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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23379, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533994


Abstract There are a limited number of studies examining the effects of the pandemic on the daily lives of Turkish community pharmacists, and no research investigating the impact on the lives of Turkish hospital pharmacists has been found. This study aimed to examine the effects of the pandemic on the personal and professional lives of Turkish community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists. In this qualitative study design, a comprehensive set of interviews was conducted with a total of 13 community pharmacists and 7 hospital pharmacists, employing a semi-structured interview guide. Through thematic content analysis of the interviews, four main themes, 1) long-term impacts, 2) dealing strategies, 3) professional life impacts, 4) personal life impacts, have emerged for both community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists. In addition to the psychological impacts and supply chain issues commonly mentioned in the literature, the study revealed ongoing effects such as the inability to sell available products and economic difficulties. Also, the increased demand for over-the-counter products during the pandemic highlights the need for the government to develop policies to address this issue.

Humans , Male , Female , Pharmacists/classification , Basic Health Services , COVID-19/pathology , Pandemics/classification , Occupational Groups/classification
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 93 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396684


O número de pessoas utilizando substâncias ilícitas de forma recreativa aumenta a cada ano, chamando a atenção de estudiosos de diversas áreas do conhecimento. Com isso, a demanda de exames toxicológicos exigida para trabalhadores, vítimas de crimes e esportistas também tem crescido. A amostra biológica mais utilizada para análises toxicológicas continua sendo a urina, visto que sua obtenção é menos invasiva, possibilita coletar grande volume de amostra e pode-se detectar substâncias até dias após ter ocorrido a exposição ou consumo. Entretanto, estas amostras necessitam de um grande volume físico para serem armazenadas e transportadas aos laboratórios, devendo ser mantidas em temperatura baixa e controlada para conservação. Outro ponto a se considerar é a quantidade de amostra insuficientemente coletada, ou extravasamento do conteúdo, contaminando outras amostras e muitas vezes, inviabilizando a análise. Uma alternativa recente para tais problemas é utilizar a técnica chamada de dried urine spots (DUS), onde poucos microlitros de urina são colocados em um papel absorvente e secos sob temperatura ambiente, preservando de agentes degradantes os componentes presentes na urina. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a estabilidade das substâncias do presente estudo em alta temperatura, temperatura ambiente e em temperaturas de 4°C e -20°C. Para este fim, foi necessário desenvolver, validar e aplicar métodos de extração e determinação de anfetaminas e produtos de biotransformação de cocaína e tetraidrocanabinol carboxílico (THCCOOH) em amostras dried urine spot, utilizando cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Os picos foram identificados por UPLC-ESI-MS/MS, com tempo total de 5 mins utilizando fase A- água, formiato de amônio e 0,1% ácido fórmico, e B- metanol: acetonitrila (6:4) + 0,1% de ácido fórmico. A extração foi feita utilizando acetonitrila: metanol: acetona (1:1:1) +ácido fórmico 0,1%. Não foi possível iniciar a validação de THCCOOH, visto uma possível complexação do analito com o papel. Para as outras substâncias, o método cromatográfico desenvolvido se mostrou eficiente e seletivo, com LOD e LOQ de 10 ng/mL para todos os analitos, sendo linear até 1000 ng/mL, atendeu as especificações de precisão e exatidão e carryover. As amostras permaneceram estáveis ao longo de 32 dias nas temperaturas estudadas, demonstrando a segurança em se utilizar a técnica de DUS para armazenamento e transporte de amostras biológicas dentro da faixa de temperatura do estudo até 32 dias

The number of people using illegal substances in a recreational way increases each year, drawing the attention of scholars from different areas of knowledge. As a result, the demand for workplaces drug tests, toxicological tests for victims of crimes and dopping has also grown. The biological sample most used for toxicological tests remains urine, since obtaining it is less invasive, it is possible to collect a large volume of sample and it is possible to detect substances up to days after exposure or consumption has occurred. However, these samples require a large physical volume to be stored and transported to the laboratories, and must be kept at a low temperature for conservation. Another point to consider is the amount of sample insufficiently collected, or leakage of the content, causing contamination of other samples and often making the analysis unfeasible. A recent alternative to such problems is to use "dried urine spots" (DUS), where few microliters of urine are placed on absorbent paper and dried at room temperature, preserving the components present in the urine from degrading agents. Thus, the objective of this work is to evaluate the stability of the substances in this study at high temperature, room temperature and at temperatures of 4°C and -20°C. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop, validate and apply methods of extraction and determination of amphetamines and biotransformation products of cocaine and carboxylic tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) in dried urine spot samples, using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The peaks were identified liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (UPLC-ESI-MS/MS), with a total time of 5 mins using phase A- water, ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid, and B- methanol: acetonitrile (6:4) + 0.1% formic acid. Extraction was done using acetonitrile: methanol: acetone (1:1:1) + 0.1% formic acid. It was not possible to perform the validation of THCCOOH, given a possible complexation of the analyte with the paper. To the others substances, the chromatographic method developed proved to be efficient and selective, with LOD and LOQ of 10 ng/mL for all analytes, being linear up to 1000 ng/mL, meeting the specifications of precision and accuracy and carryover. The samples remained stable for 32 days at the temperatures studied, demonstrating the safety of using the DUS technique for storage and transport of biological samples until 32 days on temperature range studied

Dronabinol/adverse effects , Biotransformation , Cocaine/adverse effects , Amphetamines/adverse effects , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Urine , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Occupational Groups/classification
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20155, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420423


Abstract Safety culture is a product of values, attitudes, skills, and behavioral patterns, and it determines the commitment of the management to a secure organization. The evaluation of safety culture in hospitals helps to identify and manage the relevant patient safety issues in hospital routines and working conditions proactively. Thus, this study is aimed to evaluate patient safety culture in all the departments of a university hospital of medium complexity. This study employed a cross-sectional and analytical design employed in the Portuguese version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. A sample of all hospital staff participated in this study, which was conducted from December 2016 to May 2017. The percentage of positive responses was calculated to identify the strong and weak areas in patient safety. Of the 413 questionnaires distributed, 368 valid responses were returned. The response rate was, therefore, 89%. The overall percentage of positive responses was 50.3%. The "Supervisor/manager expectations and actions promoting patient safety" dimension obtained the highest percentage of positive responses (67.1%). The "Nonpunitive response to error" dimension was considered the weakest for safety culture, with only 22.9% positive responses. Furthermore, most professionals (70.6%) did not report any events in the previous 12 months. Nevertheless, 69.5% of participants considered patient safety within their unit/work area as "very good" or "great." The results showed that the employees' perception of patient safety diverged from the reality within the institution. Therefore, efforts should be made to promote an acceptable safety culture in all hospital areas.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Safety , Hospitals, University/classification , Occupational Groups/classification , Universities , Work , Surveys and Questionnaires/classification , Safety Management/statistics & numerical data , Research Report , Working Conditions/statistics & numerical data
Rev. medica electron ; 43(3): 656-668, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289811


RESUMEN Introducción: el desempeño laboral en algunos puestos de trabajo, determina un alto nivel de carga física por parte de los trabajadores, por lo que se impone la necesidad de disponer de una adecuada dieta alimentaria para mantener la salud física y mental. Objetivo: se desarrolló una investigación para diseñar una dieta alimentaria para soldadores y paileros a partir del gasto energético en actividades laborales. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de campo que partió de una muestra no probabilística de soldadores y paileros de la Empresa Industrial Ferroviaria José Valdés Reyes. Se ejecutó un procedimiento que permitió la determinación de la dieta alimentaria de los trabajadores a partir del gasto energético de las actividades que desarrollan. Se aplicaron ciertas técnicas de observación directa, entrevistas, tormenta de ideas, medición directa de variables fisiológicas y ecuaciones para el cálculo del gasto energético. Resultados: se diseñaron tres variantes de dietas ajustadas al gasto energético de tres puestos de trabajo de la mencionada empresa. Conclusiones: se espera que la aplicación de las dietas diseñadas contribuya a mantener una buena salud de los trabajadores de esos puestos de trabajo (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: the working performance of certain jobs determines a high level of physical load from the part of the workers, for what the necessity is imposed of having an appropriate food diet to preserve the physical and mental health. Objective: to design a food diet for welders and smiths starting from the energy expense in working activities. Materials and methods: a field study was carried out starting from a probabilistic sample of welders and smiths from the Industrial Railroad Enterprise Jose Valdes Reyes. A procedure was performed allowing to determine the energy expenditure of the activities they develop. Several techniques like direct observation, interviews, brain storm, direct measure of physiological variable and equations were used to calculate the energy expenditure. Results: three diet variants were designed adjusted to the energy expenditure of the three working places of the before mentioned enterprise. Conclusions: it is expected the application of the designed diets will contribute to keeping good health of the workers in those working places (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Diet Therapy/methods , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Occupational Groups/classification , Energy Consumption/methods , Motor Activity/physiology , Occupational Health Services/methods , Occupational Health Services/trends
Palmas; [Secretaria de Estado da Saúde]; 2 abr. 2020. 2 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | SES-TO, Coleciona SUS, CONASS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1120804


Orienta quanto a higiene das mãos e disponibilização a funcionários e entregadores o acesso fácil a pias providas com água corrente, sabonete líquido, toalhas de papel descartáveis, lixeiras com tampa de acionamento por pedal, além de frascos com álcool gel 70%.

As for hand hygiene and providing employees and delivery personnel with easy access to sinks provided with running water, liquid soap, disposable paper towels, trash cans with a pedal-operated lid, in addition to bottles with 70% alcohol gel.

En cuanto a la higiene de manos y al personal y repartidor de fácil acceso a lavabos provistos de agua corriente, jabón líquido, toallas de papel desechables, basureros con tapa a pedal, además de botellas con gel de alcohol al 70%.

Humans , Food Hygiene/instrumentation , Control and Sanitary Supervision of Foods and Beverages , Urban Population/classification , Infection Control/methods , Outsourced Services/standards , Health Risk , Product Release , Small Business , e-Commerce , Occupational Groups/classification
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 15(3): 482-488, Jul.-Set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-974850


RESUMO Os Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT) são doenças crônicas causadas pelo trabalho extenuante, sem pausas, com posturas incorretas e movimentos repetitivos. Estudos mostram que portadores de doenças crônicas tendem a ter uma baixa qualidade de vida. Sendo assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a percepção da qualidade de vida de portadores de DORT no Estado de Sergipe, Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 17 trabalhadores aludidos nos Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador do referido estado, no ano de 2013, os quais foram voluntários e responderam a um roteiro de entrevista elaborada pelos autores da pesquisa, e gravadas em áudio. Os resultados foram categorizados e descritos através da análise de conteúdo, o que permitiu a observação de que todos os aspectos de qualidade de vida demonstraram-se negativos. Considera-se que os trabalhadores avaliados nesta pesquisa possuem uma percepção negativa da qualidade de vida, o que influencia, também negativamente, no processo saúde e doença dos indivíduos.

RESUMEN Los Trastornos Musculoesqueléticos (TME) Relacionados al Trabajo son enfermedades crónicas, causadas por el trabajo extenuante, sin pausas, con posturas incorrectas y movimientos repetitivos. Estudios muestran que portadores de enfermedades crónicas suelen tener una baja calidad de vida. Así siendo, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la percepción de la calidad de vida de portadores de TME en el Estado de Sergipe, Brasil. La muestra fue compuesta por 17 trabajadores referenciados en los Centros de Referencia en Salud del Trabajador del estado citado, en el año de 2013, que fueron voluntarios y respondieron a un guión de entrevistas elaboradas por los autores de la investigación, y grabadas en audio. Los resultados fueron categorizados y descriptos a través del análisis de contenido, lo que permitió la observación de que todos los aspectos de calidad de vida se demostraron negativos. Se considera que los trabajadores, evaluados en esta investigación, poseen una percepción negativa de la calidad de vida, y que, estos aspectos influyeron, también negativamente, en el proceso salud y enfermedad de los individuos.

ABSTRACT Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are chronic diseases caused by strenuous work without breaks and with incorrect postures and repetitive movements. Studies show that patients with chronic diseases tend to have a lower quality of life. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the perception of quality of life in people with WMSDs in Sergipe. The sample consisted of 17 employees referenced at Worker's Health Reference Centers in that state, in 2013, who volunteered and completed a set of interviews conducted and audio recorded by the research authors. Results were categorized and described through Bardin's content analysis and allowed the observation that all aspects of quality of life were negative. It is considered that the Sergipe workers assessed in this research have a negative perception of quality of life and that these aspects have an influence, also negative, on an individual's health-illness process.

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life/psychology , Cumulative Trauma Disorders/psychology , Musculoskeletal Pain/prevention & control , Occupational Diseases/nursing , Chronic Disease/nursing , Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data , Muscle, Skeletal/anatomy & histology , Movement/drug effects , Occupational Groups/classification