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Sensors (Basel) ; 24(7)2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38610499


Occupational exposure to airborne dust is responsible for numerous respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Because of these hazards, air samples are regularly collected on filters and sent for laboratory analysis to ensure compliance with regulations. Unfortunately, this approach often takes weeks to provide a result, which makes it impossible to identify dust sources or protect workers in real time. To address these challenges, we developed a system that characterizes airborne dust by its spectro-chemical profile. In this device, a micro-cyclone concentrates particles from the air and introduces them into a hollow waveguide where an infrared signature is obtained. An algorithm is then used to quantitate the composition of respirable particles by incorporating the infrared features of the most relevant chemical groups and compensating for Mie scattering. With this approach, the system can successfully differentiate mixtures of inorganic materials associated with construction sites in near-real time. The use of a free-space optic assembly improves the light throughput significantly, which enables detection limits of approximately 10 µg/m3 with a 10 minute sampling time. While respirable crystalline silica was the focus of this work, it is hoped that the flexibility of the platform will enable different aerosols to be detected in other occupational settings.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(6): 2788-2794, 2020 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31980522


Freezing or solidification of impacting droplets is omnipresent in nature and technology, be it a rain droplet falling on a supercooled surface; in inkjet printing, where often molten wax is used; in additive manufacturing or metal-production processes; or in extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) for the chip production, where molten tin is used to generate the EUV radiation. For many of these industrial applications, a detailed understanding of the solidification process is essential. Here, by adopting an optical technique in the context of freezing-namely, total-internal reflection (TIR)-we elucidate the freezing kinetics during the solidification of a droplet while it impacts on an undercooled surface. We show that at sufficiently high undercooling, a peculiar freezing morphology exists that involves sequential advection of frozen fronts from the center of the droplet to its boundaries. This phenomenon is examined by combining elements of classical nucleation theory to the large-scale hydrodynamics on the droplet scale, bringing together two subfields which traditionally have been quite separated. Furthermore, we report a self-peeling phenomenon of a frozen splat that is driven by the existence of a transient crystalline state during solidification.

Soft Matter ; 15(42): 8525-8531, 2019 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31592523


When two liquids with different surface tensions come into contact, the liquid with lower surface tension spreads over the other liquid. This Marangoni-driven spreading has been studied for various geometries and surfactants, but the dynamics of miscible liquids in the binary geometry (drop-drop) has hardly been investigated. Here we use stroboscopic illumination by nanosecond laser pulses to temporally resolve the distance L(t) over which a low-surface-tension drop spreads over a miscible high-surface-tension drop. L(t) is measured as a function of time, t, for various surface tension differences between the liquids and for various viscosities, revealing a power-law L(t) ∼ tα with a spreading exponent α ≈ 0.75. This value is consistent with previous results for viscosity-limited spreading over a deep bath. The universal power law L[combining tilde] ∝ t[combining tilde]3/4 that describes the dimensionless distance L[combining tilde] as a function of the dimensionless time t[combining tilde] reasonably captures our experiments, as well as previous experiments for different geometries, miscibilities, and surface tension modifiers (solvents and surfactants). The range of this power law remarkably covers ten orders of magnitude in dimensionless time. This result enables engineering of drop encapsulation for various liquid-liquid systems.