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Biomedicines ; 10(1)2021 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35052769


Cauterization of three episcleral veins (open-angle glaucoma model) induces venous congestion and increases intraocular pressure in rats. If not upgraded, one episcleral vein is regularly unable to acquire and take over the whole function, and glaucoma-like features persist. Recently, the rapid upgrading of the collateral pathways by a stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 has cured many severe syndromes induced by permanent occlusion of major vessels, veins and/or arteries, peripherally and centrally. In a six-week study, medication was given prophylactically (immediately before glaucoma surgery, i.e., three episcleral veins cauterization) or as curative treatment (starting at 24 h after glaucoma surgery). The daily regimen of BPC 157 (0.4 µg/eye, 0.4 ng/eye; 10 µg/kg, 10 ng/kg) was administered locally as drops in each eye, intraperitoneally (last application at 24 h before sacrifice) or per-orally in drinking water (0.16 µg/mL, 0.16 ng/mL, 12 mL/rat until the sacrifice, first application being intragastric). Consequently, all BPC 157 regimens immediately normalized intraocular pressure. BPC 157-treated rats exhibited normal pupil diameter, microscopically well-preserved ganglion cells and optic nerve presentation, normal fundus presentation, normal retinal and choroidal blood vessel presentation and normal optic nerve presentation. As leading symptoms, increased intraocular pressure and mydriasis, as well as degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, optic nerve head excavation and reduction in optic nerve thickness, generalized severe irregularity of retinal vessels, faint presentation of choroidal vessels and severe optic nerve disc atrophy were all counteracted. In conclusion, we claim that the reversal of the episcleral veins cauterization glaucoma appeared as a consequence of the BPC 157 therapy of the vessel occlusion-induced perilous syndrome.

World J Hepatol ; 12(5): 184-206, 2020 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32547687


BACKGROUND: The Pringle maneuver [portal triad obstruction(PTO)] provides huge disturbances during ischemia and even more thereafter in reperfusion. Contrarily, a possible solution may be stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157, with already documented beneficial effects in ischemia/reperfusion conditions. Recently, BPC 157, as a cytoprotective agent, successfully resolved vessel occlusions in rats (ischemic colitis; deep vein thrombosis, superior anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein; bile duct cirrhosis) through rapid collateral vessel recruitment to circumvent vessel occlusion. Thereby, medication BPC 157 regimens were administered as a single challenge before and during ischemia or, alternatively, at various time points during reperfusion. AIM: To introduce BPC 157 therapy against pringle maneuver-damage. METHODS: In deeply anesthetised rats, the portal triad was clamped up for 30 min. Rats then underwent reperfusion for either 15 min or 24 h. Medication [(10 µg, 10 ng/kg) regimens, administered as a single challenge] picked (a) ischemia, PTO period [at 5 min before (ip) or at 5 or 30 min of ligation time (as a bath to PTO)] or (b) reperfusion, post-PTO period [at 1 or 15 min (bath during surgery) or 24 h (ip) reperfusion-time]. We provided gross, microscopy, malondialdehyde, serum enzymes, electrocardiogram, portal, caval, and aortal pressure, thrombosis and venography assessments. RESULTS: BPC 157 counteracts electrocardiogram disturbances (increased P wave amplitude, S1Q3T3 QRS pattern and tachycardia). Rapidly presented vascular pathway (portal vein-superior mesenteric vein-inferior mesenteric vein-rectal veins-left ileal vein-inferior caval vein) as the adequate shunting immediately affected disturbed haemodynamics. Portal hypertension and severe aortal hypotension during PTO, as well as portal and caval hypertension and mild aortal hypotension in reperfusion and refractory ascites formation were markedly attenuated (during PTO) or completely abrogated (reperfusion); thrombosis in portal vein tributaries and inferior caval vein or hepatic artery was counteracted during portal triad obstruction PTO. Also, counteraction included the whole vicious injurious circle [i.e., lung pathology (severe capillary congestion), liver (dilated central veins and terminal portal venules), intestine (substantial capillary congestion, submucosal oedema, loss of villous architecture), splenomegaly, right heart (picked P wave values)] regularly perpetuated in ischemia and progressed by reperfusion in Pringle rats. CONCLUSION: BPC 157 resolves pringle maneuver-damage in rats, both for ischemia and reperfusion.

World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol ; 11(1): 1-19, 2020 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32226643


BACKGROUND: Recently, as a possible therapy resolving solution, pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy, has been used in alleviating various vascular occlusion disturbances. BPC 157 was previously reviewed as novel mediator of Robert cytoprotection and endothelium protection in the stomach, and gut-brain axis, beneficial therapy in gastrointestinal tract, with particular reference to vascular recruitment, ulcerative colitis and tumor cachexia, and other tissues healing. Here we raised new hypothesis about BPC 157 therapy in the Budd-Chiari syndrome in rats, rapid bypassing of the suprahepatic inferior caval vein occlusion, and rats recovery with the active and effective pharmacotherapy treatment. AIM: To investigate Budd-Chiari syndrome model (inferior caval vein suprahepatic occlusion) resolution, since BPC 157 resolves various rat vascular occlusion. METHODS: We assessed the activated bypassing pathways between the inferior and superior caval veins and portocaval shunt, counteracted caval/portal hypertension, aortal hypotension, venous/arterial thrombosis, electrocardiogram disturbances, liver and gastrointestinal lesions (i.e., stomach and duodenum hemorrhages, in particular, congestion). Rats with suprahepatic occlusion of the inferior vena cava by ligation were medicated at 1 min, 15 min, 24 h, or 48 h post-ligation. Medication consisted of 10 µg/kg BPC 157, 10 ng BPC 157 or 5 mL/kg saline, administered once as an abdominal bath or intragastric application. Gross and microscopic observations were made, in addition to assessments of electrical activity of the heart (electrocardiogram), portal and caval hypertension, aortal hypotension, thrombosis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and venography. Furthermore, levels of nitric oxide, malondialdehyde in the liver and serum enzymes were determined. RESULTS: BPC 157 counteracted increased P wave amplitude, tachycardia and ST-elevation, i.e., right heart failure from acute thrombotic coronary occlusion. The bypassing pathway of the inferior vena cava-azygos (hemiazygos) vein-superior vena cava and portocaval shunt occurred rapidly. Even with severe caval ˃ portal hypertension, BPC 157 antagonized portal and caval hypertension and aortal hypotension, and also reduced refractory ascites. Thrombosis of portal vein tributaries, inferior vena cava, and hepatic and coronary arteries was attenuated. In addition, there was reduced pathology of the lungs (severe capillary congestion) and liver (dilated central veins and terminal portal venules), decreased intestine hemorrhagic lesions (substantial capillary congestion, submucosal edema and architecture loss), and increased liver and spleen weight. During the period of ligation, nitric oxide- and malondialdehyde-levels in the liver remained within normal healthy values, and increases in serum enzymes were markedly reduced. CONCLUSION: BPC 157 counteracts Budd Chiari syndrome in rats.