwined with transgenerational historical processes. In this case study, the resonances of meanings linked to the signifier "Terena" are analyzed in the light of the onomastic social process of transforming ethnonyms into surnames, based on ethnopsychoanalytic theoretical and methodological foundations. It was found that there was no transparency or linear correspondence, at least in this case, between the signifier Terena as an ethnonym and the same as a family surname, leaving open the extent to which its multivocality is linked to the repression of family memory and/or to resistance to a genealogical identification that at different historical moments will have assumed different and eventually antagonistic valuations

Le nom propre, en plus de désigner une identité transmise intergénérationnellement, peut abriter des mémoires sociales consubstantielles aux représentations d'une généalogie familiale, entremêlées de processus historiques transgénérationnels. Dans cette étude de cas, les résonances des significations liées au signifiant « Terena ¼ sont analysées à la lumière du processus social onomastique de transformation des ethnonymes en noms de famille, sur la base de fondements théoriques et méthodologiques ethnopsychanalytiques. Il a été constaté qu'il n'y avait pas de transparence ou de correspondance linéaire, du moins dans ce cas, entre le signifiant Terena en tant qu'ethnonyme et le même en tant que nom de famille, laissant ouverte la mesure dans laquelle sa multivocalité est liée au refoulement de la mémoire familiale et /ou à la résistance à une identification généalogique qui, à différents moments historiques, aura assumé des valorisations différentes et éventuellement antagonistes

El nombre propio, además de designar una identidad transmitida intergeneracionalmente, puede albergar memorias sociales consustanciales a las representaciones de una genealogía familiar, entrelazadas con procesos históricos transgeneracionales. En este estudio de caso se analizan las resonancias de significados vinculados al significante "Terena" a la luz del proceso social onomástico de transformación de etnónimos en apellidos, a partir de fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos etnopsicoanalíticos. Se constató que no existe transparencia ni correspondencia lineal, al menos en este caso, entre el significante Terena como etnónimo y el mismo como apellido familiar, dejando abierta la medida en que su multivocalidad está ligada a la represión de la memoria familiar y /oa la resistencia a una identificación genealógica que en diferentes momentos históricos habrá asumido valoraciones distintas y eventualmente antagónicas

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , American Indian or Alaska Native , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Names , Ethnicity
Cult. cuid ; 25(60): 186-192, Jul 25, 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-216841


En este documento se realiza una revisión y reflexión sobre los inicios de laAntropología en España a mediados del siglo XX. En dicho análisis reflexivo se realizaen una recensión de una obra del antropólogo Joan Prat Carós, catedrático emérito deAntropología en la Universidad Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona (España). En este ensayo,se aborda especialmente el contexto histórico español de la época y los primeros autoresque hicieron trabajo antropológico en España, así como el germen de la consolidación dela disciplina académicamente en dicho país.(AU)

This paper is a review and reflection on the beginnings of Anthropology in Spainin the mid-twentieth century. In this reflexive analysis it is carried out in a review of awork by anthropologist Joan Prat Carós, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at theRovira i Virgili University of Tarragona (Spain). In this essay, the Spanish historicalcontext of the time and the first authors who did anthropological work in Spain, as wellas the germ of the consolidation of the discipline academically in that country, arespecially addressed.(AU)

Neste breve ensaio, eu faço uma revisão e reflexão sobre os começos daAntropologia na Espanha nos meados do século XX. É uma recensão de um trabalho doJoan Prat Carós, professor universitário emérito da Universidade Rovira i Virgili emTarragona (A Espanha). O contexto histórico espanhol desse momento, os autores quefaçerom as primeiras pesquisas na Espanha, assim como o germe da consolidação daAntropologia, são especialmente tratados neste documento.(AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , Anthropology/history , History , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Spain
Forensic Sci Int ; 325: 110879, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34174769


Tsantsas are shrunken human heads originally made for ceremonial purposes by Amazonian indigenous groups of the Shuar and Achuar family, previously called Jivaroan tribes. A significant demand of these objects during the first half of the 20th century led to the manufacture of counterfeit shrunken heads for commercial purposes. For museums where these collections are held, as well as for the indigenous groups who claim their ownership, it is important to identify the origin and authenticity of these tsantsas. We hypothesized that a collection of 14 tsantsas from 3 different museum collections in Ecuador are human and aimed to characterize their sex and potential origin. We amplified the amelogenin gene and performed a high resolution melting analysis to determine their human origin and characterize their sex. We also analyzed a fragment (16209-16402) from the HVR-1 region to identify the mtDNA haplogroups present in the tsantsa collection. Our exploratory results show that all the tsantsas are human and that the collection is comprised of 13 males and 1 female. A total of seven mtDNA haplogroups were found among the tsantsa collection using the mtDNA EMPOP database. These results show a predominance of the Amerindian mtDNA haplogroups B, C and D. Additional principal component analysis, genetic distance tree and haplotype network analyses suggest a relationship between the tsantsa specimens and Native American groups.

Amelogenin/genetics , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , Sex Determination Analysis , Skull , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Ecuador , Ethnicity/genetics , Female , Forensic Genetics , Haplotypes , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Humans , Male , Museums
Temperamentum (Granada) ; 16: e13170-e13170, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-197655


INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde su origen endémico en la India el cólera-morbo asiático se desbordó sobre el mundo en su primera pandemia durante la tercera década del siglo XIX, para entonces el desconocimiento etiológico y terapéutico era total. Objetivo principal: Investigando la posición científica, el interés se centra en los presupuestos teóricos desde los que se afrontó la gran incógnita del cólera durante su primera visita a España en los años 1833 y 1834. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de corte histórico estructurado en una serie de operaciones destinada a analizar las publicaciones de médicos que convivieron y trataron la enfermedad. La búsqueda se ha realizado en el catálogo de la Hemeroteca Digital de la Biblioteca Nacional (HDBN) de España. Resultados y DISCUSIÓN: En base a criterios de inclusión y exclusión se eligieron 12 monografías que muestran las teorías patogénicas, sintomatología, pronóstico, medidas de prevención, terapéutica y cuidados. CONCLUSIONES: Dentro de la controversia entre contagionistas-anticontagionistas, y tras la convivencia con la enfermedad cada uno de ellos redactan su experiencia

INTRODUCTION: Since its endemic origin in India, the Asian cholera-morbidity overwhelmed the world in its first pandemic during the third decade of the XIX century, by then the etiological and therapeutic ignorance was total. MAIN OBJECTIVE: Investigating the scientific position, the interest is focused on the theoretical assumptions from which the great unknown of cholera was faced during his first visit to Spain in 1833 and 1834. METHODOLOGY: A historical study structured in a series of operations aimed at analyzing the publications of doctors who lived with and treated the disease. The search was carried out in the catalog of the Digital Hemeroteca of the National Library (HDBN) of Spain. Results and DISCUSSION: Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 monographs were chosen that show the pathogenic theories, symptoms, prognosis, preventive measures, therapy and care. CONCLUSIONS: Within the controversy between contagionists-anticontagionists, and after living with the disease, each of them write their experience

Humans , Cholera/epidemiology , Cholera/history , Pandemics/history , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Prognosis , Cholera/prevention & control , Nursing Theory
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-191059


Este trabalho analisará o significado das coleções reunidas em duas séries de expedições científicas realizadas no Brasil, desde o início até meados do século XX. Em primeiro lugar, trata-se de analisar as coleções reunidas durante a chamada Comissão Rondon, na verdade, várias expedições, realizadas entre 1907 e 1915, no início do período republicano no Brasil, período fortemente marcado pelo pensamento positivista. Tinha o objetivo de demarcar estações telegráficas, criando intercomunicação entre os diversos Estados do País e destes com a capital federal e ou o mundo. Em segundo lugar serão consideradas as expedições lideradas pelo antropólogo Luiz de Castro Faria, durante as décadas de 1940 e 1950, no litoral do país, desde o Rio Grande do Sul, até a Bahia. Nesta série, será considerada ainda a conhecida expedição à Serra do Norte, no Mato Grosso, em 1938, cujo chefe foi Claude Lévi-Straus e da qual Castro Faria participou como representante do Museu Nacional e do Conselho de Fiscalização das Expedições Artísticas e Científicas. As coleções reunidas em ambas as séries de expedições destinaram-se ao Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro

This work will analyze the meaning of the collections gathered in two series of scientific expeditions carried out in Brazil from the early to the mid-twentieth century. First, it will present the collections gathered during the so-called Rondon Commission, that comprises, in fact, several expeditions held between 1907 and 1915 at the beginning of the republican period in Brazil, a period strongly marked by positivist thinking. The main objective was to construct telegraph lines in order to create intercommunication between the various States of the country and these with the federal capital and or the world. Second, it will approach the expeditions led by the anthropologist Luiz de Castro Faria, during the 1940s and 1950s, along the coast of the country, from Rio Grande do Sul to Bahia. Also, will be considered in this series, the well-known expedition to the Serra do Norte, in Mato Grosso, in 1938, whose head was Claude Lévi-Straus and of which Castro Faria participated as representative of the National Museum and of the Council of Inspection of the Artistic and Scientific Expeditions. The collections assembled in both series of expeditions were destined for the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro

No disponible

Humans , Collections as Topic , Expeditions/history , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Natural History/history , Social Construction of Ethnic Identity , Brazil , History, 20th Century , Amazonian Ecosystem
Eur. j. anat ; 23(supl.1): 67-72, jun. 2019.
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-183850


Santiago Ramón y Cajal is well-known for his work on histology and pathological anatomy, but his scientific restlessness led him to become involved in many other fields, on which his influence also left its mark. His reputation as a histologist has concealed the other disciplines in which he took an active part, particularly after he received the Nobel Prize for Medicine that he shared with Golgi in 1906. Ramón y Cajal was a true humanist who excelled in many fields, today considered as very different disciplines. In some cases, the role he played in the development of these other disciplines has not been studied in all its depth, although his foray into the field of photography has indeed been analysed, for example. More recently, his work as a psychologist has also been published, since Ramón y Cajal came to refute the psychoanalytic theory that Freud was spreading at that time. Less attention has been paid to his involvement in the development of other disciplines that at that time were also included in the field of Natural Sciences, such as Paleontology, Prehistory and Anthropology, and especially as a result of his position as director of the different institutions that he came to preside, especially after receiving the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This, then, is the objective of our contribution. Although he was most notable for his management as president of the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios (Committee for Extension of Studies and Scientific Research- JAE), we should not forget that he was also president of the Spanish Society of Natural History, director of the Laboratory for Biological Research, and honorary president of the Spanish Society of Anthropology, Ethnography and Prehistory. In all these institutions he played an outstanding role

No disponible

Biology/history , Anthropology/history , Archaeology/history , Psychology/history , Paleontology/history , Societies/history , Anthropology, Cultural/history
Commun Biol ; 2: 185, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31123709


Human demography research in grounded on the information derived from ancient DNA and archaeology. For example, the study on the early postglacial dual-route colonisation of the Scandinavian Peninsula is largely based on associating genomic data with the early dispersal of lithic technology from the East European Plain. However, a clear connection between material culture and genetics has been lacking. Here, we demonstrate that direct connection by analysing human DNA from chewed birch bark pitch mastics. These samples were discovered at Huseby Klev in western Sweden, a Mesolithic site with eastern lithic technology. We generated genome-wide data for three individuals, and show their affinity to the Scandinavian hunter-gatherers. Our samples date to 9880-9540 calBP, expanding the temporal range and distribution of the early Scandinavian genetic group. We propose that DNA from ancient mastics can be used to study environment and ecology of prehistoric populations.

DNA, Ancient/isolation & purification , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Betula/chemistry , Chewing Gum/history , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , DNA, Mitochondrial/history , Genetics, Population/history , History, Ancient , Human Migration/history , Humans , Mastic Resin/history , Resins, Plant/history , Scandinavian and Nordic Countries
Int J Paleopathol ; 25: 99-109, 2019 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29907541


This essay describes the potential for using ethnographic evidence and mummified tattooed skin to reflect on past therapeutic tattoo practice in the Arctic. It also considers the ways in which circumpolar concepts of disease emerged in relation to the agency of nonhuman entities. I argue that specific forms of curative tattooing offer interpretive models for the paleopathological and bioarchaeological study of care through an ontological framework of analysis.

Anthropology, Cultural/history , Archaeology , Medicine, Traditional/history , Mummies/history , Tattooing/history , Arctic Regions , Biological Ontologies , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Female , Health Services/history , History, Medieval , Humans , Indigenous Peoples , Male , Skin
Int J Health Serv ; 48(4): 716-734, 2018 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30213246


Brock Chisholm, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the early 1950s, was heard to say that "one cultural anthropologist [Cora Du Bois] was worth one hundred malaria teams." Paul Russell, the leading malariologist at the time, responded (privately in his diary) that Chisholm's remark was the sort that "one might expect from a psychiatrist planning a world health program." George Foster reported that Du Bois "was completely disgusted with" her stay at WHO. "They never asked her to do anything. She never followed up." Chisholm was not the only one who appreciated her contribution to the work of WHO; other WHO programs and offices would have welcomed her contribution. However, by operating out of WHO's South-East Asia Regional Office (SEARO), she found herself isolated with little chance of her work being reviewed favorably, i.e., the "wrong place."

Anthropology, Cultural/history , History, 20th Century , Humans , World Health Organization
Rev. med. Rosario ; 83(3): 128-132, sep.-dic. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-973317


En el año del centenario de la inauguración del edificio propio de la Liga Argentina contra la Tuberculosis, este artículo analiza en una primera parte las razones de su localización en la ciudad de Rosario a principios del siglo XX; y en una segunda parte el discurso a favor de este proyecto desde las páginas de la Revista Médica de Rosario con el objetivo de mostrar la existencia de una particular forma de entender la atención de la salud.

At the year of the centennial inauguration of the Liga Argentina contra la Tuberculosis house, this article firstly analyzes the purpose of its location in Rosario city at the beginning of the twentieth century; secondly, the speech from the Revista Médica de Rosario in order to show a particular way of understanding the health assistance.

Humans , Dispensatory/history , Primary Health Care/history , Tuberculosis/history , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Communicable Diseases/history , Cultural Factors , Hospitals/history , Social Medicine
Salud Colect ; 13(2): 279-293, 2017.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28832824


The autoethnographic method has been an important contribution to the development of medical anthropology in Spain. This article first reviews and explores documents published before 1980 that are usually classified as literature and autobiography and are linked to the health-disease-care process, a paradigmatic example of which is Ramona Via's diary Com neixen els Catalans [How Catalans are born] published in 1972. The second part of the article is focused on contributions carried out since the 1980s using the concept of autoethnography, which have as their object the body, health and illness based on a subjective ethnographic experience. This period, unlike the first, is characterized by the emergence of anthropologist authors who have promoted the development of this method, legitimized by the Tarragona School and substantialized in the first Spanish conference of autoethnography in 2015.

Anthropology, Cultural/history , Anthropology, Medical/history , Autobiographies as Topic , Medicine in Literature/history , Narrative Medicine , Anthropology, Cultural/methods , Anthropology, Medical/methods , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Spain
Asclepio ; 69(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-164630


Se ha señalado reiteradamente que Vicente Riva Palacio y Andrés Molina Enríquez fueron influidos por las ideas de Darwin al desarrollar sus propios conceptos raciales sobre el mestizo mexicano. Sin embargo, después de analizar dichas ideas tanto en su contexto biológico original como en el ámbito social al que fueron trasplantadas, concluimos que tal afirmación solo puede aceptarse en un sentido laxo. Su tesis sobre la superioridad del mestizo se sustentó más en concepciones lineales de la evolución y en mixtificaciones propias que en el modelo darwinista de selección natural. Conocer las repercusiones del darwinismo fuera de su ámbito original contribuye a entender cómo se dio el complejo e inevitable interjuego entre ciencia, sociedad y política. Aunque la apropiación que hicieron Riva Palacio y Molina de las ideas darwinistas no tuvo rigor conceptual ni metodológico, contribuyó a la construcción ideológica del mestizo como una raza evolutivamente avanzada. Esta tesis contrasta con la que prevaleció en otros países latinoamericanos, donde se concibió al mestizo como la personificación de la degeneración racial (AU)

It has been repeatedly pointed out that Vicente Riva Palacio and Andrés Molina Enríquez were influenced by Darwin’s ideas to develop their own racial concepts regarding the Mexican half-blood. However, after analysing said ideas both in their original biological context as in the social context they were transferred to, it is concluded that this affirmation can only be accepted sensu lato. Their thesis about the superiority of the half-blood is more strongly based on lineal conceptions of evolution and their own alterations than in the Darwinist model of natural selection. It is important to know the influence of Darwinism outside its original context as it helps to understand how the complex and unavoidable exchanges among science, society and politics occurred. Their appropriation of the Darwinist ideas may not be conceptually or methodologically accurate, but it contributed to the ideological construction of the half-blood as an advanced race in terms of evolution. This thesis contrasts with the most prevailing one in other Latin American countries, where the half-bloods were perceived as the personification of a racial degeneration (AU)

Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , 50262 , Genealogy and Heraldry , Racism/ethnology , Racism/history , Racism/prevention & control , Cultural Diversity , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Phobic Disorders/history , Mexico/ethnology
Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiquiatr ; 37(131): 63-78, ene.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-163278


A partir de una etnografía realizada en Barcelona y Tarragona entre 2013 y 2014 se problematizan las interacciones y relaciones de personas diagnosticadas con trastorno mental grave y sus familiares en el espacio doméstico. A través de una comparación de las dinámicas y lógicas del hospital mental extraídas de las etnografías del custodialismo y las del espacio doméstico, se pone de relieve la proyección y reproducción de dinámicas manicomiales en el ámbito familiar. Desde una lectura cultural del espacio doméstico, los ejemplos etnográficos sirven para argumentar que el modelo de externalización actual perpetúa la cronificación y la hospitalización doméstica de los pacientes (AU)

Based on an ethnography carried out in Barcelona and Tarragona between 2013 and 2014, this article problematizes the interactions and relationships of people diagnosed with severe mental disorder and their relatives at home. Through a comparison of the dynamics and logics of the mental hospital as described in classic ethnographies of mental asylums and those of domestic spaces, the projection and reproduction of asylum features at home are highlighted. From a cultural perspective of the domestic space, these ethnographic examples suggest that the current externalized model of psychiatric care causes domestic hospitalization and tends to perpetuate the patient’s chronification (AU)

Humans , Anthropology, Cultural/history , Anthropology, Cultural/organization & administration , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Mental Disorders/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Custodial Care , 34999 , Deinstitutionalization/history , Deinstitutionalization/organization & administration , Institutionalization/methods