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Sci Adv ; 10(34): eadp7383, 2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39167640


The sources of fluids and metals in porphyry systems of continental-collision settings are poorly constrained. Mercury isotopes display unique mass-independent fractionation (expressed as Δ199Hg) and may provide important constraints on metal and volatile sources given that Hg is a highly volatile metal. Here, we report Hg isotope data on ore-forming porphyries, barren magmatic rocks, and mantle-derived mafic magmas from southern Tibet. The fertile porphyries and coeval mafic magmas display mainly positive Δ199Hg values (up to +0.25 per mil), while Δ199Hg values in barren magmatic rocks and mafic magmas are largely negative (-0.54 to 0.00 per mil). The positive Δ199Hg values observed here are consistent with seawater and marine sediments, suggesting that the ultimate source of fluids involved in the genesis of post-subduction porphyry copper deposits was the mantle lithosphere metasomatized by previous oceanic plate subduction. Our Hg isotope data provide an alternative view to current metallogenetic models on collisional porphyry systems that focus on melting of the lower continental crust.

Sci Adv ; 10(27): eadm9118, 2024 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959307


Whereas the genesis of carbonatitic rare earth element (REE) deposits has long been a focus of study, the controls on mobilization and mineralization of REEs during magmatic-hydrothermal processes still remain open to debate. Here, we present our investigation of the dissolution and crystallization of REE (fluor)carbonate minerals in alkaline carbonate brine-melts up to 850°C and 11.6 kbar. Our results show that REEs are soluble in Na2CO3 brine-melts, achieving concentrations exceeding 8 weight % at temperatures above 650°C. The addition of calcium and/or fluoride has minimal impact on REE mobilization, whereas introduction of silica suppresses REE solubilities by half, due to britholite formation above 550°C. Upon cooling, sodium and REEs combine to crystallize in burbankite or carbocernaite in sodium-enriched brine-melts, even at fluoride saturation. However, while the brine-melts contain substantial ferro- or aluminosilicate, REE mineralization in fluorcarbonates occurs after sufficient sodium precipitation in alkaline silicate minerals, hence revealing how silicate and sodium carbonate govern REE mineralization.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2718, 2023 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37169748


The current lithospheric root of the South China Block has been partly removed, yet what mechanisms modified the lithospheric structure remain highly controversial. Here we use a new joint seismic inversion algorithm to image tabular high-velocity anomalies at depths of ~90-150 km in the asthenosphere beneath the convergent belt between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks that remain weakly connected with the stable Yangtze lithosphere. Based on obtained seismic images and available geochemical data, we interpret these detached fast anomalies as partially destabilized lower lithosphere that initially delaminated at 180-170 Ma and has relaminated to their original position after warming up in the mantle by now. We conclude that delamination is the most plausible mechanism for the lithospheric modification and the formation of a Mesozoic Basin and Range-style magmatic province in South China by triggering adiabatic upwelling of the asthenosphere and consequent lithospheric extension and extensive melting of the overlying crust.

Natl Sci Rev ; 10(3): nwac257, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36879845


This study, via combined analysis of geophysical and geochemical data, reveals a lithospheric architecture characterized by crust-mantle decoupling and vertical heat-flow conduits that control orogenic gold mineralization in the Ailaoshan gold belt on the southeastern margin of Tibet. The mantle seismic tomography indicates that the crust-mantle decoupled deformation, defined from previous seismic anisotropy analysis, was formed by upwelling and lateral flow of the asthenosphere, driven by deep subduction of the Indian continent. Our magnetotelluric and seismic images show both a vertical conductor across the Moho and high Vp/Vs anomalies both in the uppermost mantle and lowest crust, suggesting that crust-mantle decoupling promotes ponding of mantle-derived basic melts at the base of the crust via a heat-flow conduit. Noble gas isotope and halogen ratios of gold-related ore minerals indicate a mantle source of ore fluid. A rapid decrease in Cl/F ratios of lamprophyres under conditions of 1.2 GPa and 1050°C suggests that the ore fluid was derived from degassing of the basic melts. Similar lithospheric architecture is recognized in other orogenic gold provinces, implying analogous formational controls.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 7141, 2022 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36414676


Generation of continental crust in collision zones reflect the interplay between oceanic subduction and continental collision. The Gangdese continental crust in southern Tibet developed during subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic slab in the Mesozoic prior to reworking during the India-Asia collision in the Cenozoic. Here we show that continental arc magmatism started with fractional crystallization to form cumulates and associated medium-K calc-alkaline suites. This was followed by a period commencing at ~70 Ma dominated by remelting of pre-existing lower crust, producing more potassic compositions. The increased importance of remelting coincides with an acceleration in the convergence rate between India and Asia leading to higher basaltic flow into the Asian lithosphere, followed by convergence deceleration due to slab breakoff, enabling high heat flow and melting of the base of the arc. This two-stage process of accumulation and remelting leads to the chemical maturation of juvenile continental crust in collision zones, strengthening crustal stratification.

Sci Adv ; 7(47): eabh1390, 2021 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34788084


The Siberian Traps large igneous province (STLIP) is commonly invoked as the primary driver of global environmental changes that triggered the end-Permian mass extinction (EPME). Here, we explore the contributions of coeval felsic volcanism to end-Permian environmental changes. We report evidence of extreme Cu enrichment in the EPME interval in South China. The enrichment is associated with an increase in the light Cu isotope, melt inclusions rich in copper and sulfides, and Hg concentration spikes. The Cu and Hg elemental and isotopic signatures can be linked to S-rich vapor produced by felsic volcanism. We use these previously unknown geochemical data to estimate volcanic SO2 injections and argue that this volcanism would have produced several degrees of rapid cooling before or coincident with the more protracted global warming. Large-scale eruptions near the South China block synchronous with the EPME strengthen the case that the STLIP may not have been the sole trigger.

Natl Sci Rev ; 8(9): nwab027, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34691735


Current barriers hindering data-driven discoveries in deep-time Earth (DE) include: substantial volumes of DE data are not digitized; many DE databases do not adhere to FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) principles; we lack a systematic knowledge graph for DE; existing DE databases are geographically heterogeneous; a significant fraction of DE data is not in open-access formats; tailored tools are needed. These challenges motivate the Deep-Time Digital Earth (DDE) program initiated by the International Union of Geological Sciences and developed in cooperation with national geological surveys, professional associations, academic institutions and scientists around the world. DDE's mission is to build on previous research to develop a systematic DE knowledge graph, a FAIR data infrastructure that links existing databases and makes dark data visible, and tailored tools for DE data, which are universally accessible. DDE aims to harmonize DE data, share global geoscience knowledge and facilitate data-driven discovery in the understanding of Earth's evolution.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 65(23): 1958-1960, 2020 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36659049
Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3510, 2019 08 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31383867
Sci Rep ; 5: 13812, 2015 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26347051


Lithium isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions and hosted gangue quartz from a giant volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in China provide robust evidence for inputting of magmatic fluids into a Triassic submarine hydrothermal system. The δ(7)Li results vary from +4.5‰ to +13.8‰ for fluid inclusions and from +6.7‰ to +21.0‰ for the hosted gangue quartz(9 gangue quartz samples containing primary fluid inclusions). These data confirm the temperature-dependent Li isotopic fractionation between hydrothermal quartz and fluid (i.e., Δδ(7)Liquartz-fluid = -8.9382 × (1000/T) + 22.22(R(2) = 0.98; 175 °C-340 °C)), which suggests that the fluid inclusions are in equilibrium with their hosted quartz, thus allowing to determine the composition of the fluids by using δ(7)Liquartz data. Accordingly, we estimate that the ore-forming fluids have a δ(7)Li range from -0.7‰ to +18.4‰ at temperatures of 175-340 °C. This δ(7)Li range, together with Li-O modeling , suggest that magmatic fluid played a significant role in the ore formation. This study demonstrates that Li isotope can be effectively used to trace magmatic fluids in a seafloor hydrothermal system and has the potential to monitor fluid mixing and ore-forming process.

Sci Rep ; 5: 10231, 2015 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26035414


Carbonatite-associated rare-earth-element (REE) deposits are the most significant source of the world's REEs; however, their genesis remains unclear. Here, we present new Sr-Nd-Pb and C-O isotopic data for Cenozoic carbonatite-hosted giant REE deposits in southwest China. These REE deposits are located along the western margin of the Yangtze Craton that experienced Proterozoic lithospheric accretion, and controlled by Cenozoic strike-slip faults related to Indo-Asian continental collision. The Cenozoic carbonatites were emplaced as stocks or dykes with associated syenites, and tend to be extremely enriched in Ba, Sr, and REEs and have high (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios (>0.7055). These carbonatites were likely formed by melting of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), which had been previously metasomatized by high-flux REE- and CO2-rich fluids derived from subducted marine sediments. The fertility of these carbonatites depends on the release of REEs from recycled marine sediments and on the intensity of metasomatic REE refertilization of the SCLM. We suggest that cratonic edges, particularly along ancient convergent margins, possess the optimal configuration for generating giant REE deposits; therefore, areas of metamorphic basement bounded or cut by translithospheric faults along cratonic edges have a high potential for such deposits.