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Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (53): 13-24, dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1426297


O artigo é parte do resultado de uma tese de doutorado e tem como objetivo identificar e analisar a presença do preconceito nos espaços acadêmicos onde o ProUni está presente, para, a partir da análise apresentada, defender a tese de que o ProUni, ao mesmo tempo em que busca reparar a ausência histórica da classe trabalhadora no Ensino Superior brasileiro, acaba por revelar as desigualdades sociais manifestas pelo preconceito nas vivências universitárias. Para o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura argumentativa que defenda a tese foi necessário um mapeamento e caracterização dos ProUnistas a partir de um questionário online, além de duas entrevistas em profundidade que aconteceram de forma individual. Sabe-se que o preconceito na sociedade existe, assim como nas Instituições de Ensino Superior privadas, porém não é dimensionado ainda como esse preconceito influencia a vivência do estudante durante sua graduação; para isso utilizamos o método quantitativo e a análise construtivo-interpretativa. Conclui-se que apesar do ProUni dar acesso à classe trabalhadora ao Ensino Superior, o preconceito vivenciado durante a graduação ainda é bastante velado, prejudicando o cotidiano desses estudantes, sendo uma fonte de sofrimento psíquico. Necessita-se de um trabalho profundo da psicologia no ensino superior para auxiliar as Instituições de Ensino Superior na integração desses estudantes na comunidade universitária, além de auxiliá-los no enfrentamento ao preconceito nas vivências universitárias. (AU)

This paper is part of a doctoral thesis that aimed to identify and analyze the presence of prejudice in the academic spaces where ProUni (Program University for All) is existence, to defend the thesis: the ProUni, at the same time as it seeks to repair the historical absence of the working class in Brazilian Higher Education, reveals the social inequalities manifested by prejudice in university experiences. For the development of an argumentative structure that defends the thesis it was necessary to map and characterize the students of ProUni from an online questionnaire, besides two in-depth interviews that happened individually. It is known that prejudice in society exists, as well as in private Higher Educations Institutions, but it isn't considered how this prejudice influences the student's experience during his/her graduation, therefore, it was used the quantitative method and the constructive-interpretative analysis. It is concluded that although the ProUni gives access for the working class to Higher Education, the prejudice experienced during graduation is still quite veiled, damaging the daily life of these students, being a source of psychic suffering. A deep work of psychology in higher education is needed to assist the Higher Educations Institutions in the integration of these students in the university community, as well as to help them cope with prejudice in university experiences. (AU)

Este artículo es parte de una tesis de doctorado que tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar la presencia del preconcepto en los espacios académicos donde el ProUni (Programa Universidad para todos) está presente, para, a partir del análisis presentado, defender la tesis de que el ProUni, al mismo tiempo que busca reparar la ausencia histórica de la clase obrera en la Enseñanza Superior Brasileña, acaba por revelar las desigualdades sociales manifestadas por el preconcepto en las vivencias universitarias Para el desarrollo de una estructura argumentativa que defienda la tesis fue necesario un mapeo y caracterización de los becarios del ProUni a partir de un cuestionario online, además de dos entrevistas en profundidad que ocurrieron de forma individual. Se sabe que el preconcepto en la sociedad existe, así como en las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior privadas, pero no es dimensionado todavía como ese preconcepto influye en la vivencia del estudiante durante su graduación, por lo tanto, para ello utilizamos el método cuantitativo y el análisis constructivo-interpretativo. Se concluye que a pesar del ProUni dar acceso a la clase trabajadora a la Enseñanza Superior el preconcepto vivido durante la graduación todavía es bastante velado, perjudicando el cotidiano de esos estudiantes, siendo una fuente de sufrimiento psíquico. Se necesita un trabajo profundo de la psicología en la enseñanza superior para auxiliar a las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior en la integración de esos estudiantes en la comunidad universitaria, además de auxiliarlos en el enfrentamiento del preconcepto en las vivencias universitarias. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Prejudice/prevention & control , Socioeconomic Factors , Universities , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative Research , Higher Education Policy , Fellowships and Scholarships , Interpersonal Relations
Rev. polis psique ; 11(1): 45-64, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1289911


Este artigo analisa os discursos contra a gordofobia veiculados em três vídeos brasileiros publicados no YouTube em 2018 com grande visualização. O objetivo é explorar como plataformas digitais tais como YouTube podem dar visibilidade a discursos contra-hegemônicos acerca dos corpos gordos, colaborando na disseminação de informações e estratégias de mobilização e combate às formas de discriminação e preconceito. Os vídeos foram submetidos à análise temática e discutidos à luz de uma literatura crítica sobre a produção da identidade e diferença. A análise identifica três temas principais: "gordura como falha física e moral", "normatização do corpo e discriminação contra gordos" e "afirmação da identidade gorda, autoestima e autoaceitação". As situações apresentadas nos vídeos criticam os processos rotineiros de exclusão dos indivíduos gordos. Concluímos que os vídeos analisados, mediante paródia, ironia e uso de câmera oculta, ajudam a circular narrativas alternativas que suspendem certas verdades naturalizadas sobre os gordos e seus corpos.

This article analyses discourses against fatphobia (discrimination towards fat people) based in three Brazilian videos posted on YouTube in 2018 which had numerous viewers. The aim is to explore how digital platforms like YouTube provide visibility to counter-hegemonic discourses about fat bodies, helping to spread information and strategies to mobilize and combat forms of discrimination and prejudice. The videos underwent thematic analysis and were discussed on the basis of a critical literature on the production of identity and difference. The analysis identified three main themes: "fat as physical and moral failure", "normatization of body and discrimination against fat people", "affirmation of fat identity, self-esteem and self- acceptance". The situations presented on the videos criticize common processes of exclusion of fat people. We conclude that these videos, by use of parody, irony and candid camera, help to circulate alternative narratives that suspend certain naturalized truths about fat people and their bodies.

En este artículo se analizanlos discursos contra lagordofobia(discriminaciónde las personas gordas) emitidos entres vídeos brasileños publicados enYouTube (2018) com granvisualización. Exploramos cómolas plataformas digitalescómoYouTubepueden dar visibilidad a los discursos contrahegemónicos sobre loscuerposgrasos y difundir informaciones y estrategias para movilizar y combatirlas formas de discriminación y prejuicio. Los vídeos recibieronanálisis temático y discusiónbasadaen una literatura crítica sobre laproducción de identidad y diferencia. Identificamos los temas "lagrasa como fracaso físico y moral", "normalizacióndelcuerpo y ladiscriminación contra gordos" y "laafirmación de laidentidad gorda, la autoestima y laautoaceptación". Los videoscriticanlosprocesosordinarios de exclusión de losindividuos gordos. Concluimos que estosvideos, a través de parodia, ironía y cámara oculta, ayudan a circular narrativas alternativas que suspendenciertas verdades naturalizadas sobre las personas gordas y sus cuerpos.

Prejudice/prevention & control , Audiovisual Aids , Social Media , Social Discrimination/prevention & control , Obesity/psychology
Health Promot J Austr ; 30(3): 299-302, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30387220


ISSUE ADDRESSED: Social inclusion is important for mental health, and schools are important settings for creating positive attitudes against prejudice. Capoeira is a Brazilian traditional culture that is a mixture of dance, martial arts and games, and has many educational possibilities. Since it arose from and helped people rise above black oppression, the purpose of the project was introducing the content of capoeira to primary school students with the aim of promoting of mental health and preventing prejudice behaviours using an intercultural perspective in a school where nearly half the students are Aboriginal. METHODS: Five capoeira classes were conducted in a primary school located in a regional city in Western Australia, with two Year 5-6 classes and boys and girls aged 11-12 years old. Activities were meant to create an environment of dialogue, joy and empathy towards a different culture. Feedback from 31 of 34 students were collected and analysed, dealing with their impressions, positive and negative aspects. RESULTS: The results were positive, with aspects of movement, joy, dance and music identified as important experiences. Empathy towards the new culture was written and drawn by many of the students. Joint work with teachers improved engagement and feedback from students. CONCLUSION: Capoeira can be an inspiring vehicle in intercultural education, promoting mental health and empathy for different cultures. SO WHAT?: Broad intercultural education which embraces positive cultural experiences and stories from elsewhere, delivered in schools can contribute to children's intercultural competence. Longer interventions with follow-up to measure changes in students' attitudes are required.

Health Promotion/organization & administration , Mental Health , Prejudice/prevention & control , School Health Services/organization & administration , Students/psychology , Child , Cultural Diversity , Empathy , Female , Humans , Male , Program Evaluation , Western Australia
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(5): 1553-64, 2016 May.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27166903


The Brazilian response to AIDS started in 1985, with government, civil society and academic community coming together with common goals. This was strengthened with the establishment in 1988 of an universal public health system (SUS), pivotal to a comprehensive and human rights-based national STD/AIDS programme, aiming at achieving equality, integrality, inclusion and fighting prejudice and discrimination. In 1996 Brazil was a pioneer in providing treatment free-of-charge to all PLHA. This article depicts achievements and setbacks that occurred in these 30 years and the perspectives for controlling and eventually eliminating HIV/AIDS. It is fair to affirm that it is possible to defeat prejudice and discrimination and to confront the unacceptable levels of disparity, fertile ground for dissemination of HIV/AIDS and other epidemics. Tools to eliminate transmission, to adequately treat PLHA, to protect their rights, to eliminate discrimination and to end AIDS are already at hand. However, the needed changes for this to happen involve expansion of access to education, including sexual education and to quality public health care to all. It is also necessary to constant confront conservatism and to combat violence and discrimination. Brazil's track record in the confrontation of AIDS is an invaluable asset to achieve these goals.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control , National Health Programs/organization & administration , Prejudice/prevention & control , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , HIV Infections/epidemiology , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Health Education/methods , Healthcare Disparities , Human Rights , Humans , Public Health , Social Discrimination/prevention & control
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);21(5): 1553-1564, Mai. 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-781032


Resumo A resposta brasileira à Aids foi iniciada em 1985, quando o estado brasileiro, a sociedade civil e a academia se associaram com objetivos comuns. Esta se fortaleceu com a criação do SUS em 1988, imprescindível para implementar o programa nacional de Controle das DST/AIDS, baseado nos direitos humanos, visando equidade, inclusão, integralidade e contra o preconceito e a discriminação. O Brasil foi dos primeiros a disponibilizar, já em 1996, na saúde pública, tratamento adequado para todas as PVHA. O artigo descreve os êxitos e os indesculpáveis retrocessos destes 30 primeiros anos e as perspectivas para o controle e eventual eliminação da aids. Pode-se afirmar que há condições para eliminar o preconceito, a discriminação e diminuir a disparidade, pano de fundo para a disseminação da AIDS e de outras epidemias. Estão disponíveis instrumentos para tratar adequadamente as PVHA, para eliminar a transmissão do HIV e proteger os direitos de todos. Entretanto, para que isso aconteça, é necessária a ampliação do acesso à educação, incluindo educação sexual, e cuidados de saúde de qualidade. Necessário ainda o enfrentamento diuturno do conservadorismo e de toda violência e discriminação contra pessoas em risco ou vivendo com HIV. A experiência brasileira nestes 30 anos é inestimável alavanca para alcançar o fim da epidemia.

Abstract The Brazilian response to AIDS started in 1985, with government, civil society and academic community coming together with common goals. This was strengthened with the establishment in 1988 of an universal public health system (SUS), pivotal to a comprehensive and human rights-based national STD/AIDS programme, aiming at achieving equality, integrality, inclusion and fighting prejudice and discrimination. In 1996 Brazil was a pioneer in providing treatment free-of-charge to all PLHA. This article depicts achievements and setbacks that occurred in these 30 years and the perspectives for controlling and eventually eliminating HIV/AIDS. It is fair to affirm that it is possible to defeat prejudice and discrimination and to confront the unacceptable levels of disparity, fertile ground for dissemination of HIV/AIDS and other epidemics. Tools to eliminate transmission, to adequately treat PLHA, to protect their rights, to eliminate discrimination and to end AIDS are already at hand. However, the needed changes for this to happen involve expansion of access to education, including sexual education and to quality public health care to all. It is also necessary to constant confront conservatism and to combat violence and discrimination. Brazil’s track record in the confrontation of AIDS is an invaluable asset to achieve these goals.

Humans , Prejudice/prevention & control , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control , National Health Programs/organization & administration , Brazil/epidemiology , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Public Health , Health Education/methods , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Healthcare Disparities , Social Discrimination/prevention & control , Human Rights
J Health Psychol ; 21(3): 369-78, 2016 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26987831


The aim of this study was to encourage the development of resources to improve health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service users. Dialogues between health professionals and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service users (inspired by the Public Conversations Project) highlighted the need (a) to improve communication between users and health professionals; (b) to question what constitutes an expert on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender care; (c) to reconfigure rigid notions about sexual identity; (d) to deconstruct the association between sexually transmitted diseases and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service users; and (e) to adopt a less judgemental attitude towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people during hospital admissions.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Personnel/psychology , Prejudice/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Adult , Bisexuality , Brazil , Communication , Female , Homosexuality, Female , Homosexuality, Male , Humans , Male , Prejudice/psychology , Transgender Persons , Young Adult
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);19(11): 4545-4554, nov. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727219


O objetivo deste artigo é identificar e analisar a estrutura das representações sociais dos profissionais de saúde sobre transexualidade. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado na pesquisa foi a abordagem estrutural das representações sociais, desenvolvida por Jean-Claude Abric. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 128 profissionais de saúde de 22 unidades da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal. A coleta de dados consistiu na aplicação de questionário semiestruturado baseado na técnica de associação livre com o termo indutor "transexualidade". Os dados foram tratados no software EVOC 2000. O perfil dos sujeitos indica a predominância de participantes do sexo feminino e de profissionais da área da enfermagem. Os termos "mudança de sexo" e "preconceito" aparecem provavelmente compondo o núcleo central, e "transformação", "opção", "respeito" e "aceitação" os sistemas periféricos da representação.

The scope of this paper is to identify and analyze the structure of social representations of health professionals about transsexuality. The theoretical and methodological benchmark used was the structural approach to social representations developed by Jean-Claude Abric. 128 health professionals from 22 health units in the State Health Department of the Federal District of Brasília were interviewed. Data collection consisted of the application of a semi-structured questionnaire based on the technique of free association with the key word "transsexuality." The data were processed using EVOC 2000 software. The profile of the subjects reveals the predominance of female participants and professionals in the field of nursing. The terms "sex change" and "prejudice" seem to feature as the central nucleus, and "transformation," "option," "respect" and "acceptance" are the peripheral systems of representation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Prejudice/prevention & control , Social Perception , Transsexualism , Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Personnel/education , Health Personnel/psychology
Cien Saude Colet ; 19(11): 4545-54, 2014 Nov.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25351320


The scope of this paper is to identify and analyze the structure of social representations of health professionals about transsexuality. The theoretical and methodological benchmark used was the structural approach to social representations developed by Jean-Claude Abric. 128 health professionals from 22 health units in the State Health Department of the Federal District of Brasília were interviewed. Data collection consisted of the application of a semi-structured questionnaire based on the technique of free association with the key word "transsexuality." The data were processed using EVOC 2000 software. The profile of the subjects reveals the predominance of female participants and professionals in the field of nursing. The terms "sex change" and "prejudice" seem to feature as the central nucleus, and "transformation," "option," "respect" and "acceptance" are the peripheral systems of representation.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Personnel/education , Health Personnel/psychology , Prejudice/prevention & control , Social Perception , Transsexualism , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult
Hist. enferm., Rev. eletronica ; 2(1): 63-76, Jan-Jul. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1028927


Hanseníase, doença infecto-contagiosa, causa medo e preconceito, pelo poder incapacitante. O

estudo teve o objetivo de descrever a trajetória histórica do controle da Hanseníase no Brasil e

analisar a participação do enfermeiro nas ações de controle e cuidado da Hanseníase no Brasil.

Pesquisa descritiva, com o método qualitativo do tipo bibliográfico, de quatro artigos e uma

Reconhecendo a Hanseníase como problema de saúde pública; Implicações da enfermagem nas

ações de controle e cuidado na Hanseníase; e Implicações das conseqüências de internações em

Hospitais-colônia para os pacientes acometidos pela Hanseníase. Mesmo com a cura, a doença é

um problema de saúde pública e motivo de preconceito e discriminação. A maneira de mudar é

através de informação, a sociedade, os profissionais da saúde e os doentes. A importância deste

estudo é conhecer a fundação do Hospital Colônia Santa Teresa, aprofundar o conhecimento

sobre história da Hanseníase e o papel do enfermeiro

Leprosy/nursing , Prejudice/prevention & control , Public Health
São Paulo; Ave-Maria; 1999. [32] p.
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, Coleciona SUS, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, SESSP-ISACERVO, COVISA-Acervo | ID: biblio-1079173