La mandíbula de rata es una de las estructuras anatómicas de mayor interés en la investigación en las ciencias odontológicas, esto debido a su similitud con la mandíbula humana. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar morfometricamente la mandíbula de ratas mediante CBCT. Se analizó el examen cone beam de 20 ratas hembras, adultas sanas. Mediante el software del examen, fue posible aislar la mandíbula derecha e izquierda de las otras estructuras y realizar adecuadamente las medidas morfométricas de interés. En la comparación de ambos lados, sólo dos medidas presentaron diferencias significativas. La distancia entre el punto más profundo de la escotadura sigmoidea hasta el punto más profundo de la escotadura en el margen inferior de la mandíbula, fue mayor en el lado izquierdo que en el derecho. Y la distancia entre el punto más superior del cóndilo hasta la base mandibular, en la proyección perpendicular del plano mandibular fue mayor en el lado izquierdo que en el derecho. De acuerdo a las medidas obtenidas, podemos determinar que la mandíbula de la rata es una estructura alargada, con dimensiones mayores en sentido anteroposterior en comparación con las medidas verticales. El conocimiento de la anatomía de la mandíbula de rata y sus variaciones por lado permite a los investigado- res tener referencias adecuadas para los estudios que involucren esta estructura, como por ejemplo, investigaciones que requieran la aplicación de técnicas anestésicas, estudio del dolor orofacial, estudio patofisiológico de la ATM, estudio del crecimiento óseo, testeo de biomateriales dentales o en el estudio de procesos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los tejidos dentales o periodontales. La mandíbula de la rata es un buen modelo animal debido a su reproducibilidad y bajo costo. La mandíbula derecha e izquierda son similares en sus dimensiones anteroposteriores, pero no las verticales.
SUMMARY: The rat jaw is one of the most interesting anatomical structures in dental science research, due to its similarity to the human jaw. The aim of this study was to morphometrically characterize the mandible of rats by CBCT. The cone beam examination of 20 healthy adult female rats was analyzed. Using the examination software, it was possible to isolate the right and left mandible from the other structures and adequately perform the morphometric measurements of interest. In the comparison of both sides, only two measures presented significant differences. The distance from the deepest point of the sigmoid notch to the deepest point of the notch at the lower margin of the mandible was greater on the left side than on the right. And the distance between the most superior point of the condyle to the mandibular base, in the perpendicular projection of the mandibular plane, was greater on the left side than on the right. According to the measurements obtained, we can determine that the rat jaw is an elongated structure, with larger dimensions in the anteroposterior direction compared to the vertical measurements. Knowledge of the anatomy of the rat mandible and its variations per side allows researchers to have adequate references for studies involving this structure, such as research that requires the application of anesthetic techniques, study of orofacial pain, pathophysiological study of the TMJ, study of bone growth, testing of dental biomaterials or in the study of pathophysiological processes related to den- tal or periodontal tissues. The rat mandible is a good animal model due to its reproducibility and low cost. The right and left mandible are similar in their anteroposterior dimensions, but not the vertical ones.
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Modelos Animais , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Ratos Sprague-DawleyRESUMO
SUMMARY: The aim of this of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and morphology of radix entomolaris (RE) in the mandibular first molar (MFM) in a southern Chilean sub-population by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Two hundred ten CBCT images of MFM were analysed. To detect the presence of RE, the observation and measurements were standardised, advancing 1 mm to apical from the floor of the pulp chamber to the most apical zone of the tooth. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, with a value of P < 0.05 being statistically significant. The prevalence of a third root in the permanent MFM was 5.7 % (12/210). The incidence of RE was the same in male patients (2.9 %) as in female patients (2.9 %) (p=0.324). The occurrence of an RE in the left MFM was 7.3 % (3/41 patients) for male patients and 4.5 % (3/66) for female patients (p=0.398). The right MFM in male patients had an incidence of 8.1 % (3/37) and 4.5 % (3/66) for female patients (p=0.340). When the presence of an RE was compared between the left (5.6 %) and right side (5.8 %), no statistically significant differences were found (p=0.998). The frequency of bilateral three-rooted MFM was 71.43 % (5/7) and 28.57 % (2/7) were unilateral. The prevalence of RE in MFM in a southern Chilean sub-population was 5.7 %. The occurrence was bilateral in the majority of cases and no significant differences were observed by sex or side. The commonest type of RE was Type 1 (83.3 %). The use of CBCT can improve the endodontic treatment outcome.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia y morfología de radix entomolaris (RE) en el primer mo- lar mandibular (MFM) en una subpoblación del sur de Chile mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Se analizaron doscientas diez imágenes CBCT de MFM. Para detectar la presencia de OD se estandarizó la observación y las medidas, avanzando 1 mm apical desde el suelo de la cámara pulpar hasta la zona más apical del diente. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, siendo estadísticamente significativo un valor de P < 0,05. La prevalencia de una tercera raíz en el MFM permanente fue de 5,7 % (12/210). La incidencia de ER fue la misma en pacientes masculinos (2,9 %) que en pacientes femeninas (2,9 %) (p=0,324). La aparición de un ER en el MFM izquier- do fue del 7,3 % (3/41 pacientes) para los pacientes masculinos y del 4,5 % (3/66) para las pacientes femeninas (p=0,398). El MFM derecho en pacientes masculinos tuvo una incidencia de 8,1 % (3/ 37) y 4,5 % (3/66) para pacientes femeninos (p=0,340). Cuando se comparó la presencia de un OD entre el lado izquierdo (5,6 %) y derecho (5,8 %), no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0,998). La frecuencia de MFM de tres raíces bilaterales fue 71,43 % (5/7) y 28,57 % (2/7) fueron unilaterales. La prevalencia de RE en MFM en una subpoblación del sur de Chile fue de 5,7 %. La presentación fue bilateral en la mayoría de los casos y no se observaron diferencias significativas por sexo o lado. El tipo de ER más frecuente fue el tipo 1 (83,3 %). El uso de CBCT puede mejorar el resultado del tratamiento endodóntico.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Raiz Dentária/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dente Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Raiz Dentária/anatomia & histologia , Chile , Prevalência , Cavidade Pulpar/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula , Dente Molar/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
ABSTRACT: Chewing is the first step in the digestion process in mammals. It is a highly coordinated process with a complex sensorimotor activity, the aim of which is to prepare foods for the formation of the alimentary bolus and then swallowing. It is a process with defined stages and patterns of movement that adapt to changes derived from the environment or the individual. Here, we review the main characteristics of chewing, including aspects of the physiology and characteristics of the mechanics of mandibular movement. We highlight the latest advances reported and the new methodologies used for a chewing analysis, which has made it possible to collect more precise and reliable data. Thus, we will see how the new technologies have provided a better understanding of this function and its relation to aspects of an individual's general healt h such as nutrition or the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases. Also, in this review we emphasize the close relation that exists between chewing and a person's quality of life.
RESUMEN: La masticación es el primer paso en el proceso de digestión en los mamíferos, es un proceso altamente coordinado y con una compleja actividad sensoriomotora, cuyo objetivo es preparar los alimentos para la formación del bolo alimenticio y luego la deglución, es un proceso con etapas definidas y patrones de movimiento que se adaptan a los cambios derivados del entorno o del individuo, aquí se revisan las principales características de la masticación, incluyendo aspectos de la fisiología y características de la mecánica del movimiento mandibular, se destacan los últimos avances reportados y las nuevas metodologías utilizado para un análisis de la masticación, lo que ha permitido recolectar datos más precisos y confiables, así, veremos cómo las nuevas tecnologías han permitido comprender mejor esta función y su relación con aspectos de la salud general de un individuo como la nutrición o la aparición de enfermedades neurodegenerativas; además, en esta revisión destacamos la estrecha relación que existe entre la masticación y la calidad de vida.
RESUMEN: Diversos estudios reportan que el tipo de alimento influye directamente en los patrones cinemáticos de la masticación. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar los ciclos masticatorios de participantes adultos y completamente dentados durante la masticación de alimentos de diferente textura y dureza (maní y zanahoria) utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D. Se evaluaron 11 participantes sanos (5 hombres; 6 mujeres), de 31,9 ± 5,2 años de edad. Mediante articulografía electromagnética 3D, se registró la masticación de dos alimentos de prueba (maní y zanahoria). Los datos de movimiento mandibular fueron procesados con MATLAB® y obteniendo diferentes parámetros-frecuencia masticatoria en ciclos por segundo, velocidad de descenso y ascenso mandibular, área de las proyecciones de cada ciclo masticatorio en los tres planos del espacio-que fueron comparados según tipo de alimento y género de los participantes. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas de los ciclos masticatorios en el plano horizontal según tipo de alimento, siendo mayor para la masticación de zanahoria (P=,003). Así mismo, se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas sagitales de los ciclos entre hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en mujeres (P=,042). Nuestros resultados concuerdan con otros estudios que afirman que la textura del alimento influye en las características cinemáticas de los ciclos masticatorios.
SUMMARY: Several studies report that the type of food directly influences the kinematic patterns of mastication. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the chewing cycles of adult and fully dentate participants during the mastication of foods of different texture and hardness (peanuts and carrots) using 3D electromagnetic articulography. Eleven healthy participants (5 men; 6 women), 31.9 ± 5.2 years old, were evaluated. By means of 3D electromagnetic articulography, the mastication of two test foods (peanuts and carrots) was recorded. The data associated to mandibular movement were processed with MATLAB® obtaining different parameters-masticatory frequency in cycles per second, mandibular descent and ascent rate, area of the projections of each masticatory cycle in the three planes of space-which were compared according to type of food and sex of the participants. Statistically significant differences were found between the areas of the masticatory cycles in the horizontal plane according to type of food, being greater for carrots (P=.003). Likewise, statistically significant differences were detected between the sagittal areas of the cycles between men and women, being greater in women (P=.042). Our results agree with other studies that affirm that the texture of the food influences the kinematic characteristics of the masticatory cycles.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Dureza , Mastigação/fisiologia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Fenômenos EletromagnéticosRESUMO
RESUMEN: La radiografía panorámica es probablemente el examen de rutina más solicitado por los dentistas en el mundo. Entre sus ventajas están su bajo costo, rapidez y mayor seguridad debido a que los formatos digitales han permitido disminuir las dosis y tiempos de exposición a la radiación. Su potencial como herramienta diagnóstica radica en la posibilidad que tiene el clínico de observar el territorio maxilofacial casi en su totalidad, pudiendo realizar un estudio anatómico y morfológico acabado de diferentes regiones. En esta revisión se quiere ofrecer una mirada general de la amplia gama de usos que se le pueden dar a la radiografía panorámica, tanto en la clínica como en el ámbito de la investigación, destacando su potencial como herramienta de diagnóstico y su importancia para algunas áreas de especialidad en odontología.
SUMMARY: The panoramic radiograph is in all likelihood, the routine exam most required by dentists in the clinic worldwide. Among the advantages of using this type of radiograph, is that it is inexpensive, quick and also safer in digital format since it reduces the radiation dose and time of exposure. Its potential as a diagnostic tool is based on the possibility to explore almost all of the maxillofacial area, allowing a proper anatomic and morphological study of different areas at the same time. In this review, we aimed to provide an overview of the multiple uses of panoramic radiographs, highlighting its potential as a diagnostic tool and also its importance in some specialized areas of dentistry.
Humanos , Radiografia Panorâmica , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The envelope of motion is a diagrammatic representation of the mandibular border movements. Classically, those movements are carried out eccentrically; starting from the position of maximal intercuspation, the mandible describes an excursion movement until reaching maximal mouth opening. Reverse movements would describe a different path, but up to now concentric development of mandibular border movements has not been considered. Literature states that beyond mandibular border movements limits, no movement is possible. Therefore, it is of great interest to compare both paths-both envelopes of motion-and define the actual limits of mandibular movement. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the geometric characteristics of mandibular border movements carried out eccentrically and concentrically by healthy subjects. METHODS: Sixteen individuals aged between 18 and 27 years, molar class I and with no temporomandibular disorders, participated in the study. Eccentric and concentric mandibular movements were recorded using a 3D electromagnetic articulograph. Data were processed with computational scripts developed in MATLAB. Maximum mouth opening, trajectories, displacement ranges, polygon areas and chewing cycle area/ mandibular border movements area ratio were analysed. RESULTS: The frontal plane showed significant differences in all the parameters evaluated. Higher values were registered in the concentric area of the border movement envelope (P = .008) and in the trajectories on both sides. Statistical differences were observed in polygon areas (P = .006) in the sagittal plane and right ranges (P = .046) in the horizontal plane. CONCLUSION: Concentric mandibular movements revealed significant differences in three-dimensional trajectories in the frontal plane.
Mandíbula , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular , Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Mastigação , Movimento , Amplitude de Movimento Articular , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Electromagnetic articulography (EMA) have been mostly employed to study articulatory movements of speech. This technology appears to be very promising for studying mandibular movements within the field of dentistry. However, there are no studies reporting the validity of EMA for such purpose. The aim of this study is to assess accuracy and reliability of Carstens three-dimensional EMA AG501 in order to validate its use for mandibular movement analysis in dentistry. A set of tests was conducted attaching 16 sensors to a rotating rigid structure placed inside the measurement area. Another set of tests were conducted using a mouth anatomical model with human-like articulatory behaviour. A function of the EMA system called "head correction" was applied to normalize the data of every recording. The system reliability was higher at the centre of the measurement area and decreased toward the edges. Dispersion was greater for raw data than for normalized data. Bland-Altman analysis of agreement between the AG501 and a millimetre ruler used to measure the distance between the sensors revealed limits of agreement between 0.5 mm and -0.9 mm. The results suggest that EMA AG501 is valid for three-dimensional analysis of mandibular biomechanics allowing natural movements.
Fenômenos Eletromagnéticos , Movimento , Fala , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos TestesRESUMO
This study analyzed the architecture of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) clots and assessed their elemental composition in order to provide new insight into this biomaterial. Five surplus PRF clots (2,700 RPM, 12â¯min.) donated by patients (63.6⯱â¯12.3 years old) were prepared for use in dental clinical procedures. The internal three-dimensional morphology of the red zones and the thirds of the yellow zones of the clots were analyzed by Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM) after sample preparation by two methods: 1. Fixation (2.5% gluataraldehyde); and 2. Fixation with subsequent partial removal of extracellular elements (8â¯N, HCl). Semi-quantitative elemental analysis was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). VPSEM analysis showed erythrocytes in both the red zone and the yellow zone, which consisted mainly of fibrin. Removal of extracellular elements enriched the morphology of both zones; the organization of the fibrin was observed to differ in the thirds of the yellow zone, with increasing density and organization to distal. The elements that compose organic substances (C-Carbon, N-Nitrogen, O-Oxygen, Na-Sodium and P-Phosphorus) and halogens (Cl-Chloride and S-Sulfur) were detected; the highest concentrations were of C, followed by O (pâ¯<â¯0.05), in the proximal region of the fibrin. The results of the present study suggest organization of fibrin in the PRF clot, and also reveal the distribution of the elements present in the different regions of the clot. Improved understanding of these characteristics may favor the use of this biomaterial by increasing its efficiency and functionality.
Coagulação Sanguínea , Elementos Químicos , Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas/química , Espaço Extracelular/química , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Espectrometria por Raios XRESUMO
The morphological variations of the mental foramen (MF) and mandibular foramen (MBF) have been studied for several years, and the prevalence and morphometric characteristics of double and triple foramina have been reported. The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of variations in the MF and MBF, and to carry out a morphometric analysis of a Chilean population using digital panoramic radiographs. The study included 927 radiographs; the observed prevalence of double MF was 2.58 %, while the prevalence of double MBF was 1.51 %. No cases of triple foramina were found. In men, double MF was found more frequently in the left hemiarch (64.28 % of cases), while in women it was more frequent in the right hemiarch (80 %). Double MBF was found more frequently in the right hemiarch in women (80 % of cases), while the distribution between left and right in men was even. The mean area, width and height of the double MF were 5.46 mm2, 2.77 mm and 2.57 mm respectively. The means of the same morphometric measurements in double MBF were 6.37 mm2, 2.27 mm and 3.19 mm respectively. In both foramina, statistically significant differences were only found between the height of the foramen and the age of the subjects, with the observation that the greater the subject's age, the smaller the height. Dental surgeons must take these anatomical variants into consideration in clinical and surgical actions; timely diagnosis by radiograph is important to avoid possible complications.
Las variaciones morfológicas del foramen mental (FM) y mandibular (FMB) han sido estudiadas durante varios años, reportándose su prevalencia y las características morfométricas de forámenes dobles y triples. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la prevalencia de variaciones de los FM y FMB y realizar un análisis morfométrico a través de radiografías panorámicas digitales de una muestra de población chilena. En el estudio se incluyeron 927 radiografías y se observó una prevalencia de FM doble de 2,58 %, mientras que la prevalencia de FMB doble fue de 1,51 %. No se encontraron casos de forámenes triples. En hombres, el FM doble se encontró mayoritariamente en la hemiarcada izquierda (64,28 % de los casos), mientras que en mujeres fue en la hemiarcada derecha (80% de los casos). Para el caso de los FMB dobles, en mujeres se presentó mayoritariamente en la hemiarcada derecha (80 % de los casos), mientras que en hombres fue equitativo en ambos lados. El promedio del área, ancho y alto de los FM dobles fue de 5,46 mm2, 2,77 mm y 2,57 mm, respectivamente. Asimismo, los promedios de estas medidas morfométricas para el FMB doble fueron 6,37 mm2, 2,27 mm y 3,19 mm, respectivamente. Para ambos forámenes sólo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el alto y la edad de los sujetos, observando que, a mayor edad menor era el alto del foramen. Los cirujanos dentistas deben tener en consideración estas variantes anatómicas para la realización de distintas acciones clínicas y quirúrgicas, su diagnóstico radiográfico oportuno es importante para prevenir posibles complicaciones.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Variação Anatômica , Forame Mentual/anatomia & histologia , Forame Mentual/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Panorâmica , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Distribuição por Idade e SexoRESUMO
El seno maxilar (SM) es una cavidad par presente en el hueso maxilar, que puede presentar diversas alteraciones o lesiones patológicas factibles de ser pesquisadas mediante estudios imagenológicos. En este sentido, la opacidad, el ocupamiento y/o engrosamiento de las mucosas son los signos orientadores para el diagnóstico de patologías en estas estructuras, las que pueden ir desde sinusitis, hasta antrolitos, pasando por hipoplasias, pseudoquistes u osteomas. En el siguiente reporte presentamos el caso de una mujer de 75 años de edad en la cual mediante examinación radiográfica de rutina se observa un cuerpo extraño en el SM derecho en relación a diente 1.6. De acuerdo a esto, se solicitó una tomografía computarizada cone-beam (CBCT) para evaluar posibles implicancias con tratamiento dental rehabilitador. Al examen se observan dos estructuras de alta densidad (densidad metálica), redondeadas, una al lado de la otra, en contacto inmediato a la cortical sinusal sin comprometerla. También se observa una cortical sinusal conservada en todo su recorrido y discreto engrosamiento mucoso en relación a dichas estructuras. En consideración con los antecedentes de la paciente, se opta por un manejo conservador del hallazgo mediante controles periódicos. Se propone la hipótesis de la formación de un antrolito de origen exógeno, que se corresponde con el historial de tratamiento endodóntico en la zona. El diagnóstico diferencial de los hallazgos radiográficos encontrados es fundamental para establecer los lineamientos terapéuticos de nuestros pacientes, por ello es importante contar con personal clínico capacitado para la interpretación de las imágenes.
The maxillary sinus (SM) is an even cavity present in the maxillary bone, which may present a number of pathological alterations or lesions that can be investigated through imaging analysis. In this sense, opacity, location and / or thickening of the mucous membranes are guides for the diagnosis of pathologies in these structures. These can range from sinusitis, to antrolites, to hypoplasias, pseudocysts or osteomas. In this study the case of a 75-year-old woman is presented. During routine radiographic examination, a foreign body was observed in the right MS in relation to tooth 1.6. A cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was requested to evaluate possible rehabilitative dental treatment. Upon examination, two highdensity rounded structures (metal density) adjacent to each other were noted. The structures were in direct contact with the sinus cortex without compromising it. Furthermore in relation to the above structures, scant cortical sinus was observed throughout its course, as well as slight mucous thickening. Considering the patient's background, it was determined to use conservative treatment through periodic controls. Hypothesis of an exogenous mass is proposed, corresponding to the history of endodontic treatment in the area. In view of the differential diagnosis of radiographic findings found, it is essential to implement therapeutic guidelines for patients and have trained clinical staff available to interpret the images.
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Corpos Estranhos/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Panorâmica , Achados Incidentais , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Tratamento ConservadorRESUMO
La masticación se ha estudiado desde diferentes puntos de vista, utilizando alimentos de prueba naturales y artificiales. La evidencia es escasa cuando se analizan alimentos a base de cereales, que van desde cereales para el desayuno hasta barras de granola. El investigar este tipo de alimentos, se vuelve importante para entender el comportamiento de la masticación frente a alimentos con diferentes composiciones y texturas, y como estas características pueden influir en el proceso masticatorio. Se analizó la masticación desde un punto de vista cinemático, en sujetos jóvenes dentados. El alimento de prueba utilizado fue granola prototipo y maní, este último se ha estudiado en sujetos con rehabilitación protésica y su consumo se recomienda en esta población. Se analizaron las características cinemáticas de la masticación como numero de ciclos, frecuencia masticatoria, velocidad de masticación de ascenso y descenso, y el área de masticación en los tres planos del espacio. Se relacionaron los movimientos masticatorios con los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes que conformaron el polígono de Posselt, este también se analizó en los tres planos espaciales. En todas las variables analizadas la granola presento valores mayores, excepto en el número de ciclos masticatorios, sólo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p= 0,03) al comparar la velocidad (ascenso y descenso) y el área de masticación en el plano horizontal.
Chewing has been studied from different points of view, using natural and artificial foods test. When analyzing cereal-based foods, from breakfast cereals to granola bars, the evidence is scarce. Investigate this type of food is important to understand the behavior of chewing, with foods of different compositions and textures, and how these characteristics can influence the chewing process. Chewing was analyzed from a cinematic point of view, in young subjects complete dental. The test food used was prototype granola and peanuts, last one has been studied in subjects with prosthetic rehabilitation and its consumption is recommended in this population. The kinematic characteristics of chewing were analyzed: number of cycles, chewing frequency, ascent and descent chewing speed, and the chewing area in the three planes of space. The masticatory movements were related to the bordering mandibular movements, that formed the Posselt polygon, which was also analyzed in the three spatial planes. In all the variables analyzed, granola showed higher values, except in the number of chewing cycles, only statistically significant differences (p = 0.03) were found when comparing speed (ascent and descent) and the chewing area in the horizontal plane.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Mandíbula/fisiologia , Mastigação/fisiologia , Arachis , Grão Comestível , Fenômenos EletromagnéticosRESUMO
Mapudungun is a language used by Mapuche people in some regions of Chile and Argentina. The aim of this study was to describe the vowel phonemes with regard to the articulatory parameters (position of the tongue with respect to the palate and jaw opening) and acoustic parameters (f0, F1, F2 and F3) in Mapudungun speakers in the Region of La Araucanía. The vocalic phonemes of Mapudungun are six, where the first five are similar to those used in Spanish (/a e i o u/), to which is added a sixth vowel (/ɨ/) with its vocalic allophones (/ɨ/) and [Ә]. Three Mapudungun speakers were evaluated. The tongue movements were collected by Electromagnetic Articulography 3D and the data were processed with MATLAB and PRAAT software. It was possible to describe the trajectory of each third of the tongue during the production of the vowels. It was observed that the sixth vowel /Ә/ had minimal jaw opening during its pronunciation. In addition, the characteristic of /Ә/ as an unrounded mid-central vowel was corroborated. In this study, the tongue of mapudungun speakers was in a more posterior position than the found in other studies.
El Mapudungun es un lenguaje utilizado por los mapuches en algunas regiones de Chile y Argentina. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los fonemas vocálicos respecto a los parámetros articulatorios (posición de la lengua respecto al paladar y apertura mandibular) y los parámetros acústicos (f0, F1, F2 y F3) en hablantes de Mapudungun en la Región de La Araucanía, los fonemas vocálicos de Mapudungun son seis, donde los primeros cinco son similares a los utilizados en español (/a e i o u /), a los que se agrega una sexta vocal (/ɨ/) con sus alófonos vocálicos [ɨ] y [Ә]. Se evaluaron tres hablantes de Mapudungun. Los movimientos de la lengua fueron registrados por Articulografía Electromagnética 3D y los datos fueron procesados con el software MATLAB y PRAAT. Fue posible describir la trayectoria de cada tercio de la lengua durante la producción de las vocales. Se observó que la sexta vocal /Ә/ tenía una apertura mínima de la mandíbula durante su pronunciación. Además, se corroboró la característica de /Ә/ como vocal central media no redondeada. En este estudio, la lengua de los hablantes de mapudungun estaba en una posición más posterior que la encontrada en otros estudios.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Medida da Produção da Fala/instrumentação , Língua/fisiologia , Fonética , Indígenas Sul-Americanos , Arcada Osseodentária/fisiologia , Acústica da Fala , Projetos Piloto , Fenômenos EletromagnéticosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the different swallowing patterns regarding tongue movement during saliva swallowing in healthy participants. DESIGN: Seventeen participants (23.0 ± 3.6 years old) were included in this cross-sectional study. The movement of the tongue (anterior, middle and posterior portions) on the three axes of space (inferior-superior, anterior-posterior and medial-lateral) was recorded using a 3D electromagnetic articulograph. The tongue movement patterns registered during saliva swallowing were classified according to Bourdiol et al. (2014) into Type I, II or III. RESULTS: Three swallowing patterns were identified (Type I, 64.7 %; Type II, 5.9 %; and Type III, 29.4 %). On the anterior-posterior axis, the displacement of the three portions of the tongue was significantly higher in Type III pattern compared with the Type I pattern. Furthermore, on the superior-inferior axis, the displacement of the anterior portion was significantly higher in Type III pattern compared with Type I pattern. In Type I pattern, on the inferior-superior axis, the smallest range of displacement occurred in the anterior portion of the tongue, followed by the middle and, finally, the posterior portion. In the analysis of Type III swallowing pattern, no significant differences were found on the range of displacement of the tongue portions on the three axes. CONCLUSION: Statistical differences were found between swallowing patterns Type I and III regarding tongue movement. The frequency of pattern II found in the participants of this study was not high enough to compare the three patterns. However, the results obtained indicate that the methodology applied could be used to identify the patterns based on quantitative data.
Deglutição , Língua/fisiologia , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Transtornos de Deglutição , Fenômenos Eletromagnéticos , Humanos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
ABSTRACT: Aging is a dynamic process that includes various alterations in the oral cavity, with tooth loss being the most frequent. Rehabilitative treatment may include removable or fixed prostheses and implants. The aim of this study was to describe the geometric (trajectory, ranges, areas) and kinematic (speed) characteristics of the mandibular and masticatory movements threedimensionally in participants with dental prostheses. A sample of 10 participants with removable prosthetic rehabilitation was divided into three groups (complete, atypical and overdenture) the characteristics of mandibular movements bordering and chewing with 3D Electromagnetic Articulography were measured. The Posselt polygonin was obtained, the frontal and sagittal plans, its areas, trajectories and ranges are analyzed. The masticatory movements were analyzed in the area of each cycle, the frequency, the speed and the reason between the masticatory cycle and the bordering movements, no significant differences between the groups. Subjects with dental prostheses, regardless of the type, they showed low of motion (border and functional) compared to dentate subjects with no functional alterations whose values have been reported in the literature. The subjects with overdenture have values closer to what is described for young dentate subjects.
RESUMEN: El envejecimiento es un proceso dinámico que incluye varias alteraciones en la cavidad oral, siendo la pérdida de dientes la más frecuente. El tratamiento de rehabilitación puede incluir prótesis fijas o removibles y/o implantes. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características geométricas (trayectoria, rangos, áreas) y cinemáticas (velocidad) de los movimientos mandibulares y masticatorios en participantes con prótesis dentales realizando un análisis en tres dimensiones. Se consideró una muestra de 10 participantes con rehabilitación protésica y se dividió en tres grupos (prótesis total, atípica e implantosoportada), se midieron las características de los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes y masticatorios con articulografía electromagnética 3D. Se obtuvo el polígono Posselt en los planos frontal y sagital, se analizaron sus áreas, trayectorias y rangos. Se analizaron los movimientos masticatorios en cuanto al área de cada ciclo, la frecuencia, la velocidad y la razón entre el área el ciclo masticatorio y los movimientos bordeantes, sin diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Los sujetos con prótesis dentales, independientemente del tipo, mostraron disminución de movimiento (bordeante y funcional) en comparación con los sujetos dentados sin alteraciones funcionales cuyos valores se han informado en la literatura. Los sujetos con prótesis implantosoportada tienen valores más cercanos a lo que se describe para sujetos jóvenes dentados.
Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Prótese Parcial Fixa , Prótese Parcial Removível , Mandíbula , Articulação Temporomandibular , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Chile , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Impressão Tridimensional , Côndilo Mandibular , Mastigação , MovimentoRESUMO
The allografts were used to obtain sufficient alveolar bone tissue for proper dental implant placement. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the morphological and quantitative characteristics (cellular and collagen densities) of the newly formed alveolar bone with the application of cortical bone (CB) and demineralized bone matrix (DBM) allografts. Six samples of alveolar bone tissue from 5 patients (50 ± 6.3 years) were obtained after 6 months of application of the allografts and immediately before the placement of the dental implants. The samples were fixed (buffered formaldehyde, pH7.2), decalcified (EDTA 10 %) and histologically processed (HE and Picro-Sirius) for histologic analysis. Morphological analysis revealed presence of osteocytes and trabeculae in neoformed bone tissue near the allografts and absence of inflammatory and allergic cells; the remnants of CB were located mainly in the periphery of the bone tissue and the remnants of DBM were more incorporated into the tissue. Osteogenitor cells were observed around the remaining material. The cell density was not modified in newly formed bone tissue with the application of both allografts as compared to mature bone tissue. The density of the type I and III collagens present in the osteoids interspersed with the remainder of the materials showed a tendency to increase in the samples treated with DBM. It was concluded that by the histological characteristics observed both grafts were biocompatible, however the bone treated with DBM presented better incorporation and a tendency of increase of the collagen content in the remnant region of the allografts.
Los aloinjertos son utilizados para obtener tejido óseo alveolar apropiado para la colocación correcta del implante dental. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las características morfológicas y cuantitativas (densidades celulares y de colágeno) del hueso alveolar recién formado con la aplicación de aloinjertos de hueso cortical (CB) y matriz desmineralizada de hueso (DBM). Seis muestras de tejido óseo alveolar fueron obtenidas de 5 pacientes (50 ± 6,3 años) después de 6 meses de aplicación de los aloinjertos e inmediatamente antes de la colocación de los implantes dentales. Las muestras fueron fijadas (formaldehído tamponado, pH 7,2), descalcificadas (EDTA al 10%) y procesadas histológicamente (HE y Picro-Sirius) para el análisis histológico. El análisis morfológico reveló la presencia de osteocitos y trabéculas en el tejido óseo neoformado cerca de los aloinjertos y la ausencia de células inflamatorias y alérgicas; los remanentes de CB se ubicaron principalmente en la periferia del tejido óseo y los remanentes de DBM se incorporaron más en el tejido. Se observaron células osteogenitoras alrededor del material restante. La densidad celular no se modificó en el tejido óseo recién formado con la aplicación de ambos aloinjertos en comparación con el tejido óseo maduro. La densidad de los colágenos de tipo I y III presentes en los osteoides intercalados con el resto de los materiales mostró una tendencia a aumentar en las muestras tratadas con DBM. Se concluyó que, debido a las características histológicas observadas, ambos injertos fueron biocompatibles, sin embargo, el hueso tratado con DBM presentó una mejor incorporación y una tendencia al aumento del contenido de colágeno en la región remanente de los aloinjertos.
Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Matriz Óssea/transplante , Processo Alveolar/anatomia & histologia , Processo Alveolar/cirurgia , Aloenxertos , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Regeneração Óssea , Transplante Ósseo , Substitutos Ósseos , Processo Alveolar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Osso Cortical/transplanteRESUMO
RESUMEN: Tanto la limitación del movimiento mandibular como el auto reporte de síntomas de trastornos témporomandibulares (TTM) son utilizados como elementos para el diagnóstico de pacientes en la clínica. Sin embargo, la relación entre la presencia de síntomas y el movimiento mandibular no está del todo clara. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar la presencia de síntomas asociados a TTM con el movimiento mandibular en una muestra de sujetos adultos jóvenes y sanos. En este estudio exploratorio participaron 40 estudiantes de Odontología, médicamente sanos, con arco dentario maxilar y mandibular continuo y completo (hasta el primer molar). A cada uno se les solicitó responder un cuestionario de auto-reporte de síntomas asociados a TTM recomendado por la American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). También se realizó un registro y análisis de sus movimientos mandibulares utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D, con el objetivo de correlacionar la presencia de síntomas con el rango y trayectoria de apertura, y el área comprendida en lo que se describe como polígono de Posselt en el plano frontal y sagital. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las respuestas a cada pregunta entre hombres y mujeres. De acuerdo a las respuestas y según Delcanho (1994), 12 participantes resultaron necesitar una evaluación más exhaustiva. En este grupo se encontró que el área del polígono de Posselt en el plano frontal, fue significativamente menor que el de aquellos participantes que no requieren una evaluación más exhaustiva (p=0,003). Los valores de la trayectoria de apertura mandibular varían según de que síntoma se trate. Los principales síntomas que afectarían los valores de los movimientos bordeantes son la "dificultad para abrir la boca" y el "ruido en las articulaciones mandibulares". Con este estudio, hemos puesto de manifiesto que la limitación del movimiento mandibular como signo de TTM debe evaluarse con cautela, debido a que según la presencia de determinados síntomas y otras características de los sujetos (como el sexo), su valor podría variar.
ABSTRACT: Both the limitation of mandibular movement and the self-report of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are used for the diagnosis of patients in clinical diagnosis. However, the relationship between the symptoms and mandibular movement is not entirely clear. Therefore, the objective of this study was to relate the presence of symptoms associated with TMD with mandibular movement in a sample of young and healthy adult subjects. This exploratory study involved 40 medically healthy dentistry students with a continuous and complete maxillary and mandibular arch (up to the first molar). Each subject was asked to answer a self-report questionnaire for symptoms associated with TTM recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). We also recorded and analyzed their mandibular movements using 3D electromagnetic articulography, with the aim of correlating the presence of symptoms with the range and trajectory of opening, and the area included in what is described as a polygon of Posselt in the frontal and sagittal plane. No significant differences were found between the answers to each question between men and women. According to the responses and to Delcanho, 12 participants turned out to need a more exhaustive evaluation. In this group it was found that the area of the Posselt polygon in the frontal plane was significantly smaller than that of those participants who did not require a more extensive evaluation (p = 0.003). The values of the mandibular opening path vary depending on the symptom involved. The main symptoms that would affect the values of the bordering movements are the "difficulty to open the mouth" and "noise in the mandibular joints". With this study, we have shown that the limitation of mandibular movement as a sign of TMD should be assessed with caution, as, according to the presence of certain symptoms and other characteristics of subjects (such as sex), its value may vary.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Articulação Temporomandibular/patologia , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/diagnóstico , Fenômenos Eletromagnéticos , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários , Mandíbula , Músculos da Mastigação/fisiologia , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Boca/fisiologia , MovimentoRESUMO
Autophagy is a tightly regulated catabolic process that facilitates nutrient recycling from damaged organelles and other cellular components through lysosomal degradation. Deregulation of this process has been associated with the development of several pathophysiological processes, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. In cancer, autophagy has opposing roles, being either cytoprotective or cytotoxic. Thus, deciphering the role of autophagy in each tumor context is crucial. Moreover, autophagy has been shown to contribute to chemoresistance in some patients. In this regard, autophagy modulation has recently emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment and chemosensitization of tumors, and has already demonstrated positive clinical results in patients. In this review, the dual role of autophagy during carcinogenesis is discussed and current therapeutic strategies aimed at targeting autophagy for the treatment of cancer, both under preclinical and clinical development, are presented. The use of autophagy modulators in combination therapies, in order to overcome drug resistance during cancer treatment, is also discussed as well as the potential challenges and limitations for the use of these novel therapeutic strategies in the clinic.
The maxillary sinus floor location and the buccal bone plate are factors to be considered in the long-term success with implant treatments mainly in the premolar region. the aim of this study was to establish morphometric characteristics of the buccal cortical bone (BCB) thickness of maxillary premolars and its relation to maxillary sinus floor through CBCT. In this study 350 first and second maxillary premolars were analyzed from 110 CBCT images and the buccal cortical bone (BCB) was measured in a coronal view at the major axis level of each premolar. In addition, in 200 first and second maxillary premolars CBCT images were measured the distance from premolar apex to maxillary sinus floor (MSF) in both frontal and sagittal plane. The type of relationship between the apex and MSF was classified according to Ok et al. (2014). The second premolar was observed with higher values of BCB (p<0.001). In first premolar, higher values were observed in the male sex (p>0.05). In second premolar, only significantly higher values were observed in the male sex in MA-MB-MC (p>0.05). Regarding to MSF and its relation to premolar roots, it was observed that 10 % of the sample was classified as type I, 19 % as type II, 55.5 % as type III and 15.5 % as type IV. The BCB of the upper premolar region is thicker in the apical region and decreases toward the coronal region. Almost 50 % of apex of second premolars are closely and risky related MSF (Type I and II).
La localización del piso del seno maxilar (PSM) y la tabla ósea vestibular (TOV) son factores a considerar en el éxito a largo plazo de los tratamientos de implante dental en la región premolar. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer características morfométricas del grosor de la TOV en los premolares maxilares y su relación con el PSM a través de CBCT. Se analizaron 350 primeros y segundos premolares en 110 CBCT y la TOV fue medida en vista coronal en el eje axial mayor de cada premolar. Además en 200 primeros y segundos premolares maxilares se midió la distancia desde el ápice del diente hasta el PSM en el plano sagital y frontal. El tipo de relación entre el ápice y el PSM se clasificó según Ok et al. (2014). El Segundo premolar obtuvo los mayores valores de grosor de TOV (p<0.001). En primeros premolares se observaron valores altos en el género masculino (p>0.05). En segundos premolares solo se encontraron valores significativamente altos en el género masculino en MA-MB-MC (p>0.05). En la relación con el PSM y ápices de raíces de premolares, el 10% de la muestra se clasificó como tipo I, el 19% como tipo II, el 55,5% como tipo III y el 15.5% como tipo IV. En conclusión la TOV de la región premolares superior es más grueso en la zona apical, decreciendo hacia la zona coronal. Alrededor del 50% de los ápices de raíces de premolares maxilares están cercanas y en relación de riesgo con el PSM (tipo I y II).
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Dente Pré-Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Tamanho do Órgão , Dente Pré-Molar/anatomia & histologia , Estudos Transversais , Seio Maxilar/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
The success of dental implants is related to the amount, quality, and composition of the alveolar bone. The placement of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) clot associated with a resorbable collagen membrane (RCM) in a postextraction alveolus is a technique used for ridge preservation. This case report study analyzed the ultrastructural characteristics of cross-sectioned alveolar bone that received PRF and RCM using scanning electron microscopy and the inorganic composition using "energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry," in order to explore the feasibility of this method to clinical studies. Three alveolar bone samples from two male patients (37 and 58 years old), obtained in the procedure of placing the dental implant, were analyzed. Two bone samples previously received PRF and RCM (M37 and M58), the third sample represented a physiological bone formation without treatment (M37-control). The bone sample M37 showed irregularly shaped islets of calcified material intermingled with connective tissue. The other samples, from the 58-year-old patient with PRF and RCM (M58); and the other untreated bone sample from the same 37-year-old patient (M37-control) showed similar ultrastructural morphology with trabecular conformation without islets agglomerations. The inorganic composition analysis showed higher concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in both samples treated with PRF and RCM in comparison to the untreated bone sample. The Ca/P ratio was higher in the M37 sample compared to the others samples. The results showed morphology and inorganic composition differences among the treatments used, suggesting that this method is feasible to analyze parameters of the alveolar bone tissue.
Processo Alveolar/fisiologia , Colágeno/uso terapêutico , Implantes Dentários , Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas/metabolismo , Adulto , Processo Alveolar/ultraestrutura , Humanos , Masculino , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia Bucal/métodosRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: A relationship between masticatory function and cognition has been reported. It is proposed that mastication changes the blood flow stimulating the perfusion/oxygenation of the brain. This literature review analysed the relation between mastication as a protective factor of the cognitive decline and the changes produced at brain level in adults associated with the brain blood flow. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review was performed according to the 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses' (PRISMA) criteria in PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus and Embase. Primary studies were included with no limit on the publication date, conducted on humans, and that established a relation between mastication, brain blood flow and cognitive functions in adult patients. RESULTS: Nine clinical descriptive studies were selected and qualitatively analysed. The collected data suggest the greatest brain areas activated during mastication were the frontotemporal cortex, the caudate nucleus and the thalamus, revealing a positive correlation between chewing intensity and perfusion of the principal trigeminal nucleus. The increase in cerebral blood flow was measured by a local vasodilator effect resulting in increased neuronal metabolism in the region linked to learning and memory. In addition, partially edentulous participants had a marked prefrontal deactivation when they chewed without a prosthesis and presented a decrease in masticatory activity. CONCLUSION: Masticatory function may act as a protective factor in those patients with cognition impairment and neurodegenerative diseases, suggesting some mechanisms among which is the increase of cerebral blood flow.