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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(2)2023 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36679509


We propose and implement a terahertz time-of-flight ranging system based on adaptive clock asynchronous optical sampling, where the timing jitter is corrected in real time to recover the depth information in the acquired interferograms after compensating for laser instabilities using electronic signal processing. Consequently, the involved measurement uncertainties caused by the timing jitter during the terahertz sampling process and the noise intensity of the terahertz electric field have been reduced by the utilization of the adaptive clock. The achieved uncertainty range is about 2.5 µm at a 5 cm distance after averaging the acquisition time of 1876 ms 5000 times, showing a significant improvement compared with the asynchronous optical sampling using a constant clock. The implemented terahertz ranging system only uses free-running mode-locked lasers without any phase-locked electronics, and this favors simple and robust operations for subsequent applications that extend beyond the laboratory conditions.

Eletricidade , Eletrônica , Laboratórios , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador , Incerteza
Opt Express ; 30(5): 7636-7646, 2022 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299521


We report the generation of parabolic pulses with broadband spectrum from a core-pumped Yb-doped fiber amplifier seeded by a dispersion managed fiber oscillator. The net cavity dispersion of Yb-doped oscillator was continuously changed from 0.074 to -0.170 ps2, which enabled us to achieve dissipative soliton, stretched pulse and soliton mode-locking operations. Spectral evolution processes in the core-pumped nonlinear fiber amplifier seeded by various input solitons were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Our finding indicates that cavity dispersion of oscillator can be used to engineer the input pulse parameter for amplifier, thus forming a pre-chirper free fiber amplification structure. In the experiment, we obtained 410-mW parabolic pulses with spectral bandwidth up to 56 nm. In combination with a passively synchronized frequency-doubled Er-doped fiber laser, we have demonstrated coherent anti-Stokes Raman imaging. The compact dual-color fiber laser source may facilitate practical applications of nonlinear biomedical imaging beyond the laboratory environment.

Opt Express ; 29(13): 20930-20940, 2021 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34266170


We have proposed and implemented a novel scheme to obtain high-precision repetition rate stabilization for a polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber laser. The essential technique lies in the periodic injection of electronically modulated optical pulses into a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror within the laser resonator. Thanks to the nonlinear cross-phase modulation effect, the injected pulses referenced to an external clock serves as a stable and precise timing trigger for an effective intensity modulator. Consequently, synchronous mode-locking can be initiated to output ultrafast pulses with a passively stabilized repetition rate. The capture range of the locking system reaches to a record of 1 mm, which enables a long-term stable operation over 15 hours without the need of temperature stabilization and vibration isolation. Meanwhile, the achieved standard deviation is as low as 100 µHz with a 1-s sample time, corresponding to a fluctuation instability of 5.0×10-12. Additionally, the repetition rate stabilization performance based on the passive synchronization has been systematically investigated by varying the average power, central wavelength and pulse duration of the optical injection.

Opt Express ; 28(9): 13721-13730, 2020 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32403841


We have proposed and implemented a polarization-maintaining passively synchronized fiber laser system, which could deliver tunable dual-color picosecond pulses by including a frequency-doubling module and a spectral broadening module. Specifically, the output from the involved Er-doped fiber laser were used to generate second-harmonic pulses at 790 nm with a quadratic nonlinear crystal. In parallel, the amplified pulses from the synchronized Yb-doped fiber laser were launched into a 150-m single mode fiber, which resulted in not only substantial spectral bandwidth broadening from 0.1 to 20.1 nm, but also a significant Raman-induced signal around 1080 nm. Consequently, narrow spectra from 1018-1051 nm and 1070-1095 nm could be continuously tuned via a tunable bandpass filter, corresponding to Raman bonds from 2835-3143 cm-1 and 3312-3525 cm-1. Finally, the achieved tunable synchronized pulses enabled us to microscopically examine mouse ear samples based on coherent anti-Stokes Raman and second harmonic generation imaging. Therefore, our tunable passively-synchronized fiber laser system would be promising to provide a simple and compact laser source for subsequent coherent Raman microscopy.

Opt Express ; 27(8): 11766-11775, 2019 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31053017


We report on experimental and theoretical investigation of mode-splitting dynamics in a ring cavity under the perturbation of fractional Bragg reflection from a periodically-poled nonlinear crystal. Counterintuitively, pronounced mode splitting in the spectral domain could have been observed even with a tiny intensity reflection of 0.0003. The breaking of running-wave operation in the ring-cavity configuration resulted in comparable circulating fields in forward- and counter-propagation directions, which thus dramatically reduced the enhancing factor for the resonating field. In contrast, a linear cavity with intrinsically bidirectional operation was immune to the small intra-cavity reflection. Therefore, the linear-cavity layout could provide an expedient solution for a given internal reflection to obtain more stable and higher enhancement, which was confirmed by comparative studies of mid-infrared generation based on pump-enhanced difference frequency conversion. The underlying mechanism was further modeled by numerical simulations, which agreed well with experimental results. These findings could not only shed light on the understanding of the exotic feature of concatenated optical cavities, but also provide a useful guide to practical design of enhancement cavities for cavity-based frequency conversion with periodically-poled nonlinear crystals.

Opt Express ; 27(4): 4897-4906, 2019 Feb 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30876099


We demonstrated a fiber-based synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (SPOPO) with flexible repetition rates while retaining the cavity length. In contrast to conventional free-space SPOPO, the repetition rate of output signal pulses was solely determined by the repetition rate of the pump source in harmonic, fractional and rational operations. The relevant mechanism relies on synchronous pumping and intrinsic losses in our fiber resonator. The novel scheme enabled us to flexibly tune the repetition rate from 0.5 to 6.0 MHz without altering the resonator configuration. The resulting pulse properties were systematically analyzed at various operation conditions, and particularly showed that a wavelength tuning range of 157 nm was obtained. Such rational harmonic resonance implemented in our SPOPO provides not only a simple yet effective way to tune the repetition rate, but also a feasible approach to narrow down the spectral bandwidth. The presented SPOPO could be useful in nonlinear biomedical imaging by offering a convenient approach to optimize the pulse repetition rate for different biomedical samples with minimum photodamage.

Opt Express ; 26(13): 17519-17528, 2018 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30119563


All-fiber optical parametric oscillator (OPO), offering advantages like robustness, compactness and low lost, has attracted intense interest in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy. In typical fiber-based OPO configurations, detrimental nonlinear effects due to intense pump field in fiber coupling devices would inevitably degrade the spectral purity and conversion efficiency, especially when the OPO operated at low repetition rates. Here we demonstrated a new OPO design by placing the main amplifier inside the cavity, where the amplified pump pulses were directly coupled into the nonlinear fiber. Consequently, lower threshold, higher output power and narrower spectrum were obtained. In particular, effective suppression of spectral noise was experimentally observed, resulting in threshold reductions of 37.5%, 17.2%, and 5.2% with a comparison to a conventional OPO operating at repetition rates of 1, 2 and 3 MHz, respectively. Furthermore, the generated synchronized two-color laser sources at a low repetition rate were then employed to detect CH vibrational bands in an ethanol sample. This spectral tailored cavity design is expected to greatly promote the spread of compact all-fiber laser source to nonlinear biomedical imaging.

Opt Express ; 26(3): 2995-3003, 2018 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29401832


We reported the simultaneous generation and selective manipulation of scalar and cross-phase modulation instabilities in a fiber optical parametric oscillator. Numerical and experimental results show independent control of parametric gain by changing the input pump polarization state. The resonant cavity enables power enhancement of 45 dB for the spontaneous sidebands, generating laser pulses tunable from 783 to 791 nm and 896 to 1005 nm due to the combination of four-wave mixing, cascaded Raman scattering and other nonlinear effects. This gain controlled, wavelength tunable, fiber-based laser source may find applications in the fields of nonlinear biomedical imaging and stimulated Raman spectroscopy.

Appl Opt ; 56(8): 2260-2264, 2017 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28375270


We report on the experimental implementation of single-frequency fiber-laser pumped mid-infrared (mid-IR) transmitter and receiver modules for free-space communications. These modules enable frequency upconversion and downconversion between the 1550-nm telecom wavelength and the mid-IR, thus providing essential free-space transmission links with mid-IR single-frequency lasers in the 3.6 µm region. Specifically, based on difference frequency generation (DFG) in MgO-doped periodically poled LiNbO3 (MgO:PPLN), the mid-IR transmitter produces 9.3-mW power at 3594 nm with 5-W pump power at 1083 nm (<10 kHz linewidth) and 3-W signal power at 1550 nm (<10 kHz linewidth), and the mid-IR receiver reproduces 12-µW power at 1550 nm with 4.7-W pump power at 1083 nm and 5-mW laser at 3594 nm. The whole modules are integrated into portable and compact devices by incorporating single-frequency fiber lasers, fiber amplifiers, DFG units, and related electronic circuits. In addition, the uses of all polarization-maintaining fiber configuration and well-controlled heat dissipation make the mid-IR transmitter and receiver exhibit a long-term stability.

Opt Lett ; 37(15): 3021-3, 2012 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22859072


We experimentally explored the influence of passive harmonic mode locking on the temporal and spectral features of a ytterbium-doped fiber laser. Similar dependences of free-running linewidth of the laser carrier-envelope offset frequency (f0) on the intracavity net dispersion were observed for the fundamental-, second-, and third-order mode-locking states. Due to the reduction of nonlinear effects and supermode phase locking that balanced the third-order dispersion in the fiber cavity, the third-order harmonic mode-locking exhibited the narrowest free-running f0 linewidth of ~120 kHz in the near-zero net dispersion regime.

Opt Express ; 20 Suppl 4: A489-95, 2012 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22828617


We demonstrated a hybrid ceramic master-oscillator high-power fiber amplifier with a diode-pumped Yb:YAG ceramic laser as the seeding oscillator, which was passively mode-locked at 103.29 MHz repetition rate around 1031 nm by using a semiconductor saturable absorption mirror, and a two-stage double-clad photonic crystal fiber amplifier, which power-scaled the ceramic laser oscillator up to an average power of 303 W. The amplified pulses were further compressed to 237 and 418 fs at 50 and 150 W output powers, respectively. The compressed pulses exhibited about 0.05% deviation from the Gaussian fit, implying that the high-power fiber amplification induced neither observable temporal and spectral distortion nor significant nonlinear de-chirping of the chirped pulses.

Opt Express ; 20(12): 12899-905, 2012 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22714317


A high-power ultra-broadband frequency comb covering the spectral range from ultraviolet to infrared was generated directly by nonlinear frequency conversion of a multi-stage high-power fiber comb amplifier. The 1030-nm infrared spectral fraction of a broadband Ti:sapphire femtosecond frequency comb was power-scaled up to 100 W average power by using a large-mode-area fiber chirped-pulse amplifier. We obtained a frequency-doubled green comb at 515 nm and frequency-quadrupled ultraviolet pulses at 258 nm with the average power of 12.8 and 1.62 W under the input infrared power of 42.2 W, respectively. The carrier envelope phase stabilization was accomplished with an ultra-narrow line-width of 1.86 mHz and a quite low accumulated phase jitter of 0.41 rad, corresponding to a timing jitter of 143 as.

Opt Lett ; 37(9): 1511-3, 2012 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22555721


We report on a simple scheme to precisely control carrier-envelope phase of a nonlinear-polarization-rotation mode-locked self-started Yb-fiber laser system with an average output power of ∼7 W and a pulse width of 130 fs. The offset frequency was locked to the repetition rate of ∼64.5 MHz with a relative linewidth of ∼1.4 MHz by using a self-referenced feed-forward scheme based on an acousto-optic frequency shifter. The phase noise and timing jitter were calculated to be 370 mrad and 120 as, respectively.

Opt Lett ; 34(21): 3331-3, 2009 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19881584


We report on laser synchronization between a high-power nanosecond fiber laser and an ultrashort Ti:sapphire laser by cross-absorption modulation and power amplification. The nanosecond pulses were generated by a long-cavity ytterbium-doped fiber laser that was passively synchronized to a 70 fs Ti:sapphire laser with a remarkable cavity mismatch tolerance of about 8 cm as a result of resonance-enhanced cross-absorption modulation in additional rare-earth-doped fiber. By using a two-stage Yb-doped fiber preamplifier and a two-stage double-clad fiber power amplifier in cascade, the synchronized nanosecond pulses were amplified to 131 W of average power, corresponding to 0.55 mJ of single-pulse energy at a repetition rate of 240 KHz, with a timing jitter of 13 ps.