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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39183256


In this paper, we articulate a functional approach to cognitive capacities. It is a restricted functionalism for various reasons, but especially because it does not claim that all cognitive (and/or mental) entities and processes are functional in the sense of a systemic capacities approach. One of the central aims of a cognitive theory consists in providing explanations of behavioral phenomena of (human and non-human) animals, and of the phenomena that are involved in those explanations. We accept that part of what lies at the heart of these explanations are certain functional entities -we call them "cognitive functional systems" -which in our view stand for most of the cognitive capacities of an organism; that is, systems that are individuated primarily by the main cognitive functions they undertake. Additionally, in the paper, we go into further detail concerning these functional systems, their internal organization, the nature of their causal interactions, etc. We also argue that some of these classes of cognitive functional systems (i.e., cognitive capacities) can be construed as "natural kinds" whenever their kinds of functional organizations are understood as kinds of hierarchically ordered classes of information processing events that are related among each other in regular (often complex) ways.

Heliyon ; 10(14): e34395, 2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39130475


This article aims to measure energy poverty in Colombia in its thirty-two departments and its capital city from 2018 to 2022, using a composite approach. To achieve this, a Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index (MEPI) was designed, according to the methodology proposed by Nussbaumer et al. (2012; 2013) [1,2]. Twenty-eight variables were used, which were distributed across seven dimensions, and recorded by the National Quality of Life Survey (ECV, Spanish acronym), administered by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia. In addition, a nested weighting method was used to assign weights within the index. Subjective weights were given to the dimensions, and an entropy method was used for each of the component variables. The results show that energy poverty has an increasing trend in Colombia throughout the period, especially in the municipal capitals. There are significant differences between urban and rural areas in all territories, and the departments located in the most remote areas of the country have a higher energy poverty. This is consistent with the low population density, as well as with off-grid areas. The results obtained will allow decision makers to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the management and effects of the specific public policy programs and plans that have been implemented in the different territories of the country.

Rev. MED ; 27(2): 11-20, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115225


Resumen: Introducción: La infección por el virus del dengue es un problema de salud pública mundial. El virus es transmitido por la picadura de mosquitos del género Aedes. Las proteínas de la saliva del vector Aedes aegypti inducen anticuerpos IgE e IgG4 específicos, cuya relación con la gravedad del dengue aún es desconocida. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre anticuerpos IgE e IgG4 específicos anti A. aegypti con la gravedad de la infección por dengue. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el que se incluyeron 16 niños con dengue grave (DG), 15 niños con dengue con signos de alarma (DCSA) y 26 niños sanos, todos menores de 15 años. Se determinaron niveles séricos de IgE e IgG4 específicas de A. aegypti; también se cuantificó VEGF, SST2 y VEGFRI por ELISA. Para las variables cualitativas se calcularon proporciones y odds ratio (OR); en las variables cuantitativas se hallaron medianas, rango intercuartílico y se utilizó la prueba U Mann Whitney. Resultados: La oportunidad de los niños de tener dg con niveles séricos de IgG4 específica mayores de 0,5 OD es 78 % menor [OR=0,22] (IC de 95 % de 0,06-0,77), comparado con la oportunidad de tener dg con niveles séricos de IgG4 específica menores de 0,5 OD. Plaquetas (p=0,0002) y VEFG (p=0,003) más elevado en los pacientes con DCSA y SST2 fue más alto en el DG (p=0,004). Conclusión: Niveles de anticuerpos de IgG4 anti A. aegypti se relacionan con menor gravedad clínica del dengue.

Abstract: Introduction: Dengue virus infection is a global public health problem. The bite of Aedes mosquitoes transmits the virus. The proteins in the saliva of the Aedes aegypti vector induce specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies, whose relationship with the severity of dengue is still unknown. Aim: To evaluate the association between A. aegypti-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies and the severity of dengue infection. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 16 children with severe dengue (DG), 15 children with dengue and warning signs (DCSA), and 26 healthy children, all of them under 15 years of age. Serum levels of A. aegypti-specific IgE and IgG4 were determined; VEGF, SST2, and VEGFRI were also quantified by ELISA. For the qualitative variables, proportions and odds ratios (OR) were calculated; as to the quantitative variables, medians and interquartile range were found and the U Mann Whitney test was used. Results: Children's chance of having DG with specific IgG4 serum levels greater than 0.5 DO is 78 % lower [OR = 0.22] (95% CI, 0.06-0.77), compared to the possibility of having dg with specific IgG4 serum levels less than 0.5 DO. Platelets (p = 0.0002) and VEFG (p = 0.003) that are higher in patients with DCSA and SST2 were higher in DG (p = 0.004). Conclusion: A. aegypti-specific IgG4 antibody levels are related to lower clinical severity of dengue.

Resumo: Introdução: A infecção pelo vírus da dengue é um problema mundial de saúde pública. O vírus é transmitido pela picada de mosquitos do gênero Aedes. As proteínas na saliva do vetor Aedes aegypti induzem anticorpos IgE e IgG4 específicos, cuja relação com a gravidade da dengue ainda é desconhecida. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre anticorpos IgE e IgG4 específicos Anti-Aedes ae-gypti com a gravidade da infecção por dengue. Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal no qual foram incluídas 16 crianças com dengue grave (DG), 15 crianças com dengue com sinais de alarme (DCSA) e 26 crianças saudáveis, todas com menos de 15 anos de idade. Os níveis séricos de IgE e IgG4 específicos para Aedes aegypti foram determinados. VEGF, SST2 e VEGFR1 também foram quantificados por ELISA. Para as variáveis qualitativas, foram calculadas proporções e odds ratio (OR). Nas variáveis quantitativas foram encontradas medianas, intervalo interquartil e utilizado o teste U de Mann Whitney. Resultados: A chance de as crianças terem dg com níveis séricos de IgG4 específica maiores que 0,5 od é 78% menor [OR=0,22] (IC 95% 0,06-0,77), em comparação com a chance delas terem dg com níveis séricos de IgG4 específica menor que 0,5 od. As plaquetas (p=0,0002) e VEFG (p=0,003) foram maiores nos pacientes com DCSA e o SST2 foi maior no DG (p=0,004). Conclusão: Os níveis de anticorpos IgG4 Anti-Aedes aegypti estão relacionados à menor gravidade clínica da dengue.

Humanos , Criança , Dengue , Imunoglobulina E , Aedes , Fatores de Proteção , Doença Relacionada a Imunoglobulina G4 , Anticorpos