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J Hand Microsurg ; 1(1): 25-31, 2009 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23129928


BACKGROUND: Our aim was to conduct a retrospective study regarding the advantages of doing the all-in-one reconstruction in the same step with the debridement, and the possibility of using the local/regional perforator flaps to cover the tissue defects. METHODS: We reviewed a series of 137 cases from 1999 until now, for acute traumas with tissue defects of the forearm. We performed a regional perforator flap in 16 cases, and a local perforator flap in 121 cases. These flaps were used for both simple and complex defects coverage, including 26 cases with fractures and devascularization. RESULTS: The follow-up was between 2 months and 2 years. In all the cases the extremity was salvaged and an useful functional recovery was obtained. A very good evolution, with complete survival of the flap was recorded in 133 cases. We completely lost only one flap, and registered minor complications in three cases. CONCLUSION: The local perforator flaps represent a good and safe indication for small and medium defects in the forearm.