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Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 66(3): 219-230, sep.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115764


RESUMEN Objetivo: comparar los efectos de un protocolo de entrenamiento de resistencia (ER) con un protocolo tradicional (ET) sobre la concentración sanguínea de lactato (L) y la creatin kinasa (CK). Materiales y Métodos: se aplicaron dos protocolos de entrenamiento durante 6 meses divididos en tres etapas. Se realizaron pruebas de esfuerzo antes de comenzar los protocolos de entrenamiento y al finalizar cada una de las etapas. En cada prueba se tomaron muestras de sangre venosa en reposo, durante el ejercicio y en recuperación para medir el lactato (L) y al inicio y al final para medir la creatin kinasa (CK) e inferir las adaptaciones metabólicas y musculares. Se calculó la diferencia de medianas del lactato basal por medio de la U Mann Whitney y se comparó la diferencia de medias del porcentaje de aclaramiento entre los grupos a través de la T de Students. Resultados: se encontró una diferencia significativa en el porcentaje de depuración de lactato entre ER y ET. También hubo un aumento significativo de los valores de CK intra-grupos, antes y después de las pruebas, pero manteniéndose dentro de los rangos de referencia. Discusión: el ER aumentó la capacidad de metabolizar el lactato pos-ejercicio en potros con entrenamiento de resistencia, aunque no hubo diferencias entre la máxima producción de L entre el grupo ER y ET. El comportamiento de la CK dentro de los rangos de referencia indica que no hubo daño muscular en los potros de ambos grupos.

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the effects of a resistance training protocol (ER) with a traditional protocol (ET) on blood lactate concentration and CK. Materials and methods: Two training protocols were applied for 6 months divided into three stages. Effort tests were performed before beginning the training protocols and at the end of each stage. In each test, samples of venous blood were taken at rest, during exercise and in recovery to measure lactate (L), and at the beginning and at the end to measure creatine kinase (CK) and infer metabolic and muscular adaptations. The difference in baseline lactate medians was calculated using Mann Whitney U and the mean difference in the percentage of clearance between the groups was compared through the Students' T test. Results: A significant difference in the percentage of lactate clearance between ER and ET was found. There was also a significant increase in intra-group CK values, before and after the tests, but remaining within the reference ranges. Discussion: ER increased the ability to metabolize post-exercise lactate in foals with resistance training, although there was no difference between the maximum production of L between the ER group and ET. The behavior of CK within the reference ranges indicates that there was no muscle damage in the foals of both groups of foals.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 63(1): 20-29, ene.-abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-791440


Se determinaron y compararon los valores de los gases sanguíneos, electrolitos, lactato, hematocrito y estado ácido-base en sangre venosa y arterial de 17 equinos criollos del Centro de Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad CES, para lo cual se utilizó el sistema Epoc Blood Analysis®, analizador portátil de sangre que permite obtener resultados de gases, iones y metabolitos. Los resultados arrojados muestran que hay diferencia estadística significativa (p < 0,05) en la glucosa arterial con respecto a la edad y en el lactato venoso con respecto al sexo; además, al comparar la sangre venosa contra la sangre arterial, se hallaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en la presión parcial de oxígeno (pO2), la presión parcial de CO2 (PCO2), la saturación de oxígeno (cSO2) sodio, calcio ionizado, glucosa, bicarbonato, base exceso sanguínea (BEb), base exceso extracelular (BE(ecf)), PCO2 y PO2 corregidas por temperatura. Se concluye que se deben tomar muestras arteriales para realizar valoraciones precisas de los pacientes y que variables, como la pO2, la pCO2 y la cTCO2, dependen en gran medida de la temperatura ambiental, la temperatura del paciente y la altitud, condiciones que modifican las presiones parciales de los gases.

We determined and compared the values of blood gases, electrolytes, lactate, hematocrit and acid-base status for both arterial and venous blood in seventeen horses from the Veterinary and Zootechnical Center at CES University. We used the Epoc Blood Analysis® portable system, which allows analyzing and obtaining information about gases, ions and metabolites. Our results show that there is a statistically significant difference (p < 0,05) in the values of arterial glucose according to the age and in the concentration of venous lactate according to the sex. Likewise, when we compared the values obtained from arterial blood with the values obtained from venous blood, we found statistically significant differences in the oxygen partial pressure (pO2), carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), oxygen saturation level (cSO2), sodium, ionized calcium, glucose, bicarbonate, blood base excess (BEb), extracellular base excess (BE(ecf)), temperature-corrected PO2 and pCO2. Based on these results, we can conclude that we should take arterial blood samples in order to assess accurately the status of the patients and that variables such as oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide partial pressure and the oxygen saturation level are largely dependent on the environmental temperature, patient's temperature and altitude; as these conditions modify the gas partial pressures.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 60(1): 23-31, ene.-abr. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-677528


El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar las lesiones sub-clínicas de las vías respiratorias altas en un grupo de la población equina de la Policía Metropolitana de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Se revisaron las historias clínicas, se descartaron los caballos que presentaron afecciones respiratorias durante los últimos seis meses y, entre los aparentemente sanos, se seleccionaron 30 animales. Para ello se realizaron evaluaciones endoscópicas del tracto respiratorio anterior con un video-endoscopio Pentax™ EPM-3300, previa sedación con xilacina al 10% y maleato de acepromacina, ambos medicamentos a una dosis de 0,5 mg/kg de peso, a fin de examinar la cavidad nasal, la nasofaringe y las bolsas guturales. Cuando se encontraron alteraciones, se guardaron imágenes para luego describir las lesiones encontradas macroscópicamente. Siete animales presentaron lesiones o afecciones respiratorias sub-clínicas en las vías respiratorias altas:tres caballos presentaron abundante moco transparente en las vías respiratorias (10%),un caballo presentó moco blanquecino en las bolsas guturales (3,33%),un caballo presentó lesión vesicular en el piso de la bolsa gutural derecha en ambos compartimentos (3,33%),un caballo (3,33%) presentó tumefacción en la entrada de ambas bolsas guturales,dos caballos (0,66%) presentaron pólipos en la glotis y un caballo (3,33%) presentó hiperplasia nodular linfoide (linfademomegalia) grado 2 acompañada de colapso traqueal grado 4 (3,33%).Se recomienda realizar exploración endoscópica de las vías respiratorias al menos una vez al año en esta población equina para prevenir o disminuir la incidencia de enfermedades respiratorias de las vías altas de mayor gravedad.

The aim of the present study was to identify sub-clinical lesions ofdifferent originof the upper respiratory airwaysin a group of the Metropolitan Police equine population of Medellin city, Colombia. Medical records were inspected, horses that had respiratory problems during the last 6 months were discarded, and among healthy horses, 30 were selected. Endoscopic evaluations of upper respiratory tract were performed previous sedation with 10% xylazine and acepromazine maleate, at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg. It was examined the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and guttural pouches. When injury or sequelae were found, pictures were taken to describe macroscopically the found lesions. It was found that 7 animals showed injuries or subclinical respiratory conditions: 3 horses showed abundant clear mucus in the respiratory tract (10%), 1 horse presented whitish mucus in guttural pouches (3.33%), 1 horse (3.33%) presented canker sore on the floor of right guttural pouch in both compartments, 1 horse (3.33%) presented swelling at the entrance of both guttural pouches, 2 horses (6.66%) showed polyps y 1 horse (3.33%) had nodular lymphoid hyperplasia grade 2 accompanied by tracheal collapse grade 4 (3,33%). It was recommended to do endoscopic exploration of respiratory tract at least once a year in this equine population to prevent or reduce the incidence of upper respiratory diseases of greater gravity.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 59(1): 49-55, ene.-abr. 2012. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657126


Durante la realización de una cesárea en el Centro de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad CES se encontró un neonato de la raza Bull Terrier con signos de Schistosomus reflexus, una alteración congénita en la formación de la pared abdominal con exposición de las vísceras. El cachorro del presente reporte nació con vida y se realizó la corrección quirúrgica de la agenesia de la pared abdominal, procedimiento que le permitió su supervivencia por una semana más. El artículo describe el caso clínico de este neonato que según lo reporta la literatura, es el segundo caso de Schistosomus reflexus en un canino.

During the execution of a caesarean section in the 'Centro de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad CES' a Bull terrier neonate with signs of Schistosomus reflexus, a congenital abnormality in the formation of the abdominal wall with exposure of the viscera, was found. The puppy of this report was born alive and the surgical correction of the abdominal agenesis was performed, which allowed its survival for a week. This article describes the clinic case of this puppy which, according to available literature, is the second Schistosomus reflexum case observed in a dog.

Tissue Cell ; 41(4): 257-65, 2009 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19167738


Histochemical characterization of the equine guttural pouches was performed using lectins combined with sialidase digestion and deglycosylation pre-treatments. The goblet cells contained O- and N-linked oligosaccharides with alpha-Fuc, GlcNAc moieties whereas beta-GalNAc, beta-Gal-(1-3)-GalNAc, beta-Gal-(1-4)-GlcNAc and alpha-Gal residues belonged only to O-linked glycoproteins. The acinar and ductal cells expressed alpha-Man/alpha-Glc in N-linked oligosaccharides, GlcNAc in both O- and N-glycoproteins and beta-GalNAc, beta-Gal-(1-3)-GalNAc, beta-Gal-(1-4)-GlcNAc and alpha-Gal residues included in O-linked glycoproteins. The Golgi area of the epithelial lining expressed alpha-Fuc in O-linked glycoproteins, internal GlcNAc in N-linked glycoproteins and large amounts of sialic acid residues linked to subterminal beta-GalNAc, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc and Galbeta1,3GalNAc. High amounts of sulpho-carbohydrates and of sialic acids (alpha2,3-6), linked to-alpha/beta-Gal and sialic acids (alpha2-6) linked to beta-GalNAc, were also demonstrated. Such diversity of the mucin saccharide residues may be implicated in the binding of macromolecules such as those of bacterial or viral etiology, thus playing a role in the organism's host-defense mechanism in the guttural pouches.

Tuba Auditiva/citologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Lectinas/análise , Mucosa/química , Oligossacarídeos/química , Animais , Sequência de Carboidratos , Divertículo/patologia , Epitélio/química , Epitélio/metabolismo , Feminino , Histocitoquímica , Lectinas/metabolismo , Masculino , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Mucosa/metabolismo
Biochemistry ; 40(43): 12974-82, 2001 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11669635


A rapid purification procedure was developed for the isolation of caldesmon (CaD) from rabbit alveolar macrophage. The purified protein migrated with an apparent M(r) of 74,000 +/- 4000 on SDS-PAGE and cross-reacted with anti-gizzard CaD antibodies. A higher M(r) isoform was isolated from chicken gizzard. Their actin-binding parameters and effects on actomyosin-ATPase activity were investigated under identical experimental conditions. Electron microscope studies revealed that macrophage CaD was able to cross-link actin filaments into both networks and bundles. Compact F-actin bundles were predominantly or exclusively seen at cross-linker to actin molar ratios in the 1:20 to 1:10 range. Apparent K(a) at extrapolated saturation of the CaD-binding sites on F-actin was 1.2 x 10(6) M(-1) for macrophage CaD and 1.6 x 10(6) M(-1) for chicken gizzard CaD. CaD from either source was able to stimulate the actin-activated ATPase activity of macrophage myosin. Unexpectedly, chicken gizzard CaD also increased the ATPase activity of gizzard myosin. The degree of stimulation was approximately doubled in the presence of a large excess of Ca(2+)-calmodulin but was unaffected by the presence of macrophage tropomyosin. However, macrophage CaD did not behave as a Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-regulated actin-binding protein. These results, together with published data on other well-characterized actin bundling proteins, suggest that nonmuscle CaD could be essentially involved in the formation and organization of actin bundles at adhesion sites and cell surface projections. However, they afforded no evidence that the macrophage isoform might play a specific role in the Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of actin and myosin II interactions.

Actinas/metabolismo , Proteínas de Ligação a Calmodulina/química , Proteínas de Ligação a Calmodulina/fisiologia , Macrófagos/química , Actinas/química , Adenosina Trifosfatases/metabolismo , Trifosfato de Adenosina/metabolismo , Animais , Western Blotting , Cálcio/farmacologia , Proteínas de Ligação a Calmodulina/metabolismo , Galinhas , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida , Cinética , Macrófagos/metabolismo , Macrófagos Alveolares/química , Microscopia Eletrônica , Miosina Tipo II/metabolismo , Ligação Proteica , Isoformas de Proteínas , Coelhos
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz ; 84(1): 35-40, 1989.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2319950


In laboratory trials an aqueous solution of Piquerol A from Piqueria trinervia, collected in several regions of Mexico, showed a molluscicide action on the adults of eight different pulmonates snails species: Fossaria (Fossaria) humilis, F. (Bakerilymnaea) sp., Pseudosuccinea columella and Stagnicola attenuata from Mexico; F. (B.) cubensis and Physa cubensis from Cuba; P. columella and Biomphalaria glabrata from Brazil; B. glabrata from Puerto Rico; and S. elodes from U.S.A. The solution was tested at 50, 25 and 5 ppm concentration, for two periods of 6 and 24 hours, at room temperature (20-22 degrees C). A 100% mortality was obtained for all species at 50 ppm concentration after 6 hours of exposure; the same percentage at 25 ppm after 24 hours; and 60 to 100% mortality at 5 ppm concentration during 24 hours of exposure. No recovery was observed among any of the treated snails. Piquerol A is a sesquiterpene with low stability in nature and has previously only been tested as an insecticide and as an inhibitor of metabolism in cell cultures: no field trails have been made on its toxicity to other aquatic fauna as yet, but it is believed Piquerol A could be an excellent molluscicide for use in areas where focal transmission of schistosomiasis and fascioliasis are taking place. This is the first time experiments on molluscicides have been carried out in Mexico.

Moluscocidas , Caramujos , Animais , Biomphalaria , Fenômenos Químicos , Química , Moluscocidas/isolamento & purificação , Extratos Vegetais/análise