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Front Neurol ; 12: 645925, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841312


Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of refractory focal epilepsy and is often associated with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and cognitive disturbances. Over the last decade, high frequency oscillations (HFOs) in the intraoperative electrocorticography (ioECoG) have been proposed to be biomarkers for the delineation of epileptic tissue but hippocampal ripples have also been associated with memory consolidation. Healthy hippocampi can show prolonged ripple activity in stereo- EEG. We aimed to identify how the HFO rates [ripples (80-250 Hz, fast ripples (250-500 Hz); prolonged ripples (80-250 Hz, 200-500 ms)] in the pre-resection ioECoG over subtemporal area (hippocampus) and lateral temporal neocortex relate to presence of hippocampal sclerosis, the hippocampal volume quantified on MRI and the severity of cognitive impairment in TLE patients. Volumetric measurement of hippocampal subregions was performed in 47 patients with TLE, who underwent ioECoG. Ripples, prolonged ripples, and fast ripples were visually marked and rates of HFOs were calculated. The intellectual quotient (IQ) before resection was determined. There was a trend toward higher rates of ripples and fast ripples in subtemporal electrodes vs. the lateral neocortex (ripples: 2.1 vs. 1.3/min; fast ripples: 0.9 vs. 0.2/min). Patients with HS showed higher rates of subtemporal fast ripples than other patients (Z = -2.51, p = 0.012). Prolonged ripples were only found in the lateral temporal neocortex. The normalized ratio (smallest/largest) of hippocampal volume was correlated to pre-resection IQ (r = 0.45, p = 0.015). There was no correlation between HFO rates and hippocampal volumes or HFO rates and IQ. To conclude, intra-operative fast ripples were a marker for HS, but ripples and fast ripples were not linearly correlated with either the amount of hippocampal atrophy, nor for pre-surgical IQ.

Epilepsia Open ; 4(1): 170-175, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30868127


Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) and mild malformation of cortical development (mMCD) are frequent histopathologic diagnoses in patients who undergo surgery for refractory epilepsy. Literature concerning surgical outcome in patients with mMCD, as well as its contrast with FCD, has been scarce. We studied 88 patients with a histopathologic diagnosis of isolated FCD (n = 57) or mMCD (n = 31), revised according to the latest International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) guidelines, who underwent resective or disconnective surgery. Our findings suggest differences between mMCD and FCD in clinical presentation and surgical outcome after surgery. Patients with mMCD developed seizures later in life, and their lesions had a predilection for location in the temporal lobe and remained undetected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) more frequently. A diagnosis of mMCD has a less favorable surgical outcome. Still, 32% of these patients reached continuous seizure freedom (Engel class 1A) at a latest median follow-up duration of 8 years, compared to 59% in FCD. A histopathologic diagnosis of mMCD, extratemporal surgery, and indication of an incomplete resection each were independent predictors of poor outcome.