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Zoology (Jena) ; 129: 45-53, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30170747


Ontogenetic shifts from an insectivorous diet towards an herbivorous one are well known in lizards. Energetic, behavioral and morphological factors have been linked to this pattern, but the latter have received less attention, especially with respect to head morphology. It is known that robust heads are related to stronger bite forces, consequently facilitating the consumption of harder or tougher, more fibrous items such as plants. In this study the ontogeny of diet and head morphology of the omnivorous tropidurid lizard Microlophus thoracicus are described. We found a significant ontogenetic shift from a mainly insectivorous diet in juveniles to a mainly herbivorous one in adults. In parallel, we measured the length, height and width of the head of the studied individuals. We found that adult individuals showed proportionally taller and wider heads when compared to juveniles, and that these increases in proportional head dimensions were significantly correlated with the increase in plant material in the diet that we observed. Additionally, we compared the morphologies of adults and juveniles of M. thoracicus and two other Microlophus species known to be insectivorous. These comparisons showed that M. thoracicus adults have proportionally more robust heads when compared to their insectivorous congeners, which is in agreement with the hypothesized link between head morphology and diet characteristics. The results of this study suggest that the known relationship between herbivory and head morphology is maintained even in an ontogenetic context, but further study is needed to determine the effect of other selective pressures which influence these changes in morphology.

Dieta/veterinária , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Envelhecimento , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Comportamento Alimentar , Herbivoria , Insetos , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Predatório , Especificidade da Espécie
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 357-362, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094286


El ámbito de hogar o "home range", es el área donde un individuo encuentra todos los recursos para su supervivencia, por ende su estudio es fundamental para conocer su ecología y estado de conservación. La lagartija de las Lomas, Microlophus tigris, es una especie endémica de la costa central del Perú, cuyo ámbito de hogar no ha sido estudiado. Para estudiar el uso del espacio de M. tigris se evaluó el ámbito de hogar de 15 individuos (9 machos y 6 hembras) durante la época no reproductiva en las Lomas de Carabayllo, Lima, Perú. Se empleó el método del Mínimo Polígono Convexo para estimar el área del ámbito de hogar. Los machos fueron significativamente más grandes y pesados que las hembras. No obstante, no hubo diferencias significativas entre el ámbito de hogar de los machos y hembras debido a la variabilidad del ámbito de hogar de los machos. El tamaño del ámbito de hogar de las lagartijas evaluadas no estuvo relacionado con su tamaño corporal (Longitud hocico-cloaca) ni con su peso. La ausencia de relación entre el ámbito de hogar y las variables analizadas sugiere que el tamaño del ámbito de hogar de estos reptiles, durante la época no reproductiva, respondería a otros parámetros como la abundancia de recursos, condiciones climáticas, entre otros. La baja superposición del ámbito de hogar intra e intergéneros, indicaría una evidencia indirecta de comportamiento territorial. A partir de nuestros datos y antecedentes en otras especies de saurios, consideramos que puede haber variaciones en el uso del espacio durante otras épocas del año, por lo tanto se necesitan evaluaciones complementarias a lo largo del año para observar los otros factores que determinan el tamaño del ámbito de hogar de M. tigris

The home range is the area where an individual finds the resources for its survival; therefore, the home range studies of organisms are fundamental to know their ecology and conservation status. The Loma's lizard, Microlophus tigris is an endemic species of Peruvian central coast, whose home range has not been studied. We used the Minimum Convex Polygon method on 15 individuals (9 males and 6 females) to estimate the home range of M. tigris during the non-breeding season in Lomas de Carabayllo, Lima, Peru. We found males were significantly larger and heavier than females. However, there were no significant differences between male and female home ranges due to high variability in males. The home range size of the evaluated lizards was not related to their body size (snout vent-length) or their weight. The lack of relation between home range and the analyzed variables suggests that the home range size of M. tigris, during the non-breeding season, may be related to other parameters such as resource availability or climatic conditions. The low home range overlap between and among sexes, indirectly indicates there is territorial behavior. According to our data and natural history information of other species of lizards, we believe there may be variation in the spatial use during other seasons. Therefore, it is necessary complementary evaluations to observe other relevant factors that define home range of M. tigris