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Evol Appl ; 16(3): 638-656, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36969137


The spongy moth, Lymantria dispar, is an irruptive forest pest native to Eurasia where its range extends from coast to coast and overspills into northern Africa. Accidentally introduced from Europe in Massachusetts in 1868-1869, it is now established in North America where it is considered a highly destructive invasive pest. A fine-scale characterization of its population genetic structure would facilitate identification of source populations for specimens intercepted during ship inspections in North America and would enable mapping of introduction pathways to help prevent future incursions into novel environments. In addition, detailed knowledge of L. dispar's global population structure would provide new insight into the adequacy of its current subspecies classification system and its phylogeographic history. To address these issues, we generated >2000 genotyping-by-sequencing-derived SNPs from 1445 contemporary specimens sampled at 65 locations in 25 countries/3 continents. Using multiple analytical approaches, we identified eight subpopulations that could be further partitioned into 28 groups, achieving unprecedented resolution for this species' population structure. Although reconciliation between these groupings and the three currently recognized subspecies proved to be challenging, our genetic data confirmed circumscription of the japonica subspecies to Japan. However, the genetic cline observed across continental Eurasia, from L. dispar asiatica in East Asia to L. d. dispar in Western Europe, points to the absence of a sharp geographical boundary (e.g., the Ural Mountains) between these two subspecies, as suggested earlier. Importantly, moths from North America and the Caucasus/Middle East displayed high enough genetic distances from other populations to warrant their consideration as separate subspecies of L. dispar. Finally, in contrast with earlier mtDNA-based investigations that identified the Caucasus as L. dispar's place of origin, our analyses suggest continental East Asia as its evolutionary cradle, from where it spread to Central Asia and Europe, and to Japan through Korea.

Evol Appl ; 15(6): 934-953, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35782014


Human-assisted movement has allowed the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)) to spread beyond its native range and become a globally regulated invasive pest. Within its native range of China and the Korean peninsula, human-mediated dispersal has also caused cryptic translocation of insects, resulting in population structure complexity. Previous studies used genetic methods to detangle this complexity but were unable to clearly delimit native populations which is needed to develop downstream biosurveillance tools. We used genome-wide markers to define historical population structure in native ALB populations and contemporary movement between regions. We used genotyping-by-sequencing to generate 6102 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and amplicon sequencing to genotype 53 microsatellites. In total, we genotyped 712 individuals from ALB's native distribution. We observed six distinct population clusters among native ALB populations, with a clear delineation between northern and southern groups. Most of the individuals from South Korea were distinct from populations in China. Our results also indicate historical divergence among populations and suggest limited large-scale admixture, but we did identify a restricted number of cases of contemporary movement between regions. We identified SNPs under selection and describe a clinal allele frequency pattern in a missense variant associated with glycerol kinase, an important enzyme in the utilization of an insect cryoprotectant. We further demonstrate that small numbers of SNPs can assign individuals to geographic regions with high probability, paving the way for novel ALB biosurveillance tools.

Evol Appl ; 13(8): 2056-2070, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32908604


Genetic data can help elucidate the dynamics of biological invasions, which are fueled by the constant expansion of international trade. The introduction of European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar dispar) into North America is a classic example of human-aided invasion that has caused tremendous damage to North American temperate forests. Recently, the even more destructive Asian gypsy moth (mainly L. d. asiatica and L. d. japonica) has been intercepted in North America, mostly transported by cargo ships. To track invasion pathways, we developed a diagnostic panel of 60 DNA loci (55 nuclear and 5 mitochondrial) to characterize worldwide genetic differentiation within L. dispar and its sister species L. umbrosa. Hierarchical analyses supported strong differentiation and recovered five geographic groups that correspond to (1) North America, (2) Europe plus North Africa and Middle East, (3) the Urals, Central Asia, and Russian Siberia, (4) continental East Asia, and (5) the Japanese islands. Interestingly, L. umbrosa was grouped with L. d. japonica, and the introduced North American population exhibits remarkable distinctiveness from contemporary European counterparts. Each geographic group, except for North America, shows additional lower-level structures when analyzed individually, which provided the basis for inference of the origin of invasive specimens. Two assignment approaches consistently identified a coastal area of continental East Asia as the major source for Asian invasion during 2014-2015, with Japan being another source. By analyzing simulation and laboratory crosses, we further provided evidence for the occurrence of natural Asian-North American hybrids in the Pacific Northwest, raising concerns for introgression of Asian alleles that may accelerate range expansion of gypsy moth in North America. Our study demonstrates how genetic data contribute to bio-surveillance of invasive species with results that can inform regulatory management and reduce the frequency of trade-associated invasions.