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Front Genet ; 15: 1423674, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040993


The male mammalian germline is characterized by substantial chromatin remodeling associated with the transition from histones to protamines during spermatogenesis, followed by the reversal to nucleohistones in the male pronucleus preceding the zygotic genome activation. Both transitions are associated with the extensive formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), requiring an estimated 5 to 10 million transient DSBs per spermatozoa. Additionally, the high transcription rate in early stages of spermatogenesis leads to transcription-coupled damage preceding meiotic homologous recombination, potentially further contributing to the DSB landscape in mature spermatozoa. Once meiosis is completed, spermatozoa remain haploid and therefore cannot rely on error-free homologous recombination, but instead depend on error-prone classical non-homologous end joining (cNHEJ). This DNA damage/repair-scenario is proposed to be one of the main causes of the observed paternal mutation propensity in human evolution. Recent studies have shown that DSBs in the male pronucleus are repaired by maternally provided Polθ in Caenorhabditis elegans through Polθ-mediated end joining (TMEJ). Additionally, population genetic datasets have revealed a preponderance of TMEJ signatures associated with human variation. Since these signatures are the result of the combined effect of TMEJ and DSB formation in spermatozoa and male pronuclei, we used a BLISS-based protocol to analyze recurrent DSBs in mature human sperm heads as a proxy of the male pronucleus before zygotic chromatin remodeling. The DSBs were found to be enriched in (YR)n short tandem repeats and in evolutionarily young SINEs, reminiscent to patterns observed in murine spermatids, indicating evolutionary hotspots of recurrent DSB formation in mammalian spermatozoa. Additionally, we detected a similar DSB pattern in diploid human IMR90 cells when cNHEJ was selectively inhibited, indicating the significant impact of absent cNHEJ on the sperm DSB landscape. Strikingly, regions associated with most retained histones, and therefore less condensed chromatin, were not strongly enriched with recurrent DSBs. In contrast, the fraction of retained H3K27me3 in the mature spermatozoa displayed a strong association with recurrent DSBs. DSBs in H3K27me3 are associated with a preference for TMEJ over cNHEJ during repair. We hypothesize that the retained H3K27me3 may trigger transgenerational DNA repair by priming maternal Polθ to these regions.

Front Cell Dev Biol ; 11: 1274807, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38152346


Cellular senescence is characterized by replication arrest in response to stress stimuli. Senescent cells accumulate in aging tissues and can trigger organ-specific and possibly systemic dysfunction. Although senescent cell populations are heterogeneous, a key feature is that they exhibit epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes such as loss of repressive constitutive heterochromatin could lead to subsequent LINE-1 derepression, a phenomenon often described in the context of senescence or somatic evolution. LINE-1 elements decode the retroposition machinery and reverse transcription generates cDNA from autonomous and non-autonomous TEs that can potentially reintegrate into genomes and cause structural variants. Another feature of cellular senescence is mitochondrial dysfunction caused by mitochondrial damage. In combination with impaired mitophagy, which is characteristic of senescent cells, this could lead to cytosolic mtDNA accumulation and, as a genomic consequence, integrations of mtDNA into nuclear DNA (nDNA), resulting in mitochondrial pseudogenes called numts. Thus, both phenomena could cause structural variants in aging genomes that go beyond epigenetic changes. We therefore compared proliferating and senescent IMR-90 cells in terms of somatic de novo numts and integrations of a non-autonomous composite retrotransposons - the so-called SVA elements-that hijack the retropositional machinery of LINE-1. We applied a subtractive and kinetic enrichment technique using proliferating cell DNA as a driver and senescent genomes as a tester for the detection of nuclear flanks of de novo SVA integrations. Coupled with deep sequencing we obtained a genomic readout for SVA retrotransposition possibly linked to cellular senescence in the IMR-90 model. Furthermore, we compared the genomes of proliferative and senescent IMR-90 cells by deep sequencing or after enrichment of nuclear DNA using AluScan technology. A total of 1,695 de novo SVA integrations were detected in senescent IMR-90 cells, of which 333 were unique. Moreover, we identified a total of 81 de novo numts with perfect identity to both mtDNA and nuclear hg38 flanks. In summary, we present evidence for possible age-dependent structural genomic changes by paralogization that go beyond epigenetic modifications. We hypothesize, that the structural variants we observe potentially impact processes associated with replicative aging of IMR-90 cells.

Front Cell Dev Biol ; 11: 1201258, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37325565


Cells of the developing human brain are affected by the progressive acquisition of genetic and epigenetic alterations that have been reported to contribute to somatic mosaicism in the adult brain and are increasingly considered a possible cause of neurogenetic disorders. A recent work uncovered that the copy-paste transposable element (TE) LINE-1 (L1) is mobilized during brain development, and thus mobile non-autonomous TEs like AluY and SINE-VNTR-Alu (SVA) families can use L1 activity in trans, leading to de novo insertions that may influence the variability of neural cells at genetic and epigenetic levels. In contrast to SNPs and when considering substitutional sequence evolution, the presence or absence of TEs at orthologous loci represents highly informative clade markers that provide insights into the lineage relationships between neural cells and how the nervous system evolves in health and disease. SVAs, as the 'youngest' class of hominoid-specific retrotransposons preferentially found in gene- and GC-rich regions, are thought to differentially co-regulate nearby genes and exhibit a high mobility in the human germline. Therefore, we determined whether this is reflected in the somatic brain and used a subtractive and kinetic enrichment technique called representational difference analysis (RDA) coupled with deep sequencing to compare different brain regions with respect to de novo SINE-VNTR-Alu insertion patterns. As a result, we detected somatic de novo SVA integrations in all human brain regions analyzed, and the majority of de novo insertions can be attributed to lineages of telencephalon and metencephalon, since most of the examined integrations are unique to different brain regions under scrutiny. The SVA positions were used as presence/absence markers, forming informative sites that allowed us to create a maximum parsimony phylogeny of brain regions. Our results largely recapitulated the generally accepted evo-devo patterns and revealed chromosome-wide rates of de novo SVA reintegration targets and preferences for specific genomic regions, e.g., GC- and TE-rich regions as well as close proximity to genes that tend to fall into neural-specific Gene Ontology pathways. We concluded that de novo SVA insertions occur in the germline and somatic brain cells at similar target regions, suggesting that similar retrotransposition modes are effective in the germline and soma.

Front Genet ; 14: 1069871, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37139234


R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures consisting of an RNA:DNA hybrid and a displaced DNA strand. While R-loops pose a potential threat to genome integrity, they constitute 5% of the human genome. The role of R-loops in transcriptional regulation, DNA replication, and chromatin signature is becoming increasingly clear. R-loops are associated with various histone modifications, suggesting that they may modulate chromatin accessibility. To potentially harness transcription-coupled repair mechanisms in the germline, nearly the entire genome is expressed during the early stages of male gametogenesis in mammals, providing ample opportunity for the formation of a transcriptome-dependent R-loop landscape in male germ cells. In this study, our data demonstrated the presence of R-loops in fully mature human and bonobo sperm heads and their partial correspondence to transcribed regions and chromatin structure, which is massively reorganized from mainly histone to mainly protamine-packed chromatin in mature sperm. The sperm R-loop landscape resembles characteristic patterns of somatic cells. Surprisingly, we detected R-loops in both residual histone and protamine-packed chromatin and localize them to still-active retroposons, ALUs and SINE-VNTR-ALUs (SVAs), the latter has recently arisen in hominoid primates. We detected both evolutionarily conserved and species-specific localizations. Comparing our DNA-RNA immunoprecipitation (DRIP) data with published DNA methylation and histone chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) data, we hypothesize that R-loops epigenetically reduce methylation of SVAs. Strikingly, we observe a strong influence of R-loops on the transcriptomes of zygotes from early developmental stages before zygotic genome activation. Overall, these findings suggest that chromatin accessibility influenced by R-loops may represent a system of inherited gene regulation.