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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 4): 646, 2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38917023


Introducing a new Main Editor of JSR.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 56(Pt 3): 787-800, 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37284276


Innovations in small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS and SANS) at major X-ray and neutron facilities offer new characterization tools for researching materials phenomena relevant to advanced applications. For SAXS, the new generation of diffraction-limited storage rings, incorporating multi-bend achromat concepts, dramatically decrease electron beam emittance and significantly increase X-ray brilliance over previous third-generation sources. This results in intense X-ray incident beams that are more compact in the horizontal plane, allowing significantly improved spatial resolution, better time resolution, and a new era for coherent-beam SAXS methods such as X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Elsewhere, X-ray free-electron laser sources provide extremely bright, fully coherent, X-ray pulses of <100 fs and can support SAXS studies of material processes where entire SAXS data sets are collected in a single pulse train. Meanwhile, SANS at both steady-state reactor and pulsed spallation neutron sources has significantly evolved. Developments in neutron optics and multiple detector carriages now enable data collection in a few minutes for materials characterization over nanometre-to-micrometre scale ranges, opening up real-time studies of multi-scale materials phenomena. SANS at pulsed neutron sources is becoming more integrated with neutron diffraction methods for simultaneous structure characterization of complex materials. In this paper, selected developments are highlighted and some recent state-of-the-art studies discussed, relevant to hard matter applications in advanced manufacturing, energy and climate change.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37534128


We use dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the structure of the pillared Hofmann compound Ni(3-Methy-4,4'-bipyridine)[Ni(CN)4] (Ni-BpyMe for short, or PICNIC-21). We model the disorder found in experimental X-ray structure refinement via an ensemble of supercells with ordered ligand orientation configurations. The ensemble-averaged structure agrees very well with experiment, except for the positions of the methyl group hydrogen atoms. While the dihedral angles between the bipyridal rings of each BpyMe ligand of the averaged structure is 90°, the local dihedral angles are about 80°. DFT screening of configurations where the crystallographic a/b ratio is constrained to equal 1 fail to find the configurations that are most stable when a/b is set to its distorted experimental value of a/b = 0.86, demonstrating the difficulty of solving pillared Hofmann structures purely theoretically without experimental input. The waviness of the Ni(CN)2 sheets is explained as a tendency to maximize dispersion interactions between these sheets and the methyl pyridine rings. This waviness leads to greater residual pore space and greater adsorbate uptake at low pressure compared with the analogous pillared compound Ni-Bpene (PICNIC-60).

Appl Sci (Basel) ; 11(18)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37583437


Inconel 625, a nickel-based superalloy, has drawn much attention in the emerging field of additive manufacturing (AM) because of its excellent weldability and resistance to hot cracking. The extreme processing condition of AM often introduces enormous residual stress (hundreds of MPa to GPa) in the as-fabricated parts, which requires stress-relief heat treatment to remove or reduce the internal stresses. Typical residual stress heat treatment for AM Inconel 625, conducted at 800 °C or 870 °C, introduces a substantial precipitation of the δ phase, a deleterious intermetallic phase. In this work, we used synchrotron-based in situ scattering and diffraction methods and ex situ electron microscopy to investigate the solid-state transformation of an AM Inconel 625 at 700 °C. Our results show that while the δ phase still precipitates from the matrix at this temperature, its precipitation rate and size at a given time are both smaller when compared with their counterparts during typical heat treatment temperatures of 800 °C and 870 °C. A comparison with thermodynamic modeling predictions elucidates these experimental findings. Our work provides the rigorous microstructural kinetics data required to explore the feasibility of a promising lower-temperature stress-relief heat treatment for AM Inconel 625. The combined methodology is readily extendable to investigate the solid-state transformation of other AM alloys.

J Am Ceram Soc ; 103(11)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33658725


We report on a recent workshop dedicated to additive manufacturing (AM) of ceramics that was held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in November 2019. This two-day all-invited meeting brought together experts from industry, government agencies and academia to review the state of the field and identify the most pressing applied materials research and metrology issues which, if addressed, could accelerate the incorporation of AM methods into commercial ceramic manufacturing. Besides the AM technologies, the discussions included consideration of the necessary post-processing steps. We highlight some of the successes and challenges for the adoption of ceramics AM on an industrial scale, as viewed by the workshop participants. We also propose actions for the ceramic community to facilitate the wider commercialization of these fabrication methods.

Fuel (Lond) ; 2652020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131348


Shale unconventional reservoirs are currently and expected to remain substantial fossil fuel resources in the future. As CO2 is being considered to enhance oil recovery and for storage purposes in unconventional reservoirs, it is unclear how the shale matrix and fractures will react with CO2 and water during these efforts. Here, we examined the Utica Shale and its reactivity with CO2 and water using scanning electron microscopy, N2 and CO2 sorption isotherms, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and X-ray scattering methods. During CO2 exposure, the presence of water can inhibit CO2 migration into the shale matrix, promote carbonate dissolution, and dramatically change the pore scale variability by opening and closing pore networks over the macro- to nano-scale range. These alterations in the shale matrix could impact flow pathways and ultimately, oil recovery factors and carbon storage potential.

J Non Cryst Solids ; 5482020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34135535


Barium disilicate is one of the glass-ceramic systems where internal nucleation and crystallization can occur from quenched glass upon heat treatment without requiring nucleating agents. The structural origin of the nano-clusters formed during low temperature heat treatment is of great interest in gaining a fundamental understanding of nucleation kinetics in silicate glasses. Here, we present experimental investigations on the low temperature heat treatment of barium disilicate (BaO·2SiO2) glass. Several experimental techniques were used to characterize the structural nature of barium disilicate glasses that were heat treated between the glass transition temperature, Tg, and the peak temperature of crystal growth, Tcr. The data show that small amounts of crystallites including BaSi2O5 as well as other higher Ba/Si ratio phases are formed. Moreover, unlike that reported for lower BaO content (BaO<33mol%) barium silicate glass or the analogous Li2O-SiO2 glasses, no clear evidence is observed for liquid/liquid phase separation in barium disilicate glass.

IUCrJ ; 6(Pt 6): 984-987, 2019 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31709052


This Editorial considers the impact of recent work published in IUCrJ and other IUCr journals, as well as the relationship between IUCrJ and the other journals, in terms of where the most cited recent papers are used.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31276100


Understanding the structure transformation of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) is a grand measurement challenge, which impacts many aspects of ENMs applications, such as their efficacy, safety, and environmental consequence. To address the significant knowledge gap regarding the fundamental kinetic rate and extent of ENM transformation in the environment, we present a comprehensive and mechanistic structural investigation of the transformation, aggregation, and dissolution behavior of a polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticle (AgNP) suspension upon sulfidation in moderately reduced hard water with fulvic acid and dissolved Na2S. This reaction is among the most prevalent and industrially and environmentally relevant ENMs transformation. Using ex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and both in situ and ex situ synchrotron-based small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), we find that sulfidation of faceted AgNPs strongly depends on the crystallographic orientation of the facets, with nanometer-scale passivation layers developed on {111} and {100} facets and continuous nucleation and growth on {110} facets. Nanobeam electron diffraction and atomic resolution imaging show Ag and Ag2S domains both possess a high degree of crystalline order, contradicting amorphous structures as previously reported. In situ SAXS/XRD allowed simultaneous determination of the morphological changes and extent of sulfidation of AgNPs. SAXS/XRD results strongly indicate sulfidation follows first-order reaction kinetics without any aggregation. Aided by their size monodispersity, for the first time, using direct, in situ morphology and atomic-structure probes whose results mutually corroborate, we unequivocally determined the sulfidation rate constant of AgNPs under an environmentally relevant condition (~0.013 min-1 for 68 nm diameter AgNPs). A rigorous analysis of the long-term sulfidation product of the AgNPs under different S/Ag ratios using ex situ SAXS/XRD clearly demonstrates that the silver mass in the original AgNP and transformed Ag/Ag2S NP is preserved. This result has important environmental implications, strongly suggesting that Ag+ ions, a known highly effective antimicrobial agent, are not leached into the solution during sulfidation of AgNPs. The combined nondestructive methodology can be extended to unfold the structure transformation pathway and kinetics in a broad range of ENM systems.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 9(3)2019 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30836601


This paper reports on the structural basis of CO2 adsorption in a representative model of flexible metal-organic framework (MOF) material, Ni(1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene)[Ni(CN)4] (NiBpene or PICNIC-60). NiBpene exhibits a CO2 sorption isotherm with characteristic hysteresis and features on the desorption branch that can be associated with discrete structural changes. Various gas adsorption effects on the structure are demonstrated for CO2 with respect to N2, CH4 and H2 under static and flowing gas pressure conditions. For this complex material, a combination of crystal structure determination and density functional theory (DFT) is needed to make any real progress in explaining the observed structural transitions during adsorption/desorption. Possible enhancements of CO2 gas adsorption under supercritical pressure conditions are considered, together with the implications for future exploitation. In situ operando small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction under relevant gas pressure and flow conditions are discussed with respect to previous studies, including ex situ, a priori single-crystal X-ray diffraction structure determination. The results show how this flexible MOF material responds structurally during CO2 adsorption; single or dual gas flow results for structural change remain similar to the static (Sieverts) adsorption case, and supercritical CO2 adsorption results in enhanced gas uptake. Insights are drawn for this representative flexible MOF with implications for future flexible MOF sorbent design.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32166056


A proper understanding of the structure and microstructure of additively manufactured (AM) alloys is essential not only to the prediction and assessment of their material properties, but also to the validation and verification of computer models needed to advance AM technologies. To accelerate AM development, as part of the AM-Bench effort, we conducted rigorous synchrotron-based X-ray scattering and diffraction experiments on two types of AM alloys (AM 15-5 stainless steel and AM Inconel 625). Taking advantage of the high penetration of synchrotron hard X-rays, we determined the phases present in these alloys under different build conditions and their statistically meaningful phase fractions using high-resolution X-ray diffraction. Using in situ multi-scale X-ray scattering and diffraction, we quantitatively analyzed the phase evolution and development of major precipitates in these alloys as a function of time during stress relief heat treatments. These results serve to validate AM microstructure models and provide input to higher-level AM processing and property models to predict the material properties and performances.

Nanoscale ; 10(47): 22270-22279, 2018 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30465677


Reported reaction kinetics of metal nanoparticles in natural and engineered systems commonly have used proxy measurements to infer chemical transformations, but extension of these methods to complex media has proven difficult. Here, we compare the sulfidation rate of AgNPs using two ion selective electrode (ISE)-based methods, which rely on either (i) direct measurement of free sulfide, or (ii) monitor the free Ag+ available in solution over time in the presence of sulfide species. Most experiments were carried out in moderately hard reconstituted water at pH 7 containing fulvic acid or humic acid, which represented a broad set of known interferences in ISE. Distinct differences in the measured rates were observed between the two proxy-based methods and details of the divergent results are discussed. The two ISE based methods were then compared to direct monitoring of AgNP chemical conversion to Ag2S using synchrotron-based in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD). Using XRD, distinct rates from both ISE-based technique were observed, which demonstrated that ISE measurements alone are inadequate to discriminate both the rate and extent of AgNP sulfidation. XRD rate data elucidated previously unidentified reaction regimes that were associated with AgNP coating (PVP and citrate acid) and NOM components, which provided new mechanistic insight into metallic NP processing. In general, the extent of Ag2S formation was inversely proportional to surface coverage of the initial AgNP. Overall, methods to determine reaction kinetics of nanomaterials in increasingly complex media and heterogeneous size distributions to improve NP-based design and performance will require similar approaches.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 5): 1354-1361, 2018 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30179173


This work reports a harmonic-rejection scheme based on the combination of Si(111) monochromator and Si(220) harmonic-rejection crystal optics. This approach is of importance to a wide range of X-ray applications in all three major branches of modern X-ray science (scattering, spectroscopy, imaging) based at major facilities, and especially relevant to the capabilities offered by the new diffraction-limited storage rings. It was demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that, when used with a synchrotron undulator source over a broad range of X-ray energies of interest, the harmonic-rejection crystals transmit the incident harmonic X-rays on the order of 10-6. Considering the flux ratio of fundamental and harmonic X-rays in the incident beam, this scheme achieves a total flux ratio of harmonic radiation to fundamental radiation on the order of 10-10. The spatial coherence of the undulator beam is preserved in the transmitted fundamental radiation while the harmonic radiation is suppressed, making this scheme suitable not only for current third-generation synchrotron sources but also for the new diffraction-limited storage rings where coherence preservation is an even higher priority. Compared with conventional harmonic-rejection mirrors, where coherence is poorly preserved and harmonic rejection is less effective, this scheme has the added advantage of lower cost and footprint. This approach has been successfully utilized at the ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering instrument at the Advanced Photon Source for scattering, imaging and coherent X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy experiments. With minor modification, the harmonic rejection can be improved by a further five orders of magnitude, enabling even more performance capabilities.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 51 Pt 32018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30996401


Following many years of evolutionary development, first at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and then at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, the APS ultrasmall-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) facility has been transformed by several new developments. These comprise a conversion to higher-order crystal optics and higher X-ray energies as the standard operating mode, rapid fly scan measurements also as a standard operational mode, automated contiguous pinhole small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at intermediate scattering vectors, and associated rapid wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) measurements for X-ray diffraction without disturbing the sample geometry. With each mode using the USAXS incident beam optics upstream of the sample, USAXS/SAXS/WAXS measurements can now be made within 5 min, allowing in situ and operando measurement capabilities with great flexibility under a wide range of sample conditions. These developments are described, together with examples of their application to investigate materials phenomena of technological importance. Developments of two novel USAXS applications, USAXSbased X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and USAXS imaging, are also briefly reviewed.

Acta Mater ; 1522018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080354


Elemental segregation is a ubiquitous phenomenon in additive-manufactured (AM) parts due to solute rejection and redistribution during the solidification process. Using electron microscopy, in situ synchrotron X-ray scattering and diffraction, and thermodynamic modeling, we reveal that in an AM nickel-based superalloy, Inconel 625, stress-relief heat treatment leads to the growth of unwanted δ-phase precipitates on a time scale much faster than that in wrought alloys (minutes versus tens to hundreds of hours). The root cause for this behavior is the elemental segregation that results in local compositions of AM alloys outside the bounds of the allowable range set for wrought alloys. In situ small angle scattering experiments reveal that platelet-shaped δ phase precipitates grow continuously and preferentially along their lateral dimensions during stress-relief heat treatment, while the thickness dimension reaches a plateau very quickly. In situ XRD experiments reveal that nucleation and growth of δ-phase precipitates occur within 5 min during stress-relief heat treatment, indicating a low nucleation barrier and a short incubation time. An activation energy for the growth of δ phase was found to be (131.04 ± 0.69) kJ mol-1. We further demonstrate that a subsequent homogenization heat treatment can effectively homogenize the AM alloy and remove the deleterious δ phase. The combined experimental and modeling methodology in this work can be extended to elucidate the phase evolution during heat treatments in a broad range of AM materials.

Acta Mater ; 139: 244-253, 2017 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29230094


Numerical simulations are used in this work to investigate aspects of microstructure and microseg-regation during rapid solidification of a Ni-based superalloy in a laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process. Thermal modeling by finite element analysis simulates the laser melt pool, with surface temperatures in agreement with in situ thermographic measurements on Inconel 625. Geometric and thermal features of the simulated melt pools are extracted and used in subsequent mesoscale simulations. Solidification in the melt pool is simulated on two length scales. For the multicomponent alloy Inconel 625, microsegregation between dendrite arms is calculated using the Scheil-Gulliver solidification model and DICTRA software. Phase-field simulations, using Ni-Nb as a binary analogue to Inconel 625, produced microstructures with primary cellular/dendritic arm spacings in agreement with measured spacings in experimentally observed microstructures and a lesser extent of microsegregation than predicted by DICTRA simulations. The composition profiles are used to compare thermodynamic driving forces for nucleation against experimentally observed precipitates identified by electron and X-ray diffraction analyses. Our analysis lists the precipitates that may form from FCC phase of enriched interdendritic compositions and compares these against experimentally observed phases from 1 h heat treatments at two temperatures: stress relief at 1143 K (870 °C) or homogenization at 1423 K (1150 °C).

Scr Mater ; 131: 98-102, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28824284


Additively manufactured (AM) metal components often exhibit fine dendritic microstructures and elemental segregation due to the initial rapid solidification and subsequent melting and cooling during the build process, which without homogenization would adversely affect materials performance. In this letter, we report in situ observation of the homogenization kinetics of an AM nickel-based superalloy using synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering. The identified kinetic time scale is in good agreement with thermodynamic diffusion simulation predictions using microstructural dimensions acquired by ex situ scanning electron microscopy. These findings could serve as a recipe for predicting, observing, and validating homogenization treatments in AM materials.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 50(Pt 2): 462-474, 2017 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28381972


The certification of a new standard reference material for small-angle scattering [NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) 3600: Absolute Intensity Calibration Standard for Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)], based on glassy carbon, is presented. Creation of this SRM relies on the intrinsic primary calibration capabilities of the ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering technique. This article describes how the intensity calibration has been achieved and validated in the certified Q range, Q = 0.008-0.25 Å-1, together with the purpose, use and availability of the SRM. The intensity calibration afforded by this robust and stable SRM should be applicable universally to all SAXS instruments that employ a transmission measurement geometry, working with a wide range of X-ray energies or wavelengths. The validation of the SRM SAXS intensity calibration using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is discussed, together with the prospects for including SANS in a future renewal certification.

Langmuir ; 33(11): 2817-2828, 2017 03 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28233496


We present an experimental study of the structural and dynamical properties of bimodal, micrometer-sized colloidal dispersions (size ratio ≈ 2) in an aqueous solution of low-molecular-weight polymer (polyethylene glycol 2000) using synchrotron ultra-small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) and USAXS-based X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. We fixed the volume fraction of the large particles at 5% and systematically increased the volume fraction of the small particles from 0 to 5% to evaluate their effects on the structure and dynamics. The bimodal dispersions were homogenous through the investigated parameter space. We found that the partial structure factors can be satisfactorily retrieved for the bimodal colloidal dispersions using a Percus-Yevick hard-sphere potential when the size distributions of the particles were taken into account. We also found that the partial structure factor between the large particles did not exhibit a significant variation with increasing volume fraction of the small particles, whereas the isothermal compressibility of the binary mixture was found to decrease with increasing volume fraction of the small particles. The dynamics of single-component large-particle dispersion obey the principles of de Gennes narrowing, where the wave vector dependence of the interparticle diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to the interparticle structure factor. The dynamics of the bimodal dispersions demonstrate a strong dependence on the fraction of small particles. We also made a comparison between the experimental effective dynamic viscosity of the bimodal dispersion with the theoretical predictions, which suggest that the complex mutual interactions between the large and small particles have a strong effect on the dynamic behaviors of bimodal dispersions.