ABSTRACT Study objectives: To evaluate blood supply in the anal canal, rectal wall and mesorectal fat of men and women, using color Doppler endorectal sonography to establish normal ranges for vascular parameters. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study conducted at a tertiary-care hospital recruited asymptomatic volunteers (≤50 years). Vascularity percentage and index were calculated for defined regions. Results: Vascularity percentage and index were significantly higher in the puborectalis, mid-level external and upper internal anal sphincter compared to the low anal canal; these parameters were higher in men than in women at upper and middle levels of the inner anal canal structures. At mid-level, vascularity was greater in the external compared to the internal anal sphincter in both sexes; however, at the upper level it was greater in the puborectalis compared to the internal anal sphincter in women. Vascularity was greater in the rectal wall compared to the mesorectal fat, with no difference between middle and lower levels. Conclusions: Blood supply is highest at upper levels of the anal canal; however, inner structures are better irrigated in men. Moreover, the rectal wall is better irrigated than the mesorectal fat. Establishing normal ranges may permit future comparisons of the studied structures in disease states as well as the hormonal and age related changes.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar vascularização do canal anal, parede retal e gordura mesorretal em homens e mulheres, usando ultrassonografia endorretal com Doppler colorido para estabelecer parâmetros vasculares de normalidade. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo transversal incluindo voluntários assintomáticos com até 50 anos. Medidos os valores da porcentagem e do índice de vascularização foram calculados para regiões escolhidas. Resultados: Valores da porcentagem e do índice foram significativamente maiores no puborretal, esfíncter externo (canal anal médio) e o esfíncter interno (canal anal superior) comparado ao canal anal inferior; esses parâmetros foram maiores em homens que em mulheres no canal anal médio e alto. No médio, a vascularização foi maior no esfíncter externo comparado ao interno em ambos os sexos; contudo, no canal anal superior, foi maior no puborretal comparado ao esfíncter anal interno em mulheres. A vascularização foi maior na parede retal comparada à gordura mesorretal, sem diferenças entre os níveis. Conclusões: O suprimento sanguíneo é maior nos níveis altos do canal anal. As estruturas internas são mais irrigadas nos homens. A parede retal é mais irrigada que a gordura mesorretal. Os parâmetros vasculares estabelecidos permitirá futuras comparações das estruturas estudadas nos casos de doenças, assim como, alterações que ocorrem com a idade e mudanças hormonais.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Canal Anal/irrigação sanguínea , Reto/irrigação sanguínea , Ultrassonografia Doppler , Canal Anal/diagnóstico por imagem , Reto/diagnóstico por imagem , EndossonografiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study aims to evaluate pubovisceral muscle and anal sphincter defects in women with previous vaginal delivery and fecal incontinence and to correlate the findings with the severity of symptoms using the combined anorectal and endovaginal 3D ultrasonography with a new ultrasound scoring system. METHODS: Consecutive female patients with previous vaginal delivery and fecal incontinence symptoms were screened. Fecal incontinence was assessed with the Cleveland Clinic Florida fecal incontinence scale, and the extent of defects was assessed by an ultrasound score based on results of anorectal and endovaginal 3D ultrasound. Fecal incontinence was assessed with the Cleveland Clinic Florida fecal incontinence scale. RESULTS: Of 84 women with previous vaginal delivery and fecal incontinence, 21 (25%) had intact pubovisceral muscles and anal sphincters; 63 (75%) had a pubovisceral muscle or anal sphincter defect, or both. Twenty-eight (33%) had a pubovisceral muscle defect [23% with an external anal sphincter (EAS) defect or combined EAS/internal anal sphincter defects; 11% with intact anal sphincters]. Thirty-five (42%) had intact pubovisceral muscles and an anal sphincter defect. Compared with women with intact pubovisceral muscles/anal sphincter defects, patients with pubovisceral muscle defects had significantly higher incontinence scores and significantly higher ultrasound scores indicating more extensive defects. Incontinence symptoms correlated positively with the ultrasound score, measurements of sphincter defects, and area of the levator hiatus. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of both pubovisceral muscles and anal sphincters is important to identify defects and determine treatment for women with fecal incontinence after vaginal delivery. The severity of fecal incontinence symptoms is significantly related to the extent of defects of the pubovisceral muscles and anal sphincters.
Canal Anal/diagnóstico por imagem , Parto Obstétrico/efeitos adversos , Incontinência Fecal/etiologia , Imageamento Tridimensional , Músculos/patologia , Reto/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia , Vagina/diagnóstico por imagem , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Canal Anal/patologia , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Diafragma da Pelve/patologia , Prevalência , Adulto JovemRESUMO
A incontinência fecal (IF) afeta até 24% da população feminina e tem um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida. Diferentes categorias de risco para a IF já foram descritas. As mulheres com parto vaginal prévio compõem a maioria dos indivíduos afetados. A avaliação adequada desta condição, incluindo uso de escores de IF e medidas funcionais e anatômicas desempenha um papel fundamental no manejo do paciente. O estudo busca avaliar medidas anatômicas e funcionais do esfíncter anal usando ultrassonografia tridimensional (US-3D) e manometria anorretal (MAR) em mulheres incontinentes com parto vaginal, correlacionar os achados com sintomas de IF eavaliar o efeito do parto vaginal sobre a anatomia e a função do canal anal. Mulheres com sintomas de IF e história de parto vaginal foram avaliadas comteste de incontinência de Wexner, MAR e US-3D. Um grupo controle com nulíparas assintomáticas foi incluído. A pressão de repouso e contração, o ângulo radial do defeito e o comprimento do esfíncter anal externo (EAE), o esfíncter anal interno (EAI) anterior e posterior, o EAE posterior + músculo puborretal (PR) e o gap foram medidos e correlacionados com escores. Das 62mulheres, 49 apresentaram sintomas de IF e 13 eram nulíparas assintomáticas. Vinte e cinco tinham defeitos EAE, em 8 havia defeito combinado EAE e EAI, 16 tinham esfíncteres intactos e os escores de continência foram semelhantes. Indivíduos com defeitos do esfíncter tinham EAE e EAI anterior menores em relação às mulheres sem defeitos...
Faecal incontinence (FI) affects up to 24% of the female population and has a significant impact on quality of life. Different risk categories for the FI have been described. Women with previous vaginal delivery make up the majority of affected individuals. Proper evaluation of this condition, including use of FI scores and functional and anatomical measurements plays a key role in patient management. The study proposes to evaluate anatomical and functional measures of the anal sphincter using three-dimensional ultrasonography (3D US) and anorectal manometry (ARM) in incontinent women with vaginal delivery, to correlate the findings with symptoms of FI and to evaluate the effect of vaginal delivery of anatomy and function of the anal canal. Women with symptoms of FI and vaginal delivery were evaluated with Wexner incontinence score, ARM and 3D US. A control group of asymptomatic nulliparous wasincluded. Resting and contraction pressure, the radial angle of the defect and the length of the external anal sphincter (EAS), the internal anal sphincter (IAS) anterior and posterior, the subsequent EAE + puborectalis muscle (PR) and gap were measured and correlated with scores. Of the 62 women, 49 showed symptoms of FI and 13 were nulliparous asymptomatic. Twenty-five had EAE defects, 8 had combined defect EAS and IAS, 16 had intact sphincters and continence scores were similar. Individuals with sphincter defects had lesser EAS and IAS anterior compared to women without defects...
Humanos , Incontinência Fecal , Ultrassonografia , Canal AnalRESUMO
Purpose: We aimed to correlate the course of the anal fistula tract (T), location of the external opening (EO) and internal opening (IO) in anterior (A) and posterior (P) circumference using 3D-US according to Goodsall's rule. Methods: 151 patients with primary ptoglandular Transsphincteric fistulas were examined with 3D-US and compared with surgical finding. The type of the T (straight or curved), EO and IO were identified and divided into 3 Groups: GI: EO and IO are located in a position; GII: EO and IO are located in P position and GIII: OE and OI are located in the opposite position. The findings were correlated with Goodsall's rule. Results: 74/151(49%) were included in GI, of them, 41 (55%) were male (33/44% had straight tract and 8/11% curved) and 33 (45%) female (15/20%-straight and 18/25%-curved). GII included 68 (45%), of them, 50 (74%) were male (39/57%-straight and 11/15%-curved) and 18 (26%) female (14/20%-straight and 04/8%-curved). GIII = 9 (6%) and all of them had curved tract. The overall concordance between 3D-US and surgical finding was 98% for tract and 96% for IO. Conclusion: The 3D-US findings correlate with the Goodsall's rule in transsphincteric fistulas located in the anterior circumference straight type, in male, while in females the distribution of curved and straight paths is similar. In the posterior circumference no correlation was observed in both the sexes. .
Objetivo: Correlacionar o trajeto (T) da fístula anal, localização do orifício externo (OE) e orifício interno (OI) na hemicircunferência anterior (HCA) e posterior (HCP), utilizando 3D-US, com a lei de Goodsall. Método: 151 pacientes com fístulas transesfinctéricas criptoglangulares foram examinados com US-3D correlacionando com os achados cirúrgicos. Identificou-se o tipo de T (retilíneo ou curvo), OE e OI e distribuiu-se os pacientes em 3 grupos: GI:OE e OI localizados em HCA; GII:OE e OI localizados em HCP e GIII:OE e OI em posiç ões opostas. Os achados foram correlacionados com a lei de Goodsall. Resultados: 74/151(49%) incluídos no GI, destes, 41(55%) homens(33/44% com trajeto retilíneo e 8/11% curvo) e 33(45%) mulheres(15/20%-retilíneo e 18/25%-curvo). No GII incluídos 68(45%), destes, 50(74%) homens(39/57%-retilíneo e 11/15%-curvo) e 18(26%) mulheres(14/20%-retilíneo e 04/8%-curvo). GIII = 9(6%) todos os trajetos curvos. A concordância entre o US-3D e os achados cirúrgicos foi de 98% para trajetos e 96% para o OI. Conclusão: Os achados ultrassonográficos permitiram correlacionar fístulas transesfinctéricas com trajetos retilíneos localizadas na hemicircunferência anterior, em homens, enquanto em mulheres a distribuição dos trajetos em curvo e retilíneo foram similares. Na hemicircunferência posterior não houve correlação em ambos os sexos. .
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate anal sphincter anatomy using three-dimensional ultrasonography (3-DAUS) in incontinent women with vaginal delivery, correlate anatomical findings with symptoms of fecal incontinence and determine the effect of vaginal delivery on anal canal anatomy and function. METHODS: Female with fecal incontinence and vaginal delivery were assessed with Wexner's score, manometry, and 3DAUS. A control group comprising asymptomatic nulliparous was included. Anal pressure, the angle of the defect and length of the external anal sphincter (EAS), the anterior and posterior internal anal sphincter (IAS), the EAS + puborectal and the gap were measured and correlated with score. RESULTS: Of the 62, 49 had fecal incontinence and 13 were asymptomatic. Twenty five had EAS defects, 8 had combined EAS+IAS defects, 16 had intact sphincters and continence scores were similar. Subjects with sphincter defects had a shorter anterior EAS, IAS and longer gap than women without defects. Those with a vaginal delivery and intact sphincters had a shorter anterior EAS and longer gap than nulliparous. We found correlations between resting pressure and anterior EAS and IAS length in patients with defects. CONCLUSIONS: Fecal incontinence symptoms did not correlate with anal pressures and anal sphincter anatomy changes, but women with sphincter defects have shorter anterior EAS and IAS and a longer gap.
Canal Anal/fisiopatologia , Parto Obstétrico/efeitos adversos , Incontinência Fecal/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Idoso , Canal Anal/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Endossonografia , Incontinência Fecal/diagnóstico por imagem , Incontinência Fecal/etiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Manometria , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
Objectives To evaluate anal sphincter anatomy using three-dimensional ultrasonography (3-DAUS) in incontinent women with vaginal delivery, correlate anatomical findings with symptoms of fecal incontinence and determine the effect of vaginal delivery on anal canal anatomy and function. Methods Female with fecal incontinence and vaginal delivery were assessed with Wexner’s score, manometry, and 3DAUS. A control group comprising asymptomatic nulliparous was included. Anal pressure, the angle of the defect and length of the external anal sphincter (EAS), the anterior and posterior internal anal sphincter (IAS), the EAS + puborectal and the gap were measured and correlated with score. Results Of the 62, 49 had fecal incontinence and 13 were asymptomatic. Twenty five had EAS defects, 8 had combined EAS+IAS defects, 16 had intact sphincters and continence scores were similar. Subjects with sphincter defects had a shorter anterior EAS, IAS and longer gap than women without defects. Those with a vaginal delivery and intact sphincters had a shorter anterior EAS and longer gap than nulliparous. We found correlations between resting pressure and anterior EAS and IAS length in patients with defects. Conclusions Avaliar a anatomia do esfíncter anal usando ultra-sonografia tridimensional (3D-US) em mulheres incontinentes com parto vaginal, correlacionar os achados anatômicos com sintomas de incontinência fecal e, determinar o efeito do parto vaginal sobre a anatomia e função do canal anal. .
Objetivos Avaliar a anatomia do esfíncter anal usando ultra-sonografia tridimensional (3D-US) em mulheres incontinentes com parto vaginal, correlacionar os achados anatômicos com sintomas de incontinência fecal e, determinar o efeito do parto vaginal sobre a anatomia e função do canal anal. Métodos Mulheres com sintomas de incontinência fecal e história de parto vaginal foram avaliadas com escore de Wexner, manometria e 3D-US. Um grupo controle constituído por nulíparas assintomáticas foi incluído. Pressão de repouso, o ângulo radial do defeito e o comprimento do esfíncter anal externo (EAE), o esfíncter anal interno anterior e posterior (EAI), o EAE + músculo puborretal e o gap foram medidos e correlacionados com escore. Resultados Das 62 mulheres, 49 apresentaram sintomas de incontinência fecal e 13 eram nulíparas assintomáticas. Vinte e cinco tinham defeitos EAE, 8 haviam defeito combinado EAS e IAS, 16 tinham esfíncteres intactos e escores de continência foram semelhantes. Indivíduos com defeitos do esfíncter tinha um menor EAE e EAI anterior em relação as mulheres sem defeitos. Aquelas com um parto vaginal e esfíncteres intactos tinham um menor EAE anterior em relação as mulheres nulíparas. Evidenciou-se correlações entre a pressão de repouso e a medida do EAS anterior e IAS em pacientes com defeitos do esfíncter. Conclusões Sintomas de incontinência fecal não se correlacionou com as pressões anais e alterações anatômicas do esfíncter anal, mas as mulheres com defeitos do esfíncter têm menor EAS anterior e IAS e uma gap maior e houve correlações com menor pressão de repouso. .
Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Canal Anal/fisiopatologia , Parto Obstétrico/efeitos adversos , Incontinência Fecal/fisiopatologia , Canal Anal , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Endossonografia , Incontinência Fecal/etiologia , Incontinência Fecal , Imageamento Tridimensional , ManometriaRESUMO
Objective: Evaluate clinical, functional and morphologic outcomes of lateral sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure treatment, and correlate the findings with factors that influence in the anal continence. Method: In a prospective study, female patients treated by lateral sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure were assessed using Wexner's incontinence score and grouped according to score: group I (score = 0) and group 2 (score ≥1) and evaluated with anal manometry and anorectal 3D ultrasonography. Results: Thirty-six womens were included, 33% had vaginal delivery. Seventeen patients were included in group I and 19 in group II. We found no difference in age, parity and mode of delivery between groups. A significant difference with respect to percentage reduction in resting pressures was noted, when comparing group 1 versus group 2. The anal sphincter muscle length was similar in both groups. However, the length and percentage of transected internal anal sphincter was significantly greater in group II. Conclusion: There was a correlation between fecal incontinence symptoms after sphincterotomy with the percentage of resting pressure reduction, length and percentage of transected internal anal sphincter. .
Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados clínicos, funcionais e morfológicos de pacientes submetidas à esfincterotomia para tratamento de fissura anal, correlacionando os resultados com os fatores que podem interferir com a continência fecal. Método: Foram avaliadas prospectivamente pacientes do sexo feminino submetidas à esfincterotomia lateral interna devido à presença de fissura anal crônica utilizando o escore de incontinência de Wexner e distribuídas em dois grupos. Grupo 1- Escore igual a zero e Grupo 2 - maior ou igual a 1. As pacientes foram submetidas à avaliação funcional e anatômica do canal anal utilizando manometria anorretal e ultrassonografia tridimensional anorretal. Resultados: Das 36 pacientes incluídas, 33% tinham história de parto vaginal. Dezessete pacientes foram incluídas no Grupo 1 e 19 no Grupo 2. Não houve diferença quanto à idade, paridade e tipo de parto entre grupos. Houve diferença significante em relação ao percentual de redução na pressão de repouso quando comparado o grupo 1 com grupo 2. Não houve diferença no comprimento da musculatura esfincteriana entre grupos. No entanto, o comprimento e o percentual de esfíncter anal interno seccionado foram significativamente maiores no grupo 2. Conclusão: Há correlação entre os sintomas de incontinência fecal pós esfincterotomia com o percentual de reducão das pressões de repouso, tamanho e percentual do esfíncter anal interno seccionado. .
Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fissura Anal/complicações , Fissura Anal/diagnóstico por imagem , Esfincterotomia Lateral Interna/efeitos adversos , Canal Anal/cirurgia , Ultrassonografia , Imageamento Tridimensional , Incontinência Fecal/complicações , Fissura Anal/cirurgia , ManometriaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: New ultrasound techniques may complement current diagnostic tools, and combined techniques may help to overcome the limitations of individual techniques for the diagnosis of anorectal dysfunction. A high degree of agreement has been demonstrated between echodefecography (dynamic 3-dimensional anorectal ultrasonography) and conventional defecography. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate the ability of a combined approach consisting of dynamic 3-dimensional transvaginal and transrectal ultrasonography by using a 3-dimensional biplane endoprobe to assess posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions related to obstructed defecation syndrome in comparison with echodefecography. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a prospective, observational cohort study conducted at a tertiary-care hospital. PATIENTS: Consecutive female patients with symptoms of obstructed defecation were eligible. INTERVENTION: Each patient underwent assessment of posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions with a combination of dynamic 3-dimensional transvaginal and transrectal ultrasonography by using a biplane transducer and with echodefecography. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Kappa (κ) was calculated as an index of agreement between the techniques. Diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values) of the combined technique in detection of posterior dysfunctions was assessed with echodefecography as the standard for comparison. RESULTS: A total of 33 women were evaluated. Substantial agreement was observed regarding normal relaxation and anismus. In detecting the absence or presence of rectocele, the 2 methods agreed in all cases. Near-perfect agreement was found for rectocele grade I, grade II, and grade III. Perfect agreement was found for entero/sigmoidocele, with near-perfect agreement for rectal intussusception. Using echodefecography as the standard for comparison, we found high diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal and transrectal ultrasonography in the detection of posterior dysfunctions. LIMITATIONS: This combined technique should be compared with other dynamic techniques and validated with conventional defecography. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic 3-dimensional transvaginal and transrectal ultrasonography is a simple and fast ultrasound technique that shows strong agreement with echodefecography and may be used as an alternative method to assess patients with obstructed defecation syndrome.
Constipação Intestinal/diagnóstico por imagem , Endossonografia , Imageamento Tridimensional , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico por imagem , Distúrbios do Assoalho Pélvico/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos de Coortes , Constipação Intestinal/etiologia , Defecografia , Feminino , Humanos , Obstrução Intestinal/etiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Distúrbios do Assoalho Pélvico/complicações , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Reto , VaginaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Sphincterotomy is used to treat chronic anal fissure, but the length of the sphincterotomy is associated with incontinence. OBJECTIVE: We used 3-dimensional anal ultrasonography to determine the proportion of the internal anal sphincter that may be divided during lateral internal sphincterotomy in women without predisposing them to a high risk of fecal incontinence. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a prospective, observational cohort study conducted at a tertiary-care hospital. PATIENTS: Women treated for chronic anal fissure with high anal resting pressure and no symptoms of fecal incontinence were selected. Asymptomatic women recruited from different departments of the same hospital served as controls to provide reference values for anal canal measurements. INTERVENTION: Patients underwent a standardized technique of lateral internal sphincterotomy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Three-dimensional ultrasonography was used to measure sphincter lengths. Continence was assessed with the Cleveland Clinic Florida (Wexner) score. The relationship between the extent of the surgically divided portion of the internal anal sphincter and the continence score was evaluated. RESULTS: Successful healing was achieved in all patients within 2 months. Follow-up continence scores were significantly correlated with the extent of sphincter division. The proportion of patients with a continence score of 0 was significantly greater in patients in whom sphincter division was less than 25% in comparison with patients with a division of 25% or more. Anal canal and sphincter lengths in patients after sphincterotomy did not significantly differ from those in asymptomatic women. LIMITATIONS: The study is limited by its nonrandomized nature and the lack of preoperative ultrasound assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Based on data from this study, the safe extent of division is less than 25% of the total sphincter length, which in women corresponds to less than 1 cm.
Canal Anal/cirurgia , Incontinência Fecal/epidemiologia , Fissura Anal/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Adulto , Idoso , Canal Anal/diagnóstico por imagem , Doença Crônica , Estudos de Coortes , Incontinência Fecal/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Humanos , Manometria , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Ultrassonografia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
PURPOSE: To determine anatomical and functional pelvic floor measurements performed with three-dimensional (3-D) endovaginal ultrasonography in asymptomatic nulliparous women without dysfunctions detected in previous dynamic 3-D anorectal ultrasonography (echo defecography) and to demonstrate the interobserver reliability of these measurements. METHODS: Asymptomatic nulliparous volunteers were submitted to echo defecography to identify dynamic dysfunctions, including anatomical (rectocele, intussusceptions, entero/sigmoidocele and perineal descent) and functional changes (non-relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the puborectalis muscle) in the posterior compartment and assessed with regard to the biometric index of levator hiatus, pubovisceral muscle thickness, urethral length, anorectal angle, anorectal junction position and bladder neck position with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. All measurements were compared at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver, and perineal and bladder neck descent was determined. The level of interobserver agreement was evaluated for all measurements. RESULTS: A total of 34 volunteers were assessed by echo defecography and by 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. Out of these, 20 subjects met the inclusion criteria. The 14 excluded subjects were found to have posterior dynamic dysfunctions. During the Valsalva maneuver, the hiatal area was significantly larger, the urethra was significantly shorter and the anorectal angle was greater. Measurements at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver differed significantly with regard to anorectal junction and bladder neck position. The mean values for normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent were 0.6 cm and 0.5 cm above the symphysis pubis, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.62-0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Functional biometric indexes, normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent values were determined for young asymptomatic nulliparous women with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. The method was found to be reliable to measure pelvic floor structures at rest and during Valsalva, and might therefore be suitable for identifying dysfunctions in symptomatic patients.
Imageamento Tridimensional , Diafragma da Pelve/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma da Pelve/fisiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional/estatística & dados numéricos , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Paridade , Diafragma da Pelve/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Vagina , Adulto JovemRESUMO
PURPOSE: To determine anatomical and functional pelvic floor measurements performed with three-dimensional (3-D) endovaginal ultrasonography in asymptomatic nulliparous women without dysfunctions detected in previous dynamic 3-D anorectal ultrasonography (echo defecography) and to demonstrate the interobserver reliability of these measurements. METHODS: Asymptomatic nulliparous volunteers were submitted to echo defecography to identify dynamic dysfunctions, including anatomical (rectocele, intussusceptions, entero/sigmoidocele and perineal descent) and functional changes (non-relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the puborectalis muscle) in the posterior compartment and assessed with regard to the biometric index of levator hiatus, pubovisceral muscle thickness, urethral length, anorectal angle, anorectal junction position and bladder neck position with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. All measurements were compared at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver, and perineal and bladder neck descent was determined. The level of interobserver agreement was evaluated for all measurements. RESULTS: A total of 34 volunteers were assessed by echo defecography and by 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. Out of these, 20 subjects met the inclusion criteria. The 14 excluded subjects were found to have posterior dynamic dysfunctions. During the Valsalva maneuver, the hiatal area was significantly larger, the urethra was significantly shorter and the anorectal angle was greater. Measurements at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver differed significantly with regard to anorectal junction and bladder neck position. The mean values for normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent were 0.6 cm and 0.5 cm above the symphysis pubis, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.62-0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Functional biometric indexes, normal perineal descent and bladder neck descent values were determined for young asymptomatic nulliparous women with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. The method was found to be reliable to measure pelvic floor structures at rest and during Valsalva, and might therefore be suitable for identifying dysfunctions in symptomatic patients.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as medidas anatômicas e funcionais do assoalho pélvico utilizando a ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal em nulíparas assintomáticas sem disfunções do compartimento posterior evidenciado pela ecodefecografia. Demonstrar o grau de concordância entre observadores do método utilizado para medir as estruturas anatômicas. MÉTODOS: Voluntárias nulíparas assintomáticas foram submetidas à ecodefecografia para identificar alterações dinâmicas no compartimento posterior, incluindo aquelas anatômicas (retocele, intussuscepção, entero/sigmoidocele e descenso perineal) e funcionais (ausência de relaxamento ou contração paradoxal do puborretal) e avaliadas com ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal para determinar índices biométricos do hiato dos elevadores do ânus, espessura do músculo pubovisceral, comprimento da uretra, ângulo anorretal, posição da junção anorretal e posição do colo vesical. Todas as medidas foram comparadas em repouso e durante Valsalva; e determinado descenso perineal e do colo da bexiga. A variabilidade interobservador foi avaliada utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 34 voluntárias com a ecodefecografia e a ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal. Dessas, 20 foram incluídas no estudo. As 14 excluídas apresentavam alterações dinâmicas no compartimento posterior. Durante a manobra de Valsalva, a área hiatal foi significativamente maior. A uretra foi significantemente mais curta e o ângulo anorretal foi maior. Medidas em repouso e durante a Valsalva diferiram significativamente em relação à posição da junção anorretal e do colo vesical. A média de valor do descenso perineal e do descenso da bexiga foram de 0,6 cm e 0,5 cm acima da sínfise púbica, respectivamente. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse variou entre 0,62-0,93. CONCLUSÕES: Foram determinados valores normais para os índices biométricos funcionais, descida perineal e colo vesical em nulíparas assintomáticas utilizando-se a ultrassonografia transvaginal tridimensional. É um método seguro para mensurar a anatomia do assoalho pélvico durante o repouso e a manobra de Valsalva, e pode ser adequado para a identificação de disfunções em pacientes sintomáticos.
Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Imageamento Tridimensional , Diafragma da Pelve/anatomia & histologia , Diafragma da Pelve/fisiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Imageamento Tridimensional/estatística & dados numéricos , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Paridade , Diafragma da Pelve , Ultrassonografia/métodos , VaginaRESUMO
CONTEXT: The correlation between vaginal delivery, age and pelvic floor dysfunctions involving obstructed defecation is still a matter of controversy. OBJECTIVES: To determine the influence of age, mode of delivery and parity on the prevalence of posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions in women with obstructed defecation syndrome. METHODS: Four hundred sixty-nine females with obstructed defecation syndrome were retrospectively evaluated using dynamic 3D ultrasonography to quantify posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions (rectocele grade II or III, rectal intussusception, paradoxical contraction/non-relaxation of the puborectalis and entero/ sigmoidocele grade III). In addition, sphincter damage was evaluated. Patients were grouped according to age (≤50y x >50y) and stratified by mode of delivery and parity: group I (≤50y): 218 patients, 75 nulliparous, 64 vaginal delivery and 79 only cesarean section and group II (>50y): 251 patients, 60 nulliparous, 148 vaginal delivery and 43 only caesarean section. Additionally, patients were stratified by number of vaginal deliveries: 0 - nulliparous (n = 135), 1 - vaginal (n = 46), >1 - vaginal (n = 166). RESULTS: Rectocele grade II or III, intussusception, rectocele + intussusception and sphincter damage were more prevalent in Group II (P = 0.0432; P = 0.0028; P = 0.0178; P = 0.0001). The stratified groups (nulliparous, vaginal delivery and cesarean) did not differ significantly with regard to rectocele, intussusception or anismus in each age group. Entero/sigmoidocele was more prevalent in the vaginal group <50y and in the nulliparous and vaginal groups >50y. No correlation was found between rectocele and the number of vaginal deliveries. CONCLUSION: Higher age (>50 years) was shown to influence the prevalence of significant rectocele, intussusception and sphincter damage in women. However, delivery mode and parity were not correlated with the prevalence of rectocele, intussusception and anismus in women with obstructed defecation.
Parto Obstétrico/efeitos adversos , Intussuscepção/etiologia , Diafragma da Pelve/fisiopatologia , Retocele/etiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Defecografia , Feminino , Humanos , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico por imagem , Idade Materna , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Paridade , Diafragma da Pelve/diagnóstico por imagem , Gravidez , Prevalência , Retocele/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Síndrome , Ultrassonografia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
CONTEXT: The correlation between vaginal delivery, age and pelvic floor dysfunctions involving obstructed defecation is still a matter of controversy. OBJECTIVES: To determine the influence of age, mode of delivery and parity on the prevalence of posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions in women with obstructed defecation syndrome. METHODS: Four hundred sixty-nine females with obstructed defecation syndrome were retrospectively evaluated using dynamic 3D ultrasonography to quantify posterior pelvic floor dysfunctions (rectocele grade II or III, rectal intussusception, paradoxical contraction/non-relaxation of the puborectalis and entero/ sigmoidocele grade III). In addition, sphincter damage was evaluated. Patients were grouped according to age (<50y x >50y) and stratified by mode of delivery and parity: group I (<50y): 218 patients, 75 nulliparous, 64 vaginal delivery and 79 only cesarean section and group II (>50y): 251 patients, 60 nulliparous, 148 vaginal delivery and 43 only caesarean section. Additionally, patients were stratified by number of vaginal deliveries: 0 - nulliparous (n = 135), 1 - vaginal (n = 46), >1 - vaginal (n = 166). RESULTS: Rectocele grade II or III, intussusception, rectocele + intussusception and sphincter damage were more prevalent in Group II (P = 0.0432; P = 0.0028; P = 0.0178; P = 0.0001). The stratified groups (nulliparous, vaginal delivery and cesarean) did not differ significantly with regard to rectocele, intussusception or anismus in each age group. Entero/sigmoidocele was more prevalent in the vaginal group <50y and in the nulliparous and vaginal groups >50y. No correlation was found between rectocele and the number of vaginal deliveries. CONCLUSION: Higher age (>50 years) was shown to influence the prevalence of significant rectocele, intussusception and sphincter damage in women. However, delivery mode and parity were not correlated with the prevalence of rectocele, intussusception and anismus in women with obstructed defecation.
CONTEXTO: A correlação entre parto vaginal, idade e disfunções do assoalho pélvico em pacientes com evacuação obstruída permanece ainda controverso. OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência da idade, tipo de parto e paridade na prevalência de disfunções do assoalho pélvico posterior em mulheres com evacuação obstruída. MÉTODOS: Quatrocentas e sessenta e nove mulheres com evacuação obstruída foram avaliadas, retrospectivamente, utilizando ultrassonografia tridimensional dinâmica para quantificar disfunções do assoalho pélvico posterior (retocele grau II ou III, intussuscepção retal, anismus e entero/sigmoidocele grau III) e presença de lesão esfincteriana. As pacientes foram agrupadas de acordo com a idade (<50 anos e >50 anos) e estratificadas por tipo de parto e paridade em grupo I (<50 anos): incluindo 218 pacientes (75 nulíparas, 64 com partos vaginais e 79 apenas com operações cesarianas) e grupo II (>50 anos): incluindo 251 pacientes (60 nulíparas, 148 com partos vaginais e 43 apenas com cesarianas). Além disso, as pacientes foram estratificadas por número de partos vaginais em nulíparas (n = 135), com um parto vaginal (n = 46) e com mais de um parto vaginal (n = 166). RESULTADOS: Retocele, intussuscepção, associação de intussuscepção e retocele e lesão esfinceriana foram mais prevalentes no grupo II (P = 0,0432, P = 0,0028, P = 0,0178, P = 0,0001). Não houve diferença significante na prevalência de retocele, intussuscepção ou anismus em relação ao tipo de parto e paridade, em cada faixa etária. Êntero/sigmoidocele foi mais prevalente em pacientes com parto vaginal no grupo I e em nulíparas e com parto vaginal no grupo II. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre prevalência de retocele e número de partos vaginais. CONCLUSÃO: A idade superior a 50 anos está associada a maior prevalência de retocele, intussuscepção e lesão esfincteriana, no entanto, a paridade e o tipo de parto não se correlacionam com a prevalência de intussuscepção, retocele e anismus em mulheres com evacuação obstruída.