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Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 41: 48-64, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1528522


Resumen Introducción: recientemente, se ha evidenciado gran desarrollo de variados productos destinados a la población vegetariana/vegana. Sin embargo, su valor nutricional no ha sido estudiado en profundidad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar aporte potencial (AP) y porcentaje de cobertura de requerimientos diarios (%RD) de hierro, calcio y zinc de alimentos dirigidos a poblaciones adolescente y adulta vegetariana/vegana. Materiales y método: se analizaron cinco medallones (4 comerciales, 1 casero) y once bebidas (9 comerciales, 4 de ellas c/jugo frutal y 2 caseras) elaborados con materias primas vegetales. Se estableció el AP de Fe, Ca y Zn en los productos considerando su contenido y dializabilidad porcentual (D%). Se calculó, para una porción de alimento, el porcentaje de cobertura del requerimiento diario de estos minerales. Resultados: el contenido de los minerales en los medallones fue: [Fe] 1,64-4,21 mg%; [Ca] 104-213 mg% y [Zn] 0,53-3,57 mg%; en las bebidas se observó: [Fe] 0,24-2,39 mg%; [Ca] 71-214 mg% y [Zn] 0,18-0,79 mg%. La D% en medallones fue: Fe 7,3-11,9; Ca 10,2-18,2 y Zn 17,0-21,4 y para las bebidas, Fe 5,2-32,8; Ca 6,4-35,7 y Zn 5,9-33,9. El %RD para adolescentes, considerando una porción de medallones fue: Fe mujeres 3,0-9,0%; hombres 5,0-16%; Ca 0,7-6,8% y Zn 1,5-3,9% y para adultos fue: Fe mujeres 3,0-10%; hombres 7,0-20%; Ca 0,6-5,8% y Zn 2,0-5,1%. Al considerar las bebidas, el %RD para adolescentes fue: Fe mujeres 2,0-28%; hombres 4,0-53%; Ca 0,4-22% y Zn 1,3-9,5%. Para adultos fue: Fe mujeres 2,0-31%; hombres 5,0-64%; Ca 0,3-19% y Zn 1,8-12%. Conclusiones: en los medallones se observó bajo %RD para los minerales estudiados. Las bebidas con agregado de jugos de naranja o manzana aportaron cantidades significativas de hierro. El %RD para zinc y calcio de los dieciséis alimentos fue bajo (ambos grupos estudiados). Consecuentemente, para cubrir los requerimientos de estos minerales habría que combinar adecuadamente los alimentos que se consumen.

Abstract Introduction: recently, there has been great development of various products aimed at the vegetarian/vegan population. However, its nutritional value has not been studied in depth. The objective of this study was to evaluate potential intake (PI) and percentage of coverage of daily requirements (% RD) of iron, calcium and zinc from foods aimed at adolescent and adult vegetarian/vegan populations Materials and method: five medallions (4 commercial, 1 homemade) and eleven beverages (9 commercial, 4 of them with fruit juice and 2 homemade) made with vegetable raw materials were analyzed. The PI of Fe, Ca and Zn was established in the products considering their content and percentage dialyzability (D%). It was calculated, for a portion of food, the percentage of coverage of the daily requirement of these minerals. Results: the mineral content in the medallions was: [Fe] 1.64-4.21 mg%; [Ca] 104-213 mg% and [Zn] 0.53-3.57 mg%; in beverages it was observed: [Fe] 0.24-2.39 mg%; [Ca] 71-214 mg% and [Zn] 0.18-0.79 mg%. The D% in medallions was: Fe 7,3-11,9; Ca 10.2-18.2 and Zn 17.0-21.4 and for beverages, Fe 5.2-32.8; Ca 6.4-35.7 and Zn 5.9-33.9. The %RD for adolescents, considering a portion of medallions was: Fe women 3.0-9.0%; men 5.0-16%; Ca 0.7-6.8% and Zn 1.5-3.9% and for adults it was: Fe women 3.0-10%; men 7.0-20%; Ca 0.6-5.8% and Zn 2.0-5.1%. When considering beverages, the %RD for adolescents was: Fe women 2.0-28%; men 4.0-53%; Ca 0.4-22% and Zn 1.3-9.5%. For adults it was: Fe women 2.0-31%; men 5.0-64%; Ca 0.3-19% and Zn 1.8-12%. Conclusions: in the medallions, low % RD was observed for the minerals studied. Drinks with added orange or apple juices provided significant amounts of iron. The %RD for zinc and calcium of the sixteen foods was low (both groups studied). Consequently, to meet the requirements of these minerals, it would be necessary to properly combine the foods consumed.

Alimentos Orgânicos , Vegetarianos , Minerais
Actual. nutr ; 24(2): 100-108, abr 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, ARGMSAL, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1511203


Introducción: recientemente, se ha evidenciado una tendencia hacia estilos de vida y hábitos alimentarios saludables y un incremento de productos orientados para tal fin. Entre ellos se incluyen alimentos para veganos/vegetarianos, "naturales", aquellos que destacan la ausencia de aditivos o ingredientes de tipo "alérgenos". Estos productos envasados suelen presentar leyendas y/o logos que los caracterizan. El objetivo fue realizar un relevamiento de logos, sellos, frases en los rótulos de alimentos comerciales y analizar la información encontrada según la legislación vigente en Argentina. Materiales y Métodos: se relevaron al azar 151 alimentos comerciales en supermercados, dietéticas y páginas web de empresas (agosto-octubre de 2022). Los productos relevados fueron: farináceos (PF), bebidas vegetales (BV), análogos de cárnicos (AC), análogos de quesos (AQ) y otros. Los atributos buscados fueron veganos/vegetarianos (VV), natural/artesanal (NA), ausencia de aditivos (AA), ausencia de lactosa (ALA), ausencia de alérgenos (AAE). Resultados: el atributo VV se observó en el 68% de los productos relevados y prevaleció en los AC, PF y BV. El atributo NA se observó en 23% de los alimentos, principalmente en AC y PF. Para AA, que se presentó en 75% de los alimentos, los PF se destacaron. Los atributos ALA y AAE aparecieron en el 17% de los alimentos. Las BV fueron la categoría que más presentó el atributo ALA. En ellas se observó una alta prevalencia de AA y ALA. En los AC, el atributo que se destacó fue VV (92%). Dentro de PF, la mayor prevalencia fue del atributo AA (96%), seguido por VV (57%). En el grupo AQ, prevaleció el atributo VV (89%). Conclusiones: se observó una alta presencia de atributos en los rótulos, que en su mayoría carecen de una normativa nacional vigente que los avale. Ello se contrapone a la demanda del mercado actual y a consumidores más exigentes

Introduction: recently, there has been a trend towards healthy lifestyles and eating habits; therefore, there is an increase in products oriented for this purpose. Among these products we can find foods for vegans/vegetarians, "natural" foods, those that emphasize the absence of additives or "allergenic" type ingredients. These packaged products usually have legends and/or logos that characterize them. The objective was to carry out a survey of logos, seals and phrases in labels of commercial foods and analyze the information found according to current legislation in Argentina. Materials and Methods: 151 commercial foods were randomly surveyed in supermarkets, dietetics and company websites (August-October 2022). The surveyed products were: farinaceous (FP), vegetable drinks (VD), meat analogues (MA). , cheese analogues (CA) and others. The attributes sought were vegan/vegetarian (VV), natural/artisanal (NA), absence of additives (AA), absence of lactose (ALA), absence of allergens (AAE). Results: the VV attribute was observed in 68% of surveyed products and prevailed in MA, FP and VD. The NA attribute was observed in 23% of the foods, mainly in MA and PF. For AA, which was present in 75% of the food products analyzed, the FPs stood out. In the case of ALA and AAE attributes, they appeared in 17% of the foods. VD was the category that presented the ALA attribute in the highest percentage. A high prevalence of AA and ALA was observed in them. In the MA, the attribute that stood out was VV (92%). Within FP, the highest prevalence was of the AA attribute (96%), followed by VV (57%). In the CA group, the VV attribute prevailed (89%). Conclusions: a large presence of attributes was observed in the labels, which mostly lack current national regulations that endorse them. This contrasts with the demands of the current market and with demanding consumers

Rotulagem de Alimentos , Legislação sobre Alimentos , Argentina , Controle da Publicidade de Produtos
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 38(173): 13-27, dic. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1278979


Resumen La dieta libre de gluten (DLG) es el único tratamiento frente a la enfermedad celíaca, la alergia al trigo y la sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca. Se reporta a la DLG como una dieta desbalanceada, escasa en fibra y alta en grasas y carbohidratos. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el aporte de energía, de macronutrientes y de fibra de alimentos libres de gluten (bizcochuelos, panes estilo inglés, galletitas dulces y pizzas) elaborados a partir de diferentes premezclas comerciales, disponibles en el mercado local. Además, los resultados fueron comparados con un homólogo comercial elaborado con harina de trigo. Para la determinación de la composición centesimal se aplicó la metodología oficial AOAC 2016. El valor energético se calculó utilizando los factores de Atwater. Los resultados obtenidos para los bizcochuelos fueron: 6,0-8,3 g% de proteína; 9,2-11,3 g% de grasas; 1,5-2,3 g% de fibra dietaria; 40,0-53,1 g% de carbohidratos y 285-339 Kcal% de valor energético. Para los panes: 3,0-6,6 g% de proteína; 3,1-12,7 g% de grasas; 2,7-4,0 g% de fibra dietaria; 36,8-50,1 g% de carbohidratos y 217-290 Kcal% de valor energético. Para las galletitas: 3,5-8,5 g% de proteína; 25,9-31,0 g% de grasas; 0,9-5,9 g% de fibra dietaria; 53,9-60,1 g% de carbohidratos y 483-527 Kcal% de valor energético. Para las pizzas: 7,4-9,3 g% de proteína; 7,3-11,2 g% de grasas; 2,8-8,0 g% de fibra dietaria; 19,1-29,6 g% de carbohidratos y 172-240 Kcal% de valor energético. Los alimentos elaborados con premezclas formuladas únicamente con harina de arroz y féculas contribuyen poco a cubrir el valor diario recomendado de fibra. Los que contienen otras fuentes farináceas (harina de sorgo, trigo sarraceno y teff) reflejan un mayor contenido de fibra. La presencia de harina de arveja, soja y teff refleja un aumento del contenido proteico. Los alimentos estudiados frente a su homólogo comercial con harina de trigo presentan, en general, igual o menor aporte proteico, similar aporte energético y de carbohidratos y un mayor aporte de grasas y fibra dietaria.

Abstract The gluten free diet (GFD) is the only treatment for celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten/wheat sensitivity. GFD is reported as an unbalanced diet, low in fibre and high in fat and carbohydrates. The aim of this study was to evaluate energy, macronutrients and fiber contribution of gluten-free cereal products (pound cake, tin loaf, cookies and pizza) coming from different commercial premixes, available at the local market. Also, the results were compared with a commercial equivalent made with wheat flour. For centesimal composition determination, AOAC Official Method 2016 was applied. The energy was calculated using Atwater factors. The results obtained for pound cake were: 6.0-8.3g% protein; 9.2-11.3g% fat; 1.5-2.3g% dietary fibre; 40.0-53.1g% carbohydrate and 285-339Kcal% energy. For tin loaf: 3.0-6.6g% protein; 3.1-12.7% fat; 2.7-4.0g% dietary fibre; 36.8-50.1g% carbohydrate and 217-290Kcal% energy. For cookies: 3.5-8.5g% protein; 25.9-31.0g% fat; 0.9-5.9g% dietary fibre; 53.9-60.1g% carbohydrate and 483-527Kcal% energy. For pizza: 7.4-9.3g% protein; 7.3-11.2g% fat; 2.8-8.0g% dietary fibre; 19.1-29.6g% carbohydrate and 172-240Kcal% of energy. Products made with premix that only contains rice flour and starches contribute little to meeting recommended daily intake. The ones that contain other farinaceous sources (sorghum flour, buckwheat and teff) show higher dietary fibre content. The presence of pea flour, soybean and teff show an increase of protein content. The analysed products present same or lower protein intake, similar energy and carbohydrate intake and higher fat and dietary fibre intake, compared to their commercial equivalent made with wheat flour.

Dieta Livre de Glúten , Doença Celíaca , Hipersensibilidade a Trigo , Alimentos Preparados
J Food Biochem ; 43(7): e12854, 2019 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31353715


Modifications of nutritional properties (amino acids, available lysine, protein digestibility, fatty acids, fiber, inositol phosphate (IPs), free and bound phenolics, and antioxidant properties) of whole rice ingredients processed by soaking, germination, and/or extrusion cooking were evaluated. Soaking and germination reduced proteins by lixiviation and hydrolysis, respectively. Lysine was the limiting amino acid. Polyunsaturated fatty acids increased after germination. Protein digestibility was 100% for germinated rice, decreased to 75% after the extrusion process. Fiber content decreased around 73% after the extrusion of soaked and germinated flours. Soaking-extrusion combined processes produces >50% IPs reduction. Germination-extrusion produced flours with the highest antioxidant capacity (54 µmol trolox g-1 ), which was in accordance with the highest content of free and bound phenolics (66 and 69 mg GA 100 g-1 , respectively). Grain treatments changed nutritional properties of flours resulting in low antinutrient whole grain ingredients, which could be used to develop whole grain-based foods. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Phytic acid (PA) is an antinutrient having negative effects on mineral bioavailability and protein digestibility. There are processes such as soaking, germination, and extrusion, which alone or combined can decrease PA. However, nutritional composition and functionality of flours can change. We observed PA was highly reduced by soaking or germination combined with extrusion and antioxidant capacity and phenolic content increased in germinated and germinated-extruded flours compared to the other treatments. These modified whole grain rice flours low in anti-nutrients could be used in the production of expanded products or pre-cooked ingredients to develop whole grain based foods nutritionally improved.

Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Valor Nutritivo , Oryza/química , Grãos Integrais/química , Antioxidantes/análise , Culinária , Fibras na Dieta/análise , Farinha/análise , Germinação , Minerais/análise , Fenóis/análise , Proteínas/análise , Sementes/química , Amido/análise
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 35(160): 16-21, set. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891129


El sorgo es un cereal con fuerte potencial alimentario cuyo consumo para uso humano creció recientemente. Es de fácil cultivo, crece en zonas semiáridas (resistencia a sequía y calor) y algunas variedades presentan gran capacidad antioxidante. No contiene gluten y permitiría ampliar el limitado listado de ingredientes de productos para celíacos. En Argentina, harinas de sorgo (HS) se utilizan en productos de consumo general y en libres de gluten. De acuerdo a esto, fue de interés estudiar, la composición y contenido de minerales (Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na y K), de HS granífero blanco que son utilizadas en productos para consumo humano. Las harinas fueron procesadas en la planta semi-industrial de INTI Cereales y Oleaginosas: HS integral extrudida y refinadas (90% de extracción, cruda y extrudida). Se determinó composición centesimal por métodos AOAC y minerales por espectrometría de absorción atómica. Los resultados obtenidos en HS integral extrudida, refinadas cruda y extrudida fueron (g%): humedad 11,0, 12,6 y 9,8; proteínas: 10,2, 8,5 y 8,7; grasas: 2,7, 2,6 y 1,5; fibra dietaria: 13,3, 4,5 y 5,1; cenizas: 1,50, 1,00 y 1,20; carbohidratos: 61,3, 70,8 y 73,7. Respecto a los minerales, los valores fueron (mg%): Fe: 5,9, 1,7 y 2,6; Zn: 2,5, 1,6 y 1,7; Ca: 19,1, 7,5 y 8,8; Mg: 140, 108 y 117; Na: 4,0, 1,1 y 3,6; K: 421, 243 y 305, respectivamente. La refinación produjo disminución de fibra dietaria y minerales. Si bien el Fe disminuyó en HS refinadas, se mantuvieron niveles aceptables y aportarían Fe en productos libres de gluten. Presentaron niveles de Zn y Mg apreciables, mientras que el Ca fue muy bajo como en todos los cereales. Son muy pobres en Na y ricas en K y constituirían una fuente natural de este mineral. En HS refinadas, la extrusión no afectó la composición y contenido mineral.

Sorghum is a cereal with strong food potential whose consumption for human use has recently grown. It is easy to grow, it grows in semiarid areas (resistance to drought and heat) and some varieties have a high antioxidant capacity. It contains no gluten and thus would expand the limited list of ingredients for celiacs. In Argentina, sorghum flour (SF) is used in general consumer and gluten-free products. This is why it was of interest to study the composition and mineral content (Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na and K) of white SF that are used in products for human consumption. Flour was processed in the semi-industrial plant of INTI Cereals and Oilseeds: wholemeal SF extruded and refined (90% extraction, raw and extruded). Proximate composition was determined through AOAC methods and minerals through atomic absorption spectrometry. The values obtained in wholemeal SF extruded, refined crude and extruded were (g%): moisture 11,0, 12,6 and 9,8; proteins: 10,2, 8,5 and 8,7; fats: 2,7, 2,6 and 1,5; dietary fiber: 13,3, 4,5 and 5,1; ash: 1,50 1,00 and 1,20; carbohydrates: 61,3, 70,8 and 73,7. Regarding minerals, the values found were (mg%): Fe: 5,9, 1,7 and 2,6; Zn: 2,5, 1,6 and 1,7; Ca: 19,1, 7,5 and 8,8; Mg: 140, 108 and 117; Na: 4,0, 1,1 and 3,6; K: 421, 243 and 305. Refining resulted in decreased dietary fiber and minerals. While Fe decreased in refined SF, acceptable levels were maintained and would provide Fe in gluten-free products. In refined SF, the Zn and Mg levels were appreciable, while Ca was very low as in all cereals. They were very poor in Na and rich in K content and would constitute a natural source of this mineral. In refined SF, extrusion did not affect the composition and mineral content.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;50(3): 435-443, set. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-837621


El contenido de calcio (Ca) y de compuestos que afectan su absorción son relevantes en dietas ricas en harinas integrales y frutos secos, tanto en vegetarianos estrictos, individuos con intolerancia a lácteos, como en celíacos. Se determinaron Ca, fibra dietaria y perfil de inositoles fosfato (IP) en harinas integrales/refinadas y/o extrudidas de cereales (trigo, maíz, arroz, sorgo), pseudocereales (trigo sarraceno, amaranto), leguminosas (arveja), oleaginosas (soja, lino). Se cuantificó Ca por espectrometría de absorción atómica, fibra dietaria por método enzimático-gravimétrico y perfil de IP por HPLC. Mediante factores de conversión, se calculó el contenido de ácido fítico (AF) y la relación molar AF/Ca como indicador de su disponibilidad potencial. El Ca (mg/100 g) fue muy bajo en harinas de cereales (<20 trigo refinada, maíz integral, arroz integral, sorgo integral y refinada), en pseudocereales fue variable (4 trigo sarraceno, 115 amaranto) y fue superior en harinas de arveja, soja y lino (102-257) pero no aumentó en galletitas con agregado de estas últimas harinas. El contenido de fibra dietaria fue acorde al grado de extracción (1,4-13,3 g/100 g). En todos los casos la relación molar AF/Ca superó 0,17-0,24, valor límite que disminuiría la absorción del Ca.

Calcium (Ca) content and compounds that affect its absorption are relevant in wholemeal flours and tree nuts. These foods are specially recommended for vegetarians, people with intolerance to dairy products and celiac patients. Ca, dietary fibre and inositol profile (IP) where analyzed in wholemeal/refined/ extruded flours, in cereals (wheat, maize, rice, sorghum), pseudocereals (buckwheat, amaranth), leguminous (peas) and oilseeds (soy, flax). Ca was assessed by atomic absorption spectrometry, dietary fibre using an enzymatic method and IP profile by HPLC. Phytic acid content (AF) was obtained using conversion factors. Molar ratio AF/Ca was calculated as an index of potential Ca availability. Ca (mg/100 g) was very low in cereal flours (<20 in refined wheat, wholemeal maize and rice and refined and wholemeal sorghum). In pseudocereals, Ca varied (4 buckwheat, 115 amaranth). It was high in peas, soy and flax (102-257), but this was not enough to improve Ca in cookies made with these mix flours. Dietary fibre content was coincidental with the extraction grade (1.4-13.3/100 g). In all cases, AF/Ca molar ratios exceeded 0.17-0.24, limit value that represents the negative effect of AF over calcium availability.

O teor de cálcio (Ca) e de compostos que afetam sua absorção são relevantes em dietas ricas em farinhas integrais e frutos secos, tanto em vegetarianos rigorosos, indivíduos com intolerância a laticínios e quanto celíacos. Determinaram-se Ca, fibra alimentar e perfil inositol fosfato (IP) em farinhas integrais/refinadas e/ ou extruidas de cereais (trigo, milho, arroz, sorgo), pseudocereais (trigo sarraceno, amaranto), leguminosas (ervilha), oleaginosas (soja, linhaça). Quantificou-se Ca por espectrometría de absorção atômica, fibra alimentar pelo método enzimático-gravimétrico e perfil de IP por HPLC. A través de fatores de conversão foi calculado o conteúdo de ácido fítico (AF) e a relação molar AF/Ca como indicador de sua disponibilidade potencial. O Ca (mg/100 g) foi muito baixo em farinhas de cereais (<20 trigo refinada, milho integral, arroz integral, sorgo integral e refinada), em pseudocereais foi variável (4 trigo sarraceno, 115 amaranto) e foi superior em farinhas de ervilha, soja e linhaça (102-257), mas não aumentou em biscoitos com estas últimas farinhas adicionadas. O conteúdo de fibra alimentar foi conforme ao grau de extração (1,4-13,3 g/100 g). Em todos os casos a relação molar AF/Ca superou 0,17-0,24, valor limite que diminuiria a absorção do Ca.

Cálcio/análise , Análise de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Actual. nutr ; 16(1): 12-17, mar. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771527


Introducción: la comercialización de bebidas a base de al-mendras fortificadas con calcio (Ca) se ha difundido inter-nacionalmente. Por su aspecto blanquecino se denominan usualmente “leches”, siendo utilizadas en reemplazo de le-che vacuna, sobre todo por vegetarianos estrictos. En Argentina se preparan sólo de manera artesanal y se desconoce su contenido en nutrientes, en particular de minerales. Objetivos: estudiar la composición centesimal y el contenido de minerales de las bebidas artesanales en base a almendras, utilizando distintas condiciones de obtención usualmente empleadas. Materiales y métodos: se elaboraron cuatro bebidas uti-lizando 100 g de almendras en 600 ml de agua, variando tiempos de remojo (0-36 hs) y con/sin filltración. Se estudió Ca por espectrometría de absorción atómica, sodio (Na) y po-tasio (K) por espectrometría de emisión, previa mineralización nitro-perclórica (50:50). En almendras se determinaron los inositoles fosfatos (IP) por HPLC y se calculó la relación molar ácido fítico (AF)/Ca, utilizando factores de conversión, como indicador de la disponibilidad potencial de Ca. Resultados: la composición de almendras fue (g%): grasas 53,5; proteínas 16,8; fibra dietaria total 9,6; cenizas 2,9; car-bohidratos digeribles 12,0; minerales (mg%): Ca 221; K 555 y Na 0,7; IP (mg%): IP3 54, IP4 151, IP5 853, IP6 4838. La relación molar AF/Ca resultó 1,6, muy superior a la recomen-dada (<0,17). En bebidas los resultados fueron (g%): grasas 3,2-5,6; proteínas 2,3-2,8; cenizas 0,2-0,3; minerales (mg%): Ca 9-18; K 56-68 y Na 13-16. Conclusiones: no se evidenciaron diferencias en nutrientes al comparar los diversos tiempos de remojo, ni con o sin filtración, resultando productos de muy bajo contenido de Na y Ca, y moderado aporte de K.

ntroduction: calcium fortified almond beverages are inter-nationally produced. Due to its white appearance they are usually termed as "milk", being used to replace cow's milk, especially by the strict vegetarians. In Argentina, they are only homemade prepared and their nutrient content is unknown, particularly minerals.Objectives: to establish the proximate composition and con-tent of almond beverages using different processing condi-tions usually employed.Materials and methods: 4 beverages were prepared using 100 g of almonds in 600 ml water, changing the soaking time (0-36 hs) and with/without ltration. Calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) of almonds and were quanti ed by atomic absorption spectrometry (Ca) and emission spectrometry (Na and K), after a nitroperchloric (50:50) mineralization. Inositol phosphates (IP) were determined in almonds by HPLC and the phytic acid (PA)/Ca molar ratio was calculated using conversion factors as an indicator of the potential availability of Ca. Results: the almonds composition was (g%): fats 53,5; pro-teins 16,8; total dietary bre 9,6; ashes 2,9; digestible carbo-hydrates 12,0; minerals (mg%): Ca 221; K 555 and Na 0,7; IP (mg%): IP3 54, IP4 151, IP5 853, IP6 4838. The PA/Ca molar ratio was 1,6, much higher than the recommended value (<0,17). The results for the 4 beverages were (g%): fats 3,2-5,6; proteins 2.3-2.8; ash 0.2-0.3; minerals (mg%): Ca 9-18; K 56-68 and Na 13-16. Conclusions: there was no signi cant difference in the nu-trient content of the 4 beverages neither when different soaking time nor the presence or absences of ltration were compared. The beverages are products with low content of Na and Ca and moderate content of K.

Humanos , Composição de Alimentos , Sucos , Prunus , Cálcio , Segurança Alimentar , Potássio
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 112(5): 439-442, oct. 2014. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1159637


El objetivo fue comparar el patrón alimentario en poblaciones en dos contextos socioculturales diferentes, con énfasis en el aporte de vitamina A de la leche materna y los alimentos complementarios consumidos con mayor frecuencia. Se realizaron encuestas de alimentación del niño al 6º mes a madres lactantes en Jujuy (n= 44) y en Buenos Aires (n= 95). El retinol lácteo se determinó por cromatografía líquida; en los alimentos, se estimaron valor calórico y vitamina A. En Jujuy y Buenos Aires, el 75,6% y el 64,5% de los lactantes recibían alimentos complementarios al 6º mes; más del 50% los habían incorporado antes. El retinol lácteo varió entre 0,02 y 1,19 µg/mL y 0,09 y 1,94 µg/mL para Jujuy y Buenos Aires. Se observaron valores < 0,30 µg/mL, indicativos de déficit, en 67,4% y 26,1% de leches, respectivamente. Los alimentos habituales aportarían suficiente vitamina A en Buenos Aires e insuficiente en Jujuy.

The objective of this study was to compare the dietary pattern of two socio-culturally different populations, focusing on the vitamin A intake from breast milk and from the most commonly consumed complementary foods. Dietary surveys on six- month old infant feeding were administered to breastfeeding mothers in Jujuy (n= 44) and Buenos Aires (n= 95).For milk, the level of retinol was determined by liquid chromatography; for foods, calorie and vitamin A values were estimated. In Jujuy and Buenos Aires, 75.6% and 64.5% of infants were receiving complementary foods at six months old, and more than 50% had started earlier. Milk retinol ranged from 0.02 to 1.19 µg/ mL and from 0.09 to 1.94 µg/mL in mothers in Jujuy and Buenos Aires, respectively.Values <0.30 µg/mL, indicative of vitamin A deficiency, were observed in 67.4% and 26.1% of milk samples, respectively. Usually consumed foods may provide sufficient vitamin A for Buenos Aires participants, but insufficient for those in Jujuy

Humanos , Feminino , Lactente , Vitamina A/administração & dosagem , Vitaminas/administração & dosagem , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta , Argentina , Vitamina A/análise , Vitaminas/análise , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Leite Humano
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 112(5): 439-42, 2014 10.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25192525


The objective of this study was to compare the dietary pattern of two socio-culturally different populations, focusing on the vitamin A intake from breast milk and from the most commonly consumed complementary foods. Dietary surveys on six-month old infant feeding were administered to breastfeeding mothers in Jujuy (n= 44) and Buenos Aires (n= 95).For milk, the level of retinol was determined by liquid chromatography; for foods, calorie and vitamin A values were estimated. In Jujuy and Buenos Aires, 75.6% and 64.5% of infants were receiving complementary foods at six months old, and more than 50% had started earlier. Milk retinol ranged from 0.02 to 1.19 µg/ mL and from 0.09 to 1.94 µg/mL in mothers in Jujuy and Buenos Aires, respectively.Values <0.30 µg/mL, indicative of vitamin A deficiency, were observed in 67.4% and 26.1% of milk samples, respectively. Usually consumed foods may provide sufficient vitamin A for Buenos Aires participants, but insufficient for those in Jujuy.

Dieta , Suplementos Nutricionais , Leite Humano , Vitamina A/administração & dosagem , Vitaminas/administração & dosagem , Argentina , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Inquéritos e Questionários , Vitamina A/análise , Vitaminas/análise
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 112(5): 439-42, 2014 Oct.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-133478


The objective of this study was to compare the dietary pattern of two socio-culturally different populations, focusing on the vitamin A intake from breast milk and from the most commonly consumed complementary foods. Dietary surveys on six-month old infant feeding were administered to breastfeeding mothers in Jujuy (n= 44) and Buenos Aires (n= 95).For milk, the level of retinol was determined by liquid chromatography; for foods, calorie and vitamin A values were estimated. In Jujuy and Buenos Aires, 75.6

and 64.5

of infants were receiving complementary foods at six months old, and more than 50

had started earlier. Milk retinol ranged from 0.02 to 1.19 Ag/ mL and from 0.09 to 1.94 Ag/mL in mothers in Jujuy and Buenos Aires, respectively.Values <0.30 Ag/mL, indicative of vitamin A deficiency, were observed in 67.4

and 26.1

of milk samples, respectively. Usually consumed foods may provide sufficient vitamin A for Buenos Aires participants, but insufficient for those in Jujuy.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 37(1): 80-86, mar. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-577373


Amaranth, quínoa and chía are naturally gluten-free products that may be used in a celiac diet. An ELISA, using R-Biopharm RIDASCREEN gliadin, was used to determine a possible cross contamination with gliadins. Thirty-seven samples of foods with these ingredients were analyzed. Nine samples had levels higher than 20 mglKg, the maximum gluten level established by Codex Alimentarius: three of them were cereal bars with the inscription is in TACC and/or ìwithout gluteni, two were cereal bars without inscriptions about gluten content, one was a mixture of ground seeds, others were pop amaranth and quínoa crops (sold at retail) and the last was an amaranth flour which was labeled ifor celiac patients. Twenty-eight remaining samples had gluten content below 20 mglKg. Foods elaborated with amaranth, quínoa and/or chía are suitable for celiac patients. However, the manufacturers must apply good manufacturing practices in all the different steps in gluten-free foodstuff production and celiac patients should not buy these products when they are sold at retail, because of possible cross contamination that can occur at the stores.

Amaranto, quínoa y chía, por ser naturalmente libres de gluten, pueden ser incorporados en la dieta celíaca. Con el objeto de evaluar una posible contaminación cruzada con gliadinas no permitidas, se analizaron 37 alimentos con estos ingredientes mediante un enzi-moinmunoensayo utilizando RIDASCREEN gliadin de R-Biopharm. Considerando el contenido máximo de gluten establecido por el Codex Alimentarius (20 mg/ Kg), nueve productos superaron la norma: tres barras de cereales que declaraban "sin TACC" y/o "no contiene gluten", dos barras de cereales que no tenían ninguna declaración respecto del contenido de gluten, una mezcla de semillas molidas, una muestra de amaranto popeado comprado al detalle, una muestra de semillas de quinoa comprada suelta en un mercado de la provincia de Salta y una muestra de harina de amaranto envasada que declaraba "apto para celíacos". En las veintiocho muestras restantes se evidenció un contenido de gluten inferior a los 20 mg/Kg. Los productos elaborados con amaranto, quínoa y/o chía son seguros para personas con celiaquía; sin embargo, los fabricantes deben implementar buenas prácticas de manufactura en las diferentes etapas de elaboración de alimentos libres de gluten y las personas celíacas no deben consumir alimentos supuestamente aptos que se expenden al detalle, por la posible contaminación cruzada que puede darse en los comercios.

Humanos , Amaranthus/química , Doença Celíaca , Chenopodium quinoa/química , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Gliadina/análise , Salvia/química , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Glutens
Arch Latinoam Nutr ; 57(1): 69-77, 2007 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17824202


Amaranth, a traditional american crop that is nowadays given renewed importance, has good food potential value. The minerals contributed by the grain are quantitatively important. However, as the flour is obtained by total grinding of the grain, this process leads to the presence of anti-nutritional components, such as fitates, and therefore, the evaluation of the actual availability of the minerals of nutritional interest becomes necessary. The process of bread fermentation, plus the addition of fitases and enhancers of mineral availability such as citric and ascorbic acid, might improve mineral bioavailability. The objective of this work was to assess protein, ash, lipids and total dietary fiber content and evaluate the concentration and dialyzability of Fe, Zn and Ca (as mineral bioavailability indicator) in bread and pasta 100% wheat, and bread and pasta obtained by replacing 20% wheat flour (WF) with whole amaranth flour (WAF). Ascorbic acid (AA), citric acid (CA) and fitase were used as mineral bioavailability enhancers. The potential contribution of each mineral (PC) was calculated as each mineral concentration times its dialyzability. In 80:20 bread an increase of total dietary fiber and minerals, compared to 100% wheat products was observed. A maximum FePC in 80:20 bread was obtained with CA and fitase (0.55mg%). In pasta, the maximum effect was observed with CA (0.07 mg%). The CaPC was maximum in 80:20 pasta with CA (16.72 mg%). The greatest ZnPC was found in 80:20 bread with CA and fitase (0.40 mg%). The introduction of the WAF in fermented baked products with addition of CA and fitase allows to obtain nutritional advantages.

Amaranthus , Pão/análise , Farinha/análise , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Minerais/análise , Triticum , Cálcio/análise , Diálise/métodos , Ferro/análise , Valor Nutritivo , Zinco/análise