Severe asthma is an entity with a complex diagnosis, requiring an adequate differential diagnosis and identification of endotypes for a correct approach and therapeutic process. In the present review, we show a synthesis of the current literature on the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and management of severe asthma, having critically analyzed the evidence in search engines such as Medline, Scopus, and Embase.
El asma grave es una enfermedad compleja, que requiere un enfoque y diagnóstico diferencial ordenado e identificación de endotipos para el correcto abordaje y tratamiento. El tratamiento farmacológico cuenta cada vez con más moléculas a disposición del personal médico para el control efectivo de los síntomas. Esta revisión muestra una síntesis de la bibliografía actual acerca del diagnóstico, fisiopatología y tratamiento del asma grave, mediante la lectura crítica previa de la evidencia científica en buscadores como Medline, Scopus y Embase.
Asma , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Humanos , Asma/diagnóstico , Asma/terapia , Asma/fisiopatologia , Antiasmáticos/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Objective: To determine whether there is an association between subclinical hypothyroidism and glycemic control in older adults who received care at the "Centro Médico Naval" from 2010 to 2015. Methods: This retrospective analytical study analyzed a secondary database of the care of elderly in the study hospital. The sample was comprised of 1,385 older adults. To detect an association between variables, the Poisson regression with robust variance was used at a significance level of 95%. The analyses were carried out with the STATA 16 program. Results: Of the elderly 45.6% were between 71 and 80 years old; 58.4% were women and 43.8% had a normal body mass index. There was evidence of inadequate glycemic control in 8.1% and subclinical hypothyroidism in 15.2% of the elderly patients. Subclinical hypothyroidism was more frequent in the inadequate glycemic control vs. adequate glycemic control populations (41.1% vs. 13.0%). In the multivariance analysis, subclinical hypothyroidism (aPR = 2.22 95% CI [1.47-3.36]) was independent factor associated with inadequate glycemic control (p < 0.001). Conclusions: A significant association was detected between subclinical hypothyroidism and inadequate glycemic control in older adults who presented at the "Centro Médico Naval" from 2010 to 2015.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of frailty and activities of daily living (ADL) disability may be higher in high-altitude Andean regions, due to chronic hypoxia, malnutrition, and physical challenges. and their association is relevant. This study aimed to evaluate the association between frailty and ADL disability among older adults residing in the Totos district in Peru during the year 2022. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Totos district (mean altitude: 3286 m above sea level), located in Ayacucho, Peru, during 2022. A complete census was employed including residents aged 60 and above. The exposure variable was frailty, defined by fulfilling 3 or more criteria of the Fried phenotype. The outcome variable was ADL disability, defined as a score below 95 on the Barthel index. Generalized linear models with a Poisson family, logarithmic link function, and robust variances were employed to estimate crude prevalence ratios and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs), along with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: We evaluated 272 older adults with a mean age of 74 years, of whom 59.9% were female, 62.1% were cohabiting or married and 83.1% had not completed primary education. We found that 19.5% were frail, while 51.1% had ADL disability. In the adjusted regression model, we found frailty increased the prevalence of ADL disability (aPR = 1.77; 95%CI: 1.44-2.16; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Frailty was associated with an increased prevalence of ADL disability. These findings could contribute to establishing government intervention plans to manage disability and frailty within the high-risk group comprising older adults living at high altitudes.
Atividades Cotidianas , Altitude , Idoso Fragilizado , Fragilidade , Humanos , Peru/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Fragilidade/epidemiologia , Fragilidade/diagnóstico , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Prevalência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pessoas com Deficiência , Avaliação Geriátrica/métodos , Avaliação da DeficiênciaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Gait speed is associated with a higher prevalence of balance disorders in older adults residing at high altitudes. This study investigated this association in older adults from 12 high-altitude Andean Peruvian communities. METHODS: We performed a secondary data analysis from an analytical cross-sectional study of adults >60 years of age, residing in 12 high-altitude Andean Peruvian communities, enrolled between 2013 and 2019. The exposure and outcome variables were gait speed (categorized in tertiles), and balance disorders (defined as a functional reach value of ≤20.32 cm), respectively. We built generalized linear models of the Poisson family with a logarithmic link function and robust variances, and estimated crude prevalence ratios (cPR) and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: We analyzed 418 older adults; 38.8% (n=162) were male, and the mean age was 73.2±6.9 years. The mean gait speed and functional reach were 0.66±0.24 m/s and 19.9±6.48 cm, respectively. In the adjusted regression model, the intermediate (aPR=1.88; 95% CI, 1.39-2.55; p<0.001) and low (aPR=2.04; 95% CI, 1.51-2.76; p<0.001) tertiles of gait speed were associated with a higher prevalence of balance disorders. CONCLUSION: The intermediate and low tertiles of gait speed were associated with a higher prevalence of balance disorders among older adult residents of 12 high-altitude Andean communities. We recommend further research on the behavior of this association to propose interventions for these vulnerable groups and reduce the impact of geriatric conditions.
Altitude , Equilíbrio Postural , Velocidade de Caminhada , Humanos , Masculino , Peru/epidemiologia , Idoso , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Prevalência , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Avaliação GeriátricaRESUMO
RESUMEN Se estima que la depresión afecta a unos 280 millones de personas a nivel mundial. Entre los factores vinculados con esta condición clínica, se encuentran las relaciones interpersonales, la calidad de vida, la pérdida de autonomía y otros. En épocas recientes, el fútbol profesional ha venido ocupando un lugar cada vez más importante en el desenvolvimiento de la vida pública y social de la población, fenómeno que impone altas expectativas en la conducta y acciones de los deportistas: el fútbol ha pasado a ser así una profesión con muchas exigencias y presiones constantes, dando lugar a que la calidad de vida de sus practicantes en el Perú se pueda ver afectada. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre calidad de vida y depresión en deportistas de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol (FPF) en el período 2019-2020. Materiales y métodos: Diseño de tipo observacional, analítico y retrospectivo. Se trata de un análisis secundario del estudio «Diagnóstico situacional de salud física, mental, nutricional y social de futbolistas¼, en el que se incluye a los deportistas inscritos en todas las categorías de la Primera División de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol. Resultados: De un total de 168 participantes, el 54,8 % (n = 92) muestra una calidad de vida descrita como «pobre¼ y el 17,3 % (n = 29) evidencia síntomas depresivos según la escala CESD-7. En el análisis bivariado, el 21,7 % (n = 20) de deportistas con síntomas depresivos reportó tener baja calidad de vida. Con la regresión de Poisson se encontró que deportistas con síntomas depresivos tenían un deterioro 1,42 veces mayor en su calidad de vida (IC 95 %: 1,05-1,93). Conclusiones: La calidad de vida de una proporción de futbolistas profesionales en el Perú parece estar afectada por manifestaciones depresivas demostrables.
ABSTRACT Currently, depression is estimated to affect 280 million people worldwide. Depression is related to a variety of factors such as interpersonal relationships, quality of life, loss of autonomy, and others. In recent years, football (or soccer) has gained a prominent position in the social life of the Peruvian population, leading to high expectations about the life and behavior of its athletes. Soccer has, thus, turned into a profession with numerous demands and constant pressures, which has impacted negatively the quality of life of Peruvian players. Objective: To determine the association between quality of life and depression in athletes of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) in the period 2019-2020. Methods: An observational, analytical, and retrospective design type of study, this is a secondary analysis of the "Situational Diagnosis of Physical, Mental, Nutritional, and Social Health of Soccer Players" project. It focused on athletes registered in all categories of the first Division of the Peruvian Football Federation. Results: Of a total of 168 participants, 54.8% (n=92) reported an inadequate quality of life, and 17.3% (n=29) had depressive symptoms according to the CESD-7 scale. In the bivariate analysis, 21.7% (n=20) of athletes with depressive symptoms reported a low quality of life. With the Poisson regression, it was found that athletes with depressive symptoms had 1,42 times more deterioration in their quality of life (95% CI 1,05-1,93). Conclusions: The quality of life of a proportion of professional soccer players in Perú, appears to be affected by demonstrable depressive manifestations.
INTRODUCTION: Sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity (SO) have emerged as significant contributors to negative health outcomes in the past decade. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of probable sarcopenia, sarcopenia, and SO in a community-dwelling population of 1151 adults aged ≥55 years in Lima, Peru. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted between 2018 and 2020. Sarcopenia was defined as the presence of low muscle strength (LMS) and low muscle mass (LMM) according to European (EWGSOP2), US (FNIH) and Asian (AWGS2) guidelines. We measured muscle strength by maximum handgrip strength and muscle mass using bioelectrical impedance analyzer. SO was defined as a body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2 and sarcopenia. RESULTS: The study participants had a mean age of 66.2 years (SD 7.1), age range between 60 to 92 years old, of which 621 (53.9%) were men. Among the sample, 41.7% were classified as obese (BMI ≥30.0 kg/m²). The prevalence of probable sarcopenia was estimated to be 22.7% (95%CI: 20.3-25.1) using the EWGSOP2 criteria and 27.8% (95%CI: 25.2-30.4) using the AWGS2 criteria. Sarcopenia prevalence, assessed using skeletal muscle index (SMI), was 5.7% (95%CI: 4.4-7.1) according to EWGSOP2 and 8.3% (95%CI: 6.7-9.9) using AWGS2 criteria. The prevalence of sarcopenia based on the FNIH criteria was 18.1% (95%CI: 15.8-20.3). The prevalence of SO, considering different sarcopenia definitions, ranged from 0.8% (95%CI: 0.3-1.3) to 5.0% (95%CI: 3.8-6.3). CONCLUSION: Our findings reveal substantial variation in the prevalence of sarcopenia and SO, underscoring the necessity for context-specific cut-off values. Although the prevalence of SO was relatively low, this result may be underestimated. Furthermore, the consistently high proportion of probable sarcopenia and sarcopenia point to a substantial public health burden.
Sarcopenia , Adulto , Masculino , Humanos , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Sarcopenia/epidemiologia , Vida Independente , Estudos Transversais , Peru/epidemiologia , Força da Mão/fisiologia , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/epidemiologia , PrevalênciaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia is a musculoskeletal disease involving the reduction of muscle mass, strength, and performance. Handgrip strength (HGS) measurements included in frailty assessments are great biomarkers of aging and are related to functional deficits. We assessed the association between potential influencing factors and HGS asymmetry in older Peruvian adults. METHODS: We used a database of the Peruvian Naval Medical Center "Cirujano Santiago Távara" located in Callao, Peru. All the patients included were ≥60 years old and had an HGS measurement in the dominant and non-dominant hand. RESULTS: From a total of 1,468 patients, 74.66% had HGS asymmetry. After adjustment, calf circumference weakness (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR]=1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01-1.15), falls risk (aPR = 1.08; 95% CI, 1.02-1.16), and an altered Lawton index (aPR=0.92; 95% CI, 0.84-0.99) were associated with HGS asymmetry. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that HGS asymmetry should be measured along with other geriatric assessments used to evaluate health outcomes in the elderly to enhance health promotion and prevention aimed at preserving muscle strength to curb functional limitations in the elderly.
Avaliação Geriátrica , Força da Mão , Sarcopenia , Humanos , Força da Mão/fisiologia , Idoso , Masculino , Peru/epidemiologia , Feminino , Avaliação Geriátrica/métodos , Sarcopenia/epidemiologia , Sarcopenia/fisiopatologia , Sarcopenia/diagnóstico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Acidentes por Quedas/prevenção & controle , Acidentes por Quedas/estatística & dados numéricos , Fragilidade/epidemiologia , Fragilidade/fisiopatologia , Fragilidade/diagnóstico , Debilidade Muscular/epidemiologia , Debilidade Muscular/fisiopatologia , Debilidade Muscular/diagnósticoRESUMO
The possible role of radical species in the formation of the long-lived triplet states observed for 2-thiocytosine upon UV irradiation was theoretically investigated. It is predicted that the radical fragments arising from the homolytic rupture of the NH group of the thiobase can be yielded upon ultraviolet-A radiation. Recombination of the radicals through the most favorable singlet channel yields the lowest-lying tautomer of the 2-thiocytosine (the amino-thiol form) through a barrierless pathway. The rebounding of the radical fragments along the triplet channels that emerge from the attack of the hydrogen to the nitrogen atoms next to the C-S bond leads to stable structures for the amino-thion-N1H and amino-thion-N3H tautomers. These results allow for the rationalization of the near-unity triplet yields observed when this pure light-atom organic molecule is exposed to UV irradiation, without invoking intersystem crossings between the electronic states of different spin-multiplicities. A similar study for cytosine showed that the energy required to induce the homolytic breaking of the N-H bond of the nucleobase is not attainable under UVA radiation. This result is consistent with the experimental fact that no triplet states are observed when this molecule is exposed to that light.
Introducción: En el Perú la COVID-19 es un tema de interés para la salud pública ya que impacta negativamente a nivel social, económico y psicológico. Según la OMS reportó 769 369 823 casos confirmados de COVID-19 y hasta Agosto del 2023 se han inoculado un total de 13 492 225 267 dosis de vacunas. Objetivo: Determinar si existe asociación entre el conocimiento sobre COVID-19 y la actitud ante la vacunación en los estudiantes de la "Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud" de la "Universidad Científica del Sur" Lima-Perú. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional - analítico- transversal, que buscó analizar el conocimiento sobre COVID-19, utilizando un cuestionario diseñado por investigadores Ortega Paredes y col. y actitudes ante la vacunación utilizando la escala de la revista por Abdul Mannan y col. Los datos fueron analizados en el programa OpenEpi versión 3. Resultados: Fueron encuestado 576 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud, el 20,49 % fueron del sexo masculino, el promedio de edad fue 21,3 con una desviación estándar de 5,93 años. En relación con la variable conocimiento sobre COVID-19, solo 4,17 % tuvieron conocimientos escasos. Se evaluó mediante una escala con 15 preguntas con un puntaje máximo de 24. En promedio, el puntaje de actitud ante la vacunación fue de 3,80 con una desviación estándar de 1,66. Se evaluó mediante una escala de 9 preguntas, el puntaje de la escala osciló entre 0 lo cual significa una actitud totalmente negativa y 9 significa una actitud totalmente positiva. Discusión: En conclusión en un modelo ajustado por variables sociodemográficas y conocimientos sobre terapias no probadas sobre COVID-19 encontramos que un conocimiento adecuado sobre la enfermedad, se asocia con promedios más altos del puntaje de actitudes ante la vacunación por lo cual consideramos importante impartir adecuados conocimientos sobre el COVID-19 para fomentar mejores actitudes ante la vacunación de esta enfermedad, que continuará siendo una infección respiratoria en la cual los médicos debemos tomar en cuenta.
Introduction: In Peru, COVID-19 is a topic of interest for public health since it negatively impacts at a social, economic and psychological level. According to the WHO, 769 369 823 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported and up to August 2023 there have been inoculated a total of 13.492.225.267 doses of vaccines. Objective: To determine if there is an association between knowledge about COVID-19 and the attitude towards vaccination in students of the "Faculty of Health Sciences" of the "Universidad Científica del Sur", Lima-Perú. Methods: An observational-analytical-cross-sectional study was carried out, which sought to analyze knowledge about COVID-19, using a questionnaire designed by the researchers Ortega Paredes et al. and attitudes towards vaccination using the magazine scale by Abdul Mannan et al. The data was analyzed in the OpenEpi version 3 program. Results: 576 health sciences students were surveyed, 20,49% were male, the average age was 21,3 with a standard deviation of 5,93 years. In relation to the knowledge variable about COVID-19, only 4,17% had little knowledge. It was evaluated using a scale with 15 questions with a maximum score of 24. On average, the attitude score towards vaccination was 3,80 with a standard deviation of 1,66. It was evaluated using a nine-question scale, the scale score ranged from 0, which means a totally negative attitude, and nine, meaning a totally positive attitude. Discussion: In conclusion, in a model adjusted for sociodemographic variables and knowledge about unproven therapies on COVID-19, we found that adequate knowledge about the disease is associated with higher average scores for attitudes towards vaccination, for which we consider it important to impart adequate knowledge about COVID-19 to promote better attitudes towards vaccination against this disease, which will continue to be a respiratory infection in which doctors must take into account.
INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread worldwide, becoming a long-term pandemic. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the factors associated with mortality in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital in the Lambayeque region of Peru. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19, hospitalized in a hospital in northern Peru, was conducted from March to September 2020. RESULTS: Of the 297 patients studied, 69% were women, the mean age was 63.99 years (SD = ±15.33 years). Hypertension was the most frequent comorbidity (36.67%), followed by diabetes mellitus (24.67%) and obesity (8.33%). The probability of survival at 3 days of ICU stay was 65.3%, at 7 days 24.2%, and 0% on day 14. Risk factors associated with mortality in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 are age, male sex, tachypnea, low systolic blood pressure, low peripheral oxygen saturation, impaired renal function, elevated IL-6 and elevated D-dimer. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 was 51.18 per 100 persons, Mortality was found to be associated with hypertension, type of infiltrating, and sepsis.
COVID-19 , Hipertensão , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , COVID-19/epidemiologia , SARS-CoV-2 , Centros de Atenção Terciária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pandemias , Peru/epidemiologia , Hospitalização , Fatores de Risco , Hipertensão/epidemiologia , Mortalidade HospitalarRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 related mortality is about 2%, and it increases with comorbidities, like hypertension. Regarding management, there is debatable evidence about the benefits of continuation vs. discontinuation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ACEI/ARB). AIM: We performed a systematic review to assess the effects and safety of in-hospital discontinuation compared to continuation of ACEI/ARB in COVID-19 patients. METHODS: We systematically searched on PubMed, Scopus, and EMBASE from inception to June 19, 2021. We included observational studies and trials that compared the effects and safety of continuing ACEI/ARB compared to discontinuing it in COVID-19 patients. Effects sizes for dichotomous variables were expressed as risk ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals. For continuous variables, effects were expressed as mean difference (MD). We used random effect models with the inverse variance method. We assessed certainty of evidence using the GRADE approach. RESULTS: We included three open-label randomized controlled trials and five cohort studies. We found that the continuation group had lower risk of death compared with the discontinuation group only in the cohort group (RR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.24-0.90), but not in the RCT group (RR: 1.22, 95% CI: 0.75-2.00). The ICU admission rate was significantly lower in the continuation group (RR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.31-0.68) in the cohort group, but not in RCT group (RR: 1.03, 95% CI: 0.67-1.59). We did not find significant differences between groups regarding hospitalization length, hypotension, AKI needing renal replacement therapy, mechanical ventilation, new or worsening heart failure, myocarditis, renal replacement therapy, arrhythmias, thromboembolic events and SOFA AUC. The GRADE approach revealed that the certainty ranged from moderate to high level. CONCLUSIONS: There is no significant difference in mortality and other outcomes between continuation and discontinuation groups.
COVID-19 , Hipertensão , Humanos , Anti-Hipertensivos/efeitos adversos , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/efeitos adversos , Antagonistas de Receptores de Angiotensina/efeitos adversos , Hipertensão/diagnóstico , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológicoRESUMO
Introducción: Los adultos mayores son suscepctibles a la malnutrición y el déficit de vitaminas. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el bajo nivel de vitamina B12 y el deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores del centro médico naval, ubicado en Lima-Perú, en el periodo 2010-2015. Métodos : Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico, a partir de un análisis secundario de la base de datos Texas-Cemena UTMB 2010-2015 del centro de investigación del envejecimiento (CIEN) de la Universidad De San Martín De Porres. Para la cuantificación de la variable de deterioro cognitivo se utilizó el MiniMental test. Para analizar la asociación, se realizó la prueba de chi cuadrado y la regresión de Poisson. Resultados : El 57,6% de los pacientes fueron de sexo masculino y la edad promedio fue de 78 ± 8,4. El 41,2% presentó deterioro cognitivo y el 9,5% de los pacientes presentó déficit de vitamina b12. Los factores independientemente asociados al deterioro cognitivo fueron el antecedente de enfermedad cerebro vascular (RP= 1,38 IC 95% [1,24-1,53]), depresión (RP = 1,88 IC 95% [1,80-1,97]),) y déficit de vitamina B12 (RP = 1,10 ic 95% [1,01-1,20]),). Conclusiones : En el presente estudio se encontró asociación entre un bajo nivel de vitamina B12 y el deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores.
Introduction: Older adults are susceptible to malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. Objective: To determine the association between the low level of vitamin B12 and cognitive deterioration in older adults from the Naval Medical Center, located in Lima-Peru, in the period 2010-2015. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out, based on a secondary analysis of the Texas-Cemena UTMB 2010-2015 database of the center for research on aging (cien) of The University Of San Martín De Porres. To quantify the cognitive impairment variable, the mini mental test was used. To analyze the association, the chi-square test and poisson regression were performed. Results: 57.6% of the patients were male and the mean age was 78 ± 8.4. 41.2% presented cognitive deterioration and 9.5% of the patients presented vitamin B12 deficiency. The factors independently associated with cognitive impairment were a history of cerebrovascular disease (pr= 1.38 95% ci [1.24-1.53]), depression (pr= 1.88 95% ci [1.80-1 .97]) and vitamin B12 deficiency (pr = 1.10 95% ci [1.01-1.20]). Conclusions: In the present study, an association was found between a low level of vitamin B12 and cognitive deterioration in older adults.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la calidad de vida en adultos mayores con insuficiencia orgánica crónica avanzada en un hospital de Lima-Perú. Materiales y métodos: Investigación observacional, analítica transversal, cuya población la conformaron 100 adultos mayores, la técnica de recolección fue la entrevista y el instrumento el cuestionario a través de la aplicación del índice de Barthel y WHOQoL-Bref. Para responder a los objetivos de estudio se aplicaron las pruebas no paramétricas u de Mann Whitney, Kruskal Wallis y Rho de Spearman, considerando la significancia del 5%. Resultados: El (44) 44% de adultos mayores tuvieron más de 80 años, el (59) 59% fueron varones, el (31) 31% estudiaron nivel técnico superior, el (57) 57% fueron titulares en la marina de guerra, el (74) 74% tuvo hipertensión arterial. Los síndromes geriátricos más frecuentes fueron déficit visual o auditivo (82) 82%, insomnio (59) 59%, estreñimiento (52) 52% y malnutrición (47) 47%. El (50) 50% de los adultos mayores presentó dependencia funcional grave. El (63)63% presentó calidad de vida a nivel medio. Los factores epidemiológicos asociados a la baja calidad de vida, fueron la edad mayor a 80 años (p=0,032, RP=1,818), sexo femenino (p=0,009, RP=2,056), el grado de instrucción dado por analfabeto, primaria y secundaria (p=0,025, RP=1,930) y la relación con la marina de guerra como familiar (p=0,022, RP=1,894). Los síndromes geriátricos asociados fueron el insomnio (p=0,034, RP=1,930), el estreñimiento (p=0,000, RP=3,560), la lesión por presión (p=0,000, RP=2,788) y la dependencia funcional grave (p=0,000, RP=4,667). Sin embargo, el análisis multivariado evidenció que el insomnio (p=0,002; RPa=1,166), la lesión por presión (p=0,016; RPa=1,248) y la dependencia grave (p=0,000; RPa=1,207) fueron los factores asociados significativamente a la baja calidad de vida en los adultos mayores. Conclusiones: Los factores insomnio, la lesión por presión y la dependencia grave estuvieron asociados significativamente a la calidad de vida baja en los adultos mayores con insuficiencia orgánica crónica avanzada en un hospital de lima-Perú.
Objective: To determine the factors associated with the quality of life in older adults with advanced chronic organ failure in a hospital in Lima-Peru. Materials and methods: Observational research, cross-sectional analysis, whose population was made up of 100 older adults, the collection technique was the interview and the instrument the questionnaire through the application of the Barthel index and WHOQoL-Bref. To respond to the study objectives, the non-parametric Mann Whitney u, Kruskal Wallis and Spearman's Rho tests were applied, considering the significance of 5%. Results: (44) 44% of older adults were over 80 years old, (59) 59% were men, (31) 31% studied a higher technical level, (57) 57% were incumbents in the navy, (74) 74% had arterial hypertension. The most frequent geriatric syndromes were visual or auditory deficit (82) 82%, insomnia (59) 59%, constipation (52) 52% and malnutrition (47) 47%. The (50) 50% of the older adults presented severe functional dependence. (63) 63% presented quality of life at a medium level. The epidemiological factors associated with low quality of life were age over 80 years (p=0.032, RP=1.818), female sex (p=0.009, RP=2.056), the level of education given by illiterate, primary and secondary school (p=0.025, RP=1.930) and the relationship with the navy as a family member (p=0.022, RP=1.894). Associated geriatric syndromes were insomnia (p=0.034, RP=1.930), constipation (p=0.000, RP=3.560), pressure injury (p=0.000, RP=2.788) and severe functional dependence (p= 0.000, PR=4.667). However, the multivariate analysis showed that insomnia (p=0.002; RPa=1.166), pressure injury (p=0.016; RPa=1.248) and severe dependence (p=0.000; RPa=1.207) were the associated factors. Significantly to the low quality of life in older adults. Conclusions: The factors insomnia, pressure injury and severe dependency were significantly associated with low quality of life in older adults with advanced chronic organ failure in a hospital in Lima-Peru.
Background: Older adults are a particularly vulnerable group to drug use and self-medication. The aim of the study was to evaluate self-medication as a factor associated with the purchase of brand-name and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in older adults in Peru. Methods: A secondary analysis was performed using an analytical cross-sectional design of data from a nationally representative survey from 2014 to 2016. The exposure variable was self-medication, defined as the purchase of medicines without a prescription. The dependent variables were purchases of brand-name and OTC drugs, both as a dichotomous response (yes/no). Information of sociodemographic variables, health insurance, and the types of drugs purchased by the participants was collected. Crude prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated and adjusted using generalized linear models of the Poisson family, considering the complex sample of the survey. Results: In this study, 1,115 respondents were evaluated, with a mean age of 63.8 years and a male proportion of 48.2%. The prevalence of self-medication was 66.6%, while the proportions of purchases of brand-name and OTC drugs were 62.4% and 23.6%, respectively. The adjusted Poisson regression analysis revealed an association between self-medication and the purchase of brand-name drugs (adjusted PR [aPR]=1.09; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01-1.19). Likewise, self-medication was associated with the purchase of OTC medications (aPR=1.97; 95%CI: 1.55-2.51). Conclusions: This study evidenced a high prevalence of self-medication in Peruvian older adults. Two-thirds of the surveyed people bought brand-name drugs, whereas one-quarter bought OTC drugs. Self-medication was associated with a greater likelihood of buying brand-name and OTC drugs.
OBJECTIVE: Determine the frequency of total food allergy, and to Peruvian products, in Human Medicine students. METHODS: A study design is observational, descriptive and retrospective was made. Human medicine students, aged 18-25 from a private Peruvian university were included in a type of snowball sampling via electronic messaging. The sample size was calculated using the OpenEpi v3.0 program and the prevalence formula. RESULTS: We registered 355 students, with a mean age of 20.87 years (SD ± 5.01). A frequency of food allergy was also found in 9.3% of the total participants in terms of native products and common in other countries, the highest percentage are seafood 2.24%, spices and condiments 2.24%, allergy to fruits 1.4%, milk 1.4%, red meat 0.84%. CONCLUSIONS: The frequencies of self-reported food allergy produced was 9.3% by native Peruvian products and commonly consumed nationwide.
OBJECTIVO: Determinar la frecuencia de alergia alimentaria en general, y de productos de consumo común oriundos del Perú, en estudiantes de medicina humana. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo, al que se incluyeron estudiantes de medicina humana de 18-25 años, de una universidad privada del Perú, seleccionados mediante muestreo tipo "bola de nieve" a través de mensajería electrónica. El tamaño de la muestra se calculó con el programa OpenEpi v3.0 y la fórmula de prevalencia. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 355 estudiantes, con edad media de 20.9 años (SD ± 5,01). La frecuencia de alergia alimentaria fue de 9.3% del total de la muestra; y la frecuencia de alergia a productos de consumo común (oriundos del país) reportó: mariscos 2.24%, especias y condimentos 2.24%, frutas 1.4%, leche 1.4% y carnes rojas 0.84%. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una frecuencia de 9.3% de alergia alimentaria autorreportada, producida por productos de consumo común (oriundos del Perú) a nivel nacional.
Hipersensibilidade Alimentar , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Estudos Retrospectivos , Universidades , Difenidramina , FrutasRESUMO
Introducción: La fuerza de prensión débil suele ser un marcador de dependencia funcional y pobre rendimiento físico, sin embargo, esta asociación es controversial en adultos mayores de 80 años. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la fuerza de prensión y la dependencia funcional y rendimiento físico entre adultos mayores de 80 años. Métodos: El presente estudio es de tipo analítico transversal, fue realizado en 147 sujetos pertenecientes a la Marina de Guerra del Perú. Evaluamos la fuerza muscular, el rendimiento físico, la funcionalidad, las medidas antropométricas y la valoración nutricional. Resultados: Encontramos una asociación significativa entre la fuerza de prensión débil y la dependencia para actividades básicas de la vida diaria (ORa: 2,81, IC95%: 1,32 a 10,11), así como el rendimiento físico alterado (ORa: 4,32, IC95%: 1,97 a 9,59), dichas asociaciones fueron independientes de la edad, número de comorbilidades, síndromes geriátricos, hemoglobina, ferritina, glucosa, colesterol total, linfocitos, vitamina b12, triglicéridos, albúmina sérica, puntaje de MMSE, circunferencia de pantorrilla, circunferencia braquial, IMC, grado de instrucción, estado civil, sexo y índice cintura/cadera. Conclusiones: En los participantes mayores de 80 años, tener una fuerza de prensión débil estuvo asociada con tener fuerza muscular débil y pobre rendimiento físico. Nuestros resultados podrían ser útiles para la inclusión de estas medidas dentro de protocolos de atención hacia poblaciones de edad avanzada y alta comorbilidad. Con ello, se busca mejorar la integridad y atención de los pacientes geriátricos.
Introduction: Weak grip strength is a well-known associated factor with disability and physical performance, but this association is controversial in older adults aged 80 years or more. Objective: To determine the association between prehensile strength and functional dependence and physical performance among adults older than 80 years. Methods: This research was an analytical, cross-sectional study, conducted in 147 older adults aged 80 years or more, from Naval Peruvian Service. We included assessments about muscle strength, physical performance, disability, anthropometric variables, and nutritional assessment. Results: We found a significant association between weak grip strength and dependence for basic activities of daily living (aOR: 2.81, 95% CI: 1.32 to 10.11), as well as altered physical performance (aOR: 4.32, 95% CI: 1.97 to 9.59), these associations were independent of age, number of comorbidities, geriatric syndromes, hemoglobin, ferritin, glucose, total cholesterol, lymphocytes, vitamin B12, triglycerides, serum albumin, MMSE score, calf circumference, brachial circumference, BMI, level of education, marital status, sex, and waist/hip ratio. Conclusions: In persons older than 80 years, having weak grip strength was associated with weak muscle strength and poor physical performance. Our results could be useful for the inclusion of these measures within care protocols for elderly and high comorbidity populations. With this, it seeks to improve the integrity and care of geriatric patients.