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Farm Hosp ; 46(4): 215-223, 2022 07 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36183219


OBJECTIVE: To analyse a patient journey based on the experience reported by  breast and lung cancer patients at Spanish hospital. Method: A mixed design was used, with interviews with 16 health  professionals and 25 patients (qualitative method) and a Net Promoter Score questionnaire to 127 patients (quantitative method). INCLUSION CRITERIA: oncology patients > 18 years treated in hospital between February-  May 2019. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: paediatric patients, in palliative care or who were  hospitalised at the time of the study. RESULTS: Six phases were identified from the data obtained in the qualitative method: my life before diagnosis; discovery; initiation; treatment;  followup; and my current life. In the my life before diagnosis phase, a  functional level of experience was established, as patients' lives met their  expectations. In the discovery phase, patients' expectations were observed to  be met, although several satellite experiences were found. In the initiation  phase, the experience tended to be negative due to long waiting times and  emotional and physical stress. The treatment phase was defined as a basic- poor experience, due to waiting times and lack of institutional support. The  experience in the follow-up phase was positive in terms of tests and visits, but  critical points were observed in waiting times. In the current phase, the effort  made by health professionals to ensure the best possible treatment and care  was mentioned. In terms of quantitative analysis, a positive score (46%) was obtained for the Net Promoter Score indicator, as 60% of patients were promoters, i.e. they were satisfied with the service offered by the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insight into the experience of cancer patients in the six main stages of the disease. The most positive phases were "my life before diagnosis" and "follow-up" while the phases with a negative trend were "initiation" and "treatment" due to the waiting times  and the emotional burden on the patient.

OBJETIVO: Analizar la experiencia aportada por los pacientes con cáncer de  mama y pulmón utilizando la metodología del recorrido del paciente en un  hospital español. Método: Se empleó un diseño mixto, con entrevistas a 16 profesionales sanitarios y 25 pacientes (método cualitativo), y un cuestionario  basado en el indicador Net Promoter Score a 127 pacientes (método  cuantitativo). Criterios de inclusión: pacientes oncológicos > 18 años tratados  en el hospital entre febrero y mayo de 2019. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes pediátricos, en cuidados paliativos o que estaban hospitalizados en el  momento del estudio. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron seis fases a partir de los datos obtenidos en  el  método cualitativo: mi vida antes del diagnóstico, descubrir, comenzar, tratamiento, seguimiento y mi vida hoy. En la fase mi vida antes del  diagnóstico se estableció un nivel de experiencia funcional, ya que la vida  cumplía las expectativas de los pacientes. En la fase de descubrir se observó  que las expectativas de los pacientes se cumplían, aunque se  encontraron varias experiencias satélite. En la fase comenzar, la experiencia  tendió a ser negativa debido a los largos tiempos de espera y al estrés  emocional y físico. La fase de tratamiento se consideró como una experiencia  de nivel básico-deficiente, debido a los tiempos de espera y a la falta de apoyo  institucional. La experiencia en la fase de seguimiento fue positiva respecto   las pruebas y las visitas, pero se observaron puntos críticos en los tiempos de espera. en la fase mi vida hoy se mencionó el esfuerzo realizado  por  los profesionales sanitarios para garantizar el mejor tratamiento y  atención posibles. En cuanto al análisis cuantitativo, se obtuvo una puntuación positiva (46%) para el indicador Net Promoter Score, ya que el 60% de los  pacientes pertenecían a la categoría de promotores, es decir, estaban satisfechos con el servicio ofrecido por el hospital. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio permite conocer la experiencia de los pacientes  oncológicos en las seis etapas principales de la enfermedad. Las fases más  positivas fueron "mi vida antes del diagnóstico" y "seguimiento", mientras que  las fases con tendencia negativa fueron "inicio" y "tratamiento" debido a los  tiempos de espera y la carga emocional que suponen para el paciente.

Neoplasias da Mama , Neoplasias da Mama/terapia , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Pulmão , Cuidados Paliativos , Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Farm. hosp ; 46(4): 215-223, julio 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-210118


Objetivo: Analizar la experiencia aportada por los pacientes concáncer de mama y pulmón utilizando la metodología del recorrido delpaciente en un hospital español.Método: Se empleó un diseño mixto, con entrevistas a 16 profesionalessanitarios y 25 pacientes (método cualitativo), y un cuestionario basadoen el indicador Net Promoter Score a 127 pacientes (método cuantitativo). Criterios de inclusión: pacientes oncológicos > 18 años tratados enel hospital entre febrero y mayo de 2019. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes pediátricos, en cuidados paliativos o que estaban hospitalizados enel momento del estudio.Resultados: Se identificaron seis fases a partir de los datos obtenidos enel método cualitativo: mi vida antes del diagnóstico, descubrir, comenzar,tratamiento, seguimiento y mi vida hoy. En la fase mi vida antes del diagnóstico se estableció un nivel de experiencia funcional, ya que la vida cumplía las expectativas de los pacientes. En la fase de descubrir se observóque las expectativas de los pacientes se cumplían, aunque se encontraronvarias experiencias satélite. En la fase comenzar, la experiencia tendió aser negativa debido a los largos tiempos de espera y al estrés emocionaly físico. La fase de tratamiento se consideró como una experiencia de nivelbásico-deficiente, debido a los tiempos de espera y a la falta de apoyoinstitucional. La experiencia en la fase de seguimiento fue positiva respectoa las pruebas y las visitas, pero se observaron puntos críticos en los tiemposde espera. En la fase mi vida hoy se mencionó el esfuerzo realizado polos profesionales sanitarios para garantizar el mejor tratamiento y atención posibles. En cuanto al análisis cuantitativo, se obtuvo una puntuaciónpositiva (46%) para el indicador Net Promoter Score, ya que el 60% delos pacientes pertenecían a la categoría de promotores, es decir, estabansatisfechos con el servicio ofrecido por el hospital. (AU)

Objective: To analyse a patient journey based on the experience reported by breast and lung cancer patients at Spanish hospital.Method: A mixed design was used, with interviews with 16 health professionals and 25 patients (qualitative method) and a Net Promoter Scorequestionnaire to 127 patients (quantitative method). Inclusion criteria:oncology patients > 18 years treated in hospital between February- May2019. Exclusion criteria: paediatric patients, in palliative care or whowere hospitalised at the time of the study.Results: Six phases were identified from the data obtained in the qualitative method: my life before diagnosis; discovery; initiation; treatment; followup; and my current life. In the my life before diagnosis phase, a functionallevel of experience was established, as patients’ lives met their expectations.In the discovery phase, patients’ expectations were observed to be met,although several satellite experiences were found. In the initiation phase, theexperience tended to be negative due to long waiting times and emotionaland physical stress. The treatment phase was defined as a basic-poor experience, due to waiting times and lack of institutional support. The experiencein the follow-up phase was positive in terms of tests and visits, but criticalpoints were observed in waiting times. In the current phase, the effort madeby health professionals to ensure the best possible treatment and care wasmentioned. In terms of quantitative analysis, a positive score (46%) wasobtained for the Net Promoter Score indicator, as 60% of patients werepromoters, i.e. they were satisfied with the service offered by the hospital. (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias Unilaterais da Mama/terapia , Pulmão , Cuidados Paliativos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Oncologia , Pacientes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Espanha
Homeopatia Méx ; 87(714): 5-28, jul. - set. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-995368


La Homeopatía es bastante controvertida, tanto así que algunos filósofos de la ciencia la consideran un fraude. La pregunta de si la Homeopatía es una pseudociencia puede ser abordada al menos mediante dos estrategias: a) evaluando los principales argumentos de los detractores, y b) discutiendo el criterio de demarcación entre ciencia y pseudociencia propuesto por el filósofo Mario Bunge. Para lograr lo anterior, discutiremos algunos puntos a favor y en contra de la Homeopatía. Desde un inicio, el criterio de Bunge ha sido considerado como la propuesta más poderosa en contra de la Homeopatía. Como principal objetivo, en el presente artículo se proveen algunos ejemplos que permiten ilustrar el debate. No obstante, al final del artículo se demuestra que el criterio de demarcación ofrecido por Bunge es un acto de fe que, en última instancia, se enfrenta al creciente cuerpo de evidencia científica a favor de la Homeopatía. Con base en lo anterior, se concluye que el criterio bungueano no logra su objetivo y carece de pertinencia. (AU)

Homeopathy is a controversial field of study, so much that it has even been considered by some philosophers of science as a fraud. The question of homeopathy as pseudoscience can be approached with at least two strategies: a) evaluating the main arguments of so-called skeptics of "pseudoscience", and b) discussing the main demarcation criteria between science or pseudoscience proposed by the philosopher Mario Bunge. We take both approaches and will discuss some points to favor or against homeopathy. Since the beginning, Bunge's demarcation was considered as the most reliable "evidence" against homeopathy. A primary goal of this article is to provide some examples to illustrate the debate. At the end, this article demonstrates that the Bunge's demarcation is an act of faith that is ultimately completely invalid in comparison to the contemporary growing body of scientific evidence. On the basis of the discussion presented in the article, the Bunge's demarcation must not be used to provide any definitive categorizations. (AU)

Homeopatia Méx ; 85(705): 5-22, Nov-Dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11703


Desde el 2010, distintos medios informativos y usuarios de redes sociales en internet ha difundido una lista de diez argumentos que aparentemente refutan a la homeopatía. Los detractores alegan, a partir de estos análisis, que la homeopatía no puede tener ningún valor científico o práctico por encima del efecto placebo. Estos alegatos son discutibles en la medida en que se han empleado en un contexto sociopolítico internacional que presiona para que la enseñanza de la homeopatía en distintas universidades sea eliminada. En este ensayo se explican algunos malos entendidos históricos que guardan relación con ciertas incoherencias que se identifican en el disrcurso de los defractores de la homeopatía.(AU)

Since 2010, different media and social network webistes have published a list of ten arguments that apparently refute homeopathy. Critics allege, from these analyses, that homeopathy cannot have any scientific or practical value over the placebo effect. These allegations are debatable insofar as they have been used in an international sociopolitical context that presses for the teaching of homeopathy in different universities to be eliminated. In this essay i will explain some historical misunderstandings that are related to the inconsistencies that i identify in the discourse of detractors of homeopathy.(AU)

Homeopatia , Medicina Clínica , Medicina Baseada em Evidências
Homeopatia Méx ; 85(702): 23-32, mayo-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11648


La historia de las ultradiluciones es un aspecto fascinante de la Homeopatía que merece atención. En este trabajo se hace un repaso a los antecedentes de la ideade potenciación y dinamización, aspectos que probablemente fueron influenciados por la herencia cultural de Oriente y Medio Oriente. (AU)

The history of ultradilutions is a fascinating aspect of homeopathy that deserves attention. This paper presents a review of the history of the potenciation anddynamization, aspects that were probably influenced by the heritage of the Orient and Middle East cultures. (AU)

História Antiga , História Medieval , Dinamização , Potência , História da Homeopatia , Romantismo
Clin Neuropathol ; 34(6): 322-9, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26227255


AIMS: The simultaneous occurrence of two primary intracranial tumors is a rare event, especially if unrelated to radiotherapy or genetic disorders. We present two patients, both with two primary intracranial tumors simultaneously present at adjacent sites, in order to explore a possible mechanism of synchronous tumor formation. METHODS: We performed a molecular analysis of the K409Q mutation of the KLF4 gene, in addition to conventional immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Preoperative gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging revealed a necrotic mass with an irregular ring-like enhancement adjacent to a frontal meningioma in patient 1, and an infiltrative non-enhancing glial tumor with no evidence of another tumor in patient 2. Postoperative histological examination revealed the presence of two distinct tumors in both cases: secretory meningioma and glioblastoma in patient 1 and secretory meningioma and anaplastic astrocytoma in patient 2. Secretory meningiomas both showed the KLF4 K409Q mutation, while none of the glial tumors had it. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, these are the first two cases reported of the simultaneous occurrence of secretory meningiomas with mutation of KLF4 in collision with a glioblastoma and an anaplastic astrocytoma, respectively. These collision tumors presumably have different molecular origins.

Neoplasias Encefálicas/genética , Glioblastoma/genética , Glioma/genética , Fatores de Transcrição Kruppel-Like/genética , Neoplasias Meníngeas/genética , Meningioma/genética , Mutação/genética , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias Encefálicas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Encefálicas/patologia , Feminino , Glioblastoma/diagnóstico , Glioma/diagnóstico , Glioma/patologia , Humanos , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos , Fator 4 Semelhante a Kruppel , Neoplasias Meníngeas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Meníngeas/patologia , Meningioma/diagnóstico , Meningioma/patologia , Adulto Jovem
Eur J Ophthalmol ; 20(3): 578-83, 2010.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19967664


PURPOSE: To describe epidemiologic and clinical findings of open-globe trauma (OGT) in the southeast area of Spain. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study of 94 eyes with OGT evaluated between 1999 and 2007, in a primary referral hospital. RESULTS: The incidence of OGT in our area was 6.76 per 100,000 inhabitants/year. The majority of patients were male (89%) and young (80% of patients < 50 years old), with an average age of 37 +/- 20 years (mean +/- SD). The most common causes and location of injury were wire-induced trauma (50%) and accidents at work (56%), respectively. The types of injury encountered were ruptures, intraocular foreign bodies, perforating injury, penetrating injury, and mixed injury. Sixty-six percent of these injuries were penetrating in zone I (55%). The injuries found were vitreous hemorrhage (33%), cataracts (47%), vitreous prolapse (30%), retinal detachment (8%), endophthalmitis (2%), and associated with a facial trauma (7%). Eighty percent of surgery was carried out under general anesthesia. Fifty-one percent of the eyes underwent one operation only (5% were enucleated). Sixty-one percent of the eyes resulted in visual acuity of less than 50%. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of OGT in the southeast of Spain is very high, being in most cases produced by accidents while using wire in greenhouses. This provokes severe monocular visual loss among the young population.

Acidentes de Trabalho/estatística & dados numéricos , Corpos Estranhos no Olho/epidemiologia , Ferimentos Oculares Penetrantes/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Enucleação Ocular , Corpos Estranhos no Olho/etiologia , Corpos Estranhos no Olho/cirurgia , Ferimentos Oculares Penetrantes/etiologia , Ferimentos Oculares Penetrantes/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Oftalmológicos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Espanha/epidemiologia , Acuidade Visual
Blood ; 100(5): 1648-54, 2002 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12176884


A precise description of clinical features at presentation and analysis of clinical and biologic prognostic factors in splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) are still lacking. Here we describe the clinical and biologic features of a series of 60 SMZL patients diagnosed after splenectomy. Analysis for overall survival (OS), failure-free survival (FFS), and the probability of obtaining a response was performed using univariate and multivariate tests. The median age of the patient was 63 years (range, 35-84 years). Performance status according to the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG scale) was 0 = 16%, 1 = 58%, and 2 = 25%. Of the 60 patients, 53 (86.6%) were at Ann Arbor stage IV. All 60 patients received splenectomies, 29 of 60 also received chemotherapy, and 2 received spleen radiotherapy. A complete response (CR) was achieved by 38.3% of patients, and a partial response (PR) was achieved by 55%. Mean OS of the series was 103 months (range, 2-164 months); mean FFS was 40 months (range, 3-164 months). At 5 years from diagnosis, 39 patients (65%) were alive. Patients dying from the disease had a relatively aggressive clinical course, with a short survival (17.5 months [range, 2-72 months]). Significant prognostic factors in multivariate analysis were (1) (for OS and FFS) lack of response to therapy (CR versus noncomplete response [nCR]) and involvement of nonhematopoietic sites, and (2) (for the probability of obtaining CR) bone marrow involvement. Chemotherapy did not influence OS or FFS. p53 overexpression predicted a shorter OS in the univariate analysis. These data confirm the relative indolence of this disease, indicating the existence of a subset of more aggressive cases, which should stimulate the search for predictive biologic factors and alternative therapies.

Linfoma de Células B , Neoplasias Esplênicas , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Análise de Variância , Intervalo Livre de Doença , Feminino , Humanos , Linfoma de Células B/mortalidade , Linfoma de Células B/patologia , Linfoma de Células B/fisiopatologia , Linfoma de Células B/terapia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise Multivariada , Prognóstico , Neoplasias Esplênicas/mortalidade , Neoplasias Esplênicas/patologia , Neoplasias Esplênicas/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias Esplênicas/terapia , Análise de Sobrevida
Rev. Soc. Méd. Hosp. San Juan de Dios ; 12(12): 10-2, 1991. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-111270


La presente comunicación tiene como finalidad mostrar las utilidades de un nuevo tutor externo, sencillo, versátil y de fácil adquisición y confección en el interior de nuestro país,para utilizar en el tratamiento las fracturas del tercio distal del radio y en comparación con uno de los mejores métodos de tratamiento actual como son las placas atornilladas de pequeños fragmentos. Para este análisis se estudiaron solamente fracturas tipo B y C según la clasificación AO, pues otras eran suceptibles de tratamiento ortopédico. El tutor propuesto ofrece resultados muy similares a las placas atornilladas, pero tiene la ventaja de su fácil confección y se evita el problema de suministros internacionales que en algunas oportunidades no son seguros, además de favorecer las industrias regionales

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ortopedia/instrumentação , Fraturas do Rádio/cirurgia