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Soft comput ; 27(5): 2717-2727, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34483721


Communicable disease pandemic is a severe disease outbreak all over the countries and continents. Swine Flu, HIV/AIDS, corona virus disease-19 (COVID-19), etc., are some of the global pandemics in the world. The major cause of becoming pandemic is community transmission and lack of social distancing. Recently, COVID-19 is such a largest outbreak all over the world. This disease is a communicable disease which is spreading fastly due to community transmission, where the affected people in the community affect the heathy people in the community. Government is taking precautions by imposing social distancing in the countries or state to control the impact of COVID-19. Social distancing can reduce the community transmission of COVID-19 by reducing the number of infected persons in an area. This is performed by staying at home and maintaining social distance with people. It reduces the density of people in an area by which it is difficult for the virus to spread from one person to other. In this work, the community transmission is presented using simulations. It shows how an infected person affects the healthy persons in an area. Simulations also show how social distancing can control the spread of COVID-19. The simulation is performed in GNU Octave programming platform by considering number of infected persons and number of healthy persons as parameters. Results show that using the social distancing the number of infected persons can be reduced and heathy persons can be increased. Therefore, from the analysis it is concluded that social distancing will be a better solution of prevention from community transmission.

Multimed Tools Appl ; 81(29): 41995-42021, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36090152


Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a major concern for the entire world in the current era. Coronavirus is a very dangerous infectious virus that spreads rapidly from person to person. It spreads in exponential manner on a global scale. It affects the doctors, nurse and other COVID-19 warriors those who are actively involved for the treatment of COVID-19 infected (CI) patients. So, it is very much essential to focus on automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in different hospitals for the treatment of such infected patients and all should be very much careful to break the chain of spreading this novel virus. In this paper, a novel patient service robots (PSRs) assignment framework and a priority based (PB) method using fuzzy rule based (FRB) approach is proposed for the assignment of PSRs for CI patients in hospitals in order to provide safety to the COVID-19 warriors as well as to the CI infected patients. This novel approach is mainly focused on lowering the active involvement of COVID-19 warriors for the treatment of high asymptotic COVID-19 infected (HACI) patients for handling this tough situation. In this work, we have focused on HACI and low asymptotic COVID-19 infected (LACI) patients. Higher priority is given to HACI patients as compared to LACI patients to handle this critical situation in order to increase the survival probability of these patients. The proposed method deals with situations that practically arise during the assignment of PSRs for the treatment of such patients. The simulation of the work is carried out using MATLAB R2015b.

Neural Comput Appl ; 34(14): 11361-11382, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33526959


Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is a very dangerous infectious disease for the entire world in the current scenario. Coronavirus spreads from one person to another person very rapidly. It spreads exponentially throughout the globe. Everyone should be cautious to avoid the spreading of this novel disease. In this paper, a fuzzy rule-based approach using priority-based method is proposed for the management of hospital beds for COVID-19 infected patients in the worst-case scenario where the number of hospital beds is very less as compared to the number of COVID-19 infected patients. This approach mainly attempts to minimize the number of hospital beds as well as emergency beds requirement for the treatment of COVID-19 infected patients to handle such a critical situation. In this work, higher priority has given to severe COVID-19 infected patients as compared to mild COVID-19 infected patients to handle this critical situation so that the survival probability of the COVID-19 infected patients can be increased. The proposed method is compared with first-come first-serve (FCFS)-based method to analyze the practical problems that arise during the assignment of hospital beds and emergency beds for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The simulation of this work is carried out using MATLAB R2015b.