OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) in transgender women and travestis in five Brazilian capitals. METHODS: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional study conducted between 2019 and 2021, with participants recruited through Respondent Driven Sampling in São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre and Salvador. Detection of CT and NG was analyzed at three collection sites (anorectal, oropharyngeal and urethral). Mixed logistic regression models were employed to identify associated factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,297 recruited participants provided biological material to detect these infections. The prevalences of CT, NG and coinfection were 11.5%, 13.3% and 3.6%, respectively. Independent associations with CT infections included past (OR=1.73; 95%CI 1.02-2.95), current (OR=2.13; 95%CI 1.23-3.69), and part-time sex work (OR=2.75; 95%CI 1.60-4.75), as well as lifetime injectable drug use (OR=3.54; 95%CI 1.49-8.40). For NG, associations were observed with lifetime injectable drug use (OR=1.91; 95%CI 1.28-2.84) and sexual orientation, including heterosexual (OR=3.44; 95%CI 1.35-8.82), homosexual (OR=5.49; 95%CI 1.89-15.97), and bisexual (OR=3.21; 95%CI 1.06-9.68). Coinfection was associated with use of illicit drugs in the last 12 months (OR=2.34, 95%CI 1.10-5.00), and younger age was associated with all investigated outcomes. CONCLUSION: Estimated prevalences of CT, NG and co-infection were higher among transgender women and travestis compared to the general population, particularly among younger, individuals engaged in sex work and illicit drug use.
Infecções por Chlamydia , Chlamydia trachomatis , Gonorreia , Pessoas Transgênero , Humanos , Feminino , Brasil/epidemiologia , Infecções por Chlamydia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Pessoas Transgênero/estatística & dados numéricos , Prevalência , Gonorreia/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem , Masculino , Adolescente , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolamento & purificação , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/isolamento & purificação , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores de Risco , Coinfecção/epidemiologiaRESUMO
During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) were constantly under the scientific spotlight, but most studies evaluated ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression levels in patients infected by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the expression levels of both proteins before, during, and after-infection. For that, nasopharyngeal samples from 26 patients were used to measure ACE2/TMPRSS2 ex-pression via qPCR. Symptomatic patients presented lower ACE2 expression levels before and after the infection than those in asymptomatic patients; however, these levels increased during SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, symptomatic patients presented higher expression levels of TMPRSS2 pre-infection, which decreased in the following periods. In summary, ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression levels are potential risk factors for the development of symptomatic COVID-19, and the presence of SARS-CoV-2 potentially modulates those levels.
Enzima de Conversão de Angiotensina 2 , COVID-19 , Serina Endopeptidases , Humanos , Enzima de Conversão de Angiotensina 2/genética , SARS-CoV-2 , Serina Endopeptidases/genéticaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a public health problem. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with at least one STI (Chlamydia trachomatis [CT], Neisseria gonorrhoeae [NG], Trichomonas vaginalis [TV], and Mycoplasma genitalium [MG]) in Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data from the pilot implementation of the National Service for molecular diagnosis of CT, NG, TV, and MG in pregnancy. We obtained Ministry of Health surveillance data from the implementation project. Data encompassing pregnant women aged 15-49 years from public antenatal clinics in Brazil in 2022 were included. RESULTS: A total of 2728 data of pregnant women were analyzed. The prevalence of at least one infection was 21.0% (573), with the highest prevalence in the Southeast region (23.3%) and the lowest in the Center-West region (15.4%). The prevalence of CT was 9.9% (270), NG 0.6% (16), TV 6.7% (184), and MG 7.8% (212). Factors associated with any infection were from 15 to 24 years (AOR = 1.93; 95% CI: 1.58-2.35); reported family income up to US$400 (AOR = 1.79; 95% CI: 1.03-3.34); declared not living maritally with their partners (AOR = 1.90, 95% CI: 1.52-2.37) and had more than one sexual partner in their lifetime (AOR = 2.09, 95% CI: 1.55-2.86). CONCLUSION: This study showed a high prevalence of at least one STI among pregnant women in Brazil, particularly among younger women. It also provides up-to-date national data on CT, NG, TV, and MG infections in this population. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing access to STI screening for young pregnant women within the Brazilian public health system.
Infecções por Chlamydia , Chlamydia trachomatis , Gonorreia , Infecções por Mycoplasma , Mycoplasma genitalium , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Vaginite por Trichomonas , Trichomonas vaginalis , Humanos , Feminino , Brasil/epidemiologia , Gravidez , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Adolescente , Prevalência , Adulto Jovem , Mycoplasma genitalium/isolamento & purificação , Fatores de Risco , Infecções por Mycoplasma/epidemiologia , Infecções por Mycoplasma/diagnóstico , Gonorreia/epidemiologia , Gonorreia/diagnóstico , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/isolamento & purificação , Trichomonas vaginalis/isolamento & purificação , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Chlamydia/epidemiologia , Infecções por Chlamydia/diagnóstico , Vaginite por Trichomonas/epidemiologia , Vaginite por Trichomonas/diagnóstico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/diagnósticoRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Regular quality-assured WGS with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and epidemiological data of patients is imperative to elucidate the shifting gonorrhoea epidemiology, nationally and internationally. We describe the dynamics of the gonococcal population in 11 cities in Brazil between 2017 and 2020 and elucidate emerging and disappearing gonococcal lineages associated with AMR, compare to Brazilian WGS and AMR data from 2015 to 2016, and explain recent changes in gonococcal AMR and gonorrhoea epidemiology. METHODS: WGS was performed using Illumina NextSeq 550 and genomes of 623 gonococcal isolates were used for downstream analysis. Molecular typing and AMR determinants were obtained and links between genomic lineages and AMR (determined by agar dilution/Etest) examined. RESULTS: Azithromycin resistance (15.6%, 97/623) had substantially increased and was mainly explained by clonal expansions of strains with 23S rRNA C2611T (mostly NG-STAR CC124) and mtr mosaics (mostly NG-STAR CC63, MLST ST9363). Resistance to ceftriaxone and cefixime remained at the same levels as in 2015-16, i.e. at 0% and 0.2% (1/623), respectively. Regarding novel gonorrhoea treatments, no known zoliflodacin-resistance gyrB mutations or gepotidacin-resistance gyrA mutations were found. Genomic lineages and sublineages showed a phylogenomic shift from sublineage A5 to sublineages A1-A4, while isolates within lineage B remained diverse in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Azithromycin resistance, mainly caused by 23S rRNA C2611T and mtrD mosaics/semi-mosaics, had substantially increased in Brazil. This mostly low-level azithromycin resistance may threaten the recommended ceftriaxone-azithromycin therapy, but the lack of ceftriaxone resistance is encouraging. Enhanced gonococcal AMR surveillance, including WGS, is imperative in Brazil and other Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Antibacterianos , Azitromicina , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Gonorreia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Sequenciamento Completo do Genoma , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/genética , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/efeitos dos fármacos , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/classificação , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Gonorreia/microbiologia , Gonorreia/epidemiologia , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana/genética , Azitromicina/farmacologia , Masculino , Genoma Bacteriano , Feminino , Adulto , Epidemiologia Molecular , Adulto Jovem , Genômica , RNA Ribossômico 23S/genética , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ceftriaxona/farmacologia , Adolescente , Tipagem de Sequências Multilocus , Cefixima/farmacologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Little is known about the aetiology of urethral discharge syndrome (UDS) and genital ulcer disease (GUD) in Brazil due to limited access to laboratory tests and treatment based mainly on the syndromic approach. OBJECTIVES: To update Brazilian treatment guidelines according to the current scenario, the first nationwide aetiological study for UDS and GUD was performed. METHODS: Male participants with urethral discharge (UD) and/or genital ulcer (GU) reports were enrolled. Sample collection was performed by 12 sentinel sites located in the five Brazilian regions. Between 2018 and 2020, 1141 UD and 208 GU samples were collected in a Universal Transport Medium-RT (Copan). A multiplex quantitative PCR kit (Seegene) was used to detect UD: Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Mycoplasma genitalium (MG), M. hominis (MH), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), Ureaplasma parvum (UP), U. urealyticum (UU) and another kit to detect GU: cytomegalovirus (CMV), Haemophilus ducreyi (HD), herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), Treponema pallidum (TP) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). RESULTS: In UD samples, the frequency of pathogen detection was NG: 78.38%, CT: 25.6%, MG: 8.3%, UU: 10.4%, UP: 3.5%, MH: 3.5% and TV: 0.9%. Coinfection was assessed in 30.9% of samples, with 14.3% of NG/CT coinfection. The most frequent pathogen identified in GU was HSV2, present in 40.8% of the samples, followed by TP at 24.8%, LGV and CMV at 1%, and HSV1 at 0.4%. Coinfection of TP/HSV2 was detected in 4.4% of samples. VZV and HD were not detected. In 27.7% of the GU samples, no pathogen was detected. CONCLUSION: This study provided the acquisition of unprecedented data on the aetiology of UDS and GUD in Brazil, demonstrated the presence of a variety of pathogens in both sample types and reaffirmed the aetiologies known to be most prevalent globally.
Coinfecção , Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Trichomonas vaginalis , Masculino , Humanos , Úlcera/complicações , Brasil/epidemiologia , Coinfecção/epidemiologia , Coinfecção/complicações , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/diagnóstico , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/etiologia , Chlamydia trachomatis/genética , Herpesvirus Humano 2 , Treponema pallidum , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/genética , Genitália , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/complicaçõesRESUMO
The failures in Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection diagnosis leave more than half of cases unidentified. In this report, urine and vaginal discharge samples were analyzed by wet mount, culture examination, and real-time PCR by Allplex™ (Seegene®) kit, in a population assisted by the Brazilian Public Health System. From 747 samples, 2.81% were positive for TV in wet mount and culture, and 3.88% by Allplex™. Samples kept at - 80 ºC for 22 months did not impair the PCR technique. The sensitivity for wet mount, culture, and Allplex™ was 72, 100, and 100%, respectively. Allplex™ technique showed highest detection of TV.
Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Vaginite por Trichomonas , Trichomonas vaginalis , Feminino , Humanos , Trichomonas vaginalis/genética , Vaginite por Trichomonas/diagnóstico , Vaginite por Trichomonas/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Saúde Pública , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/diagnóstico , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/epidemiologiaRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) in transgender women and travestis in five Brazilian capitals. Methods: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional study conducted between 2019 and 2021, with participants recruited through Respondent Driven Sampling in São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre and Salvador. Detection of CT and NG was analyzed at three collection sites (anorectal, oropharyngeal and urethral). Mixed logistic regression models were employed to identify associated factors. Results: A total of 1,297 recruited participants provided biological material to detect these infections. The prevalences of CT, NG and coinfection were 11.5%, 13.3% and 3.6%, respectively. Independent associations with CT infections included past (OR=1.73; 95%CI 1.02-2.95), current (OR=2.13; 95%CI 1.23-3.69), and part-time sex work (OR=2.75; 95%CI 1.60-4.75), as well as lifetime injectable drug use (OR=3.54; 95%CI 1.49-8.40). For NG, associations were observed with lifetime injectable drug use (OR=1.91; 95%CI 1.28-2.84) and sexual orientation, including heterosexual (OR=3.44; 95%CI 1.35-8.82), homosexual (OR=5.49; 95%CI 1.89-15.97), and bisexual (OR=3.21; 95%CI 1.06-9.68). Coinfection was associated with use of illicit drugs in the last 12 months (OR=2.34, 95%CI 1.10-5.00), and younger age was associated with all investigated outcomes. Conclusion: Estimated prevalences of CT, NG and co-infection were higher among transgender women and travestis compared to the general population, particularly among younger, individuals engaged in sex work and illicit drug use.
RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar as prevalências e os fatores associados à detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) em mulheres trans e travestis em cinco capitais brasileiras. Métodos: Os dados vieram de um estudo transversal, realizado entre 2019 e 2021, com pessoas recrutadas por RDS (respondent driven sampling) em São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre e Salvador. Analisou-se a detecção de CT e NG, em três sítios de coleta (anorretal, orofaríngeo e uretral). Para identificação dos fatores associados empregaram-se modelos logísticos com efeitos mistos. Resultados: Forneceram material biológico para detecção dessas infecções 1.297 participantes recrutadas. As prevalências de CT, NG e coinfecção foram, respectivamente, 11,5, 13,3 e 3,6%. Foram independentemente associados à detecção para CT: trabalho sexual no passado (odds ratio — OR=1,73; intervalos de confiança para 95% — IC95% 1,02-2,95), no momento atual (OR=2,13; IC95% 1,23-3,69) e como atividade parcial (OR=2,75; IC95% 1,60-4,75) e uso de drogas injetáveis na vida (OR=3,54; IC95% 1,49-8,40). Para NG: uso de drogas injetáveis na vida (OR=1,91; IC95% 1,28-2,84) e orientação sexual - heterossexuais (OR=3,44; IC95% 1,35-8,82), homossexuais (OR=5,49; IC95% 1,89-15,97) e bissexuais (OR=3,21; IC95% 1,06-9,68). Para coinfecção: uso de drogas nos últimos 12 meses (OR=2,34; IC95% 1,10-5,00). Ser mais jovem foi associada a todos os desfechos investigados. Conclusão: As prevalências estimadas de CT, NG e de coinfecção foram desproporcionalmente mais elevadas entre as mulheres trans e travestis se comparadas à população geral, especialmente entre as mais jovens, que exerciam trabalho sexual e faziam uso de drogas.
BACKGROUND: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can have severe consequences. In Brazil, case management is recommended by the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutical Guidelines for Comprehensive Care for People with STIs (PCDT-IST). This study assessed the quality of PCDT-IST (2021) and reviewed the main recommendations for the management of STI that cause urethral discharge compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) STI Guidelines. METHODS: The PCDT-IST (2021) quality was independently assessed by 4 appraisers using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation instrument, version II (AGREE II). The PCDT-IST (2021) and the WHO Guidelines for the Management of Symptomatic STI (2021) were compared considering 14 different assessment domains. RESULTS: The PCDT-IST (2021) scores in the AGREE II domains were: Rigor of Development (58%), Applicability (35%), Editorial Independence (38%), Scope and Purpose (78%), Stakeholder Involvement (74%), and Clarity and Presentation (82%). The overall score was 67%, and all appraisers recommended the Brazilian guideline. Regarding the PCDT-IST (2021) and the WHO STI Guidelines (2021) comparation, 10 domains would be relevant for further reviewing the Brazilian recommendations: Diagnostic tests; Etiological approach; Treatment for recurrent urethral discharge; Treatment for urethritis without etiological agent identification; Treatment for gonococcal urethritis; Treatment for chlamydial urethritis; Retreatment for gonococcal infections; Treatment for Mycoplasma genitalium urethritis; Treatment for Trichomonas vaginalis urethritis; 10. Flowcharts. CONCLUSIONS: The PCDT-IST (2021) has a reasonable degree of quality. However, the domains of Applicability, Rigor of Development, and Editorial Independence must be better ensured. The guidelines comparison will help to select key topics that should be addressed with priority in the following national STI guidelines updates.
Gonorreia , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Tricomoníase , Trichomonas vaginalis , Uretrite , Humanos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Gonorreia/diagnóstico , Gonorreia/complicações , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/diagnóstico , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/terapia , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/complicações , Uretrite/diagnóstico , Uretrite/etiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (WLWH) are more likely to be infected with the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV). We assessed the prevalence of high-risk (HR) (16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58/59/68/73/82), probable high-risk (pHR) (26/53/66), and low-risk (LR) (6/11/40/42/43/44/54/61/70) HPV types and their associated risk factors. METHODS: This cross-sectional study of WLWH aged 18-64 years included one laboratory and eight HIV-specialty healthcare facilities in the pilot network. Descriptive statistics were used to assess sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Adjusted analyses were conducted to evaluate risk factors associated with HR and/or pHR HPV infection in WLWH. RESULTS: From May/2021 to May/2022, 1,914 (92.5%) WLWH participated in the pilot study and had valid HPV-DNA results of self-collected vaginal samples. The median age of the participants was 45 years, 60.1% had ≥ 9 years of schooling, 80.5% were ≤ 18 years at first sexual intercourse, and 51.7% had > 4 sexual partners throughout life. The prevalence of any HPV type, HR HPV, pHR HPV, and LR HPV was 65.8%, 49.6%, 16.7%, and 40.0%, respectively. Age was inversely associated with pHR and/or HR-HPV (p < 0.001), and education level was inversely associated with HR-HPV (p = 0.003) types. Any HR or pHR was associated with being single (p = 0.029) and exchanging sex for drugs (p = 0.037). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of HPV, especially HR HPV, among WLWH is high in Brazil, highlighting the need for HPV screening in this population. Self-collection of vaginal samples is an important strategy for increasing testing access.
Infecções por HIV , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , HIV/genética , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Brasil/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/complicações , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Saúde Pública , Projetos Piloto , Fatores de Risco , DNA/uso terapêutico , Papillomavirus Humano , Papillomaviridae/genética , GenótipoRESUMO
SARS-CoV-2 genome surveillance is important for monitoring risk groups and health workers as well as data on new cases and mortality rate due to COVID-19. We characterized the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants from May 2021 to April 2022 in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, and evaluated the similarity between variants present in the population and healthcare workers (HCW). A total of 5291 sequenced genomes demonstrated the circulation of 55 strains and four variants of concern (Alpha, Delta, Gamma and Omicron-sublineages BA.1 and BA.2). The number of cases was relatively low in May 2021, but the number of deaths was higher with the Gamma variant. There was a significant increase in both numbers between December 2021 and February 2022, peaking in mid-January 2022, when the Omicron variant dominated. After May 2021, two distinct variant groups (Delta and Omicron) were observed, equally distributed among the five Santa Catarina mesoregions. Moreover, from November 2021 to February 2022, similar variant profiles between HCW and the general population were observed, and a quicker shift from Delta to Omicron in HCW than in the general population. This demonstrates the importance of HCW as a sentinel group for monitoring disease trends in the general population.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2/genética , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Genômica , Pessoal de SaúdeRESUMO
We field-assessed the accuracy, acceptability, and feasibility of the SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo rapid diagnostic test in three groups: pregnant women, female sex workers (FSW), and men who have sex with men (MSM). Venous blood samples collected in the field were compared with the respective gold standard methods: SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo Treponemal Test versus FTA-abs (Wama brand) treponemal laboratory test for syphilis, and SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo Test versus the fourth generation Genscreen Ultra HIV Ag-Ag (Bio-Rad brand) laboratory test for HIV. From a total of 529 participants, 397 (75.1%) were pregnant women, 76 (14.3%) FSW and 56 (10.6%) MSM. Sensitivity and specificity parameters of HIV were 100.0% (95% CI: 82.35-100.0%) and 100.0% (95% CI: 99.28-100.0%), respectively. Sensitivity and specificity parameters found for TP antibody detection were 95.00% (95% CI: 87.69-98.62%) and 100.0% (95% CI: 98.18-100.0%), respectively. The SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo Test showed high acceptability among participants (85.87%) and health professionals (85.51%), as well as easy usability by professionals (91.06%). The usability of the SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo Test kit would not be a barrier to accessing rapid testing, if the product were incorporated into the list of health service supplies.
ABSTRACT Background: Women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (WLWH) are more likely to be infected with the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV). We assessed the prevalence of high-risk (HR) (16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58/59/68/73/82), probable high-risk (pHR) (26/53/66), and low-risk (LR) (6/11/40/42/43/44/54/61/70) HPV types and their associated risk factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study of WLWH aged 18-64 years included one laboratory and eight HIV-specialty healthcare facilities in the pilot network. Descriptive statistics were used to assess sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Adjusted analyses were conducted to evaluate risk factors associated with HR and/or pHR HPV infection in WLWH. Results: From May/2021 to May/2022, 1,914 (92.5%) WLWH participated in the pilot study and had valid HPV-DNA results of self-collected vaginal samples. The median age of the participants was 45 years, 60.1% had ≥ 9 years of schooling, 80.5% were ≤ 18 years at first sexual intercourse, and 51.7% had > 4 sexual partners throughout life. The prevalence of any HPV type, HR HPV, pHR HPV, and LR HPV was 65.8%, 49.6%, 16.7%, and 40.0%, respectively. Age was inversely associated with pHR and/or HR-HPV (p < 0.001), and education level was inversely associated with HR-HPV (p = 0.003) types. Any HR or pHR was associated with being single (p = 0.029) and exchanging sex for drugs (p = 0.037). Conclusions: The prevalence of HPV, especially HR HPV, among WLWH is high in Brazil, highlighting the need for HPV screening in this population. Self-collection of vaginal samples is an important strategy for increasing testing access.
OBJECTIVES: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a global threat and novel treatment alternatives are imperative. Herein, susceptibility to the novel antimicrobial zoliflodacin, currently in a global Phase 3 randomized controlled clinical trial for gonorrhoea treatment, was investigated by screening for zoliflodacin GyrB target mutations in publicly available gonococcal genomes and, where feasible, determination of the associated zoliflodacin MIC. METHODS: The European Nucleotide Archive was queried using the search term 'Taxon: 485'. DNA sequences from 27â151 gonococcal isolates were analysed and gyrB, gyrA, parC and parE alleles characterized. RESULTS: GyrB amino acid alterations were rare (97.0% of isolates had a wild-type GyrB sequence). GyrB V470L (2.7% of isolates) was the most prevalent alteration, followed by S467N (0.12%), N. meningitidis GyrB (0.092%), V470I (0.059%), Q468R/P (0.015%), A466T (0.0074%), L425Iâ+âL465I (0.0037%), L465I (0.0037%), G482S (0.0037%) and D429V (0.0037%). Only one isolate (0.0037%) carried a substitution in a resistance-associated GyrB codon (D429V), resulting in a zoliflodacin MIC of 8â mg/L. None of the other detected gyrB, gyrA, parC or parE mutations caused a zoliflodacin MIC outside the wild-type MIC distribution. CONCLUSIONS: The zoliflodacin target GyrB was highly conserved among 27â151 global gonococcal isolates cultured in 1928-2021. The single zoliflodacin-resistant clinical isolate (0.0037%) was cultured from a male patient in Japan in 2000. Evidently, this strain has not clonally expanded nor has the gyrB zoliflodacin-resistance mutation disseminated through horizontal gene transfer to other strains. Phenotypic and genomic surveillance, including gyrB mutations, of zoliflodacin susceptibility are imperative.
Anti-Infecciosos , Gonorreia , Masculino , Humanos , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , DNA Girase/genética , DNA Topoisomerase IV/genética , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/genética , Mutação , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana/genéticaRESUMO
Introduction: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a human commensal bacterium that is also associated with infection in pregnant and non-pregnant adults, neonates and elderly people. Gap Statement: The authors hypothesize that knowledge of regional GBS genetic patterns may allow the use of prevention and treatment measures to reduce the burden of streptococcal disease. Aim: The aim was to report the genotypic diversity and antimicrobial sensitivity profiles of invasive, noninvasive urinary and colonizing GBS strains, and evaluate the relationships between these findings. Methodology: The study included consecutive and non-duplicated GBS isolates recovered in southern Brazil from 2015 to 2017. We performed multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) and PCR analyses to determine capsular serotypes and identify the presence of the resistance genes mefA/E, ermB and ermA/TR, and also antibiotic susceptibility testing. Results: The sample consisted of 348 GBS strains, 42 MLVA types were identified, and 4 of them represented 64â% of isolates. Serotype Ia was the most prevalent (42.2â%) and was found in a higher percentage associated with colonization, followed by serotypes V (24.4â%), II (17.8â%) and III (7.8â%). Serotype V was associated with invasive isolates and serotypes II and III with noninvasive isolates, without significant differences. All isolates were susceptible to penicillin. GBS 2018/ hvgA was observed in 17 isolates, with 11 belonging to serogroup III. The Hunter-Gaston diversity index was calculated as 0.879. The genes mefA/E, erm/B and erm/A/TR were found in 45, 19 and 46 isolates. Conclusion: This report suggests that the circulating GBS belong to a limited number of genetic lineages. The most common genotypes were Ia/MT12 and V/MT18, which are associated with high resistance to macrolides and the presence of the genes mefA/E and ermA/TR. Penicillin remains the antibiotic of choice. Implementation of continuous surveillance of GBS infections will be essential to assess GBS epidemiology and develop accurate GBS prevention, especially strategies associated with vaccination.
The emergence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains resistant to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs) is a worldwide concern because this class of antibiotics represents the last empirical treatment option for gonorrhea. The abusive use of antimicrobials may be an essential factor for the emergence of ESC resistance in N. gonorrhoeae. Cephalosporin resistance mechanisms have not been fully clarified. In this study, we mapped mutations in the genome of N. gonorrhoeae isolates after resistance induction with cefixime and explored related metabolic pathways. Six clinical isolates with different antimicrobial susceptibility profiles and genotypes and two gonococcal reference strains (WHO F and WHO Y) were induced with increasing concentrations of cefixime. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed against six antimicrobial agents before and after induction. Clinical isolates were whole-genome sequenced before and after induction, whereas reference strains were sequenced after induction only. Cefixime resistance induction was completed after 138 subcultures. Several metabolic pathways were affected by resistance induction. Five isolates showed SNPs in PBP2. The isolates M111 and M128 (ST1407 with mosaic penA-34.001) acquired one and four novel missense mutations in PBP2, respectively. These isolates exhibited the highest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for cefixime among all clinical isolates. Mutations in genes contributing to ESC resistance and in other genes were also observed. Interestingly, M107 and M110 (ST338) showed no mutations in key determinants of ESC resistance despite having a 127-fold increase in the MIC of cefixime. These findings point to the existence of different mechanisms of acquisition of ESC resistance induced by cefixime exposure. Furthermore, the results reinforce the importance of the gonococcal antimicrobial resistance surveillance program in Brazil, given the changes in treatment protocols made in 2017 and the nationwide prevalence of sequence types that can develop resistance to ESC.
Resistência às Cefalosporinas , Gonorreia , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Cefixima/farmacologia , Cefixima/uso terapêutico , Resistência às Cefalosporinas/genética , Gonorreia/epidemiologia , Humanos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/genéticaRESUMO
Objectives: To (i) describe the nationwide antimicrobial susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) isolates cultured across Brazil in 2018-20 and compare it with NG antimicrobial resistance data from 2015-16, and (ii) present epidemiological data of the corresponding gonorrhoea patients in 2018-20. Methods: Twelve representative sentinel sites cultured NG isolates from men with urethral discharge. Susceptibility to eight antimicrobials was examined using agar dilution method, according to WHO standards. The consenting participants were invited to provide epidemiological data. Results: In total, 633 NG isolates (one isolate per participant) were analysed, and 449 (70.9%) questionnaires were answered. Heterosexual (68.2%) and homosexual (23.1%) sexual orientations were common, and most prevalent types of unprotected sexual intercourse were vaginal insertive (69.9%), oral giving (56.6%) and anal insertive (47.4%). The levels of in vitro NG resistance to ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, benzylpenicillin, azithromycin, cefixime, gentamicin, spectinomycin and ceftriaxone were 67.3%, 40.0%, 25.7%, 10.6%, 0.3%, 0%, 0% and 0%, respectively. Compliance with the recommended first-line ceftriaxone 500â mg plus azithromycin 1â g therapy was high (90.9%). Conclusions: Compared with 2015-16, ciprofloxacin resistance has remained high and azithromycin and cefixime resistance rates have increased in Brazil. Resistance remained lacking to ceftriaxone, gentamicin and spectinomycin, which all are gonorrhoea treatment options. The increasing azithromycin resistance in Brazil and internationally may threaten the future use of azithromycin in dual regimens for treatment of gonorrhoea. Consequently, continued and enhanced quality-assured surveillance of gonococcal AMR, and ideally also treatment failures and including WGS, is imperative in Brazil and worldwide.
INTRODUCTION: Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a major concern of public health due to its extraordinary capacity to develop and acquire resistance to different antimicrobials used to treat gonorrhoea. Limited treatment options and uncontrolled transmission have raised the need to assess the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the isolates and to establish affordable alternatives for laboratory diagnosis. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to (i) determine the susceptibility profile of 336 clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoeae to ceftriaxone, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin and gentamicin by the gold standard agar dilution method; (ii) assess the agreement among agar dilution and disc diffusion results for ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, ceftriaxone, spectinomycin and gentamicin. RESULTS: All isolates were susceptible to ceftriaxone and spectinomycin. The levels of resistance to azithromycin and ciprofloxacin were 3.9% and 35.1%, respectively. Intermediate susceptibility to gentamicin was observed in 19.4% of isolates. There was 100% agreement between methods for spectinomycin and ceftriaxone, 99.7% for ciprofloxacin, and 85.7% for azithromycin. For gentamicin, there was 86.3% agreement between agar dilution and disc diffusion, resulting in intermediate susceptible by one method and susceptible by the other method, defined as minor errors. The discordance among agar dilution and disc diffusion results is acceptable for ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone and spectinomycin as per CLSI M23-Ed4. CONCLUSIONS: Spectinomycin and gentamicin can be considered in some cases as options for the treatment of gonorrhoea in Brazil. Disc diffusion can be an alternative method in routine testing with comparable accuracy to agar dilution.
Gonorreia , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Ágar , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Azitromicina/farmacologia , Ceftriaxona/farmacologia , Ciprofloxacina/farmacologia , Gentamicinas/farmacologia , Gonorreia/diagnóstico , Gonorreia/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Espectinomicina/farmacologiaRESUMO
The western mesoregion of the state of Santa Catarina (SC), Southern Brazil, was heavily affected as a whole by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2021. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading patterns in the SC state from March 2020 to April 2021 using genomic surveillance. During this period, there were 23 distinct variants, including Beta and Gamma, among which the Gamma and related lineages were predominant in the second pandemic wave within SC. A regionalization of P.1-like-II in the Western SC region was observed, concomitant to the increase in cases, mortality, and the case fatality rate (CFR) index. This is the first evidence of the regionalization of the SARS-CoV-2 transmission in SC and it highlights the importance of tracking the variants, dispersion, and impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the public health systems.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Brasil/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Humanos , Mutação , Pandemias , Filogenia , SARS-CoV-2/genética , Glicoproteína da Espícula de Coronavírus/genéticaRESUMO
Introduction: Syphilis is a very old disease involved by many mysteries. From its origins to the reason why even having simple and effective diagnosis and treatment for more than half a century, it remains, in 2021, as a public health problem practically all over the world. Be it in high-developing countries as well as in developing ones. Objective: To relate and describe, with dating, by day, month and year, in a calendar model, events and important characters that involve studies and quotes about syphilis. Methods: We used the prior personal knowledge of health professionals and researchers, who have worked in the field of sexually transmitted diseases for decades, combined with the search on the Internet, often on Wikipedia and Google, about events and characters involving subjects and publications about syphilis. Results: After several analyses and researches, we listed 68 facts and characters from around the world, including several Brazilians. Conclusion: At a time (2020 and 2021) where the subject, worldwide, on a daily basis, is SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, this unprecedented publication on facts and characters involving syphilis can be a milestone so that, in addition to technical and scientific knowledge, the academic community realizes the anthropological, sociological, and cultural wealth that involves an entity that is much more than an infectious disease, such as syphilis.
Introdução: Sífilis é uma doença muito antiga envolvida por muitos mistérios. Desde a sua origem até o porquê de mesmo tendo diagnóstico e tratamento simples e eficazes há mais de meio século, se mantém, em 2021, como um problema de saúde pública em praticamente todo o mundo. Seja em países de alto desenvolvimento como naqueles em desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Relacionar e descrever, com datação, por dia, mês e ano, em um modelo de calendário, acontecimentos e personagens marcantes que envolvem estudos e citações sobre a sífilis. Métodos: Usamos o conhecimento prévio pessoal, de profissionais de saúde, de pesquisadores, com atuações na área das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis há décadas, aliado a busca na internet, muitas das vezes em Wikipédia e Google, sobre acontecimentos e personagens que envolvem assuntos e publicações sobre sífilis. Resultados: Depois de várias análises e pesquisas relacionamos 68 fatos e personagens de âmbito mundial, sendo vários brasileiros. Conclusão: Em uma época (2020 e 2021) onde o assunto, em todo o mundo, diuturnamente, é SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 esta inédita publicação sobre fatos e personagens que envolvem sífilis pode ser um marco para que, além de conhecimentos técnicos e científicos, a comunidade acadêmica se dê conta da riqueza antropológica, sociológica, cultural que envolve uma entidade que é muito mais que uma doença infectocontagiosa, como a sífilis.
Introducción: La sífilis es una enfermedad muy antigua envuelta por muchos misterios. Desde sus orígenes hasta el motivo por el cual aun teniendo un diagnóstico y tratamiento sencillo y eficaz desde hace más de medio siglo, sigue siendo, en 2021, un problema de salud pública prácticamente en todo el mundo. Tanto en países de alto desarrollo como en países en desarrollo. Objetivo: Relacionar y describir, con datación, por día, mes y año, en un modelo de calendario, eventos y personajes importantes que involucran estudios y citas sobre la sífilis. Métodos: Utilizamos el conocimiento personal previo de profesionales e investigadores de la salud, que han trabajado en el campo de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual durante décadas, combinado con la búsqueda en Internet, a menudo en Wikipedia y Google, sobre eventos y personajes que involucran temas y publicaciones sobre sífilis. Resultados: Después de varios análisis e investigaciones, enumeramos 68 hechos y personajes de todo el mundo, incluidos varios brasileños. Conclusión: En un momento (2020 y 2021) donde el tema, a nivel mundial, a diario, es el SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, esta publicación sin precedentes sobre hechos y personajes relacionados con la sífilis puede ser un hito para que, además Para el conocimiento técnico y científico, la comunidad académica se da cuenta de la riqueza antropológica, sociológica y cultural que involucra a una entidad que es mucho más que una enfermedad infecciosa, como la sífilis.