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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32765628


OBJECTIVE: Colorectal cancer represents a heavy burden for health systems worldwide, being the third most common cancer worldwide. Despite the breakthroughs in medicine, current chemotherapeutic options continue to have important side effects and may not be effective in preventing disease progression. Cannabinoids might be substances with possible therapeutic potential for cancer because they can attenuate the side effects of chemotherapy and have antiproliferative and antimetastatic effects. We aim to determine, through a systematic review of experimental studies performed on animal CRC models, if cannabinoids can reduce the formation of preneoplastic lesions (aberrant crypt foci), number, and volume of neoplastic lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic, qualitative review of the literature was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases were searched. We use the following Medical Subject Headings (MESH) terms in PubMed: "colorectal neoplasms," "colonic neoplasms," "colorectal cancer," "polyps," "rimonabant," "cannabidiol," "cannabinoids," "azoxymethane," "xenograft," and "mice." Only studies that met the eligibility criteria were included. RESULTS: Eight in vivo experimental studies were included in the analysis after the full-text evaluation. Seven studies were azoxymethane (AOM) colorectal cancer models, and four studies were xenograft models. Cannabidiol botanical substance (CBD BS) and rimonabant achieved high aberrant crypt foci (ACF) reduction (86% and 75.4%, respectively). Cannabigerol, O-1602, and URB-602 demonstrated a high capacity for tumor volume reduction. Induction of apoptosis, interaction with cell survival, growth pathways, and angiogenesis inhibition were the mechanisms extracted from the studies that explain cannabinoids' actions on CRC. CONCLUSIONS: Cannabinoids have incredible potential as antineoplastic agents as experimental models demonstrate that they can reduce tumor volume and ACF formation. It is crucial to conduct more experimental studies to understand the pharmacology of cannabinoids in CRC better.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 42(4): 312-316, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-726867


Objetivos: Presentación de un caso clínico y revisión no sistemática de la literatura sobre acidosis metabólica severa por ayuno prequirúrgico, su incidencia, etiología y fisiopatología. Materiales y métodos: Con autorización del Comité de ética de nuestra institución, se presenta el caso de un paciente con acidosis metabólica severa inducida por ayuno durante una colecistectomía laparoscópica, su manejo y desenlace. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en PubMed, Scielo y Bireme. Resultados: La acidosis metabólica secundaria a ayuno es subdiagnosticada y está relacionada con la búsqueda de una fuente alterna de energía en ausencia de glucosa y glucógeno. Los ácidos grasos libres constituyen esta alternativa, generando cuerpos cetónicos que, al acumularse, desencadenan una cetoacidosis. Este el primer caso en nuestra institución en un paciente no diabético. No encontramos reportes a nivel nacional. Existen en la literatura médica mundial casos asociados a ayuno secundarios a vómito durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo, trastornos psiquiátricos, dietas estrictas, disfunción de banda gástrica y abuso de alcohol. Conclusiones: El anestesiólogo debe contemplar esta posibilidad en pacientes con acidosis metabólica inducida por ayuno con valores de lactato normal y clínica de deterioro hemodinámico, que estén en los extremos de la vida, no diabéticos ni con antecedentes de abuso de alcohol. El cálculo de anión gap es una herramienta sencilla de aproximación diagnóstica. Su incidencia aumenta durante el embarazo.

Objectives: To discuss a clinical case and a non-systematic literature review on severe metabolic acidosis due to pre-surgical fasting, its incidence, etiology, and pathophysiology. Materials and methods: Discussion of a case of a patient with fasting-induced severe metabolic acidosis during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, its management and outcomes. The Ethics Committee of our institution approved the case discussion. The literature search included Pub Med, Scielo and Bireme. Results: Fasting-induced metabolic acidosis is underdiagnosed and is related to the search for an alternate energy source in the absence of glucose and glycogen. Free fatty acids are these alternate source and generate ketone bodies that accumulate and lead to the development of acidosis. This is the first case of a non-diabetic patient at our institution. We found no other reports at the national level. There are some cases in the world literature associated with fasting from vomiting during the third trimester of pregnancy, psychiatric disorders, strict dieting, gastric band dysfunction and alcohol abuse. Conclusions: The anesthesiologist must be aware of this possibility in patients with fasting induced metabolic acidosis with normal lactate values and hemodynamic impairment that are either too young or too old, non-diabetic and with no history of alcohol abuse. The anion gap calculation tool is a simple diagnostic approach. The incidence of the condition increases during pregnancy.
