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Front Microbiol ; 14: 1243068, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37771702


Two endornaviruses, Phytophthora endornavirus 2 (PEV2) and Phytophthora endornavirus 3 (PEV3), have been discovered in pathogens targeting asparagus. In this study, we analyzed the nick structure in the RNA genomes of PEV2 and PEV3 in the host oomycetes. Northern blot hybridization using positive and negative strand-specific RNA probes targeting the 5' and 3' regions of PEV2 and PEV3 RNA genomes revealed approximately 1.0 kilobase (kb) RNA fragments located in the 5' regions of the two genomes. 3' RACE analysis determined that the size of the RNA fragments were 958 nucleotides (nt) for PEV2 and 968 nt for PEV3. We have successfully constructed full-length cDNA clones of the entire RNA genomes of PEV2 and PEV3 using a homologous recombination system in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These full-length cDNA sequences were ligated downstream of a constitutive expression promoter (TDH3) or a galactose-inducing promoter (GAL1) in the shuttle vector to enable the production of the full-length RNA transcripts of PEV2 and PEV3 in yeast cells. Interestingly, a 1.0 kb RNA fragment from the PEV3 positive-strand transcript was also detected with a 5'-region RNA probe, indicating that site-specific cleavage also occurred in yeast cells. Further, when PEV2 or PEV3 mRNA was overexpressed under the GAL1 promoter, yeast cell growth was suppressed. A fusion protein combining EGFP to the N-terminus of the full-length PEV2 ORF or C-terminus of the full-length PEV3 ORF was expressed, and allowed PEV2 and PEV3 ORFs to be successfully visualized in yeast cells. Expression of the fusion protein also revealed presence of heterogeneous bodies in the cells.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 633502, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33633714


Two novel endornaviruses, Phytophthora endornavirus 2 (PEV2) and Phytophthora endornavirus 3 (PEV3) were found in isolates of a Phytophthora pathogen of asparagus collected in Japan. A molecular phylogenetic analysis indicated that PEV2 and PEV3 belong to the genus Alphaendornavirus. The PEV2 and PEV3 genomes consist of 14,345 and 13,810 bp, and they contain single open reading frames of 4,640 and 4,603 codons, respectively. Their polyproteins contain the conserved domains of an RNA helicase, a UDP-glycosyltransferase, and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which are conserved in other alphaendornaviruses. PEV2 is closely related to Brown algae endornavirus 2, whereas PEV3 is closely related to Phytophthora endornavirus 1 (PEV1), which infects a Phytophthora sp. specific to Douglas fir. PEV2 and PEV3 were detected at high titers in two original Phytophthora sp. isolates, and we found a sub-isolate with low titers of the viruses during subculture. We used the high- and low-titer isolates to evaluate the effects of the viruses on the growth, development, and fungicide sensitivities of the Phytophthora sp. host. The high-titer isolates produced smaller mycelial colonies and much higher numbers of zoosporangia than the low-titer isolate. These results suggest that PEV2 and PEV3 inhibited hyphal growth and stimulated zoosporangium formation. The high-titer isolates were more sensitive than the low-titer isolate to the fungicides benthiavalicarb-isopropyl, famoxadone, and chlorothalonil. In contrast, the high-titer isolates displayed lower sensitivity to the fungicide metalaxyl (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase I) when compared with the low-titer isolate. These results indicate that persistent infection with PEV2 and PEV3 may potentially affect the fungicide sensitivities of the host oomycete.

Microbiol Resour Announc ; 10(1)2021 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33414298


The complete genome sequence of isolate Jiou of rehmannia mosaic virus (ReMV) infecting Rehmannia glutinosa in Japan was obtained via Sanger sequencing. Isolate Jiou shared high nucleotide sequence identity (>94%) with other known ReMV isolates.