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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11088228


Current-driven dust-acoustic wave instabilities in a collisional plasma with variable-charge dusts are studied. The effects of electron and ion capture by the dust grains, the ion drag force, as well as dissipative mechanisms leading to changes in the particle numbers and momenta, are taken into account. Conditions for the instability are obtained and discussed for both weak and strong ion drag. It is shown that the threshold external electric field driving the current is relatively large in dusty plasmas because of the large dissipation rates induced by the dusts. The current-driven instability may be associated with dust cloud filamentation at the initial stages of void formation in dusty RF discharge experiments.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11046474


Observations show that plasma crystals, suspended in the sheath of a radio-frequency discharge, rotate under the influence of a vertical magnetic field. Depending on the discharge conditions, two different cases are observed: a rigid-body rotation (all the particles move with a constant angular velocity) and sheared rotation (the angular velocity of particles has a radial distribution). When the discharge voltage is increased sufficiently, the particles may even reverse their direction of motion. A simple analytical model is used to explain qualitatively the mechanism of the observed particle motion and its dependence on the confining potential and discharge conditions. The model takes into account electrostatic, ion drag, neutral drag, and effective interparticle interaction forces. For the special case of rigid-body rotation, the confining potential is reconstructed. Using data for the radial dependence of particle rotation velocity, the shear stresses are estimated. The critical shear stress at which shear-induced melting occurs is used to roughly estimate the shear elastic modulus of the plasma crystal. The latter is also used to estimate the viscosity contribution due to elasticity in the plasma liquid. Further development is suggested in order to quantitatively implement these ideas.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11031610


Mach cones were studied experimentally in a two-dimensional Yukawa solid consisting of charged micrometer particles suspended as a layer in a plasma. These cones were V-shaped shocks produced spontaneously by a supersonic particle moving below the main two-dimensional particle layer. The cones had a double structure. The first cone was compressional and particles moved forward, and it was followed by a second cone, which was rarefactional, where particles moved backward. Over the limited range of speed V attained by the supersonic particles in this experiment, the angle mu of the cone was found to obey the Mach cone rule sin mu = c/V, where c is the medium's sound speed. The cones caused only elastic deformations in the crystal lattice, except in a narrow track behind the cone's vertex. The wings of the cones can be analyzed as linear shocks in two dimensions. Using spatially resolved measurements of the particle number density and velocity and applying the Hugoniot relations for shocks in two dimensions, we found that the pressure inside the first Mach cone was greater than in the undisturbed medium by a factor of 1.3-1.6. The cone angle was also used to measure the charge in this experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(5): 891-4, 2000 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11017398


The interaction potential of two microspheres that are levitated in the sheath region of a radio frequency (rf) argon discharge is studied experimentally by analyzing their trajectories during head-on collisions. It is shown that the interaction parallel to the sheath boundary can be described by a screened Coulomb potential. Thus, values for an effective charge and a screening length can be obtained. The horizontal part of the interaction potential has been determined for several plasma conditions. There is no evidence for an attractive part in the potential within the accuracy of the present measurements and the given plasma conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 73(5): 652-655, 1994 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10057503