AIM: Insertion of dental implants causes bone deformation and induces residual bone compression stress, which can lead to implant failure if the bone loss threshold is exceeded. The current literature about bone stress is restricted to computer simulations and implant primary stability measurements after installation. This work measures the torque and deformation during implant insertion testing. PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to analyze the influence surface treatment, thread profile, body shape and the presence of microthreads in the neck on the primary stability, bone deformation and residual stress during dental implants insertion. The insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) are the main technique used to measure the primary stability of dental implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five models of dental implants with different surface treatments (machined and acid etching), thread profiles (triangular and trapezoidal) and body shapes (cylindrical and conical) were inserted in synthetic bone blocks (polyurethane) with a density of 30 PCF (0.48 g/cm³) compatible with the D2 bone. The insertion torque was quantified by a digital torque driver. Strain gauge extensometry technique was used to measure bone deformation during implant insertion. RESULTS: The bone deformation and torque increase as the number of implants turns insertion increases. Dental implant with trapezoidal thread profile needs higher insertion torque than triangular threads. Implants with a conical shape require higher insertion torque than cylindrical ones. The bone stress induced by machined implant insertion exceeded the bone's mechanical resistance, causing cracks. Conical implants showed better performance than cylindrical ones. The implants with a trapezoidal thread and those with a conical body induce greater insertion torque. CONCLUSION: Comparing the mechanical behavior, it was found that the machined implants had the worst performance in terms of stress distribution in the synthetic bone, resulting in cracks in the specimen during insertion. Implants with trapezoidal threads and those with a conical body induce insertion torque and bone compression stresses that do not harm osseointegration. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Excessive deformations in the peri-implant bone led to bone necrosis and implant failure. Thus, the surgeons must analyze the influence of surface treatment, thread profile, and body shape on the osseointegration process.
Implantes Dentários , Torque , Humanos , Propriedades de Superfície , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Planejamento de Prótese Dentária , Implantação Dentária Endóssea , Estresse Mecânico , Análise de Frequência de RessonânciaRESUMO
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as características geométricas e mecânicas de seis marcas diferentes de instrumentos manuais de aço inoxidável tipo K. Foram analisados instrumentos nos tamanhos 15 e 20, por meio de testes de resistência à flambagem e torção, seguindo as normas ISO 3630-1 e ANSI/ADA 101. A micromorfometria avaliou diâmetros e conicidades em pontos específicos (D0 e D3). Os resultados indicaram que os instrumentos TDK 15 e Angelus 0.20 apresentaram maior resistência à flambagem, enquanto variações no diâmetro em D0 foram observadas principalmente nos instrumentos TDK 15 e Perfect 15. Em relação à torção, os instrumentos Maillefer 0.20 destacaram-se pela maior deflexão angular antes da fratura, sugerindo maior flexibilidade. Assim, os instrumentos TDK 15 e Angelus 0.20 mostraram-se mais adequados para a negociação de canais atrésicos e retratamento endodôntico, porém as variações no diâmetro dos instrumentos TDK 15 e Perfect 15 podem comprometer a adaptação de cones na fase de obturação. Já os instrumentos Maillefer 0.20, com maior flexibilidade, são mais indicados para canais curvos.
The present study aimed to compare the geometric and mechanical characteristics of six different brands of type K stainless steel manual instruments. Instruments in sizes 15 and 0.20 were analyzed, through buckling and torsional resistance tests, following ISO 3630 standards. -1 and ANSI/ADA 101. Micromorphometry evaluated diameters and conicities at specific points (D0 and D3). The results indicated that the TDK 15 and Angelus 0.20 instruments presented greater resistance to buckling, while variations in diameter in D0 were observed mainly in the TDK 15 and Perfect 15 instruments. In relation to torsional resistance, the Maillefer 0.20 instruments stood out due to the greater angular deflection before fracture, suggesting greater flexibility. Thus, the TDK 15 and Angelus 0.20 instruments proved to be more suitable for negotiating atretic canals and endodontic retreatment, however variations in the diameter of the TDK 15 and Perfect 15 instruments may compromise the adaptation of cones during the obturation phase. The Maillefer 0.20 instruments, with greater flexibility, are more suitable for curved canals.
Humanos , Aço Inoxidável , Instrumentos Odontológicos , Cavidade PulparRESUMO
It was assumed that only autogenous bone had appropriate osteoconductive and osteoindutive properties for bone regeneration, but this assumption has been challenged. Many studies have shown that synthetic biomaterials must be considered as the best choice for guided bone regeneration. The objective of this work is to compare the performances of nanohydroxyapatite/ß-tricalcium phosphate (n-HA/ß-TCP) composite and autogenous bone grafting in bone regeneration applications. The composite was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and used as an allograft in bone defects formed in adult Wistar rats. The bone defects in the dorsal cranium were grafted with autogenous bone on one side and the n-HA/ß-TCP composite on the other. Histomorphometry evaluation via different staining methods (Goldner trichrome, PAS, and Sirius red) and TRAP histochemistry were performed. Immunohistomorphometries of OPN, Cathepsin K, TRAP, acid phosphatase, VEGF, NFκ-ß, MMP-2, MMP-9, and TGF-ß were carried out. The RT-PCR method was also applied to to RANK-L, Osteocalcine, Alcaline Phosphatase, Osterix, and Runx2. The results showed that for all morphometric evaluations with the different staining methods, histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry, VEGF and NFκ-ß were higher in the n-HA/ß-TCP composite group than in the autogenous bone graft group. The RT-PCR markers were higher in the autogenous bone group than in the n-HA/ß-TCP composite group. The n-HA/ß-TCP composite exhibited enhanced cell-matrix interactions in bone remodeling, higher adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, and increased vascularization. These results suggest that the n-HA/ß-TCP composite induces faster bone formation than autogenous bone grafting.
Regeneração Óssea , Transplante Ósseo , Ratos Wistar , Animais , Ratos , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Masculino , Durapatita/química , Fosfatos de Cálcio/química , Fosfatos de Cálcio/farmacologia , Osteogênese , Substitutos Ósseos/química , Substitutos Ósseos/farmacologia , HidroxiapatitasRESUMO
Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characterization, wear and penetration tension of periodontal probes before and after sterilization cycles and wear simulation. Materials and Methods: nine North Carolina periodontal probes from three commercial brands available in Brazil (Hu-Friedy, HF; Millenium, MI; and Quinelato, Qui) were tested. Following initial evaluation, the instruments underwent sterilization in an autoclave for 60 cycles. Precision and sharpness of the millimeter marks and the shape of the tips were recorded before and after every 20 cycles using stereomicroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to assess topography. In vitro testing evaluated probe penetration tension. Scanning electron microscopy and penetration tension were performed before sterilization process. Statistical analysis utilized analysis of variance and the Student-Newman- Keuls test at a 5% significance level. Results: the results indicated differing probe tip shapes among brands, categorized as flame (MI), rounded (HF), and obtuse vertex (QUI). Morphology and tip angle were similar between HF and QUI but greater than MI. Laser mark sharpness varied among instruments, with QUI probes inducing the highest stress and penetration force in vitro. Surface morphology remained unchanged after 60 sterilization cycles and mechanical testing, though all probes exhibited superficial finishing flaws. HF exhibited the most precise millimeter engravings among the brands tested. Conclusion: tested probes displayed some finishing defects, with their shapes and sizes impacting probing tension, and Hu- Friedy probes demonstrating superior accuracy in millimeter markings compared to other brands tested.
Objetivo: avaliar as características estruturais, desgaste e tensão de penetração de sondas periodontais antes e após ciclos de esterilização e simulação de desgaste. Materiais e Métodos: foram testadas nove sondas periodontais da Carolina do Norte de três marcas comerciais disponíveis no Brasil (Hu-Friedy, HF; Millenium, MI; e Quinelato, Qui). Após avaliação inicial, os instrumentos foram submetidos à esterilização em autoclave por 60 ciclos. A precisão e a nitidez das marcas milimétricas e o formato das pontas foram registradas antes do primeiro ciclo e após cada 20 ciclos, utilizando estereomicroscopia. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi empregada para avaliar a topografia. Os testes in vitro avaliaram a tensão de penetração da sonda. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura e o teste de tensão de penetração foram realizados antes do processo de esterilização. A análise estatística utilizou análise de variância e teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: os resultados indicaram diferentes formatos de ponta de sonda entre as marcas, categorizados como chama (MI), arredondada (HF) e vértice obtuso (QUI). A morfologia e o ângulo da ponta foram semelhantes entre HF e QUI, mas maiores que MI. A nitidez da marcação a laser variou entre os instrumentos, com as sondas QUI induzindo a maior tensão e força de penetração in vitro. A morfologia da superfície permaneceu inalterada após 60 ciclos de esterilização e testes mecânicos, embora todas as sondas apresentassem falhas de acabamento superficial. A HF exibiu as gravações milimétricas mais precisas entre as marcas testadas. Conclusão: as sondas testadas apresentaram alguns defeitos de acabamento, com seus formatos e tamanhos impactando a tensão de sondagem, e as sondas Hu-Friedy demonstraram precisão superior em marcações milimétricas em comparação com outras marcas testadas.
Doenças Periodontais/diagnóstico , Bolsa Periodontal , Periodontia , Índice Periodontal , Instrumentos OdontológicosRESUMO
This study evaluated the influence of a fluoride-modified titanium surface on osseointegration in rats with induced diabetes. One hundred and eighty rats were randomly allocated into 3 groups with 60 animals each: Control group (C): Animals without diabetes; Diabetes Group (D): Animals with uncontrolled induced diabetes; Controlled Diabetes Group (CD): Animals with diabetes induced controlled by the insulin administration. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection. Each animal received 2 implants in the proximal tibial metaphysis, one with the machined surface (M) and the other one with a fluoride-modified titanium surface (F), after 4 weeks of induction of diabetes. The animals were submitted to euthanasia 2, 4, and 6 weeks after the implant placement (n = 20 animals/group). The osseointegration was evaluated by the implant removal torque test and the histometric analysis of the non-decalcified histological sections: 1) Contact bone/implant (%BIC); 2) Bone tissue area between implant threads (%BBT). Implants with F surface showed a higher removal torque than implants with surface M in all groups. There was no difference in %BIC between the groups regardless of the surface used. The F surface showed a tendency to present higher %BBT values for the 3 evaluation periods in the D group. The fluoride-modified implant surface has no impact on the %BIC and %BBT. However, the fluoride-modified implant surface increases the locking of the implants with the bone. The hyperglycemia was associated with lower removal torque values despite the surfaces of the implant used.
Implantes Dentários , Diabetes Mellitus , Ratos , Animais , Osseointegração , Fluoretos , Tíbia , Titânio , Propriedades de Superfície , TorqueRESUMO
Abstract This study evaluated the influence of a fluoride-modified titanium surface on osseointegration in rats with induced diabetes. One hundred and eighty rats were randomly allocated into 3 groups with 60 animals each: Control group (C): Animals without diabetes; Diabetes Group (D): Animals with uncontrolled induced diabetes; Controlled Diabetes Group (CD): Animals with diabetes induced controlled by the insulin administration. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection. Each animal received 2 implants in the proximal tibial metaphysis, one with the machined surface (M) and the other one with a fluoride-modified titanium surface (F), after 4 weeks of induction of diabetes. The animals were submitted to euthanasia 2, 4, and 6 weeks after the implant placement (n = 20 animals/group). The osseointegration was evaluated by the implant removal torque test and the histometric analysis of the non-decalcified histological sections: 1) Contact bone/implant (%BIC); 2) Bone tissue area between implant threads (%BBT). Implants with F surface showed a higher removal torque than implants with surface M in all groups. There was no difference in %BIC between the groups regardless of the surface used. The F surface showed a tendency to present higher %BBT values for the 3 evaluation periods in the D group. The fluoride-modified implant surface has no impact on the %BIC and %BBT. However, the fluoride-modified implant surface increases the locking of the implants with the bone. The hyperglycemia was associated with lower removal torque values despite the surfaces of the implant used.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou a influência de uma superfície de titânio modificada com flúor na osseointegração em ratos com diabetes induzida. Cento e oitenta ratos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos com 60 animais cada: Grupo controle (C): Animais sem diabetes; Grupo Diabetes (D): Animais com diabetes induzida descompensada; Grupo Diabetes Controlado (CD): Animais com diabetes induzido controlado pela administração de insulina. O diabetes foi induzido por injeção de estreptozotocina. Cada animal recebeu 2 implantes na metáfise proximal da tíbia, um com superfície usinada (M) e outro com superfície de titânio modificado com flúor (F), após 4 semanas de indução do diabetes. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia 2, 4 e 6 semanas após a colocação do implante (n = 20 animais/grupo). A osseointegração foi avaliada pelo teste de torque de remoção do implante e pela análise histométrica dos cortes histológicos não descalcificados: 1) Contato osso-implante (%BIC); 2) Área de tecido ósseo entre as roscas do implante (%BBT). Os implantes com superfície F apresentaram maior torque de remoção do que os implantes com superfície M em todos os grupos. Não houve diferença no %BIC entre os grupos independente da superfície utilizada. A superfície F mostrou tendência a apresentar maiores valores de %BBT para os 3 períodos de avaliação no grupo D. As superfícies de implantes modificadas com flúor não influenciaram nos dados de %BIC e %BBT. Entretanto, essas superfícies aumentaram o travamento dos implantes no tecido ósseo. A hiperglicemia foi associada a menores torques de remoção dos implantes independentemente do tipo de superfície de implante utilizada.
OBJECTIVE: Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is based on the use of different membranes that function as sealants and barriers in specific clinical situations. Among the several tissue production methods and origins, resorbable porcine-derived membranes are the most commonly used. Because these membranes are so diverse, and have several different clinical applications, doubts linger as to their effect in stimulating osteogenesis. The objective of this study was to make an in vitro evaluation of the viability and differentiation of osteoblastic cells cultured on the surface of the following collagen membranes: Jason® (Botiss Biomaterials), Collprotect® (Botiss Biomaterials), and Bio-Gide® (Geistlich). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fragments of the 3 resorbable collagen membranes (5 × 5 mm) were used, and pre-osteoblastic SAOS-2 cells (ATCC, USA) were plated on their porous surfaces. Evaluation of the membranes was performed at 3, 5 and 7 days, considering the following parameters: (1) topographic analysis of the different surfaces by scanning electron microscope; (2) cellular viability by MTT, (3) quantification of type I collagen and osteopontin by Elisa. The quantitative analyses were carried out using a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Collprotect® and Jason® membranes presented a rough surface with an irregular aspect on both sides, while double-layered Bio-Gide® had one layer with a smooth surface and the other with a rough surface along each respective length. The viability assays revealed that the cells cultured the cells grown on Collprotect® showed higher viability than those grown in Bio-Gide® or Jason®, especially after 5 and 7 days. After 3 and 5 days, evaluation of type I collagen showed that the cells plated on the Jason® and Collprotect® surfaces had greater collagen secretion than those plated on BioGide®. After 7 days, an increase in osteopontin levels was observed when the cells were plated on all the experimental membranes, compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: All the tested membranes were suitable for use in GTR clinical procedures. Their indication in specific regenerative cases depends on the mechanical and biological properties of their originating tissues, thus enabling better results and assertive choices by dental professionals.
Colágeno Tipo I , Osteogênese , Humanos , Suínos , Animais , Osteopontina , Membranas Artificiais , Colágeno , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada Periodontal/métodosRESUMO
Introduction: The goal of this pilot study was to evaluate the differences between checking occlusion on implants crowns using 16 or 200 µm thickness of articulating occlusal paper, and to compare the stained occlusal area between the groups after bite forces of 200 and 250 N. Methods: It was included 10 casts of articulated-type IV gypsum, 10 NiCr crowns, articulating occlusal papers (16 µm and 200 µm thick), and a compression test machine. Compressive forces (200 and 250 were applied on models, to check the occlusal contact area of fixed and cemented crowns. The contact areas on the crowns were measured through images obtained by the scanning electron microscope. Statistical tests were performed considering the significant level of 5% (p≤0.05). Results: The stains found using 200 µm of articulating paper were higher than those with 16 µm, independent of the force applied. However, the stains obtained in lower teeth with different strengths (200 and 250N) marked with 16 µm articulating paper were not possible to score. The articulating paper variable had significant statistical results (p=0.002), while the variables force (p=0.443) and articulating paper-force interaction (p=0.607) were not significant. The mean area found in staining using the 200 µm and 16 µm papers was, respectively, 8.3380 mm2 and 3.4759 mm2. Conclusion: It was possible to confirm that 200 µm of articulating occlusal paper showed better and significant results to stain the occlusal area, permitting a more accurate adjustment independent of the force applied.
Força de Mordida , Implantes Dentários , Força Compressiva , Coroas , Articuladores Dentários , Oclusão Dentária , Dente MolarRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the cyclic fatigue of heat-treated and non-treated instruments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty instruments with and without heat treatment from Bassi Logic were evaluated (n = 10). All instruments were subjected to dynamic cyclic fatigue through continuous rotations inside a stainless-steel tube (1.4-mm diameter, 9-mm curvature with 6-mm radius, and 90° angle) using a custom-made device, which performed 1 axial oscillation every 2 seconds with an amplitude of 3 mm, powered by a torque-controlled motor (Silver Reciproc, VDW, Germany), with speed adjusting to 950 rpm and torque to 4 N, according to manufacturer's guidance. The groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. RESULT: The fracture time of the heat-treated instruments (97.20 ± 39.94 second and non-treated instruments (14.30 ± 6.78 seconds had statistical differences [p < 0.05]). Heat-treated instruments were 6.8 times more resistant to fatigue than non-treated instruments (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Heat treatment provides increased fatigue resistance of NiTi alloy with the same design.
Resumo Proposição: avaliar in vitro a rugosidade superficial de fios ortodônticos antes e após a compressão com pinças ortodônticas. Material E Métodos: 30 fios 0,014" de níckel-titânio termoativados (Neosentalloy, GAC) e 30 fios 0,019 x 0,025" de aço foram usados nos experimentos. Avaliou-se a rugosidade superficial com rugosímetro (NewViewTM 7100, Zygo), antes e após a compressão com alicate Weingart do lado esquerdo e pinça Mathieu do lado direito (Dentaurum). Foram determinados os parâmetros de rugosidade Ra (µm), Rq (µm), PV (µm), Srmax Iso (nm). Testes estat´siticos Wilcoxon foram realizados para analisar a variação dos parâmetros da rugosidade com nível de confiança de 95% e p<0,05. Resultados: Os fios redondos de NiTi apresentaram diferenças significaticas dos parâmetros Ra e Rq antes e após a compressão com pinça Mathieu. O emprego do alicate Weingart não alterou a rugosidade dos fios redondos. Os fios retangulares apresentaram diferenças significativas em todos os parâmetros com uso das duas pinças. As médias das diferenças dos parâmetros entre o alicate Weingart e a pinça Mathieu nos fios redondos, não foram estatisticamente significativos. Os fios retangulares apresentaram maior rugosidade com o emprego do alicate Weingart, com diferenças significativas. Conclusão: O uso do alicate tipo Weingart e da pinça tipo Mathieu aumentam a rugosidade dos fios de NiTi e de aço (AU)
Abstract Proposition: the surface roughness of orthodontic wires was evaluated in vitro before and after gripping with two different orthodontic pliers. Material And Methods: Units were made of 30 round heat-activated Nickel Titanium alloy wires 0,014" (Neosentalloy, GAC), and another group with 30 rectangular steel wires 0,019 x 0,025". The surface roughness was evaluated with a rugosimeter (NewViewTM 7100, Zygo), before and after gripping with Weingart plier on the left side and Mathieu plier on the right side (Dentaurum), in addition to the average difference in roughness between groups of the same types of wires with parameters Ra (µm), Rq (µm), PV (µm), Srmax Iso (nm). The variation of parameters with different clamps was evaluated (Wilcoxon test); different alloys by the same clamp, 95% confidence level and p<0.05. Results: The round wires showed significant differences (Ra and Rq) before and after being gripped with Mathieu plier. The roughness was higher after being gripped. Weingart pliers and round wires obtained the same results, with greater roughness after being clamped. Rectangular wires showed significant differences in all parameters, with both clamps. The means of the differences in the parameters between the Weingart pliers and the Mathieu forceps on the round wires were not statistically significant. In the rectangular wire, the values between the tweezers showed greater roughness with the grip of the Weingart pliers, with significant differences.Conclusion: After securing the orthodontic wires, the Weingart pliers and the Mathieu tweezers increased the roughness parameters (AU)
Fios Ortodônticos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Atrito DentárioRESUMO
This review aims to present the mechanisms of protein interactions with titanium dental implant surfaces. Methods: the analyses were based on searches of scientific articles available in English and Portuguese in PubMed (MEDLINE), Bireme (LILACS), Scielo, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Results: titanium dental implant treatments success rates (95-98%) are mainly due to the biocompatibility of titanium oxide on the implant surface, surgical techniques adopted, good implants manufacturing processes and biomechanical knowledge of the systems. Studies in past decades has empirically developed implant surfaces with significant changes in morphologies, roughness, wettability, surface energy, chemical composition, and chemical groups density or deposited molecules. These changes promoted better protein adsorption, osteoblast adhesion, and changes in the mechanisms involved in osseointegration. Thus, the time to put the implant in function has been reduced and the success rates have increased. In the osseointegration process, at the nanoscale, there is no contact between the bone and the implant surface, but there is the formation of a protein anchorage between the periosteum and the implant with an interface formed by proteins. In all the reactions between the body and the implant surface, the activities of fibronectin and integrin are essential, since they are responsible for transmitting information to the cell for its differentiation, adhesion and mobility. Conclusion: thus, the analyses of protein-implant interactions are indispensable for a better understanding of the performance of osseointegrated dental implants
Proteínas , Implantes Dentários , Osseointegração , Interface Osso-ImplanteRESUMO
Graphene and niobium oxide are used in biomaterial coatings. In this work, commercially pure titanium (cp Ti) was coated with graphene oxide (GO), niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5), and a mixture of both materials (NbGO) by the electrochemical deposition method. The surface morphology, roughness, wettability, and degradation of coated and uncoated samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, interferometry, and contact angle. The results showed that the specimens coated with NbGO (cp Ti-NbGO) showed the highest surface roughness (Ra = 0.64 µm) and were hydrophobic. The contact (θ) angle between water and the surface of uncoated specimens (cp Ti), coated with GO (cp Ti-GO), coated with a mixture with GO and Nb2O5) (cp Ti-NbGO), and coated with Nb2O5 were 50.74°, 44.35°, 55.86°, and 100.35°, respectively. The electrochemical corrosion tests showed that coating with graphene oxide increased the corrosion resistance and coating with Nb2O5 decreased the corrosion resistance. The negative effect of the effect of Nb2O5 coating in corrosion resistance compensated for the release of Nb2O5, which helps osseointegration, increasing cell viability, and proliferation of osteoblasts. The NbGO coating may be a good way to combine the bactericidal effect of graphene oxide with the osseointegration effect of Nb2O5.
A new technique is proposed in this study to correct the gummy smile (GS) with myotomy, combining lip repositioning with the insertion of polyester threads at the surgical site to act as a physical barrier and control relapse. 11 patients were clinically assessed (30.2 ± 7.43 years old, 90.9% females and 9.10% males). All patients presented gingival display (GD) greater than 4 mm. Hypermobile upper lip (HUL), vertical maxillary excess (VME) + HUL, altered passive eruption (APE) + HUL, and VME + APE were the etiologies identified. Three polyester threads were inserted in each patient one month after the surgery. The GS was measured before, 6 months, and 12 months after the surgery. The results showed a reduction in the mean GD of the patients, 4.42 mm after 6 months (p value = 0.000) and 4.13 mm after 12 months (p value = 0.000). The largest relapse was 0.29 mm and was not statistically significant (p value = 0.07). The Friedman test with pairwise comparisons was used to determine the existence of statistically significant differences in GD between the periods analyzed. The results showed that the proposed technique was successful in treating GS, presenting significant reductions in the GD 12 months after surgery and controlling the relapse.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cigarette smoke (CS) on physical and mechanical properties of ceramic, polycarbonate and alumina ceramic brackets. The null hypothesis tested was that aesthetic brackets would not be influenced by CS. METHODS: Ninety aesthetic brackets were allocated to three groups (n = 30): ceramic (GCE), polycarbonate (GCO) and alumina ceramic (GPS). Ten samples of each group were assigned to color and surface roughness analysis, performed before (T0) and after (T1) exposure to CS; and twenty samples were allocated into control and experimental groups (n = 10) (not exposed and exposed to CS, respectively) for shear bond strength test (SBS). Exposure to CS followed an adaptation of the method described by Le Mesurier. Colorimetric reading, surface morphology and roughness, SBS and adhesive remnant index (ARI) were assessed. Statistical analysis comprised independent and paired t-tests, ANOVA/Tukey and Fisher's exact tests (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Changes were observed in brackets' color (NBS: GCE = 2.4; GCO = 1.9; GPS = 2.1), surface roughness (ΔRa: GCE = 1.1 ± 0.8 µm; GCO = 1.9 ± 1.5µm; GPS = -0.3 ± 0.1 µm / ΔRz: GCE = 1.4 ± 1.0 nm; GPS = -0.5 ± 0.1 nm); and SBS (GPS - experimental = 221.8 ± 48.6 N) after exposure to CS (p< 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Exposure, in vitro, of aesthetic brackets to CS resulted in changes of color to darker and more opaque shades, surface roughness alterations, and higher SBS values. ARI scores were not associated with exposure to CS.
Fumar Cigarros , Colagem Dentária , Braquetes Ortodônticos , Óxido de Alumínio , Cerâmica/química , Colagem Dentária/métodos , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Estética Dentária , Teste de Materiais , Resistência ao Cisalhamento , Propriedades de SuperfícieRESUMO
The objective was to evaluate the bending strength, phase transformation, roughness, and color stainability by coffee and red wine of opaque and high translucency yttria-stabilized zirconia before and after hydrothermal degradation in saline solution or oral mouthwash. Presintered zirconia blocks with medium opacity (ZrO2-3 mol. % of Y2O3) designed as ZrOp and high translucency zirconia (5.2 mol. % of Y2O3) designed as ZrTrans were used. Specimens (n = 80/group) were cut and sintered at 1500°C for 2 h. The specimens were hydrothermally degraded in an autoclave (134°C-1.8 kg/cm2) for 20 h in saline solution (0.5 g/L) and oral mouthwash solution (0.02% sodium fluoride, without alcohol and with 21.6% alcohol). After hydrothermal degradation, the samples were immersed in containers with coffee or red wine for 14 days to determine their color stainability. The results showed that the ZrOp had a higher bending strength than the ZrTrans before and after hydrothermal aging. In ZrOp and ZrTrans, the roughness increased after hydrothermal degradation. ZrOp samples had a higher Ra roughness than the ZrTrans samples. Roughness did not change after immersion in coffee or red wine. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that ZrOp samples underwent a tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation, while ZrTrans samples were unchanged. Both ZrOp and ZrTrans samples changed color after immersion in coffee and red wine.
The wide application of additive manufacturing in dentistry implies the further investigation into oral micro-organism adhesion and biofilm formation on vat-photopolymerization (VP) dental resins. The surface characteristics and microbiological analysis of a VP dental resin, printed at resolutions of 50 µm (EG-50) and 100 µm (EG-100), were evaluated against an auto-polymerizing acrylic resin (CG). Samples were evaluated using a scanning electron microscope, a scanning white-light interferometer, and analyzed for Candida albicans (CA) and Streptococcus mutans (SM) biofilm, as well as antifungal and antimicrobial activity. EG-50 and EG-100 exhibited more irregular surfaces and statistically higher mean (Ra) and root-mean-square (rms) roughness (EG-50-Ra: 2.96 ± 0.32 µm; rms: 4.05 ± 0.43 µm/EG-100-Ra: 3.76 ± 0.58 µm; rms: 4.79 ± 0.74 µm) compared to the CG (Ra: 0.52 ± 0.36 µm; rms: 0.84 ± 0.54 µm) (p < 0.05). The biomass and extracellular matrix production by CA and SM and the metabolic activity of SM were significantly decreased in EG-50 and EG-100 compared to CG (p < 0.05). CA and SM growth was inhibited by the pure unpolymerized VP resin (48 h). EG-50 and EG-100 recorded a greater irregularity, higher surface roughness, and decreased CA and SM biofilm formation over the CG.
Several mechanical and biological factors may change the orthodontic wire frictional resistance (FR). Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) and silica dioxide (SiO2 ) nanoparticle (NP) coatings may be used to improve the characteristics of materials, reducing FR between archwire and bracket. This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the FR of orthodontic wires with and without coating in both dry and wet environments and measure the surface roughness (SR). One hundred and eighty segments of rectangular Cr-Ni orthodontic wires (Morelli Co, Brazil) were divided into three groups according to the NP coating applied: TiO2 group; SiO2 group; and control group. The SR parameters were measured in an optical profilometer, the surface morphology was analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and FR was performed in a universal testing machine in dry and wet environments (n = 30). The statistical analysis was performed using the Generalized Estimated Equations model with a Bonferroni post-test (α = 0.05). It was observed that SiO2 NP coating decreased FR significantly when compared to the TiO2 and control groups, in both environments (p < .001). The SiO2 and TiO2 groups presented statistically lower SR than the control group and were similar to each other (p < .001). The SiO2 group presented the lower depth of Valley parameter than the TiO2 group (p < .001). The SEM showed that the TiO2 coating had the most heterogeneous surface morphology than the SiO2 and control groups. The orthodontic wires with NP coating modified the FR and morphology. The SiO2 coating reduced FR in both dry and wet environments and decreased SR. Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) and silica dioxide (SiO2 ) nanoparticles coatings may be used to reduce frictional resistance (FR) between archwire and bracket as well as to improve surface morphology. The SiO2 coating reduced FR in both dry and wet environments and decreased the SR of Cr-Ni orthodontic wire. The TiO2 coating promoted the most heterogeneous surface morphology of Cr-Ni orthodontic wire.
Nanopartículas , Braquetes Ortodônticos , Ligas Dentárias , Fricção , Teste de Materiais , Fios Ortodônticos , Dióxido de Silício , Propriedades de Superfície , TitânioRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cigarette smoke (CS) on physical and mechanical properties of ceramic, polycarbonate and alumina ceramic brackets. The null hypothesis tested was that aesthetic brackets would not be influenced by CS. Methods: Ninety aesthetic brackets were allocated to three groups (n = 30): ceramic (GCE), polycarbonate (GCO) and alumina ceramic (GPS). Ten samples of each group were assigned to color and surface roughness analysis, performed before (T0) and after (T1) exposure to CS; and twenty samples were allocated into control and experimental groups (n = 10) (not exposed and exposed to CS, respectively) for shear bond strength test (SBS). Exposure to CS followed an adaptation of the method described by Le Mesurier. Colorimetric reading, surface morphology and roughness, SBS and adhesive remnant index (ARI) were assessed. Statistical analysis comprised independent and paired t-tests, ANOVA/Tukey and Fisher's exact tests (α = 0.05). Results: Changes were observed in brackets' color (NBS: GCE = 2.4; GCO = 1.9; GPS = 2.1), surface roughness (ΔRa: GCE = 1.1 ± 0.8 µm; GCO = 1.9 ± 1.5µm; GPS = -0.3 ± 0.1 µm / ΔRz: GCE = 1.4 ± 1.0 nm; GPS = -0.5 ± 0.1 nm); and SBS (GPS - experimental = 221.8 ± 48.6 N) after exposure to CS (p< 0.05). Conclusions: Exposure, in vitro, of aesthetic brackets to CS resulted in changes of color to darker and more opaque shades, surface roughness alterations, and higher SBS values. ARI scores were not associated with exposure to CS.
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da fumaça do cigarro (FC) nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas de braquetes cerâmicos, de policarbonato e de cerâmica de alumina. A hipótese nula testada foi de que os braquetes estéticos não seriam influenciados pela FC. Métodos: Noventa braquetes estéticos foram alocados em três grupos (n = 30): cerâmica (GCE), policarbonato (GCO) e cerâmica de alumina (GPS). Dez amostras de cada grupo foram designadas para análise de cor e rugosidade superficial, realizada antes (T0) e após (T1) exposição à FC, e vinte amostras foram alocadas nos grupos controle e experimental (n = 10) (não expostos e expostos à FC, respectivamente) para o teste de resistência ao cisalhamento (RC). A exposição à FC foi realizada de acordo com o método descrito por Le Mesurier. Leitura colorimétrica, morfologia e rugosidade de superfície, RC e índice de adesivo remanescente (ARI) foram avaliados. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes t independente e para amostras pareadas, ANOVA/Tukey e teste exato de Fisher (α = 0,05). Resultados: Foram observadas alterações na cor (NBS: GCE = 2,4; GCO = 1,9; GPS = 2,1), rugosidade superficial (ΔRa: GCE = 1,1 ± 0,8 µm; GCO = 1,9 ± 1,5 µm; GPS = -0,3 ± 0,1 µm / ΔRz: GCE = 1,4 ± 1,0 nm; GPS = -0,5 ± 0,1 nm) e RC (GPS - experimental = 221,8 ± 48,6 N) dos braquetes após exposição à FC (p< 0,05). Conclusões: A exposição in vitro de braquetes estéticos à FC resultou em mudanças na cor, para tons mais escuros e mais opacos; alterações na rugosidade superficial e maiores valores de RC. Os resultados do ARI não foram associados à exposição à FC.
In this work, in vitro testing was used to study the properties of non-crosslinked type 1 bovine derived collagen membranes used in bone regeneration surgery. Collagen membranes were prepared, their surface roughness was quantified by interferometry, their morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), their wettability was measured by the contact angle technique, their mechanical properties were investigated by tensile testing, their phase transformation temperatures were measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and their biocompatibility was evaluated by immunological testing. The calorimetry tests showed that the membrane is formed only by type 1 collagen. The SEM observations showed that the morphology consists of layers of highly organized collagen fibers and patterns of striated fibrils typical of type 1 collagen. The small contact angle showed that the membrane is hydrophilic, with the possibility of rapid absorption of body fluids. The tensile tests showed that the membrane has enough elasticity, ductility, and mechanical strength for use in tissue regeneration. With the immunostaining technique, it was possible to confirm the membrane biocompatibility.
OBJECTIVES: To analyse, in vitro, surface properties and the shear bond strength after debonding and polishing procedures of ceramic brackets directly bonded to 0.3-0.5-mm thick feldspathic veneers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty six feldspathic ceramic veneers samples (0.3 to 0.5-mm thick) were allocated into groups according to veneers surface treatment procedures: (S) glaze layer was retained; (SHF) hydrofluoric (HF) acid etch; (SOXA) Al2O3 sandblasting; and (SB) diamond burs roughening. Specimens were treated with silane Monobond N® and ceramic brackets bonded with Transbond XT®. Shear bonding strength (SBS) was assessed with a universal testing machine and ARI evaluated under a stereomicroscopic coupled to a digital camera. Remaining bonding composite was removed using a porcelain polishing kit and surface roughness assessed with a stylus profilometer. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were identified for SBS among the study groups (S, SHF, SOXA and SB) (P>0.05). The majority of the specimens presented ARI scores 3 and 2 (P>0.05). All of the study groups presented increased surface roughness after debonding and polishing procedures (P<0.05), with significant greater values observed in SB group (RaF: 1.27±0.41; RzF: 6.23±1.82), (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Surface treatment with hydrofluoric acid etch, Al2O3 sandblasting and diamond bur did not enhance SBS of orthodontic brackets bonded to ceramic veneers. Ceramic surfaces treated with diamond burs presented significantly increased roughness after adhesive removal.