Abstract BACKGROUND: Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for basal cell carcinoma and micrographic surgery considered the gold standard, however not yet used routinely worldwide available, as in Brazil. Considering this, a previously developed treatment guideline, which the majority of tumors were treated by conventional technique (not micrographic) was tested. OBJECTIVE: To establish the recurrence rate of basal cell carcinomas treated according to this guideline. METHOD: Between May 2001 and July 2012, 919 basal cell carcinoma lesions in 410 patients were treated according to the proposed guideline. Patients were followed-up and reviewed between September 2013 and February 2014 for clinical, dermatoscopic and histopathologic detection of possible recurrences. RESULTS: After application of exclusion criteria, 520 lesions were studied, with 88.3% primary and 11.7% recurrent tumors. Histological pattern was indolent in 85.5%, 48.6% were located in high risk areas and 70% small tumors. Only 7.3% were treated by Mohs micrographic surgery. The recurrence rate, in an average follow-up period of 4.37 years, was 1.3% for primary and 1.63% for recurrent tumors. Study limitations: unicenter study, with all patients operated on by the same surgeon. CONCLUSION: The treatment guideline utilized seems a helpful guide for surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma, especially if micrographic surgery is not available.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Algoritmos , Carcinoma Basocelular/cirurgia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Carcinoma Basocelular/patologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Seguimentos , Cirurgia de Mohs/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Medição de Risco , Carga Tumoral , Recidiva Local de NeoplasiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND:: Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for basal cell carcinoma and micrographic surgery considered the gold standard, however not yet used routinely worldwide available, as in Brazil. Considering this, a previously developed treatment guideline, which the majority of tumors were treated by conventional technique (not micrographic) was tested. OBJECTIVE:: To establish the recurrence rate of basal cell carcinomas treated according to this guideline. METHOD:: Between May 2001 and July 2012, 919 basal cell carcinoma lesions in 410 patients were treated according to the proposed guideline. Patients were followed-up and reviewed between September 2013 and February 2014 for clinical, dermatoscopic and histopathologic detection of possible recurrences. RESULTS:: After application of exclusion criteria, 520 lesions were studied, with 88.3% primary and 11.7% recurrent tumors. Histological pattern was indolent in 85.5%, 48.6% were located in high risk areas and 70% small tumors. Only 7.3% were treated by Mohs micrographic surgery. The recurrence rate, in an average follow-up period of 4.37 years, was 1.3% for primary and 1.63% for recurrent tumors. Study limitations: unicenter study, with all patients operated on by the same surgeon. CONCLUSION:: The treatment guideline utilized seems a helpful guide for surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma, especially if micrographic surgery is not available.
Algoritmos , Carcinoma Basocelular/cirurgia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Carcinoma Basocelular/patologia , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia de Mohs/métodos , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Medição de Risco , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Carga TumoralRESUMO
A correta classificação do líquido pleural em transudato ou exsudato é importante para início do diagnóstico da síndrome do derrame pleural. Um exame ou um conjunto deles precisa ter bom rendimento para cumprir este objetivo. Os autores neste trabalho propuseram novo critério de classificação entre exsudatos e transudatos pleurais com dosagens de proteínas totais (PtnT) e desidrogenase lática (DLH) exclusivamente no líquido pleural. Para as dosagens de PtnT-L, o novo ponto de corte determinado para diagnosticar exsudato pleural foi superior a 3,4g/dL e transudato menor ou igual a 3,4g/dL com uma AUC na curva ROC igual a 0,886 (p=0,0001). Em relação à DLH-L, o novo ponto de corte determinado para diagnosticar exsudato pleural foi superior a 328,0U/L e transudato menor ou igual a 328,0U/L com uma AUC igual a 0, 922 (p = 0,0001). O novo critério de classificação proposto obteve significância estatística e clínica para ser utilizado na prática diária considerando seu rendimento diagnóstico quando validado com o critério clássico de Light. AU
The correct classification of pleural fluid between transudate or exudate is important for early diagnosis of pleural effusion. An exam or a set of them need to have good income to meet this objective. The authors in this paper proposed new classification criteria between exudates and transudate pleural with total protein (Ptn-T) dosages and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) exclusively on pleural fluid. For PtnT-L, a cutoff point for pleural exudate was higher than 3.4 g/ dL and transudate less or equal to 3.4 g/dL with an AUC on ROC curve equal to 0.886 (p = 0.0001). Regarding to LDH-L, a cutoff point for pleural exudate was higher to 328.0 U/L and less than or equal to 328.0 U/L for pleural transudate with an AUC of 0. 922 (p = 0.0001). The proposed new classification criteria had statistical significance and clinical validation for use in daily practice considering its performance when validated with the classic criteria of Light. AU
Humanos , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico , Exsudatos e TransudatosRESUMO
Introdução: O tratamento paliativo dos pacientes com Derrame Pleural Maligno (DPM) deve ser individualizado uma vez que esses pacientes têm sobrevida reduzida. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo capaz de identificar os fatores prognósticos relacionados à sobrevida dos pacientes com DPM. Métodos: É um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, observacional para identificar fatores prognósticos relacionados ao DPM em pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de câncer oriundos do banco de dados do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA), vinculado ao Ministério da Saúde. A análise multivariada de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de regressão de Cox foram utilizadas para determinar os fatores com potencial prognóstico relacionados à sobrevida desses pacientes. A sobrevida foi definida como o tempo do diagnóstico anátomo patológico até o óbito. Resultados: Cento e sessenta e cinco pacientes foram incluídos no estudo; 77 homens (47%), e 88 mulheres (53%). A mediana da idade foi de 60 anos (1,0 95,0), e todos os pacientes tinham DPM confirmados por exames cito e/ou histopatológicos. O carcinoma de pulmão, do tipo não pequenas células (36%), a neoplasia de mama (26%) e os linfomas (13%) foram os tumores mais frequentemente diagnosticados. A mediana da sobrevida global dos pacientes a partir do diagnóstico foi de 5 meses (1,0-96,0). A análise univariada de Kaplan-Meier demonstrou que a sobrevida dos pacientes estava significativamente relacionada com os seguintes fatores prognósticos: a escala de capacidade funcional (PS) da Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) (HR 10,0, IC 95%: 5,96 a 18,50, p < 0,0001), local do tumor primário (HR 1,99, IC 95%: 1,23 a 3,22, p < 0,01), citologia oncótica do líquido pleural positiva (HR 1,25, IC 95%: 0,88 a 1,78, p = 0,04), e exame histológico da pleura positivo (HR 1,33, IC 95%: 0,97 a 1,81, p = 0,04). Outros fatores prognósticos independentes avaliados não tiveram influência na sobrevida. A análise de regressão de Cox demonstrou que somente a escala da capacidade funcional (PS) da ECOG estava altamente relacionada com a sobrevida dos pacientes (HR 73,58, IC 95%: 23,44 a 230,95, p < 0,0001). Conclusões: a escala da capacidade funcional (PS) da ECOG foi um fator previsor independente de sobrevida para os pacientes com DPM no momento do diagnóstico inicial. Este fator prognóstico pode auxiliar os médicos na seleção dos pacientes para o tratamento paliativo apropriado da síndrome do DPM. AU
Background: The approach to palliative treatment of malignant pleural effusion (MPE) should be individualized because these patients generally have poor survival. This study aimed to develop a model to identify prognostic factors for survival time in patients with MPE. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive, observational study to identify prognostic factors related to MPE in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer. Cox regression analysis was used to determine significant potential prognostic factors with respect to survival time. Survival time was defined as the time from pathological diagnosis to death. Results: One hundred and sixty-five patients were included; 77 were men (47%) and 88 were women (53%). The median age was 60 years (1.0 95.0), and all of the patients were pathologically proven to have MPE. Non-small-cell lung cancer (36.0%), breast carcinoma (26%), and lymphoma (13.0%) were the most frequently diagnosed tumors. The median overall survival of patients from the initial diagnosis was 5 months (range: 1.096.0 months). The KaplanMeier univariate analysis showed that survival was significantly related to the following prognostic factors: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group - Performance Status (ECOG - PS) (HR 10.0; 95% CI: 5.96 to 18.50, p < 0.0001); primary cancer site (HR 1.99; 95% CI: 1.23 to 3.22, p < 0.01); positive pleural cytology (HR 1.25; 95% CI: 0.88 to 1.78, p = 0.04); and positive histology (HR 1.33; 95% CI: 0.97 to 1.81, p = 0.04). Other potential independent diagnostic factors that were examined did not affect survival. Cox regression analysis showed that only the ECOG PS was highly predictive of survival (HR 73.58; 95% CI: 23.44 to230.95, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: ECOG PS is an independent predictor of survival in patients with MPE at initial diagnosis. This prognostic factor can help physicians select patients for appropriate palliative treatment of this syndrome. AU
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Prognóstico , Análise de Sobrevida , Derrame Pleural Maligno/terapia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto , NeoplasiasRESUMO
This study was a prospective cross-sectional cohort study of 125 patients with sickle cell anemia (SS) between the ages of 16 to 60 years. Enrolled patients were followed-up prospectively for 15 months. Demographic, clinical, hematological and routine biochemical data were obtained on all patients. Six-minute walk test and Doppler Echocardiography were performed on all patients. A tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity (TRJV) < 2.5 m/sec was considered normal, 2.5 ≤ TRJV ≤ 3.0 was considered mild-moderate and > 3.0 m/sec, severe. Patients with abnormal TRJV were significantly older and more anemic, had significantly higher lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels, reticulocyte count and incidence of death. The logistic multimodal model implemented for the 125 patients indicated that age was the covariate that influenced the outcome of normal or abnormal TRJV with a cutoff age of thirty-two years. The survival rate for the group of patients with creatinine (Cr) > 1.0 mg/dL was lower than the group with Cr ≤ 1 and normal TRJV. A coefficient matrix showed that the LDH values were weakly correlated with the reticulocyte count but strongly correlated with hemoglobin suggesting that the TRJV values were not correlated with the hemolytic rate but with anemia. Ten patients died during the follow-up of whom 7 had TRJV > 2.5 m/sec. Acute chest syndrome was the most common cause of death followed by sepsis. In conclusion, this study shows that patients with SS older than thirty-two years with high LDH, elevated TRJV, severe anemia and Cr > 1 have poor prognosis and may be at risk of having pulmonary hypertension and should undergo RHC.
Anemia Falciforme/complicações , Hipertensão Pulmonar/etiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Anemia Falciforme/fisiopatologia , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Teste de Esforço , Feminino , Humanos , Hipertensão Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prognóstico , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Although basal cell carcinoma can be effectively managed through surgical excision, the most suitable surgical margins have not yet been fully determined. Furthermore, micrographic surgery is not readily available in many places around the world. A review of the literature regarding the surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma was conducted in order to develop an algorithm for the surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma that could help the choice of surgical technique and safety margins, considering the major factors that affect cure rates. Through this review, it was found that surgical margins of 4mm seem to be suitable for small, primary, well-defined basal cell carcinomas, although some good results can be achieved with smaller margins and the use of margin control surgical techniques. For treatment of high-risk and recurrent tumors, margins of 5-6 mm or margin control of the surgical excision is required. Previous treatment, histological subtype, site and size of the lesion should be considered in surgical planning because these factors have been proven to affect cure rates. Thus, considering these factors, the algorithm can be a useful tool, especially for places where micrographic surgery is not widely available.
Algoritmos , Carcinoma Basocelular/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Dermatológicos/métodos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Carcinoma Basocelular/patologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/cirurgia , Medição de Risco , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Carga TumoralRESUMO
Abstract Although basal cell carcinoma can be effectively managed through surgical excision, the most suitable surgical margins have not yet been fully determined. Furthermore, micrographic surgery is not readily available in many places around the world. A review of the literature regarding the surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma was conducted in order to develop an algorithm for the surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma that could help the choice of surgical technique and safety margins, considering the major factors that affect cure rates. Through this review, it was found that surgical margins of 4mm seem to be suitable for small, primary, well-defined basal cell carcinomas, although some good results can be achieved with smaller margins and the use of margin control surgical techniques. For treatment of high-risk and recurrent tumors, margins of 5-6 mm or margin control of the surgical excision is required. Previous treatment, histological subtype, site and size of the lesion should be considered in surgical planning because these factors have been proven to affect cure rates. Thus, considering these factors, the algorithm can be a useful tool, especially for places where micrographic surgery is not widely available.
Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Algoritmos , Carcinoma Basocelular/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Dermatológicos/métodos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Carcinoma Basocelular/patologia , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/cirurgia , Medição de Risco , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Carga TumoralRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The approach to palliative treatment of malignant pleural effusion (MPE) should be individualized because these patients generally have poor survival. Our study aimed to develop a model to identify prognostic factors or survival time in patients diagnosed with MPE. METHODS: This is a retrospective, descriptive, observational study to identify prognostic factors related to MPE in patients with a confirmed cancer diagnosis. Cox regression analysis was used to determine significant potential prognostic factors with respect to survival time. Survival time was defined as the time from pathological diagnosis to death. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-five patients were included; 77 were men (47%) and 88 were women (53%). The median age was 60 years, and all of the patients were pathologically proven to have MPE. Non-small-cell lung cancer (36.0%), breast carcinoma (26%), and lymphoma (13.0%) were the most frequently diagnosed tumors. The median overall survival of patients from the initial diagnosis was 5 months (range: 1.0-96.0 months). Kaplan-Meier univariate analysis showed that survival was significantly related to the following prognostic factors: ECOG PS (hazard ratio [HR] 10.0, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 5.96 to 18.50, p < 0.0001), primary cancer site (HR 1.99, 95% CI 1.23 to 3.22, p < 0.01), positive pleural cytology (HR 1.25, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.78, p = 0.04), and positive histology (HR 1.33, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.81, p = 0.04). Other potential independent diagnostic factors that were examined did not affect survival. Cox regression analysis showed that only the ECOG PS was highly predictive of survival (HR 73.58, 95% CI 23.44 to 230.95, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: ECOG PS is an independent predictor of survival in patients with MPE at initial diagnosis. This prognostic factor can help physicians select patients for appropriate palliative treatment of this syndrome.
Neoplasias da Mama/mortalidade , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas/mortalidade , Carcinoma/mortalidade , Neoplasias Pulmonares/mortalidade , Linfoma/mortalidade , Neoplasias Ovarianas/mortalidade , Derrame Pleural Maligno/patologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias da Mama/complicações , Carcinoma/complicações , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas/complicações , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Estudos de Coortes , Exsudatos e Transudatos/citologia , Exsudatos e Transudatos/metabolismo , Feminino , Glucose/metabolismo , Humanos , Lactente , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/metabolismo , Contagem de Leucócitos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/complicações , Contagem de Linfócitos , Linfoma/complicações , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neutrófilos , Neoplasias Ovarianas/complicações , Derrame Pleural Maligno/etiologia , Derrame Pleural Maligno/metabolismo , Prognóstico , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Proteínas/metabolismo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Taxa de Sobrevida , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is an aggregation of risk factors that increase the incidence of cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus (DM). Population aging is accompanied by higher prevalence of MS, which varies depending on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used. OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence of MS in the elderly using four diagnostic criteria and agreement between them. METHODS: Cross-sectional study on 243 patients older than 60 years (180 women) in Niterói, RJ. They were evaluated by clinical examination, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, lipid profile and anthropometric measurements - weight, height, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio. Prevalence of MS was estimated by World Health Organization (WHO) modified, National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. RESULTS: Prevalence was high with the four criteria WHO (51.9%), NCEP-ATPIII (45.2%), IDF (64.1%) and JIS (69.1%), and agreement between criteria by kappa was moderate in almost all comparisons WHO vs. IDF (k = 0.47;95% confidence interval (CI), 0.35 to 0.58); WHO vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0.51; 95% CI, 0.40 to 0.61); WHO vs. JIS (k = 0.45; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.56); IDF vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0.55; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.65) and NCEP-ATPIII vs. JIS (k = 0.53; 95% CI, 0.43-0.64), except between IDF vs. JIS (K = 0.89;95% CI, 0.83 to 0.95), which was considered good. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of MS was high with the four diagnostic criteria, mainly by JIS. There was good agreement between JIS and IDF criteria and moderate among the others.
Síndrome Metabólica/diagnóstico , Síndrome Metabólica/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade , Idoso , Análise de Variância , Glicemia/análise , Índice de Massa Corporal , Brasil/epidemiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/metabolismo , Estudos Transversais , Diabetes Mellitus/metabolismo , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Circunferência da Cintura , Relação Cintura-QuadrilRESUMO
Fundamento: A Síndrome Metabólica (SM) é uma agregação de fatores de risco que aumenta a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares e Diabete Melito (DM). O envelhecimento da população vem acompanhado de maior prevalência de SM, que varia dependendo da população estudada e do critério diagnóstico utilizado. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de SM em idosos por quatro critérios diagnósticos e a concordância entre esses. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em 243 indivíduos acima de 60 anos (180 mulheres) em Niterói (RJ). Foram avaliados através de exame clínico glicemia jejum, insulinemia jejum, perfil lipídico e medidas antropométricas - peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal e relação cintura/quadril. A prevalência de SM foi estimada utilizando critérios diagnósticos da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) modificado, National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) e Joint Interim Statement (JIS). Resultados: A prevalência foi elevada pelos quatro critérios, OMS (51,9%), NCEP-ATPIII (45,2%), IDF (64,1%) e JIS (69,1%), e a concordância entre os critérios diagnósticos pelo índice kappa foi moderada em quase todas as comparações OMS vs. IDF (k = 0,47; intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%, 0,35 - 0,58); OMS vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0,51; IC 95%, 0,40 - 0,61); OMS vs. JIS (k = 0,45; IC 95%, 0,33 - 0,56); IDF vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0,55, IC 95%, 0,45 - 0,65) e NCEP-ATPIII vs. JIS (k = 0,53; IC 95%, 0,43 - 0,64), exceto entre IDF vs. JIS (K= 0,89; IC 95%, 0,83 - 0,95), considerada boa. Conclusão: A prevalência de SM foi elevada pelos quatro critérios diagnósticos, principalmente pelo JIS. Houve uma boa concordância entre os critérios ...
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is an aggregation of risk factors that increase the incidence of cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus (DM). Population aging is accompanied by higher prevalence of MS, which varies depending on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used. Objective: To determine prevalence of MS in the elderly using four diagnostic criteria and agreement between them. Methods: Cross-sectional study on 243 patients older than 60 years (180 women) in Niterói, RJ. They were evaluated by clinical examination, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, lipid profile and anthropometric measurements - weight, height, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio. Prevalence of MS was estimated by World Health Organization (WHO) modified, National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. Results: Prevalence was high with the four criteria WHO (51.9%), NCEP-ATPIII (45.2%), IDF (64.1%) and JIS (69.1%), and agreement between criteria by kappa was moderate in almost all comparisons WHO vs. IDF (k = 0.47;95% confidence interval (CI), 0.35 to 0.58); WHO vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0.51; 95% CI, 0.40 to 0.61); WHO vs. JIS (k = 0.45; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.56); IDF vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0.55; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.65) and NCEP-ATPIII vs. JIS (k = 0.53; 95% CI, 0.43-0.64), except between IDF vs. JIS (K = 0.89;95% CI, 0.83 to 0.95), which was considered good. Conclusion: Prevalence of MS was high with the four diagnostic criteria, mainly by JIS. There was good agreement between JIS and IDF criteria and moderate among the others. .
Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome Metabólica/diagnóstico , Síndrome Metabólica/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade , Análise de Variância , Índice de Massa Corporal , Glicemia/análise , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus/metabolismo , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Circunferência da Cintura , Relação Cintura-QuadrilRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Newborn screening for hemoglobinopathy in Brazil has been decentralized until 2001 when the Health Ministry of Brazil established the National Newborn Hemoglobinopathy Screening Program. The State of Rio de Janeiro started a program in collaboration with the State Health Department and the Institute of Hematology in Rio (HEMORIO). The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the first 10 years of the Newborn Hemoglobinopathy Screening Program in identifying and managing infants with Sickle cell disease (SCD) in the State of Rio de Janeiro. PROCEDURE: Blood samples from 1,217,833 neonates were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Infants with SCD were enrolled in comprehensive treatment programs. RESULTS: Data showed that 4.87% of the newborns were heterozygous for a hemoglobin variant, 0.08% were homozygous or doubly heterozygous for abnormal hemoglobins and 95.02% had normal hemoglobin. All the 912 newborns with SCD were referred for treatment at HEMORIO, 34 (3.7%) of these died due to acute chest syndrome, sepsis or splenic sequestration. Four more children died of unknown causes. The implementation of the Rio de Janeiro Newborn Screening Program gradually increased the area of the State covered by the program. CONCLUSION: Data collected during the 10 years of the program showed reduction in mortality of patients with SCD in comparison to available historical statistical data before the implementation of the national screening program. This 10-year study showed that early diagnosis and treatment of newborns was associated with improved survival and quality of life of Brazilian children with SCD.
Hemoglobinopatias/diagnóstico , Triagem Neonatal/métodos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Feminino , Hemoglobinopatias/epidemiologia , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , MasculinoRESUMO
Atualmente o diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural pode ser realizado com a dosagem de biomarcadores diagnósticos no líquido pleural, especificamente com a dosagem da enzima adenosina desaminase. Os quadros clínico, laboratorial, imagem e citopatologia sugestivos sempre devem ser valorizados no conjunto do diagnóstico. Tal abordagem elege somente o procedimento de toracocentese como necessário para início do diagnóstico. Na maioria das apresentações clínicas, procedimentos cirúrgicos mais invasivos (biopsias pleurais), com complicações potencialmente fatais, não precisam ser realizados para exame histopatológico
Currently the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis can be performed with the dosage of diagnostic biomarkers in pleural fluid, specifically the enzyme adenosine deaminase. The clinical, imaging and cytology suggestive should always be valued in the set of diagnosis together laboratory measurements. This approach selects only a thoracentesis procedure for early diagnosis. In most clinical presentations, more invasive surgical procedures (pleural biopsies) with life-threatening complications for histopathological examination
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico , Derrame Pleural/enzimologia , Biomarcadores/análise , Adenosina Desaminase/análise , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Ensaios Enzimáticos Clínicos/métodos , Interferon gama/análise , Paracentese/métodos , Tuberculose Pleural/diagnósticoRESUMO
Os estados hiperglicêmicos e hipoglicêmicos agudos são exemplos das mais comuns emergências médicas com que nos deparamos no campo das alterações do metabolismo. Os estados hiperglicêmicos agudos compreendem a cetoacidose diabética e o coma hiperosmolar hiperglicêmico não cetótico. Neste artigo, analisamos essas condições hiperglicêmicas, que representam um desafio para o clínico e o médico generalista que trabalham no terreno nas emergências médicas
The acute hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic situations are examples of the most common medical emergencies that we face in the field of metabolic disorders. The acute hyperglycemic situations include diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic coma hyperosmolar nonketotic. In this article, we analyze these two hyperglycemic conditions that represent a challenge to the clinician and general practitioner working in the field in medical emergencies
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Complicações do Diabetes/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus/metabolismo , Cetoacidose Diabética/complicações , Cetoacidose Diabética/fisiopatologia , Cetoacidose Diabética/terapia , Coma Diabético/complicações , Glicemia/análise , Hidratação , Hiperglicemia/terapia , Hipoglicemia/terapia , Insulinoma/complicaçõesRESUMO
AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic value of pleural adenosine deaminase (P-ADA) as a pleural TB-specific biomarker in lymphocytic pleural effusions. MATERIALS & METHODS: Pleural effusions were classified on the basis of definitive diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 218 patients (122 tuberculous and 96 nontuberculous) were included in the study. The optimal cut-off value of P-ADA (receiver operating characteristic curve) for the diagnosis of pleural TB was 40.0 U/l (Giusti method). In lymphocytic pleural effusions P-ADA had a sensitivity of 80.3%, a specificity of 96.0% and an accuracy of 86.2%. The positive predictive value was 97.0% and the negative predictive value was 75.0%. The positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio were 19.8 and 0.2, respectively (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: P-ADA activity is recommended for the diagnosis of TB in lymphocytic pleural effusions.
Adenosina Desaminase/análise , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Pleural/diagnóstico , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Biomarcadores/análise , Criança , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Adulto JovemRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of maternal protein malnutrition during lactation on the elastic fibers in the tracheas of Wistar rat pups. METHODS: At delivery, 12 male pups of two Wistar rat dams were equally divided into two groups: control, in which the dam received water and standard rat chow ad libitum during lactation; and protein-restricted (PR), in which the dam received water ad libitum and an isoenergetic PR diet (8% protein). At 21 days of age, the pups were killed and their tracheas were excised. The elastic fibers were stained with Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin (after oxidation) and evaluated under light microscopy. Morphometric determinations were performed by stereology, with the point-counting method, and expressed as volumetric densities. RESULTS: Elastic fibers, most having a longitudinal distribution, were identified beneath the tracheal mucosa. In addition, well-defined circular layers of elastic fibers were found around the inner and outer surfaces of the cartilaginous ring. There were no differences between the groups regarding the organization and distribution of the elastic fibers. The volumetric density of the elastic fibers of the pups in the control and PR groups was 2.46 ± 0.99% and 3.25 ± 1.13%, respectively (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The volumetric density of elastic fibers appears to be greater in rat pups breastfed by dams receiving a PR diet than in those breastfed by dams receiving a normal diet.
Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/efeitos adversos , Tecido Elástico/anatomia & histologia , Matriz Extracelular/patologia , Lactação , Desnutrição/complicações , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Materna , Traqueia/patologia , Animais , Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/métodos , Matriz Extracelular/fisiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Desnutrição/patologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Materna/fisiologia , Ratos , Ratos WistarRESUMO
OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da desnutrição proteica materna durante a lactação sobre as fibras elásticas da traqueia de filhotes de ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Ao nascimento, 12 filhotes machos de duas ratas Wistar foram igualmente divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle, cuja mãe recebeu água e dieta padrão de laboratório ad libitum durante a lactação, e grupo restrição proteica (RP), cuja mãe recebeu água ad libitum e dieta isoenergética com RP (8% de proteína). Aos 21 dias de vida, os filhotes foram sacrificados, e suas traqueias foram ressecadas. As fibras elásticas foram coradas pelo método de resorcina-fucsina de Weigert (precedido de oxidação) e avaliadas sob microscopia óptica. As determinações morfométricas foram feitas por estereologia, utilizando o método de contagem de pontos, e expressas em densidade volumétrica. RESULTADOS: As fibras elásticas foram identificadas abaixo da mucosa traqueal, sendo a maioria em distribuição longitudinal. Além disso, camadas circulares bem definidas de fibras elásticas envolviam as superfícies interna e externa do anel cartilaginoso. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto à organização e distribuição das fibras elásticas. A densidade volumétrica das fibras elásticas dos filhotes nos grupos controle e RP foi de, respectivamente, 2,46 ± 0,99% e 3,25 ± 1,13% (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados sugerem que a densidade volumétrica de fibras elásticas é maior em filhotes de ratos alimentados por fêmeas submetidas a dieta com RP do que naqueles de mães recebendo dieta normal.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of maternal protein malnutrition during lactation on the elastic fibers in the tracheas of Wistar rat pups. METHODS: At delivery, 12 male pups of two Wistar rat dams were equally divided into two groups: control, in which the dam received water and standard rat chow ad libitum during lactation; and protein-restricted (PR), in which the dam received water ad libitum and an isoenergetic PR diet (8% protein). At 21 days of age, the pups were killed and their tracheas were excised. The elastic fibers were stained with Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin (after oxidation) and evaluated under light microscopy. Morphometric determinations were performed by stereology, with the point-counting method, and expressed as volumetric densities. RESULTS: Elastic fibers, most having a longitudinal distribution, were identified beneath the tracheal mucosa. In addition, well-defined circular layers of elastic fibers were found around the inner and outer surfaces of the cartilaginous ring. There were no differences between the groups regarding the organization and distribution of the elastic fibers. The volumetric density of the elastic fibers of the pups in the control and PR groups was 2.46 ± 0.99% and 3.25 ± 1.13%, respectively (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The volumetric density of elastic fibers appears to be greater in rat pups breastfed by dams receiving a PR diet than in those breastfed by dams receiving a normal diet.
Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Ratos , Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/efeitos adversos , Tecido Elástico/anatomia & histologia , Matriz Extracelular/patologia , Lactação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Materna , Desnutrição/complicações , Traqueia/patologia , Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/métodos , Matriz Extracelular/fisiologia , Desnutrição/patologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Materna/fisiologia , Ratos WistarRESUMO
AIM: To evaluate ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) using the dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) in patients with asymmetric primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and asymmetric intra-ocular pressure (IOP). METHODS: The participants consisted of 48 patients (96 eyes) with asymmetric POAG. Three measurements of IOP and OPA were taken using DCT. The diagnosis of asymmetry required a difference of glaucomatous visual field loss greater than 6 dB in the global index MD and a difference of 5 mmHg in IOP measured by Goldmann tonometry between the more affected and the contra-lateral eye. All participants underwent full ophthalmologic clinical assessment including ultrasonic pachymetry and biometric measurements. Exclusion criteria were corneal diseases or scars, topical or systemic glaucomatous medications, and previous ocular surgery. RESULTS: No difference (p = 0.142) was found between the axial length measurements of the better eyes group (22.95 ± 0.91 mm) and worse eyes group (22.85 ± 0.97 mm). There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.011) between the central corneal thickness values of the better eyes group (537.08 ± 29.54 µm) and worse eyes group (534.40 ± 29.87 µm). The OPA values of the better eyes group (3.32 ± 1.14 mmHg) were significantly lower (p = 0.001) than those obtained in the worse eyes group (3.83 ± 1.27 mmHg). When correcting the OPA readings by the IOP there was no statistical difference between groups (p = 0.996). CONCLUSION: Higher OPA values were found in eyes with higher IOP levels and advanced glaucoma's lesions in asymmetric hypertensive POAG patients. However, after the OPA correction by the IOP levels there was no more statistical difference between eyes.
Pressão Sanguínea/fisiologia , Glaucoma de Ângulo Aberto/fisiopatologia , Pressão Intraocular/fisiologia , Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional/fisiologia , Tonometria Ocular/instrumentação , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Hipertensão Ocular/fisiopatologia , Fatores de Risco , Campos Visuais/fisiologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate the short-term effect of a single intravitreal injection of commercially available ketorolac tromethamine (KT) in eyes with diabetic macular edema refractory to laser photocoagulation. METHODS: Prospective interventional case series. Twenty five patients with diabetic macular edema refractory to laser photocoagulation received a single intravitreal injection of commercially available KT (Toradol®), in a dose of 3000 µg. Examination included assessment of ETDRS-best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), measurement of intraocular pressure and high resolution imaging by optical coherence tomography, preoperatively and 7, 15, and 30 days postoperatively. RESULTS: In the follow up visits at 7, 15 and 30 days, BCVA had improved five or more letters in 20% (95% confidence interval, 7.7-38.9%), 16% (95% confidence interval, 5.3-34.2%) and 28% (95% confidence interval, 13.2-47.7%) respectively. An improvement in macular thickness was also observed, although it has not been statistically significant. CONCLUSION: This pilot study showed that a single intravitreal injection of 3000 µg of commercial KT led to a short-term improvement of visual acuity in approximately 30% of eyes with diabetic macular edema refractory to laser photocoagulation.
Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Retinopatia Diabética/tratamento farmacológico , Cetorolaco de Trometamina/administração & dosagem , Fotocoagulação a Laser , Edema Macular/tratamento farmacológico , Retinopatia Diabética/cirurgia , Humanos , Pressão Intraocular/efeitos dos fármacos , Injeções Intravítreas , Edema Macular/cirurgia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Projetos Piloto , Estudos Prospectivos , Recidiva , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Tonometria Ocular , Acuidade Visual/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
The extracellular matrix is a key element in the tracheal morphology and physiology, both in normal and pathological states, yet little is known regarding its composition and organization. Herein we carried out a detailed study of the morphological organization and volumetric density of elastic system fibers in the trachea of Wistar rats. Six Wistar rats at the age of 45 days were used. The trachea was excised following anesthesia with Thiopental and perfusion through the left ventricle with buffered saline followed by formalin solution. Samples were fixed in formaline, embedded in paraffin, and histologically processed. The elastic system fibers were evaluated at light microscopy by using Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin technique after oxidation with oxone. Morphometric studies were performed by the point-counting method. Quantities were expressed ( percent, mean) as volumetric densities and were determined on 25 random fields for each animal. Elastic system fibers were identified beneath the tracheal mucosa showing mainly a longitudinal profile. There were also some bundles of oblique fibers in this region, forming an irregular network of elastic tissue. Close to the inner surface of the cartilaginous ring, a well defined circular layer is present. The volumetric density of the elastic system fibers in the trachea of Wistar rats is 2.46 +/- 0.99 percent. The data in the present study provides original information regarding the elastic system fibers of the rat trachea, which might be used as a model for studying human major airway morphology. The results reported herein provide the basis for continuous investigations on tracheal extracellular matrix by stereology.
La matriz extracelular es un elemento clave en la morfología y fisiología de la tráquea, tanto en estados normales como patológicos. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de su composición y organización. Se llevó a cabo un estudio detallado de la organización morfológica y la densidad volumétrica de fibras del sistema elástico en la tráquea de ratas Wistar. Se utilizaron seis ratas Wistar edad de 45 días de vida. La tráquea fue extraída después de anestesia con tiopental y la perfusión a través del ventrículo izquierdo con solución salina tamponada seguido de solución de formalina. Las muestras fueron fijadas en formalina e incluidas en parafina y se procesaron histológicamente. Las fibras del sistema elástico fueron evaluadas en microscopía de luz utilizando la técnica de Weigert, resorcina-fucsina después de la oxidación con Oxone. Los estudios morfométricos fueron realizados por el método de conteo de puntos. Las cantidades se expresaron ( por ciento, media) como la densidad volumétrica y se determinaron en 25 campos al azar para cada animal. Las fibras elásticas del sistema fueron identificadas por bajo la mucosa traqueal que muestra principalmente un perfil longitudinal. También se encontraron algunos haces de fibras oblicuas en esta región, formando una red irregular de tejido elástico. Cerca de la superficie interna del anillo cartilaginoso, una capa bien definida circular está presente. La densidad volumétrica de las fibras del sistema elástico en la tráquea de ratas Wistar fue de 2,46 +/- 0,99 por ciento. Los datos del presente estudio proporcionan información inicial sobre las fibras del sistema elástico de la tráquea de rata, que puede ser utilizado como un modelo para el estudio de la morfología de las vías respiratorias humanas. Los resultados reportados en este documento constituyen la base de investigaciones continuas en la tráquea de la matriz extracelular por estereología.
Adulto , Ratos , Traqueia/anatomia & histologia , Traqueia/embriologia , Traqueia/inervação , Traqueia/irrigação sanguínea , Traqueia , Traqueia/ultraestrutura , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto/métodos , Ratos Wistar/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a single dose of intravitreous injection of ketorolac tromethamine (500 µg/0.1 ml) in patients with diabetic macular edema refractory to retinal photocoagulation. METHODS: Prospective study. Twenty patients with bilateral diabetic macular edema and ETDRS best-corrected visual acuity between 20/50 and 20/200 were selected. Patients who had other ocular diseases or previous eye surgery were excluded. Preservative-free ketorolac tromethamine was injected intravitreally (500 µg in 0.1 ml) in 20 eyes; fellow eyes served as controls. Ophthalmic examinations included ETDRS best-corrected visual acuity, measurement of intraocular pressure and optical coherence tomography. The examinations were performed preoperatively, 1 week and 1 month postoperatively. RESULTS: A statistically significant increase in visual acuity over time in the treated eye compared with the fellow eye was noted (p=0.039). There were no statistically significant differences in the assessment of intraocular pressure (p=0.99), foveal thickness (p=0.86) and macular volume (p=0.23) during the period. CONCLUSION: Patients with diabetic macular edema refractory to photocoagulation showed improvement in visual acuity over a one month period with a statistically significant difference when compared with the control eye. There were no statistically significant differences in intraocular pressure, foveolar thickness and macular volume between the treated and control eyes.