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Insects ; 12(7)2021 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34357316


We determined 15 complete and two nearly complete mitogenomes of Heptageniidae belonging to three subfamilies (Heptageniinae, Rhithrogeninae, and Ecdyonurinae) and six genera (Afronurus, Epeorus, Leucrocuta, Maccaffertium, Stenacron, and Stenonema). Species of Rhithrogeninae and Ecdyonurinae had the same gene rearrangement of CR-I-M-Q-M-ND2, whereas a novel gene rearrangement of CR-I-M-Q-NCR-ND2 was found in Heptageniinae. Non-coding regions (NCRs) of 25-47 bp located between trnA and trnR were observed in all mayflies of Heptageniidae, which may be a synapomorphy for Heptageniidae. Both the BI and ML phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Heptageniidae and its subfamilies (Heptageniinae, Rhithrogeninae, and Ecdyonurinae). The phylogenetic results combined with gene rearrangements and NCR locations confirmed the relationship of the subfamilies as (Heptageniinae + (Rhithrogeninae + Ecdyonurinae)). To assess the effects of low-temperature stress on Heptageniidae species from Ottawa, Canada, we found 27 positive selection sites in eight protein-coding genes (PCGs) using the branch-site model. The selection pressure analyses suggested that mitochondrial PCGs underwent positive selection to meet the energy requirements under low-temperature stress.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 5(3): 3143-3145, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33458088


The complete mitochondrial genome of Pedetontus zhejiangensis (Microcoryphia: Machilidae) was successfully sequenced. The mitochondrial genome of P. zhejiangensis was a circular molecule of 15,602 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and the control region, which showed the typical insect mitochondrial genome arrangement. The AT content of the whole genome was 73.8% and the length of the control region was 671 bp with 82.5% AT content. In BI and ML phylogenetic trees, P. zhejiangensis was a sister group to Pedetontus silvestrii, and the monophyly of Pedetontus was strongly supported. The genus Pedetontinus was a sister group to Pedetontus.

PeerJ ; 7: e7532, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31497398


The family Pyxicephalidae including two subfamilies (Cacosterninae and Pyxicephalinae) is an ecologically important group of frogs distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. However, its phylogenetic position among the Anura has remained uncertain. The present study determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Pyxicephalus adspersus, the first representative mitochondrial genome from the Pyxicephalinae, and reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships within Ranoidae using 10 mitochondrial protein-coding genes of 59 frog species. The P. adspersus mitochondrial genome showed major gene rearrangement and an exceptionally long length that is not shared with other Ranoidae species. The genome is 24,317 bp in length, and contains 15 protein-coding genes (including extra COX3 and Cyt b genes), four rRNA genes (including extra 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes), 29 tRNA genes (including extra tRNALeu (UAG), tRNALeu (UUR), tRNAThr , tRNAPro , tRNAPhe , tRNAVal , tRNAGln genes) and two control regions (CRs). The Dimer-Mitogenome and Tandem duplication and random loss models were used to explain these gene arrangements. Finally, both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses supported the conclusion that Pyxicephalidae was monophyletic and that Pyxicephalidae was the sister clade of (Petropedetidae + Ptychadenidae).

PeerJ ; 6: e5914, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30479895


The owlflies (Family Ascalaphidae) belong to the Neuroptera but are often mistaken as dragonflies because of morphological characters. To date, only three mitochondrial genomes of Ascalaphidae, namely Libelloides macaronius; Ascaloptynx appendiculatus; Ascalohybris subjacens, are published in GenBank, meaning that they are greatly under-represented in comparison with the 430 described species reported in this family. In this study, we sequenced and described the complete mitochondrial genome of Suhpalacsa longialata (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae). The total length of the S. longialata mitogenome was 15,911 bp, which is the longest known to date among the available family members of Ascalaphidae. However, the size of each gene was similar to the other three Ascalaphidae species. The S. longialata mitogenome included a transposition of tRNACys and tRNATrp genes and formed an unusual gene arrangement tRNACys-tRNATrp-tRNATyr (CWY). It is likely that the transposition occurred by a duplication of both genes followed by random loss of partial duplicated genes. The nucleotide composition of the S. longialata mitogenome was as follows: A = 41.0%, T = 33.8%, C = 15.5%, G = 9.7%. Both Bayesian inference and ML analyses strongly supported S. longialata as a sister clade to (Ascalohybris subjacens + L. macaronius), and indicated that Ascalaphidae is not monophyletic.

PeerJ ; 6: e4595, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29686943


The family Toxoderidae (Mantodea) contains an ecologically diverse group of praying mantis species that have in common greatly elongated bodies. In this study, we sequenced and compared the complete mitochondrial genomes of two Toxoderidae species, Paratoxodera polyacantha and Toxodera hauseri, and compared their mitochondrial genome characteristics with another member of the Toxoderidae, Stenotoxodera porioni (KY689118). The lengths of the mitogenomes of T. hauseri and P. polyacantha were 15,616 bp and 15,999 bp, respectively, which is similar to that of S. porioni (15,846 bp). The size of each gene as well as the A+T-rich region and the A+T content of the whole genome were also very similar among the three species as were the protein-coding genes, the A+T content and the codon usages. The mitogenome of T. hauseri had the typical 22 tRNAs, whereas that of P. polyacantha had 26 tRNAs including an extra two copies of trnA-trnR. Intergenic regions of 67 bp and 76 bp were found in T. hauseri and P. polyacantha, respectively, between COX2 and trnK; these can be explained as residues of a tandem duplication/random loss of trnK and trnD. This non-coding region may be synapomorphic for Toxoderidae. In BI and ML analyses, the monophyly of Toxoderidae was supported and P. polyacantha was the sister clade to T. hauseri and S. porioni.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 3(2): 541-542, 2018 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33474233


The complete mitochondrial genome of Isonychia kiangsinensis is a circular molecule of 15,456 bp in length, containing 2 rRNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a control region. The AT content of the overall base composition is 62.9%. The length of the control region for I. kiangsinensis is 745 bp with 68.6% AT content. In BI and ML phylogenetic trees, Isonychia kiangsinensis was a sister clade to I. ignota and Isonychiidae was shown to be the basal clade of Ephemeroptera excluding Siphluriscidae. The monophyly of the families Isonychiidae, Heptageniidae, Viemamellidae, and Baetidae and the genus Isonychia were well supported.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 3(2): 577-579, 2018 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33474248


The phylogenetic relationship between Ephemeroptera (mayflies) and Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) remains hotly debated in the insect evolution community. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of Caenis sp. (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) to discuss the phylogenetic relationship of Palaeoptera. The mitochondrial genome of Caenis sp. is a circular molecule of 15,254 bp in length containing 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs), which showed the typical insect mitochondrial gene arrangement. In BI and ML phylogenetic trees using 71 species of 12 orders, our results support the Ephemeroptera as the basal group of winged insects.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 3(1): 42-43, 2017 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33474058


The complete mitochondrial genome of Psychomantis borneensis (Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) was successfully sequenced. The mitochondrial genome is found to be 15,493 bp long and is a circular molecule containing 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs), typically found in other mantis mitochondrial genomes. The AT content of the whole genome was 72.4% and the length of the control region was 697 bp with 79.9% AT content. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the BI and ML analysis of 16 species of Mantodea. The results showed that P. borneensis was a sister clade to (Anaxarcha zhengi + Creobroter gemmata) (Hymenopodidae). The monophyly of the family Mantidae and the genus Theopompa, Hierodula, and Rhombodera were not supported. The outcome of this study will provide a useful data for population genetics studies as well as serve as a tool for better characterizing phylogenetic analysis of Mantodea.