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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171980


Several small to medium-scale magnetic confinement fusion devices operate using deuterium as fuel. These low neutron rate (108-1010 n/s) devices rely on 2.45 MeV neutron measurements to validate physical models and to assess their performance. Given the modest rate, neutron monitors have to be placed as close as possible to the machine to maximize data gathering. In these regions, intense stray magnetic fields could affect the detector's performance. In this work, the development of a neutron detector based on an EJ-276D scintillator crystal coupled with a SiPM and a custom-made readout system is presented. The detector has particle discrimination capability and is insensitive to magnetic fields.

Phys Rev Lett ; 133(5): 055102, 2024 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159102


At present, magnetic confinement fusion devices rely solely on absolute neutron counting as a direct way of measuring fusion power. Absolute counting of deuterium-tritium gamma rays could provide the secondary neutron-independent technique required for the validation of scientific results and as a licensing tool for future power plants. However, this approach necessitates an accurate determination of the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio. The gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio for the deuterium-tritium reaction ^{3}H(^{2}H,γ)^{5}He/^{3}H(^{2}H,n)^{4}He was determined in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas at the Joint European Torus in predominantly deuterium beam heated plasmas. The branching ratio was found to be equal to (2.4±0.5)×10^{-5} over the deuterium energy range of (80±20) keV. This accurate determination of the deuterium-tritium branching ratio paves the way for a direct and neutron-independent measurement of fusion power in magnetic confinement fusion reactors, based on the absolute counting of deuterium-tritium gamma rays.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(1): 013501, 2023 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36725552


The only method for assessing the fusion power throughput of a deuterium-tritium (DT) reactor presently relies on determining the absolute number of 14 MeV neutrons produced in the DT plasma. An independent method, developed and investigated during the recent DT campaign at the Joint European Torus, is based on the absolute counting of 17 MeV gamma rays produced by the competing T(D, γ)5He reaction that features a very weak branching ratio (about 3-6 × 10-6) when compared to the main T(D, n)4He reaction. The state-of-the-art spectrometer used for gamma-ray measurements in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas is LaBr3(Ce) scintillator detectors, although they require significant neutron shielding to extract a relatively weak gamma-ray signal from a much more abundant neutron field. A better approach relies on a gamma-ray detector that is intrinsically insensitive to neutrons. We have advanced the design of a gamma-ray counter based on the Cherenkov effect for gamma-rays whose energy exceeds 11 MeV, optimized to work in the neutron-rich environment of a steady-state, magnetically confined fusion plasma device. The gamma-rays interact with an aluminum window and extract electrons that move into the radiator emitting photons via the Cherenkov effect. Since the Cherenkov light consists of few photons (25 on average) in the far UV band (100-200 nm), a pre-amplifier is required to transport the photons to the neutron-shielded location, which may be a few meters away, where the readout elements of the detector, either a silicon or standard photomultiplier tube, are placed. The present work focuses on the development of a scintillating GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) based pre-amplifier that acts as a Cherenkov photon pre-amplifier and wavelength shifter. This paper presents the result of a set of Garfield++ simulations developed to find the optimal GEM working parameters. A photon gain of 100 is obtained by biasing a single GEM foil to 1 kV.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113512, 2022 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461481


Dedicated nuclear diagnostics have been designed, developed, and built within EUROFUSION enhancement programs in the last ten years for installation at the Joint European Torus and capable of operation in high power Deuterium-Tritium (DT) plasmas. The recent DT Experiment campaign, called DTE2, has been successfully carried out in the second half of 2021 and provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the performance of the new nuclear diagnostics and for an understanding of their behavior in the record high 14 MeV neutron yields (up to 4.7 × 1018 n/s) and total number of neutrons (up to 2 × 1019 n) achieved on a tokamak. In this work, we will focus on the 14 MeV high resolution neutron spectrometers based on artificial diamonds which, for the first time, have extensively been used to measure 14 MeV DT neutron spectra with unprecedented energy resolution (Full Width at Half Maximum of ≈1% at 14 MeV). The work will describe their long-term stability and operation over the DTE2 campaign as well as their performance as neutron spectrometers in terms of achieved energy resolution and high rate capability. This important experience will be used to outline the concept of a spectroscopic neutron camera for the SPARC tokamak. The proposed neutron camera will be the first one to feature the dual capability to measure (i) the 2.5 and 14 MeV neutron emissivity profile via the conventional neutron detectors based on liquid or plastics scintillators and (ii) the 14 MeV neutron spectral emission via the use of high-resolution diamond-based spectrometers. The new opportunities opened by the spectroscopic neutron camera to measure plasma parameters will be discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(9): 093525, 2022 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182521


The most performant deuterium-tritium (DT) plasma discharges realized by the Joint European Torus (JET) tokamak in the recent DT campaign have produced neutron yields on the order of 1018 n/s. At such high neutron yields, gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements with scintillators are challenging as events from the neutron-induced background often dominate over the signal, leading to a significant fraction of pileup events and instability of the photodetector gain along with the consequent degradation of the reconstructed spectrum. Here, we describe the solutions adopted for the tangential lanthanum bromide spectrometer installed at JET. A data acquisition system with free streaming mode digitization capabilities for the entire duration of the discharge has been used to solve dead-time related issues and a data reconstruction code with pileup recovery and photodetector gain drift restoration has been implemented for off-line analysis of the data. This work focuses on the acquired data storage and parsing, with a detailed explanation of the pileup recovery and gain drift restoration algorithms.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(9): 093520, 2022 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182523


A new deuterium-tritium experimental, DTE2, campaign has been conducted at the Joint European Torus (JET) between August 2021 and late December 2021. Motivated by significant enhancements in the past decade at JET, such as the ITER-like wall and enhanced auxiliary heating power, the campaign achieved a new fusion energy world record and performed a broad range of fundamental experiments to inform ITER physics scenarios and operations. New capabilities in the area of fusion product measurements by nuclear diagnostics were available as a result of a decade long enhancement program. These have been tested for the first time in DTE2 and a concise overview is provided here. Confined alpha particle measurements by gamma-ray spectroscopy were successfully demonstrated, albeit with limitations at neutron rates higher than some 1017 n/s. High resolution neutron spectroscopy measurements with the magnetic proton recoil instrument were complemented by novel data from a set of synthetic diamond detectors, which enabled studies of the supra-thermal contributions to the neutron emission. In the area of escaping fast ion diagnostics, a lost fast ion detector and a set of Faraday cups made it possible to determine information on the velocity space and poloidal distribution of the lost alpha particles for the first time. This extensive set of data provides unique information for fundamental physics studies and validation of the numerical models, which are key to inform the physics and scenarios of ITER.