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Nat Commun ; 12(1): 133, 2021 01 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33420016


Burstiness, the tendency of interaction events to be heterogeneously distributed in time, is critical to information diffusion in physical and social systems. However, an analytical framework capturing the effect of burstiness on generic dynamics is lacking. Here we develop a master equation formalism to study cascades on temporal networks with burstiness modelled by renewal processes. Supported by numerical and data-driven simulations, we describe the interplay between heterogeneous temporal interactions and models of threshold-driven and epidemic spreading. We find that increasing interevent time variance can both accelerate and decelerate spreading for threshold models, but can only decelerate epidemic spreading. When accounting for the skewness of different interevent time distributions, spreading times collapse onto a universal curve. Our framework uncovers a deep yet subtle connection between generic diffusion mechanisms and underlying temporal network structures that impacts a broad class of networked phenomena, from spin interactions to epidemic contagion and language dynamics.

Phys Rev E ; 100(4-1): 040301, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31770919


Models of threshold driven contagion explain the cascading spread of information, behavior, systemic risk, and epidemics on social, financial, and biological networks. At odds with empirical observations, these models predict that single-layer unweighted networks become resistant to global cascades after reaching sufficient connectivity. We investigate threshold driven contagion on weight heterogeneous multiplex networks and show that they can remain susceptible to global cascades at any level of connectivity, and with increasing edge density pass through alternating phases of stability and instability in the form of reentrant phase transitions of contagion. Our results provide a theoretical explanation for the observation of large-scale contagion in highly connected but heterogeneous networks.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 3094, 2018 02 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29449569


Weighted networks capture the structure of complex systems where interaction strength is meaningful. This information is essential to a large number of processes, such as threshold dynamics, where link weights reflect the amount of influence that neighbours have in determining a node's behaviour. Despite describing numerous cascading phenomena, such as neural firing or social contagion, the modelling of threshold dynamics on weighted networks has been largely overlooked. We fill this gap by studying a dynamical threshold model over synthetic and real weighted networks with numerical and analytical tools. We show that the time of cascade emergence depends non-monotonously on weight heterogeneities, which accelerate or decelerate the dynamics, and lead to non-trivial parameter spaces for various networks and weight distributions. Our methodology applies to arbitrary binary state processes and link properties, and may prove instrumental in understanding the role of edge heterogeneities in various natural and social phenomena.