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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53140, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1431113


RESUMO Os estudos existentes acerca da revelação da violência sexual são, em sua maioria, baseados em casos de meninas. À vista disso, objetivou-se conhecer as reações protetivas e não protetivas de mães e pais diante da revelação de meninos vítimas de violência sexual. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, por meio de entrevistas, com nove mães. Em seguida, efetuou-se a análise temática dos dados, que resultou em seis temas: momento da revelação; confiança e desconfiança; acolhimento; busca de ajuda; emoções; e proteção. Tomados em conjunto, os resultados indicam que as mães apresentaram, no geral, reações protetivas diante da revelação, evidentes em todos os temas identificados. A partir do momento da revelação, as mães confiaram nos seus filhos e buscaram acolhê-los por meio de uma escuta atenta, também, cabe dizer, algumas entraram em estado de paralisia e entristecimento. Esse acolhimento foi seguido de busca de informações e de atendimento especializado. A proteção ocorreu, ainda, por meio do afastamento dos agressores e monitoramento da rotina dos filhos. Nesse sentido, é fundamental que haja investimento em ações de conscientização sobre os serviços disponíveis para que cuidadores possam proteger crianças e adolescentes em risco. Além disso, são necessárias intervenções que visem auxiliá-los no manejo de seus sentimentos diante da revelação, bem como em relação às consequências da violência para crianças e adolescentes.

RESUMEN. Los estudios existentes sobre divulgación de violencia sexual se basan principalmente en casos de niñas. El objetivo era conocer las reacciones protectoras y no protectoras de madres y padres ante la revelación de niños que son víctimas de violencia sexual. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, a través de entrevistas con nueve madres. Se llevó a cabo un análisis temático de datos, que resultó en seis temas: momento de revelación, confianza y desconfianza, acogida, búsqueda de ayuda, emociones y protección. Los resultados indican que las madres mostraron reacciones protectoras a la revelación, evidente en todos los temas. Desde el momento de la revelación, las madres confiaron en sus hijos y trataron de recibirlos escuchando atentamente, algunos de los cuales entraron en un estado de parálisis y tristeza. Siguió la búsqueda de información y asistencia especializada. La protección también se produjo mediante la eliminación de agresores y el monitoreo de la rutina de los niños. Es necesario invertir en acciones de concientización sobre los servicios disponibles. Además, se necesitan intervenciones para ayudarlos a manejar sus sentimientos ante la divulgación.

ABSTRACT. Studies on the disclosure of sexual violence are majorly based on cases involving girls. The objective was to investigate protective and non-protective reactions of mothers and fathers of boys towards the disclosure of sexual violence victimization. In this qualitative research, we interviewed nine mothers and analyzed the data using thematic analysis, which resulted in six themes: moment of disclosure, trust and distrust, welcoming, help seeking, emotions, and protection. Altogether, results showed that mothers, in general, presented protective reactions towards the disclosure, which was evident in all identified themes. After disclosure, mothers trusted their sons and sought to protect them by attentive listening, although some of them entered a state of paralysis and sadness. This welcoming of their sons' disclosure was followed by seeking information and specialized treatment. Protection was also identified by withdrawing from aggressors and monitoring the boys' routines. Thus, it is necessary to invest in actions to raise awareness of the available services so that caretakers can protect children and adolescents at risk. In addition, interventions are required to assist them to manage their feelings towards disclosure, as well as the consequences of violence for children and adolescents.

Humans , Male , Child , Adult , Sex Offenses/psychology , Disclosure , Awareness , Child Abuse, Sexual/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Caregivers , Crime Victims/psychology , Trust/psychology , Emotions , User Embracement , Help-Seeking Behavior , Sadness/psychology , Mothers
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53215, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1514628


RESUMO O presente estudo objetivou investigar as funções parentais em casais homossexuais masculinos com bebês a partir das teorizações de Winnicott. Trata-se de um estudo de casos com dois casais de homens, um deles adotou a filha logo após seu nascimento, a qual estava com dois anos e cinco meses na época do estudo, e outro recorreu à barriga solidária, cujo filho já estava com um ano e três meses. Foram realizadas entrevistas conjunta e individualmente. Os relatos foram submetidos à análise temática, investigando-se aspectos da prática da parentalidade. Os resultados demonstraram que o vínculo pais-filho(a) foi construído a partir dos cuidados cotidianos, que os casais buscaram dividir de forma igualitária. Foi possível identificar em cada participante tanto aspectos da função materna propostas por Winnicott, quanto da função paterna. Os achados indicam que as funções que os adultos exercem junto aos bebês, mais do que materna e paterna, são funções parentais que independem do gênero ou da orientação sexual do cuidador.

RESUMEN El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las funciones de los padres en parejas homosexuales masculinas con bebés basándose en las teorizaciones de Winnicott. Este es un estudio de caso con dos parejas de hombres, una de las cuales adoptó a su hija poco después del nacimiento, que tenía 2 años y 5 meses en el momento del estudio, y otra recurrió a la subrogación, cujo hijo ya tenía 1 año y 3 meses. Las entrevistas se realizaron de forma conjunta e individual. Los informes fueron sometidos a análisis temático, investigando aspectos de la practica de la parentalidad. Los resultados mostraron que el vínculo padre-hijo se construyó a partir del cuidado diario, que las parejas trataron de dividir en partes iguales. Fue posible identificar en cada participante ambos aspectos de la función materna propuesto por Winnicott y de la función paterna. Los resultados indican que las funciones que los adultos desempeñan con los bebés, en lugar de maternas o paternas, son funciones parentales que son independientes del género o la orientación sexual del cuidador.

ABSTRACT. The present study aimed to investigate parental functions in male homosexual couples with babies based on Winnicott's theorizations. This is a case study with two male couples, one who adopted their daughter right after her birth, wich was 2 years and 5 months old at the time of the study, and another that resort on surrogacy, with a child of 1 year and 3 months. Interviews were conducted jointly and individually. Participants' reports were submitted to thematic analysis, investigating aspects of parenting practice. The results showed that the parent-child bond was built from daily care, which the couples sought to divide equally. It was possible to identify in each participant both aspects of the maternal and paternal functions proposed by Winnicott. The findings indicate that the functions that adults carry out with infants, rather than maternal and paternal ones, are parental functions that are independent of the gender or the sexual orientation of the caregiver.

Humans , Male , Adult , Family Relations/psychology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Child, Adopted/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Child Care/psychology , Child Rearing/psychology , Family Characteristics , Father-Child Relations
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e59012, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1376057


RESUMO. Neste texto, nossa atenção está voltada para entender como as relações de cuidado entre pais, filhos e filhas se materializam nos espaços. A intenção é compreender como as relações de cuidar se espacializam e como uma geografia dos cuidados engendrada pelos pais constitui uma geografia das parentalidades. Trazemos para o debate as pesquisas de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre as famílias eslovenas que foram apagadas pela história, pelos instrumentos oficiais de cidadania e pela Lei de Estrangeiros e como isso afetou as relações de cuidado dos pais com seus filhos e suas filhas. Dando continuidade ao texto, apresentamos um tema que tem sido recorrente em nossas investigações, agora em território brasileiro: as práticas das benzedeiras e benzedores. Os trabalhos de Pereira e Gomes (2018) e Lopes (1998) nos ajudam a compreender melhor esses sujeitos que exercem os rituais de cura - que podem ser considerados práticas de cuidado - em que o benzedor vai forjando ao seu redor uma teia de proteção. Relacionando a figura do pai com a do benzedor, analisamos o personagem Zeca Chapéu Grande, do romance Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como uma representação possível desse sujeito que cuida de seus próprios filhos e filhas, ao mesmo tempo em que exerce uma paternidade que se expande para além de sua casa, abarcando todos aqueles que o procuram em busca de cuidado e proteção. Assim, ao longo do texto, a intenção foi evidenciar as relações entre pais e filhos e filhas que se dão nos espaços de suas vidas e como os pais vão criando uma geografia de cuidado em seu entorno.

RESUMEN. En este texto nuestra atención se centra en comprender cómo se materializan en los espacios las relaciones de cuidado entre padres, hijos e hijas. La intención es comprender cómo las relaciones de cuidado se vuelven espaciales, comprender cómo una geografía del cuidado engendrada por los padres constituye una geografía de la paternidad. Traemos al debate la investigación de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre las familias eslovenas que fueron borradas por la historia, los instrumentos oficiales de ciudadanía y la Ley de Extranjería y cómo afectó las relaciones de cuidado de los padres con sus hijos e hijas. Continuando con el texto, presentamos un tema que ha venido siendo recurrente en nuestras investigaciones, ahora en territorio brasileño: las prácticas de los curanderos y bendectores. Los trabajos de Pereira y Gomes (2018) y Lopes (1998) nos ayudan a comprender mejor a estos sujetos que ejercen rituales curativos, que pueden considerarse prácticas de cuidado, en las que el bendector forja a su alrededor una red de protección. Relacionando la figura del padre con la de lo bendector, analizamos al personaje Zeca Chapéu Grande, de la novela Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como una posible representación de este sujeto que cuida a sus propios hijos e hijas al mismo tiempo que tiene una paternidad en expansión más allá de hogar, abrazando a todos aquellos que buscan cuidado y protección. Así, a lo largo del texto, la intención fue resaltar las relaciones entre padres e hijos e hijas que se dan en los espacios de sus vidas y cómo los padres están creando una geografía del cuidado en su entorno.

ABSTRACT. In this text, our attention is focused on understanding how the care relationships between parents, sons and daughters materialize in spaces. The objective is to understand how care relationships become spatial, to understand how a geography of care generated by parents constitutes a geography of parenting. We submit to the discussion Aitken's research (2019a, 2019b) on the Slovenian families that were erased by history, by the official instruments of citizenship and by the Foreigners' Law and how this affected care relationships between parents and their children. Further on, a recurrent topic is addressed in our research, now in Brazilian territory: the practices of healers and blessers. The works of Pereira and Gomes (2018) and Lopes (1998) help us to better understand these subjects who perform healing rituals—which can be considered care practices—in which the blesser raises around them a web of protection. Relating the figure of the father to that of the blesser, we analyze the character Zeca Chapéu Grande, from the novel Torto arado, by Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), as a possible representation of this subject who takes care of his own children while expanding paternity beyond his home, embracing all those who seek care and protection from him. Thus, throughout the text, the intention is to highlight the relationships between parents and children that occur in their living spaces and how parents are creating a geography of care in their surroundings.

Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Parent-Child Relations , Religion , Ceremonial Behavior , Child , Parenting , Paternity , Territoriality , Family/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Culture , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Ethnic Violence/ethics , Cultural Rights , Geography/ethics
Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet ; 43(5): 362-367, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34182580


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study is to explain the barriers to puberty talk between mothers and daughters. METHODS: In the present study, the conventional content analysis method was used. The present study was conducted from September 2018 to August 2019 in Iran. The study population consisted of mothers and adolescent girls. The data was collected using purposeful sampling method. The sample consisted of 4 mothers and 6 girls that were interviewed using semistructured interviews. Data collection continued until data saturation was achieved. Data analysis was conducted as described by Graneheim et al. using NVivo 11 software. RESULTS: In the present study, after exploring the views of the participants about barriers to puberty talk between mothers and daughters, one dominant theme emerged. Puberty talk is seen as an "inappropriate talk with a girl." There were several subthemes, including "lack of mother's awareness regarding the school role, the busy schedule of the mother, and the adoption of alternatives to mother's talk with girls". CONCLUSIONS: Different sociocultural factors affect puberty talk between mothers and adolescent girls. It is important that mothers and policy makers take these barriers into account.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Mothers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Puberty/physiology , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Interviews as Topic , Mother-Child Relations , Puberty/psychology , Qualitative Research
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;43(5): 362-367, May 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288561


Abstract Objective The aim of the present study is to explain the barriers to puberty talk between mothers and daughters. Methods In the present study, the conventional content analysis method was used. The present study was conducted from September 2018 to August 2019 in Iran. The study population consisted of mothers and adolescent girls. The data was collected using purposeful sampling method. The sample consisted of 4 mothers and 6 girls that were interviewed using semistructured interviews. Data collection continued until data saturation was achieved. Data analysis was conducted as described by Graneheimet al. using NVivo 11 software. Results In the present study, after exploring the views of the participants about barriers to puberty talk between mothers and daughters, one dominant theme emerged. Puberty talk is seen as an "inappropriate talk with a girl." There were several subthemes, including "lack of mother's awareness regarding the school role, the busy schedule of the mother, and the adoption of alternatives to mother's talk with girls". Conclusions Different sociocultural factors affect puberty talk between mothers and adolescent girls. It is important thatmothers and policymakers take these barriers intoaccount.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Nuclear Family/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Puberty/physiology , Mothers/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Puberty/psychology , Qualitative Research , Mother-Child Relations
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 26: e47361, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1351353


RESUMO. Transtornos alimentares, como a bulimia, são psicopatologias de etiologia multifatorial que têm nas relações familiares um dos principais fatores desencadeadores e mantenedores dos sintomas. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as vivências das relações familiares na perspectiva de uma jovem diagnosticada com bulimia, de sua mãe e seu pai. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo, descritivo e transversal, cujo delineamento abarca a tríade pai-mãe-filha. Foram entrevistados três membros de uma família (pai, mãe e filha diagnosticada com bulimia). Os dados foram coletados por meio de roteiros de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados pela perspectiva do referencial teórico psicanalítico, a partir da construção de categorias temáticas. Os resultados mostraram que, assim como a filha, os pais também apresentaram fragilidades no seu desenvolvimento emocional, culminando em dificuldades no estabelecimento da diferenciação eu-outro nos membros da família. Essas dificuldades culminaram em vivências familiares de instabilidade, com vínculos de dependência impregnados por sensações paradoxais de invasão da intimidade e sentimentos de desamparo. Os resultados encontrados trazem avanços para o conhecimento da área, em especial no nível da compreensão das relações familiares no contexto da bulimia, e oferecem subsídios para o planejamento de ações e intervenções dos profissionais envolvidos na assistência a pacientes e familiares.

RESUMEN. Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, como bulimia, son psicopatologías de etiología multifactorial que tienen las relaciones familiares como uno de los principales factores desencadenantes y mantenedores de los síntomas. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar las vivencias de las relaciones familiares en la perspectiva de una joven diagnosticada con bulimia, de su madre y de su padre. Se trata de un estudio de caso cualitativo, descriptivo y transversal, con delineamiento compuesto por la tríada padre-madre-hija. Se entrevistaron a tres miembros de una familia (padre, madre e hija diagnosticada con bulimia). Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de guiones de entrevista semiestructurada y analizados por la perspectiva del referencial teórico psicoanalítico, a partir de la construcción de categorías temáticas. Los resultados mostraron que, al igual que la hija, los padres también presentaron fragilidades en su desarrollo emocional, culminando en dificultades en el establecimiento de la diferenciación yo-otro en esos miembros de la familia. Estas dificultades culminaron en vivencias familiares de inestabilidad, con vínculos de dependencia impregnados por sensaciones paradójales de invasión de la intimidad y sentimientos de desamparo. Los resultados encontrados contribuyen con avances en el conocimiento del área, en especial en el nivel de la comprensión de las relaciones familiares en el contexto de la bulimia, y ofrecen subsidios para acciones e intervenciones de los profesionales involucrados en la asistencia a pacientes y familiares.

ABSTRACT Eating disorders, such as bulimia, are psychopathologies of multifactorial etiology that have one of the primary triggerings and sustaining factors for symptoms in family relationships. This study aimed to analyze the experiences of family relationships from the perspective of a young woman diagnosed with bulimia, her mother and her father, who were interviewed. This is a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional case study whose design encompasses the father-mother-daughter triad. Data were collected through semi-structured interview scripts and analyzed from the perspective of the psychoanalytic theoretical framework, based on the construction of thematic categories. The results showed that, as the daughter, her parents also showed weaknesses in their emotional development, culminating in difficulties in establishing the self-other differentiation in these family members. These difficulties arose instability in family experiences, with dependence bonds permeated by paradoxical feelings of invasion of intimacy and helplessness. The results expand the knowledge of the field, especially in terms of understanding family relationships in the context of bulimia, and provide support for the actions and interventions planning of professionals involved in caring for patients and their families.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Bulimia Nervosa/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Emotions
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 28: e36283, jan.-dez. 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1103400


Objetivo: analisar a influência das composições familiares na ocorrência da gravidez na adolescência. Método:estudo caso-controle, realizado com 74 gestantes adolescentes, grupo de casos, e 74 adultas jovens sem história pregressa de gravidez na adolescência, grupo controle, pareadas pela variável renda familiar. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas estruturadas realizadas no período deagosto a outubro de 2016 em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, e em seguida analisados pelos métodos estatísticos descritivo e inferencial. Resultados: identificou-se associação entre a ocorrência do desfecho com pertencer a famílias não nucleares, não permanecer a mesma família durante a infância e adolescência, e a constituição de uma família própria no período da adolescência. Conclusão:verificou-se que adolescentes inseridas em famílias não nucleares estão mais expostas a fatores de risco para ocorrência da gravidez na adolescência, quando comparadas às jovensprovenientes de famílias com ambos os pais.

Objective: to analyze the influence of family compositions in the occurrence of pregnancy in adolescence. Method:this is a case-control study performed with 74 pregnant adolescents, group of cases, and 74 young adults without background history of pregnancy during adolescence, group control, paired by family income. Data were collected through structured interviews conducted in the period from August to October 2016 in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, and then analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results:we identified an association between the occurrence of the outcome and the belonging to non-nuclear families, as well as the non-belonging to the same family during childhood and adolescence, besides the constitution of an own family in the period of adolescence. Conclusion: checked that adolescents inserted in nonnuclear families are more exposed to risk factors for the occurrence of pregnancy in adolescence when compared to young people coming from families with both parents.

Objetivo: analizar la influencia de las composiciones familiares en la ocurrencia del embarazo adolescente. Método: estudio caso-control efectuado con 74 adolescentes embarazadas, grupo de casos, y 74 jóvenes adultas sin historia anterior de embarazo en la adolescencia, grupo de control, agrupadas por sus ingresos familiares. Los datos se recopilaron mediante entrevistas estructuradas conducidas en el periodo de agosto a octubre de 2016 en Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, y posteriormente analizados por los métodos estadísticos descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados:se identificó una asociación entre la ocurrencia del desenlace y la pertenencia a las familias no nucleares, no permanencia en la misma familia durante niñez y adolescencia, y la constitución de una familia propia en el periodo de la adolescencia. Conclusion: comprobado eso que las adolescentes insertadas en familias no nucleares están más expuestas a los factores de riesgo para la ocurrencia del embarazo adolescente en comparación con las jóvenes provenientes de familias con ambos padres biológicos.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Young Adult , Pregnancy in Adolescence/psychology , Family Characteristics , Risk Factors , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Case-Control Studies , Father-Child Relations , Mother-Child Relations
Appetite ; 150: 104677, 2020 07 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32199929


Mothers are frequently seen as the gatekeepers of the transmission of food-related meanings and practices to their children, but little is known about how they transmit cooking-related aspects. This study aimed to understand the intergenerational transmission of cooking-related meanings and practices using a life course perspective and a constructivist grounded theory approach to present a substantive theory. The study was carried out in southern Brazil with 27 women. The core category Finding my own way in the kitchen from maternal influence and beyond is explained by four other categories. The first three show (1) that daughters implicitly and explicitly learn the idea of cooking responsibility from their mothers; (2) that mothers influence daughters by the way they involve children in the kitchen and by the feelings they express regarding cooking and (3) that daughters learn cooking practices observing their mother's cooking, cooking together, receiving instructions and eating their mother's food. The fourth category shows that daughters recreate what they learned from the mother according to their own life trajectories, social and historical context, and the people they interact with. Some of what they recreate is now part of their mothers' lives, resulting in a bidirectional influence. Strategies designed to encourage cooking need to challenge the view that the activity is solely a woman's responsibility, as well as communicate to the parents that their influence goes beyond transmitting cooking practices, as the attitudes and feelings they express towards cooking are also transferred.

Cooking , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Intergenerational Relations , Mothers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Adult , Aged , Brazil , Female , Focus Groups , Grounded Theory , Humans , Middle Aged , Mother-Child Relations , Qualitative Research , Young Adult
Ethn Health ; 25(4): 560-579, 2020 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29455566


Objective: First and second generation Mexican-origin adolescents in the U.S. face social and economic disadvantage and sexual health disparities. Although fathers can support child and adolescent development, the literature has portrayed Mexican-origin immigrant fathers as emotionally distant and sexist. This study aims to treat migration as a social determinant of health to examine father-daughter relationships and adolescent sexual health in Mexican-origin immigrant families.Methods: Integrating qualitative data from life history interviews with 21 Mexican-origin young women in immigrant families with quantitative data on first and second generation Mexican-origin young women in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, this study describes father-daughter relationships, examines the association between father-daughter relationships and daughters' early sexual initiation, and considers the impact of migration on the father-daughter relationship and sexual health among Mexican-origin young women.Results: Qualitative data identify four types of father-daughter relationships: 'good,' hostile, distant, and conflicted. Supporting the qualitative patterns, quantitative data find that positive or 'good' father-daughter relationship quality is significantly associated with reduced risk of early sexual initiation. Importantly, father-daughter separation across borders and economic inequality facing immigrant families is associated with hostile or distant father-daughter relationship quality and increased risk of early sexual initiation.Conclusions: Reports of good father-daughter relationships are common and may protect against early sexual initiation in Mexican-origin immigrant families. Policies that keep families together and reduce economic inequality among immigrants may also reduce sexual health disparities among immigrant adolescents.

Emigrants and Immigrants/statistics & numerical data , Fathers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Parent-Child Relations/ethnology , Sexual Health/ethnology , Adolescent , Adult , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Female , Health Surveys , Humans , Interviews as Topic , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Mexico/ethnology , United States
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e46906, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1135774


RESUMO. Este estudo investigou a trajetória de mulheres talentosas de acordo com o Mega-Modelo de Desenvolvimento de Talentos, concebido por Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius e Worrell (2011), analisando a relação existente entre as dimensões individuais, contextuais e interpessoais no seu percurso profissional. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas com mulheres eminentes em cinco áreas de atuação: educação, comunicação, recursos humanos, publicidade e literatura brasileira. Os resultados foram analisados conforme a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Verificou-se que independente da área em que atuam e de diferenças encontradas em relação à idade, formação educacional e estrutura familiar, fatores como resistência a estereótipos de gênero, trabalho como fonte de transformação social, presença de mentores, suporte emocional da família, oportunidades, otimismo e resiliência foram decisivos para a expressão e desenvolvimento de seus potenciais. Esses fatores foram classificados como facilitadores e variáveis de proteção frente às adversidades encontradas. Compreender o talento feminino envolve considerar a inter-relação das dimensões psicológicas, sociais e culturais.

RESUMEN. En este estudio se investigó la trayectoria de mujeres talentosas de acuerdo con el Mega-Modelo de Desarrollo de Talentos concebido por Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius y Worrell (2011), analizando la relación existente entre las dimensiones individuales, contextuales e interpersonales en su recorrido profesional. Se realizaron cinco entrevistas con mujeres eminentes en cinco áreas de actuación: educación, comunicación, recursos humanos, publicidad, y literatura brasileña. Los resultados fueron analizados conforme a la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos. Se verificó que independientemente del área en que actúan y de diferencias encontradas en relación a la edad, formación educativa y estructura familiar, factores como resistencia a estereotipos de género, trabajo como fuente de transformación social, presencia de mentores, apoyo familiar emocional, oportunidades, optimismo y resiliencia fueron decisivos para la expresión y el desarrollo de sus potenciales. Estos factores se clasificaron como facilitadores y variables de protección frente a las adversidades encontradas. Comprender el talento femenino implica considerar la interrelación de las dimensiones psicológicas, sociales y culturales.

ABSTRACT. This study investigated the trajectory of talented women according to the Mega-Model of Talent Development conceived by Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius and Worrell (2011), analyzing the relationship between individual, contextual and interpersonal dimensions in their professional career. Five interviews were conducted with eminent women in five areas: education, communication, human resources, advertising, and Brazilian literature. The results were analyzed according to the Grounded Theory. Regardless of the area where they work and the differences found in relation to age, educational background and family structure, factors such as resistance to gender stereotypes, work as a source of social transformation, presence of mentors, emotional family support, opportunities, optimism and resilience were decisive for the expression and development of their potentials. These factors were classified as facilitators and protection variables against the adversities faced in life. Understanding female talent involves considering the interrelationship of psychological, social, and cultural dimensions.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aptitude , Women, Working/psychology , Career Mobility , Nuclear Family/psychology , Workforce , Literature
Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;72(6): 1464-1470, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1042196


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the characteristics of bereaved caregivers submitted to post-loss music therapy. Method: This is a cross-sectional database from a randomized clinical trial that performed music therapy for caregivers who lost their loved ones to cancer. The following variables were used for this analysis: sociodemographic, religious beliefs, previous sound-musical experiences, and experiences related to care, loss and repair processes. Descriptive statistical analyzes were performed. Results: Of the 69 participants, 85.5% had a strong bond/secure attachment with their loved ones; 68.1% followed a long death and dying process (> 6 months), which was related to a chronic disease; 88.4% did not participate in conspiracy of silence, suggesting a satisfactory communication; 60.9% reported receiving spiritual/religious support, suggesting healthy and continent support; and all participated in funeral rites. Conclusion: The process of elaborating the bereavement of caregivers indicated the presence of protective factors.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir las características de los cuidadores sometidos a la musicoterapia durante el luto. Método: Se trata de un corte transversal del banco de datos de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, en el cual utilizó la musicoterapia en cuidadores que perdieron a sus seres queridos por cáncer. Para este análisis, se utilizaron las siguientes variables: sociodemográficas, creencias religiosas, experiencias sonoras y musicales previas, y vivencias relacionadas a los procesos de cuidado, pérdida y reparación. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: De los 69 participantes, el 85,5% tenían un vínculo fuerte/apego seguro con sus seres queridos; el 68,1% acompañaron un proceso de muerte y morir largo (> 6 meses), cuya muerte estuvo relacionada a una enfermedad crónica; el 88,4% no participaron en la conspiración de silencio, lo que sugiere una comunicación satisfactoria; el 60,9% estaban recibiendo apoyo espiritual/religioso, lo que sugiere un apoyo sano y contenido; y todos participaron en rituales fúnebres. Conclusión: El proceso de elaboración del luto de los cuidadores indicó la presencia de factores de protección.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características de cuidadores enlutados submetidos à musicoterapia pós-perda. Método: Trata-se de um corte transversal do banco de dados de um ensaio clínico randomizado que realizou musicoterapia para cuidadores que perderam seus entes queridos por câncer. Para esta análise utilizaram-se as seguintes variáveis: sociodemográficas, crenças religiosas, experiências sonoro-musicais pregressas e vivências relacionadas aos processos de cuidado, perda e reparação. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas. Resultados: Dos 69 participantes, 85,5% tinham um vínculo forte/apego seguro com os seus entes queridos; 68,1% acompanharam um processo de morte e morrer longo (> 6 meses), cuja morte está relacionada a uma doença crônica; 88,4% não participaram de conspiração de silêncio, sugerindo uma comunicação satisfatória; 60,9% referiram estar recebendo apoio espiritual/religioso, sugerindo apoio saudável e continente; e todos participaram de rituais fúnebres. Conclusão: O processo de elaboração do luto dos cuidadores indicou a presença de fatores de proteção.

Humans , Male , Female , Bereavement , Nuclear Family/psychology , Caregivers/psychology , Music Therapy , Neoplasms , Religion , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cause of Death , Middle Aged , Object Attachment
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 43(2): 444-465, 20191212.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150929


O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é entendido como um atraso global do neurodesenvolvimento, o que exige da família o seu ajuste tanto em relação à dinâmica familiar quanto ao meio social, a fim de propiciar um ambiente que contribua para uma melhor qualidade de vida do sujeito. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se identificar as influências do TEA nas relações familiares. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura realizada por meio da busca de artigos científicos indexados nas bases de dados PubMed, Science Direct e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, através da conjugação dos descritores "Autism Spectrum Disorder" e "Family Relations" no período de janeiro de 2000 a abril de 2017. Foram incluídos 17 artigos na revisão. Identificou-se o aumento do estresse, ansiedade, depressão, queixas de sintomas físicos (dor nas articulações, fraqueza, insônia) e sobrecarga, sendo as mães mais acometidas. Além disso, interferências nas relações entre irmãos, bem como na relação conjugal, dificuldade de acesso a serviços de saúde, transporte, lazer, educação e problemas financeiros são influências do TEA nas relações familiares. Conclui-se que o TEA gera impactos nas relações familiares por exigir reestruturação desde o convívio inicial com a criança. Contudo, acredita-se que essas influências possam ser amenizadas pelas estratégias de enfrentamento, como a construção compartilhada de cuidados e estímulo ao fortalecimento da rede social de apoio a família.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is understood as a global delay in neurodevelopment, which requires the family to adapt family dynamics and its interaction in social environment to provide an environment that contributes to a better quality of life of the subject. In this sense, the objective is to identify the influences of Autism Spectrum Disorder in family relationships. This is a systematic review of the literature based on the search for scientific articles indexed in the PubMed, Science Direct and Virtual Health Library databases, using the combination of the following descriptors - "Autism Spectrum Disorder" AND "Family Relations" - from January 2000 to April 2017. In total, 17 articles were included in the review. Increased stress, anxiety, depression, complaints of physical symptoms (joint pain, weakness, insomnia) and overload were identified, which mostly affected mothers. Moreover, interference with sibling and with marital relationships, difficulty in accessing health services, transportation, leisure and education, financial problems are also influences of ASD on family relationships. It is concluded that ASD generates influences on family relationships by requiring restructuring since the initial contact with the child. However, these influences can be mitigated by coping strategies, such as the shared construction of care and encouragement to strengthen the family's social support network.

El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) se caracteriza por un retraso global en el desarrollo neurológico, que requiere de la familia ajustes en relación con la dinámica familiar y con el entorno social, a fin de proporcionar un entorno que contribuya a una mejor calidad de vida del sujeto. Ante esto, el objetivo de este estudio es identificar las influencias del trastorno del espectro autista en las relaciones familiares. Esta es una revisión sistemática de la literatura realizada mediante la búsqueda de artículos científicos indexados en las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, por medio de la combinación de los siguientes descriptores: "Trastorno del espectro autista" y "Relaciones familiares", realizada entre enero de 2000 y abril de 2017. Se incluyeron 17 artículos en la revisión. Se identificaron un mayor estrés, ansiedad, depresión, quejas de síntomas físicos (dolor en las articulaciones, debilidad, insomnio) y sobrecarga, que se vieron más afectados en las madres. También las interferencias en las relaciones entre hermanos, así como en la relación matrimonial, la dificultad del acceso a servicios de salud, transporte, ocio y educación y problemas financieros fueron los aspectos influyentes del TEA en las relaciones familiares. Se concluye que el TEA genera influencias en las relaciones familiares al requerir una reestructuración desde el contacto inicial con el niño. Sin embargo, estas influencias pueden mitigarse mediante estrategias de afrontamiento, como la construcción compartida de la atención y el estímulo para fortalecer la red de apoyo social a la familia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Nuclear Family/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Stress, Psychological , Caregivers/psychology , Depression , Emotions
Rev Bras Enferm ; 72(6): 1464-1470, 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31644731


OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of bereaved caregivers submitted to post-loss music therapy. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional database from a randomized clinical trial that performed music therapy for caregivers who lost their loved ones to cancer. The following variables were used for this analysis: sociodemographic, religious beliefs, previous sound-musical experiences, and experiences related to care, loss and repair processes. Descriptive statistical analyzes were performed. RESULTS: Of the 69 participants, 85.5% had a strong bond/secure attachment with their loved ones; 68.1% followed a long death and dying process (> 6 months), which was related to a chronic disease; 88.4% did not participate in conspiracy of silence, suggesting a satisfactory communication; 60.9% reported receiving spiritual/religious support, suggesting healthy and continent support; and all participated in funeral rites. CONCLUSION: The process of elaborating the bereavement of caregivers indicated the presence of protective factors.

Bereavement , Caregivers/psychology , Music Therapy , Neoplasms , Nuclear Family/psychology , Brazil , Cause of Death , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Object Attachment , Religion
Int J Public Health ; 64(3): 323-332, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30506364


OBJECTIVE: To compare the knowledge, beliefs, and practices regarding HPV vaccination among mothers of vaccine-eligible girls in Mexico and the USA. METHODS: Similar samples of Mexican mothers with vaccine-eligible daughters were surveyed at two clinics in Cuernavaca, Morelos, from July to October 2012 (n = 200) and at two clinics in Oxnard, California, from August to November 2013 (n = 200). RESULTS: Although mothers in the USA had less knowledge and more negative attitudes toward the vaccine than their counterparts in Mexico, vaccine uptake rates were higher in the USA (49% vs. 40%). US mothers were more likely to have discussed and been offered the HPV vaccine by a clinician than mothers in Mexico. In multivariate analyses, having been offered the HPV vaccine was the most important predictor of vaccine uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that healthcare access or other system, clinic, or provider factors are the main drivers of vaccine receipt in this binational sample of Mexican mothers. Interventions and programs that encourage clinicians to offer the HPV vaccine should be developed to increase vaccine uptake in both countries.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Mexican Americans/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Papillomavirus Vaccines/administration & dosage , Vaccination/psychology , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Health Services Accessibility , Humans , Mexican Americans/statistics & numerical data , Mexico/ethnology , Mothers/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , United States/ethnology , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data
Appetite ; 120: 557-564, 2018 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29032185


There is a dearth of research regarding the association of child and parent traits to the use of unhealthy weight control behaviors among minority girls with obesity. This study examined the moderating effects of mothers' and daughters' acculturation in the relation of parenting strategies (setting limits, monitoring and discipline) to unhealthy weight control behaviors in Hispanic girls with obesity. Participants included 148 Hispanic mother-daughter dyads (Mage = 39.1, SD = 6.4 years; Mage = 11.3, SD = 1.5 years, respectively). Two-thirds of the mothers were born in Mexico and 46% of them reported low levels of acculturation. In contrast, almost all daughters (90%) were born in the United States and reported high levels of acculturation. Participants were recruited through school nurses and social agencies community coordinators. Mothers and daughters completed surveys on demographic, acculturation, unhealthy weight control behaviors (daughters only) and parenting strategies (mothers only), and had their height, weight, and adiposity assessed. Results from a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that daughters' acculturation, but not mothers' acculturation, moderated the relation of parenting limit setting to daughters' reported engagement in unhealthy weight control behaviors (ß = 1.12, p = 0.007). That is, mothers who used more limit setting were less likely to have daughters engaging in unhealthy weight control behavior and this association was stronger among low acculturated girls than among their highly acculturated counterparts. Future research should assess cultural influences and parenting practices in a sample of Hispanic mothers and their adolescent daughters of varied weight statuses and acculturation levels.

Acculturation , Body Weight , Hispanic or Latino/psychology , Obesity/prevention & control , Parenting/psychology , Adiposity , Adult , Body Mass Index , Child , Female , Health Behavior , Humans , Mexico , Middle Aged , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Obesity/psychology , United States
BMC Womens Health ; 17(1): 74, 2017 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28874196


BACKGROUND: Associations of eating behaviors and psychological profile between mothers and daughters with eating disorders exist, but it is important to dissect the influence of the mother in each specific disorder since all eating disorders must be seen or treated not as one entity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of eating behavior and psychological profile between mothers and daughters with different eating disorders and a control group. METHODS: The study group included young girls with anorexia nervosa (AN, n = 30), bulimia nervosa (BN, n = 30), binge eating disorder (BED, n = 19), and a control group of women (Non-ED, n = 54) together with their mothers. BMI was calculated for dyads and Eating Disorder Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Toronto Alexithymia Scale and Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire were applied. The differences between dyads were tested by Student's t test and Pearson's correlation was used to study the association between BMI, variables of eating behavior and psychological profile in each dyad. RESULTS: The study found significant inverse correlations between the AN dyad; some correlations between the BN dyad, and the highest positive correlations exist in BED dyad, especially in eating behavior. Finally, between the control dyads, low but significant correlations were found in the majority of cases. CONCLUSIONS: The study concluded that the associations between mothers and daughters with distinct eating disorders varied depending on the specific diagnosis of the daughter, indicating it is necessary to analyze them individually, given that there may be different implications for treatment.

Feeding Behavior/psychology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Mother-Child Relations , Mothers/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Mothers/statistics & numerical data , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 22(3): 449-460, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1102383


A possibilidade de as mulheres se dedicarem à carreira profissional e a constatação de que os homens estão mais participativos nos cuidados com os filhos instiga a investigação do exercício parental no contemporâneo, com o objetivo de verificar se existem modificações nessas relações de cuidado, quais os principais desafios encontrados e qual é a participação dos pediatras e das escolas quanto a este assunto. De metodologia qualitativa, cinco casais heterossexuais, pertencentes à classe média, com filhos de até três anos e os respectivos pediatras e coordenadores educacionais participaram do estudo por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas. Os resultados indicaram que a parentalidade está em um período de transição entre o modelo tradicional e igualitário. O pediatra ocupa o lugar de orientador, enquanto as escolas dividem diretamente com os pais o cuidado com a criança. Sugere-se que, para o estabelecimento da parentalidade igualitária, sejam questionadas as posições naturalistas e a ínfima licença paterna

The possibility for women to engage in professional career and the fact that men are more involved in caring for their children raise awareness to the need for research on contemporary parental practice. The aim of this study was to check for changes in the form parents take care of their children, the key challenges they face and how pediatricians and school workersparticipate in this process. The methodology used is qualitative and based on semi-structured interviews with five middle-class heterosexual couples who have children up to three years old and their respective pediatricians and school supervisors. Resultsshow that parenthood is transitioning from the traditional model to a more egalitarian practice. Pediatricians act as advisors and parents share with school workers the direct care for children. It is suggested that naturalistic perspectives and time for paternity leave must be questioned in order to promote an egalitarian parenthood.

La posibilidad de que las mujeres se dediquen a la carrera profesional y la constatación de que los hombres están más participativos en los cuidados con los hijos instiga la investigación del ejercicio parental en el contemporáneo con el objetivo de verificar se existen modificaciones en la manera de los padres cuidar a los hijos: principales desafíos y cuál es la participación de los pediatras y de las escuelas en este cuidado. De metodología cualitativa, cinco parejas heterosexuales, pertenecientes a la clase media, con hijos de hasta tres años de edad y los respectivos pediatras y coordinadores educacionales participaron del estudio por intermedio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados indican que la parental está en un período de transición entre el modelo tradicional e igualitario. El pediatra ocupa el lugar de orientador, mientras que las escuelas dividen directamente con los padres el cuidado al niño. Se sugiere que para el establecimiento de la parental igualitaria sean cuestionadas posiciones naturalistas y la ínfima licencia paterna.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Child Care/psychology , Parenting/psychology , Parent-Child Relations , Paternity , Psychiatry , Women, Working/psychology , Mentors/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Child Day Care Centers , Child Rearing/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Pediatricians , Pediatricians/psychology
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 22(2): 253-264, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1102302


O objetivo desta investigação foi analisar os efeitos de um dispositivo da sexualidade heterocisnormativo que, nas tentativas de controlar corpos e modular vidas -por meio de tecnologias programáticas nacionalistas, moralizadoras, familistas -articula patologização, criminalização e extermínio. Esse dispositivo, no Golpe de Estado de 2015/2016, propagou o ódio contra as populações que fogem à normatividade de sexo e gênero. Para isso, partimos metodologicamente de uma genealogia dos discursos produzidos por normas legais em processo e/ou instituídas no Brasil que afirmam a ontologia de um verdadeiro sexo e silenciam posicionamentos divergentes. A partir do caminho escolhido, foi possível situar a psicologia como tecnologia de produção de subjetividades que emudece, mas também resiste às demandas normalizadoras recusando identitarismos e assujeitamentos que produzem uma gramática moral e fragilizam a democracia participativa. Um desafio para a psicologia reside na defesa da atuação laica em prol das diferenças de gênero e sexualidades que produzem novas diferenças, ao invés de identitarismos eassujeitamentos que minam o lugar da política.

This research propose analyze, with a genealogic perspective, the effects of a cis-heteronormativity dispositive of sexuality that in their attempts to control bodies and molds lives-through nationalist programmatic technologies, moralizing, familists -articulates pathologizing, criminalization and extermination. This dispositive, in the 2015/2016 coup, propagated hated against people fleeing the conservative standards. For this, we started methodologically from a genealogy about the discourses produced by legal standards in process and/or established in Brazil who claim the ontology of a true sex and silence divergent positions. It is a psychology as subjectivities production technology that silences, but also resists normalizing demands and refusing to produce a moral grammar and weaken participatory democracy. Even with these considerations, his agenda today lies in defense of secular work on behalf of differences in gender and sexuality that produce new differences, rather than regular identitarity andsubmissions that undermine the place of politics.

Esta investigación analiza, desde notas genealógicas, los efectos de un dispositivo heterocis normativo de la sexualidad que en sus intentos de controlar los cuerpos y las vidas­por intermedio de tecnologías programáticas nacionalistas, moralizantes, familistas -articula la patologización, la penalización y el exterminio. Este dispositivo, en el golpe de estado de 2015/2016, condujo el odio contra las personas que huyen de las normas conservadoras. Para esto partimos metodológicamente de una genealogía de los discursos producidos por las normas legales en proceso y/o establecidas en Brasil que reclaman la ontología de un verdadero sexo y ponen las posiciones divergentes en el silencio. Así, se pone la psicología como tecnología de producción de subjetividades que silencia, pero también se resiste a las demandas de la normalización y se niegan a los identitarismos y assujeitamentos que producen una gramática moral y debilitan la democracia participativa. Su agenda de hoy radica en defensa del trabajo secular en nombre de las diferencias de género y la sexualidad que producen nuevas diferencias, en lugar de identitarismos y assujeitamentos que socavan el lugar de la política.

History, 21st Century , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Cisgender Persons , Gender Identity , Politics , Psychology , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Technology , Family/psychology , Homosexuality/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Family Characteristics , Civil Rights/psychology , Sexuality/psychology , Heterosexuality/psychology , Gender Diversity , Human Rights/psychology , Morals
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 22(2): 265-276, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1102303


O presente artigo busca problematizar a instituição familiar contemporânea partindo de uma abordagem histórica que remonta ao período de consolidação do modelo familiar burguês. Optou-se por analisar a instituição familiar na perspectiva das relações de poder tal como proposto por Michel Foucault. Especificamente, foi utilizada a concepção do autor de biopolítica, uma vertente do poder que se dirige às especificidades do corpo vivo. Para tanto, foi selecionada a questão da sexualidade como elemento historicamente presente nas transformações do modelo familiar: de uma família fechada sobre si e na qual a sexualidade era velada e reprimida, passou-se à família atual na qual estes mesmos temas ganham visibilidade e discussão em um espaço ampliado. Em seguida, questionam-se os efeitos da abertura familiar por uma intervenção biopolítica. Por fim, foi possível demonstrar que está em curso uma destruição sistemática da intimidade iniciada pelas intervenções biopolíticas e protagonizada por aqueles que resistem, de algum modo, às determinações do poder

This article seeks to discuss the contemporary family institution from a historical approach which dates back to the period of consolidation of the bourgeois family model. We decided to analyze the family institution in perspective of power relations as proposed by Michel Foucault. Specifically, the author of biopolitics, a power which is directed to the specificities of the living body, was used. To this end, was selected the issue of sexuality as historically this element in the transformations of the family model: a closed family about you and where sexuality was repressed and veiled, it moved to the current family in which these same topics gain visibility and discussion in an expanded space. Then wonder if the effects of the family by opening a biopolitical intervention. Finally, it was possible to demonstrate that there is a systematic destruction of the biopolitical interventions initiated intimacy and led by those who resist, somehow, to power determinations

En este artículo se pretende discutir la institución familiar contemporánea desde un enfoque histórico que se remonta al período de consolidación del modelo familiar burgués. Decidimos analizar la institución familiar en la perspectiva de las relaciones de poder propuesta por Michel Foucault. Específicamente, la concepción del autor de la biopolítica, un poder que se dirige a las particularidades del cuerpo viviente, fue utilizada. Para ello, se seleccionó el tema de la sexualidad como elemento históricamente presente en las transformaciones del modelo familiar: una cerrada familiar acerca de si misma y donde la sexualidad fue reprimida y velada, se trasladó a la familia en la que estos mismos temas ganan visibilidad y discusión en un espacio ampliado. Entonces, preguntamos por los efectos de la familia con la apertura de una intervención de la biopolítica. Finalmente, fue posible demostrar que está en curso una destrucción sistemática de la intimidad por intervenciones biopolíticas que es protagonizada por aquellos que resisten, de alguna manera, a las determinaciones del poder.

Politics , Societies/ethics , Family/psychology , Privacy/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Sexuality/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Morale , Morals