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Arch Psychiatr Nurs ; 45: 54-60, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37544702


BACKGROUND: The occupational activities carried out in hospital environments pose occupational risks to professionals. In psychiatric hospitals, due to the characteristics of the patients treated, professionals are also subjected to other risks, such as physical aggression. OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to identify the systemic context, highlighting the cause-and-effect relationships that culminate in occupational accidents that occurred with the nursing staff in a psychiatric hospital in Brazil. METHODS: The current study is an applied research and was divided into three stages. First, the collection of data related to the case study was made and accidents were analyzed and occupational hazards were identified. In the second stage, from the collected information, occupational safety indicators were defined. Lastly, in the third stage, the qualitative aspect of System Dynamics was applied to perform the systemic analysis and to identify how the different variables were related. RESULTS: The results showed that physical aggression was the main cause of accidents. Regarding safety indicators, while both the level of use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by professionals and the high level of PPE protection were positive aspects, the level of training of professionals to use PPE was a negative aspect. The Causal Link Diagram (CLD) showed that the perception of risk influenced the level of use of PPE and those organizational measures influenced the accident rate. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the systemic analysis of the system dynamics can optimize the diagnostic process of occupational accidents in psychiatric hospitals, and especially help to identify the cause and effect among the variables involved.

Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem , Saúde Ocupacional , Humanos , Acidentes de Trabalho/prevenção & controle , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Brasil
EXCLI J ; 21: 744-756, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35721575


The parcel delivery activity is carried out all over the world and workers in this sector have suffered from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to the strong demand for work generated by the recent increase in e-commerce. This study aimed to evaluate postal workers' pain symptoms, movements and identify MSDs risks related to the parcel processing activity for delivery, proposing preventive measures. A sample of thirty-two workers was evaluated with the application of sociodemographic and Nordic questionnaires and electrical bioimpedance. The motion capture sensors were used to evaluate right/left shoulder joints, segment C7-T1 (Cervical) and segment L5-S1 (Lumbar) of three postal workers (percentiles of anthropometric data: 5, 50, and 95) during four real work activities that are part of the parcel processing. The analyzed workers presented musculoskeletal complaints in practically all body regions, with a greater prevalence in shoulders, hands, lower back, and knees. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), they were on average overweight (27.8 ± 3.7 kg/m2). In the movement analysis, we identified risks related to cervical protrusion, anterior trunk flexion, and shoulder flexion, in addition to repetitive movements. In some activities, the higher stature showed an increase in lumbar and cervical anterior flexion. The set of evaluations showed that the activity of processing orders for delivery offers musculoskeletal risks. We identify that ergonomic adaptations are necessary to adapt the heights of the work environment to the statures of the postal workers. Relevance to industry: The activity of processing orders for delivery is carried out practically all over the world generating jobs and income for its employees. Nonetheless, there are still situations of ergonomic disadvantage that can generate musculoskeletal risks. The findings elucidate ergonomic risks and provide useful information for future ergonomic interventions in the postal/delivery workplace environment.

EXCLI J ; 20: 727-747, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33907540


Workers' intensive use of hand tool cutting in the meat packing industry is a risk factor for occupational health, mainly by mechanical compression of tissues in the upper limbs, which can cause Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs). This systematic review aimed to identify the characteristics and measured variables of instrumented knives and determine how they should be designed. The review process and article extractions occurred through an analysis of the (article) titles, keywords and abstracts, followed by reading the full texts by two reviewers independently. Searches were conducted in Medline, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, Ebsco and Engineering Village for articles published in peer-reviewed journals from January 2000 to March 2019, in the English language. The result of (the) search included 1289 potentially eligible studies, with 894 duplicated/triplicated/quadruplicated articles that were excluded, resulting in 404 remaining articles of which 33 were considered eligible, with 36 additional articles, totaling 69 evaluated full texts. After the review, none of the 14 analyzed studies, were rated as having good methodological quality. In addition, four types of instrumented knives were used. Data acquisition was performed in both laboratory and meat processing plants. It is noteworthy that only one knife was submitted to a validation process and that the articles did not provide complete technical information about the knives. The result demonstrated that the cutting force varies within and between subjects, tasks, plants and blade finishings. All knives used some type of electrical connection via cable or wires. Of the articles found, none considered the influences that the workers are subject to when they do not use the same tool daily for data acquisition. Therefore, the development of different types of instrumented knives, with wireless data transmission and more rigorous studies are necessary to expand the knowledge of the cutting force and development of WMSD in slaughterhouse workers who perform meat cutting.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 29: e2078, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1285766


Resumo Introdução A impressão tridimensional (3D) é capaz de confeccionar produtos físicos avançados e especializados por meio de tecnologia computadorizada e softwares específicos. Alguns desses produtos são as órteses e próteses, que podem favorecer a funcionalidade do sujeito em seu cotidiano. Objetivo Identificar o tipo, o uso e a aplicabilidade da impressão 3D na confecção de órteses e próteses para membro superior. Método Revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus e Science Direct, sem delimitação de tempo, na língua portuguesa, inglesa ou espanhola, seguindo os critérios de elegibilidade: estudos do tipo experimental, observacional e relatos de casos, cujo objeto de estudo foram as órteses e próteses impressas em 3D, com pacientes de qualquer idade e qualquer diagnóstico de comprometimento do membro superior. Resultados Foram incluídos nove artigos, sete referentes ao uso da impressão 3D na confecção de prótese e dois referentes à confecção de órteses. Muitos dos estudos foram direcionados ao público infantil e os materiais mais utilizados para confecção foram o PLA e o ABS. A equipe multidisciplinar foi apresentada como fundamental no processo de avaliação, criação e testagem dos dispositivos. Conclusão Apesar dos estudos analisados tangenciarem fases iniciais de desenvolvimento e investigação da aplicabilidade da impressão 3D na criação de órteses e próteses, observou-se que já existem melhorias do custo-benefício gerado pelo uso desta tecnologia, bem como a possibilidade de gerar produtos mais versáteis. Apontando-se como um campo promissor para ampliar a aplicação da impressão 3D como recurso facilitador do processo de reabilitação.

Abstract Introduction Three-dimensional (3D) printing is capable of making advanced and specialized physical products using computerized technologies and specific software. Some of these products are orthosis and prostheses which can support patients' functionality in their daily lives. Objective To identify the type, the usage, and the applicability of 3D printing on the development of upper limbs' orthosis and prostheses. Method Integrative review carried out on the following databases: Pubmed, LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus e Science Direct, with no specific publication period, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. It also had to fit the following criteria: experimental and observational studies and case reports which had 3D printed orthosis and prosthesis as the object of study with patients of any age or diagnosis of upper limb damage. Results Nine studies were included. Seven referred to the use of 3D printing to make prosthesis and 2 to make orthosis. Many studies were directed to children and the most used materials were PLA and ABS. The multidisciplinary team was fundamental in the process of evaluation, creation, and testing of the devices. Conclusion Despite the analyzed studies mention initial phases of development and investigation of the applicability of 3D printing in the creation of orthosis and prostheses, it was observed that cost-benefit improvements generated by the use of this technology already exist, as well as the possibility of generating more versatile products. It's a promising field to amplify the applicability of 3D printing as a resource facilitating the rehabilitation process.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 28(4): 1297-1310, Oct.-Dec. 2020. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1153632


Resumo Introdução A Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) é apontada como uma das soluções para proporcionar uma melhor funcionalidade e qualidade de vida às pessoas com doenças reumatológicas. Projetos interdisciplinares com foco em avaliar, indicar e desenvolver TA são importantes para os avanços na pesquisa e assistência clínica. A captura de movimento, por meio da instrumentação tecnológica, apresenta-se como um tema inovador por fornecer dados objetivos sobre o usuário. Mais estudos nessa área são necessários para conhecer as possibilidades de aplicação da instrumentação tecnológica em pesquisas de TA. Objetivo Descrever a aplicabilidade da captura de movimento, por meio de um equipamento de alta tecnologia, numa pesquisa interdisciplinar de TA para pacientes reumatológicos. Método Trata-se de Relato de Experiência, com uma abordagem qualitativa, no qual foi descrito as ações utilizando um equipamento tecnológico específico para captura de movimentos. Resultados Foi utilizada a captura de movimento com três finalidades: apoio educacional; avaliação de usabilidade de recursos de TA desenvolvidos; e suporte a grupos de estudo de terapeutas ocupacionais para análises de atividades. Conclusão Nas diferentes ações, a captura de movimento funcionou como um recurso complementar para as análises de atividades realizadas pelos terapeutas ocupacionais, o que contribuiu para a indicação, desenvolvimento e avaliação dos dispositivos de TA e para facilitar as orientações dadas no manual e nos grupos de orientação sobre Proteção Articular. O trabalho interdisciplinar foi o diferencial para o uso adequado do equipamento.

Abstract Introduction Assistive Technology (AT) is pointed as one of the possible solutions to offer better functionality and quality of life for people with rheumatological diseases. Interdisciplinary projects focused on assessing, indicating, and developing AT are important for advances in research and clinical care. Motion capture, through technological instrumentation, is an innovative theme for providing objective data about the user. Further studies in this area are needed to know the possibilities of applying technological instrumentation in AT research. Objective To describe the applicability of motion capture, using high-tech equipment, in an interdisciplinary AT research for rheumatological patients. Method It is an Experience Report, with a qualitative approach, in which the actions were described using specific technological equipment to motion capture. Results: Motion capture was used for three purposes: educational support; usability evaluation of AT resources developed; and support for study groups of occupational therapists to activity analysis. Conclusion In the different actions, the motion capture was used as a complementary resource for activities' analysis performed by occupational therapists, which contributed to the indication, development, and evaluation of AT devices and to facilitate the instructions provided in manual and in the guidance groups about Joint Protection. Interdisciplinary work was differentiated for the proper use of equipment.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 22(4): 365-371, Oct-Dec/2014. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-741378


Da prescrição até a administração de medicamentos em pacientes podem ocorrer erros que causam dor, sofrimento e, em casos extremos, a morte. Assim, o objetivo geral deste artigo foi identificar os problemas relacionados aos utensílios da sala de preparo de medicação de um hospital da Grande Florianópolis no que tange à ergonomia física, cognitiva e organizacional, a fim de propor possíveis soluções no preparo de medicação para a eliminação ou minimização de erros no fluxo de medicação. Como método, fez-se: pesquisa bibliográfica, visita a campo e avaliação dos utensílios quanto à ergonomia física, cognitiva e organizacional. Como resultados, elaborou-se um quadro de análise de alguns utensílios da sala de medicação do hospital escola estudado, os quais foram relacionados com possíveis soluções para a otimização do processo de medicação. Assim, espera-se contribuir para a melhoria do trabalho dos profissionais da saúde e, consequentemente, promover uma melhor prestação de serviços à população.

From prescription to medication administration, errors that cause pain, suffering and, in extreme cases, death may occur in patients. Thus, the aim of this paper was to identify the problems related to the utensils used in the medication room of a hospital in Florianópolis, in respect to physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics, in order to propose possible solutions to prepare medications for disposal or minimization of errors in the stream of medication. As a method, they were used: literature review, field visit and assessment tools as physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics. As a results, it is presented a framework analysing some utensils of medication room, which has been elaborated and related with possible solutions to optimization of the medication process. Thus, it is expected to contribute to improving the work of health professionals and promote better service to the population.

Work ; 41 Suppl 1: 1045-52, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22316858


In product design, human factors are considered as an element of differentiation given that today's consumer demands are increasing. Safety, wellbeing, satisfaction, health, effectiveness, efficiency, and other aspects must be effectively incorporated into the product development process. This work proposes a usability assessment model that can be incorporated as an assessment tool. The methodological approach is settled in two stages. First a literature review focus specifically on usability and developing user-centred products. After this, a model of usability named Usa-Design (U-D©) is presented. Consisted of four phases: understanding the use context, pre-preliminary usability assessment (efficiency/effectiveness/satisfaction); assessment of usability principles and results, U-D© features are modular and flexible, allowing principles used in Phase 3 to be changed according to the needs and scenario of each situation. With qualitative/quantitative measurement scales of easy understanding and application, the model results are viable and applicable throughout all the product development process.

Desenho de Equipamento/normas , Modelos Teóricos , Comportamento do Consumidor , Eficiência , Ergonomia , Humanos