Supplementation with folic acid (FA) during gestation has been recommended by medical society all over the world, but some studies have shown that intake of high folic acid diet may unleash damages to the descendants. OBJECTIVES: Describing the effects of maternal supplementation with FA during gestation on offspring's kidney at late life stages. DATA SOURCE: It is a systematic review by which were consulted the following databases: Medline, through Pubmed, Lilacs, and SciELO. The research was performed using the keywords "Folic acid", "Gestation" and "Kidney". STUDY SELECTION: Eight studies were regarded for this systematic review. DATA COLLECTION: Only studies that evaluated folic acid consumption during gestation and its effects exclusively on descendants' kidney at several phases of life were regarded. RESULTS: Gestational FA intake did not change the renal volume, glomerular filtration rate and the expression of some essential genes in the kidney of puppies whose dams were supplemented with FA. Maternal consumption of double FA plus selenium diet was effective in preserving antioxidant enzymes activity in the kidney of descendants from mothers exposed to alcohol. FA supplementation decreased some gross anomalies in the puppies caused by teratogenic drug despite of had not been effective in preventing some renal architectural damages. CONCLUSION: FA supplementation did not cause renal toxicity; it exerted an antioxidant protective effect and mitigated some renal disorders caused by severe aggressions.
A suplementação com ácido fólico (AF) durante a gestação tem sido recomendada pela sociedade médica em todo o mundo, mas alguns estudos têm mostrado que a ingestão de altas quantidades de ácido fólico na dieta pode desencadear danos aos descendentes. Objetivos: Descrever os efeitos da suplementação materna com AF durante a gestação no rim da prole em fases tardias da vida. Fonte de Dados: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática realizada através da consulta das seguintes bases de dados: Medline, através da Plataforma Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando-se as palavras-chave "Ácido Fólico", "Gestação" e "Rim". Seleção dos Estudos: Oito estudos foram considerados para esta revisão sistemática. Coleta de Dados: Foram incluídos estudos que abordaram o consumo de ácido fólico durante a gestação e seus efeitos exclusivamente no rim dos descendentes em diferentes fases da vida. Resultados: O consumo gestacional de AF não alterou o volume renal, a taxa de filtração glomerular e a expressão de alguns genes essenciais no rim dos filhotes de mães suplementadas com AF. A associação de AF e selênio na dieta materna foi eficaz na preservação da atividade de enzimas antioxidantes no rim da prole de mães expostas ao álcool. O consumo de AF diminuiu algumas anomalias importantes nos filhotes causadas por drogas teratogênicas, apesar de não ter sido eficiente na prevenção de alguns danos a arquitetura renal. Conclusão: A suplementação com AF não causou toxicicdade renal, exerceu efeito protetor antioxidante e mitigou algumas desordens renais causadas por agressões severas.
Antioxidantes , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ácido Fólico , Rim , Animais , Cães , Feminino , Humanos , Etanol , Mães , Ácido Fólico/administração & dosagemRESUMO
Abstract Supplementation with folic acid (FA) during gestation has been recommended by medical society all over the world, but some studies have shown that intake of high folic acid diet may unleash damages to the descendants. Objectives: Describing the effects of maternal supplementation with FA during gestation on offspring's kidney at late life stages. Data Source: It is a systematic review by which were consulted the following databases: Medline, through Pubmed, Lilacs, and SciELO. The research was performed using the keywords "Folic acid", "Gestation" and "Kidney". Study Selection: Eight studies were regarded for this systematic review. Data Collection: Only studies that evaluated folic acid consumption during gestation and its effects exclusively on descendants' kidney at several phases of life were regarded. Results: Gestational FA intake did not change the renal volume, glomerular filtration rate and the expression of some essential genes in the kidney of puppies whose dams were supplemented with FA. Maternal consumption of double FA plus selenium diet was effective in preserving antioxidant enzymes activity in the kidney of descendants from mothers exposed to alcohol. FA supplementation decreased some gross anomalies in the puppies caused by teratogenic drug despite of had not been effective in preventing some renal architectural damages. Conclusion: FA supplementation did not cause renal toxicity; it exerted an antioxidant protective effect and mitigated some renal disorders caused by severe aggressions.
Resumo A suplementação com ácido fólico (AF) durante a gestação tem sido recomendada pela sociedade médica em todo o mundo, mas alguns estudos têm mostrado que a ingestão de altas quantidades de ácido fólico na dieta pode desencadear danos aos descendentes. Objetivos: Descrever os efeitos da suplementação materna com AF durante a gestação no rim da prole em fases tardias da vida. Fonte de Dados: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática realizada através da consulta das seguintes bases de dados: Medline, através da Plataforma Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando-se as palavras-chave "Ácido Fólico", "Gestação" e "Rim". Seleção dos Estudos: Oito estudos foram considerados para esta revisão sistemática. Coleta de Dados: Foram incluídos estudos que abordaram o consumo de ácido fólico durante a gestação e seus efeitos exclusivamente no rim dos descendentes em diferentes fases da vida. Resultados: O consumo gestacional de AF não alterou o volume renal, a taxa de filtração glomerular e a expressão de alguns genes essenciais no rim dos filhotes de mães suplementadas com AF. A associação de AF e selênio na dieta materna foi eficaz na preservação da atividade de enzimas antioxidantes no rim da prole de mães expostas ao álcool. O consumo de AF diminuiu algumas anomalias importantes nos filhotes causadas por drogas teratogênicas, apesar de não ter sido eficiente na prevenção de alguns danos a arquitetura renal. Conclusão: A suplementação com AF não causou toxicicdade renal, exerceu efeito protetor antioxidante e mitigou algumas desordens renais causadas por agressões severas.
Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Filtros Descendentes , Ácido Fólico/administração & dosagem , RimRESUMO
Background and objectives: Ultra-processed food products (UPF) have been associated with numerous non-communicable diseases. Despite this, the addictive nature of UPF, and the aggressive marketing strategies used to promote them, has created a strong emotional connection between UPF and consumers, and supports their increasing UPF global consumption. In view of the emotional link that consumers often have with UPF, modulating emotional reactions to UPF (by using strategies such as textual warnings) is important in changing consumers' behavior. Since emotions are better understood by assessing individuals' implicit reactions, we conducted an electroencephalographic study applying the event-related potential technique to investigate whether textual warnings were able to modulate the brain responses to UPF stimuli. Materials and methods: Twenty-six participants (19 women) viewed pictures of UPF preceded by a warning sentence about the health risks of consuming UPF or a control sentence while the electroencephalogram was recorded. In addition, the participants rated the picture in respect of pleasantness, arousal, and intention to consume. As emotions are associated with motivational circuits in the brain, we focused on a well-known event-related potential brain marker of the motivational relevance associated with emotional stimuli, namely late positive potential (LPP). Results: The late positive potential amplitude was larger for pictures depicting UPF under the warning condition compared to the control condition, a result that was accompanied by lower pleasantness ratings during the warning condition (compared to the control). Conclusion: Textual warnings about the negative health consequences of consuming UPF changed the emotional responses toward UPF, possibly increasing the motivation to avoid UPF. These results shed new light on the impact of textual warnings on UPF-evoked emotions.
Pain is responsible for inducing physical and mental stress, interfering negatively in patients' quality of life. Classic analgesic drugs, such as opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are known for their wide range of adverse effects, making it important to develop new drugs. Thus, this study aimed to analyse the action of the hybrid compound cis- (±) -acetate of 4-chloro-6- (naphthalene-1-yl) -tetrahydro-2h-pyran -2-yl) methyl2- (2- [2,6-dichlorophenylamine] phenyl (LS19) under acute nociceptive conditions, and deepened the understanding of the responsible mechanisms. Male Swiss mice were evaluated in the acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing, formalin, tail flick, capsaicin- and glutamate-induced nociception, thermal stimulation in animals injected with capsaicin and rotarod tests besides the acute and subchronic toxicological evaluation. The compound showed effect on the acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing, formalin (both phases), tail flick, thermal stimulation in animals injected with capsaicin and capsaicin-induced nociception tests. In the study of the mechanism of action was observed reversion of the antihyperalgesic effect of the compound from the previous intraperitoneal and intrathecal administration of naloxone, nor-binaltorphimine, naltrindole, methylnaltrexone, 7-nitroindazole, L-NAME, ODQ, glibenclamide on the tail flick test. In the thermal stimulation in animals injected with capsaicin, the compound showed antinociceptive effect by oral and intraplantar routes, besides to reducing the levels of TNF-α, IL-1ß and PGE2 in the paws previously administered with capsaicin. There were no signs of acute and subchronic intoxication with the compound. In summary, the compound LS19 presented spinal and local antihyperalgesic effect, demonstrating participation of the opioid/NO/cGMP/K+ ATP pathway and TRPV1 receptors and it demonstrated safety in its use in mice.