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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 38: eAPE0003141, 2025. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1581503


Resumo Objetivo Analisar os resultados da aplicação de telessaúde na assistência ao paciente por enfermeiros de prática avançada. Métodos Revisão sistemática de estudos de intervenção, conforme recomendações do Joanna Briggs Institute I e do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A busca foi conduzida em 23 de agosto de 2023, utilizando os descritores "telemedicine", "nurse practitioner", "patient care" e as palavras-chaves correlatas. Foram acessadas sete bases de dados: Lilacs, PubMed®, Cinahl, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews e Web of Science Core Collection. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos, randomizados ou não; estudos pré-pós testes ou tipo antes e depois, sem restrição de data de publicação ou idioma, que responderam à questão/PICO "Qual o resultado da aplicação da telessaúde realizada por enfermeiros de prática avançada na assistência ao paciente?" Foi realizada a análise da qualidade metodológica, tendo sido incluídos apenas os estudos de moderada e de alta qualidade metodológica; não foi possível realizar metanálise. Resultados Foram selecionados 15 artigos, com população de pacientes adultos, idosos e familiares de crianças com doenças crônicas. As intervenções envolveram telefonemas, combinações de diferentes dispositivos ou programas para educação, monitoramento ou aconselhamentos. Foram identificados, em 12 estudos, efeitos positivos para os desfechos primários: custos; autogestão do cuidado, satisfação do cuidador com gestão da saúde; qualidade de vida, conforto, adaptação ao tratamento, recuperação funcional, indicadores clínicos e sinais vitais. Conclusão Os efeitos positivos do emprego da telessaúde para obtenção de dados clínicos e gestão do cuidado e seu uso seguro, evidenciados no presente estudo, permitem recomendá-la.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar los resultados de la aplicación de la salud digital en la atención a pacientes por enfermeros de práctica avanzada. Métodos Revisión sistemática de estudios de intervención, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del Joanna Briggs Institute I y del Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. La búsqueda se llevó a cabo el 23 de agosto de 2023, utilizando los descriptores "telemedicine", "nurse practitioner", "patient care" y palabras clave relacionadas. Se consultaron siete bases de datos: Lilacs, PubMed®, Cinahl, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y Web of Science Core Collection. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos, aleatorizados o no aleatorizados, estudios prepruebas y pospruebas o del tipo antes y después, sin restricción de fecha de publicación ni idioma, que respondieran la pregunta/PICO "Cuál es el resultado de la aplicación de salud digital realizada por enfermeros de práctica avanzada en la atención a pacientes?" Se realizó el análisis de la calidad metodológica y se incluyeron solo los estudios de calidad metodológica moderada y alta; no fue posible realizar metanálisis. Resultados Se seleccionaron 15 artículos, con población de pacientes adultos, adultos mayores y familiares de niños y niñas con enfermedades crónicas. Las intervenciones incluyeron llamadas telefónicas, combinaciones de diferentes dispositivos o programas para educación, monitoreo o asesoramiento. En 12 estudios, se identificaron efectos positivos en los resultados primarios: costos, autogestión del cuidado, satisfacción del cuidador con manejo de la salud, calidad de vida, bienestar, adaptación al tratamiento, recuperación funcional, indicadores clínicos y signos vitales. Conclusión Es posible recomendar la aplicación de la salud digital gracias a los efectos positivos de obtención de datos clínicos y manejo del cuidado y su uso seguro, observados en el presente estudio. PROSPERO Register: CRD42023465566

Abstract Objective To analyze the results of application of telehealth in patient care by advanced practice nurses. Methos This is a systematic review of intervention studies, in accordance with recommendations from the JBI and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The search was conducted on August 23, 2023, using the descriptors "telemedicine", "nurse practitioner", "patient care" and related keywords. Seven databases were accessed, such as LILACS, PubMed®, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Web of Science Core Collection. Clinical trials, randomized or not, pre-post testing or before and after studies, without restrictions on publication date or language, that answered the question/PICO "What is the result of the application of telehealth carried out by advanced practice nurses in patient care?", were included. An analysis of methodological quality was carried out, only studies of moderate and high methodological quality were included, and it was not possible to perform a meta-analysis. Results A total of 15 articles were selected, with a population of adult patients, older adults and family members of children with chronic diseases. Interventions involved phone calls, combinations of different devices or programs for education, monitoring or counseling. In 12 studies, positive effects were identified for the primary outcomes: costs; self-management of care, caregiver satisfaction with health management; quality of life, comfort, adaptation to treatment, functional recovery, clinical indicators and vital signs. Conclusion The positive effects of using telehealth to obtain clinical data and care management and its safe use, evidenced in the present study, allow us to recommend it. PROSPERO Register: CRD42023465566

J Intensive Care Med ; 40(2): 145-150, 2025 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246044


There are discrepancies in resources and expertise available between pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) in Brazil that likely significantly impact the clinical outcomes of patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of telemedicine rounding support in two public PICUs located in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. Our intervention involves telehealth rounds connecting two "level II" PICUs with specialist doctors from a hospital of recognized excellence. A before-and-after study was carried out to evaluate telemedicine's impact on PICUs between December 2018 and July 2019. Nine hundred and forty patients were evaluated during this period (426 pre-telemedicine, 514 post-telemedicine). The intervention occurred through telerounds between the command center and the ICUs assisted by telemedicine. In unit A, the implementation of telemedicine reduced the mortality rate from 18.86% to 9.29%, while in unit B, it decreased from 10.76% to 9.72%. There was no change in the median length of stay in unit A, but in unit B, it increased from 6 to 8 days. Logistic regression analysis confirmed a significant reduction in mortality in unit A (odds ratio (OR) 0.50; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.29-0.86). The study found a positive correlation between adherence to telemedicine recommendations and mortality reduction across both units. This suggests that telemedicine can effectively improve outcomes in PICUs, particularly in regions with limited health-care resources.

Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Telemedicina , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica/organização & administração , Brasil , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Lactente , Tempo de Internação/estatística & dados numéricos , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Visitas de Preceptoria/métodos , Adolescente , Melhoria de Qualidade , Saúde Pública/métodos
Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(3): 26-37, Sep.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582841


Abstract Telehealth, the use of telecommunications technology and electronic information to aid in healthcare delivery, has revolutionized patient care. Health communities have already approved telemedicine for treating certain acute and chronic diseases, while teledentistry has emerged as a distinct field within the broader scope of telemedicine. Numerous trials have demonstrated the value of teledentistry in reducing dental expenses and expanding dental care access to remote and rural areas. With technological advancements, teledentistry holds the potential to further enhance dental services and patient care. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought healthcare to the forefront of public concern. The need for close face-to-face contact with patients largely led to the suspension of dentistry services. However, the increased use of cell phones and related software packages integrated into "teledentistry" has facilitated easier clinical data exchange between patients and clinicians. This technology proved invaluable for dentists managing dental emergencies during lockdowns, providing an innovative means to resume dental practice. As a result, integrating teledentistry into routine dental practice as a complement to the existing dental system is advisable. It has the potential to revolutionize dental care for the better by expanding access to care and decreasing expenses. Given these circumstances, this review discusses the value and implications of teledentistry, highlighting its potential as a game- changing solution for the dental industry.

Resumen La tele salud, el uso de la tecnología de telecomunicaciones e información electrónica para ayudar en la prestación de atención médica, ha revolucionado la atención al paciente. Las comunidades sanitarias ya han aprobado la telemedicina para el tratamiento de ciertas enfermedades agudas y crónicas, mientras que la teledentología ha surgido como un campo distinto dentro del alcance más amplio de la telemedicina. Numerosos ensayos han demostrado el valor de la teledentología en la reducción de los gastos dentales y la ampliación del acceso a la atención dental en las zonas remotas y rurales. Con los avances tecnológicos, la teledentología tiene el potencial de mejorar aún más los servicios dentales y la atención al paciente. La pandemia de COVID-19 ha puesto a la atención de la salud en el primer plano de la preocupación pública. La necesidad de un contacto cercano cara a cara con los pacientes condujo en gran medida a la suspensión de los servicios odontológicos. Sin embargo, el aumento del uso de teléfonos celulares y paquetes de software relacionados integrados en la "teledentistry" ha facilitado el intercambio de datos clínicos entre pacientes y médicos. Esta tecnología resultó inestimable para los dentistas que gestionan emergencias dentales durante los bloqueos, proporcionando un medio innovador para reanudar la práctica dental. Por consiguiente, es aconsejable integrar la teledentología en la práctica dental de rutina como complemento del sistema dental existente. Tiene el potencial de revolucionar la atención dental para el mejor, ampliando el acceso a la atención y disminuyendo los gastos. Dadas estas circunstancias, esta revisión discute el valor y las implicaciones de la teledentología, destacando su potencial como una solución que cambia el juego para la industria dental.

Am J Trop Med Hyg ; 111(6): 1206-1214, 2024 Dec 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39378864


The effectiveness of treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in rural settings remains underexplored. This study assessed the effectiveness of standard antileishmanial treatments using a community-based approach supported by mobile health (mHealth) in three rural areas of Colombia. From January 2018 to September 2021, we assessed treatment outcomes, adherence, and adverse drug reactions in CL patients, with the support of the Guaral+ST app. Treatment decisions were made by providers at health facilities at each site in accordance with national guidelines, whereas treatment follow-up and presumptive case identification were made by trained community leaders and health agents at the community level. In total, 231 participants received antileishmanial treatment (63 received miltefosine, 110 meglumine antimoniate, and 58 pentamidine). Disease presentation was mild (median number of lesions = 1, interquartile range [IQR]: 1-2) and of short duration (1.5 months, IQR: 1-3). The strategy yielded information on the therapeutic outcomes in 81% of study participants. Effectiveness, measured as the proportion of cure at 90 to 180 days, was 86.3% (95% CI: 73.3-93.48) for miltefosine; 77.6% (67.5-85.3) for meglumine antimoniate, and 73.1% (59.0-83.6) for pentamidine. The effectiveness of pentamidine in children ≤10 years old was 79.4% (61.6-90.3). This is one of the few reports of effectiveness of pentamidine in children with prospective data collection in the Americas. Adverse drug reactions occurred in 32% of patients, most frequently with meglumine antimoniate. Our findings demonstrate that standard antileishmanial treatments are effective in rural areas where the disease is endemic and that mHealth has a pivotal role in improving patient follow-up and data collection on therapeutic outcomes.

Antiprotozoários , Leishmaniose Cutânea , Antimoniato de Meglumina , Fosforilcolina , Humanos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Antiprotozoários/uso terapêutico , Antiprotozoários/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Feminino , Leishmaniose Cutânea/tratamento farmacológico , Leishmaniose Cutânea/epidemiologia , Adulto , Adolescente , Criança , Antimoniato de Meglumina/uso terapêutico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fosforilcolina/análogos & derivados , Fosforilcolina/uso terapêutico , Fosforilcolina/efeitos adversos , Adulto Jovem , Resultado do Tratamento , Estudos de Coortes , Pentamidina/uso terapêutico , Pré-Escolar , População Rural , Telemedicina , Doenças Endêmicas , Idoso , Lactente
Artigo em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-61768


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To determine the prevalence and causes of vision loss and calculate the effective cataract surgery coverage (eCSC) in adults aged 60 years and older in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2020. Methods. The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness Vision Atlas and the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness databases were used as data source. The collected data were used to estimate the prevalence and causes of vision loss in people aged 60 years and older, and to determine the eCSC. Results. The overall prevalence of moderate to severe vision impairment (MSVI) and blindness in Latin America and the Caribbean were 14.14% and 2.94%, respectively. Tropical Latin America was the subregion with the highest prevalence of blindness (3.89%) while Southern Latin America had the lowest (0.96%). For both MSVI and blindness, cataract was the main cause of vision loss. The eCSC rates showed great variation, ranging from 4.0% in Guatemala to 75.2% in Suriname. Conclusions. The prevalence of vision loss in adults aged 60 years and older in Latin America and the Caribbean was higher than previous estimates on younger groups. Cataract was the main cause of blindness, and the eCSC indicates that the outcomes from cataract surgery should be improved. Specific actions associated with improving access, integrating eye assessment with primary care programs, expanding the use of telemedicine, and improving data quality should be taken by public health authorities aiming to address vision loss in this group.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y las causas de la pérdida de visión y calcular la cobertura efectiva de la cirugía de las cataratas en personas mayores de 60 años en América Latina y el Caribe en el 2020. Métodos. Se utilizaron como fuentes la base de datos del Atlas de la Visión de la Agencia Internacional para la Prevención de la Ceguera y la de Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness [evaluación rápida de la ceguera evitable]. Los datos recopilados se utilizaron para estimar la prevalencia y las causas de la pérdida de visión en personas mayores de 60 años y para determinar la cobertura efectiva de la cirugía de las cataratas. Resultados. La prevalencia general de la discapacidad visual moderada a grave y de la ceguera en América Latina y el Caribe fue del 14,14% y el 2,94%, respectivamente. La subregión de América Latina tropical presentó la mayor prevalencia de ceguera (3,89%), mientras que la de América Latina austral registró la menor (0,96%). Tanto en el caso de la discapacidad visual moderada a grave como en el de la ceguera, la causa principal de pérdida de visión fueron las cataratas. Hubo grandes diferencias en la tasa de cobertura efectiva de la cirugía de las cataratas, con valores que iban del 4,0% en Guatemala al 75,2% en Suriname. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de la pérdida de visión en personas mayores de 60 años en América Latina y el Caribe fue superior a la indicada por las estimaciones anteriores en grupos de menor edad. Las cataratas fueron la principal causa de ceguera, y la cobertura efectiva de la cirugía de las cataratas indica la necesidad de mejorar los resultados de estas intervenciones. Las autoridades de salud pública que pretendan abordar la pérdida de visión en este grupo deben adoptar medidas específicas que se asocien a una mejora del acceso, la integración de las exploraciones oftalmológicas en los programas de atención primaria, la ampliación del uso de la telemedicina y la mejora de la calidad de los datos.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Determinar a prevalência e as causas da perda de visão e calcular a cobertura efetiva da cirurgia de catarata em adultos com 60 anos ou mais na América Latina e no Caribe em 2020. Métodos. Foram usadas as bases de dados do Atlas da Visão da Agência Internacional para a Prevenção da Cegueira e da Avaliação Rápida da Cegueira Evitável (RAAB, na sigla em inglês) como fonte de dados. Os dados coletados foram usados para estimar a prevalência e as causas da perda de visão em pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e para determinar a cobertura efetiva da cirurgia de catarata. Resultados. A prevalência global de deficiência visual moderada a grave e cegueira na América Latina e no Caribe foi de 14,14% e 2,94%, respectivamente. A América Latina Tropical foi a sub-região com a maior prevalência de cegueira (3,89%), ao passo que a América Latina Meridional teve a menor prevalência (0,96%). Tanto na deficiência visual moderada a grave quanto na cegueira, a catarata foi a principal causa da perda de visão. As taxas de cobertura efetiva da cirurgia de catarata variaram muito, desde 4,0% na Guatemala até 75,2% no Suriname. Conclusões. A prevalência da perda de visão em adultos com 60 anos ou mais na América Latina e no Caribe foi maior do que as estimativas anteriores em grupos de indivíduos mais jovens. A catarata foi a principal causa de cegueira, e a cobertura efetiva da cirurgia de catarata indica que os desfechos dessa cirurgia precisam ser melhorados. Medidas específicas associadas à melhoria do acesso, à integração da avaliação oftalmológica aos programas de atenção primária, à expansão do uso da telemedicina e à melhoria da qualidade dos dados devem ser adotadas pelas autoridades de saúde pública com o objetivo de enfrentar a perda de visão nesse grupo.

Envelhecimento , Cegueira , Transtornos da Visão , Oftalmologia , Saúde Pública , América Latina , Região do Caribe , Envelhecimento , Cegueira , Transtornos da Visão , Oftalmologia , Saúde Pública , América Latina , Região do Caribe , Envelhecimento , Cegueira , Transtornos da Visão , Oftalmologia , Saúde Pública , Região do Caribe
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 18(10): e0012565, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39405342


INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis (TB) treatment demands strict adherence to multidrug regimens. Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) poses challenges, especially regarding adherence. With the popularization of smartphones, Video-Observed Therapy (VOT) has emerged as a promising alternative, allowing healthcare providers to remotely supervise patients taking their medications via video calls. OBJECTIVES: This systematic review critically assesses VOT's effectiveness compared to DOT, focusing on adherence, treatment costs, time spent supervising treatment, and patient satisfaction, aiming to optimize TB supervision methods worldwide. METHODS: Only studies that met the following criteria were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review: randomized trials; studies that compared VOT to DOT; studies involving patients diagnosed with pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis; studies that reported any of the desired outcomes; full-text articles available for review; and studies conducted in the English language. We excluded studies with the following attributes: studies that lacked a control group; case series or case reports; and previous systematic reviews. The search engines and databases MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane were used to find studies comparing Video-Observed Therapy (VOT) to Directly Observed Therapy (DOT). The following search phrases were used to look for papers that contained them in their title or abstract: ("Electronic Directly Observed Therapy" OR "Video-observed therapy" OR "Telemedicine" OR "Wirelessly observed therapy" OR "Smartphone-enabled video-observed") AND ("TUBERCULOSIS"). RESULTS: A systematic review of the literature revealed the following findings: in all Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), video-observed therapy (VOT) demonstrated non-inferiority in terms of treatment adherence compared to traditional directly observed therapy (DOT); VOT reduced costs where these outcomes were assessed in the RCTs; the use of VOT reduced the amount of time healthcare professionals spent supervising treatment in RCTs evaluating this aspect; VOT contributed to higher treatment satisfaction in RCTs where this outcome was measured. CONCLUSION: In this systematic review we emphasize the importance of Video-Observed Therapy (VOT) in the digital age for patients that have access to internet. Our findings show that VOT is comparable to DOT in terms of treatment adherence, but it is also cost-effective, improves patient satisfaction and takes less time for healthcare professionals to supervise.

Terapia Diretamente Observada , Adesão à Medicação , Satisfação do Paciente , Tuberculose , Humanos , Tuberculose/tratamento farmacológico , Antituberculosos/uso terapêutico , Antituberculosos/economia , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Telemedicina/economia
JAMA ; 332(21): 1798-1807, 2024 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39382244


Importance: Despite its implementation in several countries, there has not been a randomized clinical trial to assess whether telemedicine in intensive care units (ICUs) could improve clinical outcomes of critically ill patients. Objective: To determine whether an intervention comprising daily multidisciplinary rounds and monthly audit and feedback meetings performed by a remote board-certified intensivist reduces ICU length of stay (LOS) compared with usual care. Design, Setting, and Participants: A parallel cluster randomized clinical trial with a baseline period in 30 general ICUs in Brazil in which daily multidisciplinary rounds performed by board-certified intensivists were not routinely available. All consecutive adult patients (aged ≥18 years) admitted to the participating ICUs, excluding those admitted due to justice-related issues, were enrolled between June 1, 2019, and April 7, 2021, with last follow-up on July 6, 2021. Intervention: Remote daily multidisciplinary rounds led by a board-certified intensivist through telemedicine, monthly audit and feedback meetings for discussion of ICU performance indicators, and provision of evidence-based clinical protocols. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was ICU LOS at the patient level. Secondary outcomes included ICU efficiency, in-hospital mortality, incidence of central line-associated bloodstream infections, ventilator-associated events, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, ventilator-free days at 28 days, patient-days receiving oral or enteral feeding, patient-days under light sedation, and rate of patients with oxygen saturation values under that of normoxemia, assessed using generalized linear mixed models. Results: Among 17 024 patients (1794 in the baseline period and 15 230 in the intervention period), the mean (SD) age was 61 (18) years, 44.7% were female, the median (IQR) Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score was 6 (2-9), and 45.5% were invasively mechanically ventilated at admission. The median (IQR) time under intervention was 20 (16-21) months. Mean (SD) ICU LOS, adjusted for baseline assessment, did not differ significantly between the tele-critical care and usual care groups (8.1 [10.0] and 7.1 [9.0] days; percentage change, 8.2% [95% CI, -5.4% to 23.8%]; P = .24). Results were similar in sensitivity analyses and prespecified subgroups. There were no statistically significant differences in any other secondary or exploratory outcomes. Conclusions and Relevance: Daily multidisciplinary rounds conducted by a board-certified intensivist through telemedicine did not reduce ICU LOS in critically ill adult patients. Trial Registration: Identifier: NCT03920501.

Estado Terminal , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Visitas de Preceptoria , Telemedicina , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Brasil , Resultados de Cuidados Críticos , Estado Terminal/terapia , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva/estatística & dados numéricos , Tempo de Internação , Visitas de Preceptoria/métodos
Braz Oral Res ; 38: e094, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39356902


The aim of this study was to undertake a cross-cultural adaptation of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) instrument to measure digital health literacy of Brazilian adolescents. eHEALS is a scale consisting of 8 items that measure self-perception related to the consumption of electronic health information. This is a methodological study of cross-cultural adaptation, conducted out from February 2022 to June 2022. The following steps were carried out: a) assessment and adequacy of cultural equivalence by a committee of experts; b) back-translation; c) synthesis of back-translations; d) cognitive testing with 42 Brazilian adolescents, using cognitive interviews with probing questions. All items that were difficult to understand were adapted to the (language) context of Brazilian adolescents. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for eHEALS-BrA was 0.81 and, if one of the items were excluded from the instrument, it ranged from 0.75-0.81. This version of the eHEALS proved to be culturally well-adapted to the context of Brazilian adolescents, and has the potential to measure digital health literacy in this population after having its validation confirmed through psychometric analyses.

Comparação Transcultural , Letramento em Saúde , Psicometria , Telemedicina , Traduções , Humanos , Adolescente , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Características Culturais , Autoimagem
J Bras Pneumol ; 50(4): e20240030, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39356909


OBJECTIVE: To translate, cross-culturally adapt to Brazilian Portuguese, and evaluate the reliability of the Telemedicine Satisfaction Questionnaire (TSQ). METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved patients from the Smoking Prevention and Cessation Center (PrevFumo) who participated in at least four of the eight scheduled remote meetings with the PrevFumo psychologist in 2020, 2021, or 2022. Participants were contacted by telephone and asked to answer the 14 questions of the TSQ three times at intervals of 7 or 10 days. RESULTS: We assessed 53 patients (73.3% women). The mean age was 49.7 ± 10.2 years. The mean smoking history was 35.32 ± 24.8 pack-years. Of the 53 patients evaluated, 30.2% had completed high school or had some higher education, and 32.1% were classified as socioeconomic class B2 (A being the highest and E being the lowest). Forty-nine (92.5%) of the patients attended all eight meetings. The TSQ with only three answer options showed high reliability, with approximately 90% agreement after three applications. Patients were satisfied with telemedicine. CONCLUSIONS: The TSQ is rapidly applied, is easy to complete, and showed high reliability in our patient sample. Patients declared that they were satisfied with their telemedicine experience.

Satisfação do Paciente , Telemedicina , Traduções , Humanos , Feminino , Brasil , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adulto , Satisfação do Paciente/estatística & dados numéricos , Comparação Transcultural , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Características Culturais , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/psicologia , Idioma
Artigo em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-61353


This editorial presents a collective vision of unity, innovation and collaboration, and a shared desire for resilient and more equitable health systems worldwide, urging the global health community to harness the collective strength of alliances and international collaboration to guide the health sector into a new era of digital transformation and innovation.

Tecnologia Digital , Saúde Digital , Telemedicina , Inteligência Artificial , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Sistemas de Saúde , Cooperação Internacional
BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 963, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232771


OBJECTIVES: This study examined the level of technology proficiency amongst healthcare professions students. Additionally, the study provides an evaluation of the pilot implementation, as well as the effect of a 7-module telehealth course on the level of adoption and future use of telehealth amongst future Australian healthcare workforce. METHODS: Students from four health-sciences departments at the University of Melbourne, Australia, participated in this pilot study by completing the course and an online questionnaire, which included both structured and open-ended questions. The questionnaire included: 12-items on socio-demographic and Internet utilization; 34-items about acceptance and use of telehealth adapted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) questionnaire; and 22-items about confidence in using the Internet and ICT, adapted from Technology Proficiency Self-Assessment Questionnaire for 21st Century Learning (TPSA-C-21). RESULTS: The evaluation included 26 students who expressed confidence in their Internet/ICT skills They showed enthusiasm for telehealth and recognized its potential benefits, but also emphasized the value of face-to-face interactions. They requested information on legal and aspects and additional learning. Post-test assessments indicated improvements in overall acceptance and use attitudes towards telehealth and on six dimensions of the UTAUT2 instrument. Participation in the course indicated improvements in students' overall acceptance and use attitudes and on six of the ten dimensions of the UTAUT2 instrument (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This preliminary evaluation indicated that the telehealth course was a positive and enjoyable learning experience for students with appropriate structure and information. The course was successful in improving students' acceptance and use of health technology. The study identified areas in which further development might be required. As such, the course represents a helpful approach for telehealth training among health professions students. Further evaluation with larger samples is required.

Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde , Telemedicina , Humanos , Projetos Piloto , Feminino , Masculino , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/psicologia , Austrália , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Currículo , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Ocupações em Saúde/educação , Internet
Int Braz J Urol ; 50(6): 754-763, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226445


PURPOSE: We reported, as a referral center in prostate cancer, our perspectives and experience performing Telesurgery using robotic surgery and 5G network. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We described and illustrated the Telesurgery applications and outcomes to treat a patient with prostate cancer located 1300 kilometers away from the surgeon (Beijing-Harbin) in China. We used the Edge Medical Robot (MP1000) in November 2023 in a 71-year-old patient with Gleason 6 (ISUP 1) in 8 cores from 13, PSA of 14 ng/dL, and clinical stage cT2a. MRI described a PIRADS 5 nodule on the left peripheral zone at the base, and 20gr prostate. We described details about the connection between centers, perioperative outcomes, and our perspectives as a referral center in prostate cancer. RESULTS: We had no delays, or problems with network connection between the centers. The procedure was performed in 60 minutes, with no intra- or postoperative complications. Estimated blood loss was 100 mL. The patient was ambulating soon after anesthesia recovery. Final pathology described a Gleason 6 (ISUP 1) involving the left base and left seminal vesicle, negative surgical margins, and no lymph node involvement (pT3bN0). The patient was continent soon after catheter removal (7 days). CONCLUSION: As technological progress introduced novel robotic platforms and high-speed networks, the concept of Telesurgery became a tangible reality while 5G technology solved latency and transmission concerns. However, with these advancements, ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks should underline the importance of transparency and patient safety with responsible innovation in the field.

Prostatectomia , Neoplasias da Próstata , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos , Humanos , Masculino , Prostatectomia/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/métodos , Neoplasias da Próstata/cirurgia , Neoplasias da Próstata/patologia , Idoso , Telemedicina , Resultado do Tratamento
Reprod Health ; 21(1): 136, 2024 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39300581


BACKGROUND: Telemedicine represents an important strategy to facilitate access to medication abortion (MAB) procedures, reduces distance barriers and expands coverage to underserved communities. The aim is evaluating the self-managed MAB (provided through telemedicine as the sole intervention or in comparison to in-person care) in pregnant people at up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. METHODS: A literature search was conducted using electronic databases: MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane (Central Register of Controlled Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews), LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The search was based on the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Study Design (PICOS) framework, and was not restricted to any years of publication, and studies could be published in English or Spanish. Study screening and selection, risk of bias assessment, and data extraction were performed by peer reviewers. Risk of bias was evaluated with RoB 2.0 and ROBIS-I. A narrative and descriptive synthesis of the results was conducted. Meta-analyses with random-effects models were performed using Review Manager version 5.4 to calculate pooled risk differences, along with their individual 95% confidence intervals. The rate of evidence certainty was based on GRADE recommendations. RESULTS: 21 articles published between 2011 and 2022 met the inclusion criteria. Among them, 20 were observational studies, and 1 was a randomized clinical trial. Regarding the risk of bias, 5 studies had a serious risk, 15 had a moderate risk, and 1 had an undetermined risk. In terms of the type of intervention, 7 compared telemedicine to standard care. The meta-analysis of effectiveness revealed no statistically significant differences between the two modalities of care (RD = 0.01; 95%CI 0.00, 0.02). Our meta-analyses show that there were no significant differences in the occurrence of adverse events or in patient satisfaction when comparing the two methods of healthcare delivery. CONCLUSION: Telemedicine is an effective and viable alternative for MAB, similar to standard care. The occurrence of complications was low in both forms of healthcare delivery. Telemedicine services are an opportunity to expand access to safe abortion services.

Aborto Induzido , Telemedicina , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Abortivos/uso terapêutico , Abortivos/administração & dosagem , Aborto Induzido/métodos , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde
JMIR Form Res ; 8: e51237, 2024 09 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39269741


BACKGROUND: During the pandemic in Peru, the COVIDA (Collaboration Network of Volunteer Brigade Members for the Investigation, Detection, and Primary Management of Community Cases Affected by COVID-19) project proposed an innovative way to provide telemonitoring and teleorientation to COVID-19 patients, led by health care student volunteers. However, it has not been described how this interaction is perceived from the patient's perspective and which factors increase their engagement with this service. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe the perceptions of patients about COVIDA and identify factors associated with their engagement with this service. METHODS: A mixed methods study was conducted to evaluate perceptions of patients that participated in the COVIDA project. This telehealth intervention organized by the National University of San Marcos was implemented in Peru from August to December 2020. The service involved daily phone calls by volunteer students to monitor registered COVID-19 patients until the completion of the 14th day of the illness or if a warning sign was identified. The volunteers also provided teleorientation to address the patients' needs and concerns. Quantitative analysis was performed to describe the characteristics of the patients and to assess the factors related to their engagement with the service, which was defined by the percentage of participants who completed the follow-up according to their individual schedule. Qualitative analysis through semistructured interviews evaluated the patients' perceptions of the service regarding the aspects of communication, interaction, and technology. RESULTS: Of the 770 patients enrolled in COVIDA, 422 (55.7%) were female; the median age was 39 (IQR 28-52) years. During the monitoring, 380 patients (49.4%) developed symptoms, and 471 (61.2%) showed warning signs of COVID-19. The overall median for engagement was 93% (IQR 35.7%-100%). Among those patients who did not develop warning signs, engagement was associated with the presence of symptoms (OR 3.04, 95% CI 2.22-4.17), a positive COVID-19 test at the start of follow-up (OR 1.97, 95% CI 1.48-2.61), and the presence of comorbidities (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.29-2.59). Patients reported that the volunteers provided clear and valuable information and emotional support. Communication via phone calls took place smoothly and without interruptions. CONCLUSIONS: COVIDA represents a well-accepted and well-perceived alternative model for student volunteers to provide telemonitoring, teleorientation, and emotional support to patients with COVID-19 in the context of overwhelmed demand for health care services. The deployment of this kind of intervention should be prioritized among patients with symptoms and comorbidities, as they show more engagement with these services.

COVID-19 , Participação do Paciente , Telemedicina , Voluntários , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Telemedicina/organização & administração , Adulto , Voluntários/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Peru/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem , Idoso
J Oral Rehabil ; 51(12): 2577-2587, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39287359


BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are conditions that involve the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles, and associated tissues, causing orofacial pain. Central sensitisation (CS) is a relevant part of the TMD pathophysiology. Migraine, psychological aspects, parafunctional oral habits and widespread pain are commonly associated with both TMD and CS and could confound the association between them. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between painful TMD and the Central Sensitisation Inventory (CSI) score, and to assess the presence of confounders in this association. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that assessed women with and without orofacial pain complaints using telehealth. The TMD Pain Screener and an online physical examination determined the presence of painful TMD. The following questionnaires were applied: CSI, Headache Screening Questionnaire, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Oral Behavior Checklist, Jaw Functional Limitation Scale and the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire. A single regression investigated the association between the CSI score and TMD, and a multiple regression investigated the effect of the other outcomes as possible confounders. Confounding was considered present when the association between TMD and the CSI score changed more than 10% after adding a possible confounder to the regression model. RESULTS: Forty-two women with painful TMD and 53 without TMD were included. There was a significant association between the CSI score and the presence of painful TMD (R2 = 0.639; p < 0.001). This association changed when the following outcomes were added to the model: presence of migraine, symptoms of depression, widespread pain and parafunctional oral habits. CONCLUSION: The positive association between TMD and the CSI score was confounded by migraine, symptoms of depression, widespread pain and parafunctional oral habits.

Sensibilização do Sistema Nervoso Central , Depressão , Dor Facial , Transtornos de Enxaqueca , Medição da Dor , Telemedicina , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/psicologia , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/fisiopatologia , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/complicações , Transtornos de Enxaqueca/psicologia , Transtornos de Enxaqueca/fisiopatologia , Sensibilização do Sistema Nervoso Central/fisiologia , Dor Facial/fisiopatologia , Dor Facial/psicologia , Adulto , Depressão/fisiopatologia , Depressão/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
JMIR Form Res ; 8: e54005, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255480


BACKGROUND: Telemedicine-based interventions show promise in addressing mental health issues among rural populations, yet evidence regarding their impact among the health care workforce in these contexts remains limited. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics and the responses and perceptions of recently graduated physicians who work in rural areas of Peru as part of the Servicio Rural Urbano Marginal en Salud (Rural-Urban Marginal Health Service [SERUMS], in Spanish) toward a telehealth intervention to provide remote orientation and accompaniment in mental health. METHODS: A mixed methods study was carried out involving physicians who graduated from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and participated in the Mental Health Accompaniment Program (MHAP) from August 2022 to February 2023. This program included the assessment of mental health conditions via online forms, the dissemination of informational materials through a website, and, for those with moderate or high levels of mental health issues, the provision of personalized follow-up by trained personnel. Quantitative analysis explored the mental health issues identified among physicians, while qualitative analysis, using semistructured interviews, examined their perceptions of the services provided. RESULTS: Of 75 physicians initially enrolled to the MHAP, 30 (41.6%) opted to undergo assessment and use the services. The average age of the participants was 26.8 (SD 1.9) years, with 17 (56.7%) being female. About 11 (36.7%) reported have current or previous mental health issues, 17 (56.7%) indicating some level of depression, 14 (46.7%) indicated some level of anxiety, 5 (16.6%) presenting a suicidal risk, and 2 (6.7%) attempted suicide during the program. Physicians who did not use the program services reported a lack of advertising and related information, reliance on personal mental health resources, or neglect of symptoms. Those who used the program expressed a positive perception regarding the services, including evaluation and follow-up, although some faced challenges accessing the website. CONCLUSIONS: The MHAP has been effective in identifying and managing mental health problems among SERUMS physicians in rural Peru, although it faced challenges related to access and participation. The importance of mental health interventions in this context is highlighted, with recommendations to improve accessibility and promote self-care among participants.

Médicos , Telemedicina , Humanos , Peru/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Projetos Piloto , Médicos/psicologia , Serviços de Saúde Rural/organização & administração , População Rural , Saúde Mental , Serviços de Saúde Mental , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 58: e20230366, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39331784


OBJECTIVE: To develop a mobile health application (mHealth) accessible to deaf adolescents, based on their health card, promoting autonomy to the access to the user's health information. METHOD: This was a methodological study, divided into three stages: a questionnaire to understand the knowledge of deaf adolescents about the health card, and development of the application using videos in Brazilian Sign Language Libras, Android Studio platform with Java language, and evaluation of the application. RESULTS: Most deaf adolescents were not aware of the health card. The application has two interface modes: male and female card, with the particularities of each sex. Furthermore, user's data security is carried out in accordance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law. The application received a score of 85.5 from experts, being classified as "good" to "excellent" in terms of usability. CONCLUSION: The application provides information from the health card in text and video in Libras, according to the selected sex, promoting adolescents' autonomy in accessing health information. Future implementations may include expansion to other mobile platforms.

Aplicativos Móveis , Telemedicina , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Feminino , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pessoas com Deficiência Auditiva , Surdez , Saúde Digital
Rev Bras Enferm ; 77Suppl 1(Suppl 1): e20240078, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230125


OBJECTIVES: to identify the repercussions of financial toxicity on the lives of adult cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: an integrative review was conducted using the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase databases, as well as the Virtual Health Library portal, in March 2023. RESULTS: out of 62 studies found, 13 were included for analysis. The primary repercussions of financial toxicity included difficulties in covering basic expenses such as food, housing, medication, transportation, and internet access; increased anxiety and concerns related to health and financial situations; reduction or absence of income; challenges in obtaining treatment or accessing healthcare services; rising expenses; and telemedicine as a less burdensome alternative. CONCLUSIONS: the pandemic has exacerbated financial toxicity; therefore, healthcare teams must recognize it as an adverse event of oncological treatment and understand its potential to affect various aspects of patients' lives.

COVID-19 , Neoplasias , Pandemias , Adulto , Humanos , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , COVID-19/economia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias/complicações , Neoplasias/economia , Neoplasias/psicologia , Pandemias/economia , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , SARS-CoV-2 , Telemedicina/economia