Studies have shown the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the stool of both symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, enabling wastewater-based surveillance (WBS) to complement clinical monitoring. The emergence of variants can enhance viral transmissibility, highlighting the need for ongoing surveillance to detect and control infectious diseases. This study aimed to detect SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater from a treatment plant in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile, between January and November 2021. Wastewater samples were concentrated using the polyethylene glycol method, and RT-qPCR assays were performed to analyze SARS-CoV-2 and its variants (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda, and Delta), with results compared to Illumina amplicon sequencing. The concentration method achieved about 11% viral recovery. The detection of viruses and variants in wastewater proved sensitive and consistent with clinical data, providing additional surveillance insights. Notably, Lambda and Delta variants were the most frequently detected during the second and third infection waves, with some variants identified in wastewater before the first confirmed clinical cases. However, Illumina sequencing lacked sufficient genome coverage, suggesting the need for better sequencing methods for this matrix. This study demonstrates that WBS is a rapid, cost-effective tool for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and its mutations, particularly useful during overwhelming clinical situations or when cost is prohibitively high.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Águas Residuárias , Águas Residuárias/virologia , Chile/epidemiologia , SARS-CoV-2/genética , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/virologia , Humanos , Vigilância Epidemiológica Baseada em Águas ResiduáriasRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for 20% of all skin cancers and its incidence continues to increase globally. It represents 75% of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) mortality. Risk factors include ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, advanced age, chemical exposure, fair skin types, and immunosuppression. While most human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are associated with the development of warts, a subgroup is potentially implicated in the development of cutaneous SCC. The prevalence of alpha, beta, and gamma-HPV in Chilean patients with hand SCCs has not been previously addressed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of HPV and genotyping in hand SCC from Chilean patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted. Alpha (α), beta (ß) and gamma (γ)-HPV detection was performed by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 52 patients diagnosed with hand SCC from Santiago, Chile. HPV genotyping was carried out via direct amplicon sequencing by Sanger method. RESULTS: The most frequent carcinoma site was the dorsum of the hands (52.5%). α-HPV was not detected in these specimens, whereas ß-HPV and γ-HPV were detected in 25% of the analyzed samples. The most frequent genotypes found were ß-HPV 100 (38%) and γ-HPV 178 (15%). Additionally, γ-HPV 101, 162, HPV-mSK_016, HPV-mSK_083, HPV-mSK_213 and HPV-mSK249nr genotypes were detected, none of which had been previously described in cutaneous SCC. CONCLUSION: ß-HPV and γ-HPV are detectable in 25% of hand SCCs from Chilean patients. It is important to conduct prospective studies to better elucidate the role of these viruses in the development of this disease.
Sewage surveillance provides useful epidemiologic and public health information on viral infections at the population level. We detected monkeypox virus DNA from sewage samples covering 85% of the population in Santiago Metropolitan Region Chile. We also isolated infective viruses from those samples. Wastewater surveillance could complement clinical surveillance for monkeypox virus.
Monkeypox virus , Vigilância Epidemiológica Baseada em Águas Residuárias , Águas Residuárias , Humanos , Chile/epidemiologia , Monkeypox virus/isolamento & purificação , EsgotosRESUMO
Antarctica is a unique environment due to its extreme meteorological and geological conditions. In addition to this, its relative isolation from human influences has kept it undisturbed. This renders our limited understanding of its fauna and its associated microbial and viral communities a relevant knowledge gap to fill. This includes members of the order Charadriiformes such as snowy sheathbills. They are opportunistic predator/scavenger birds distributed on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands that are in frequent contact with other bird and mammal species. This makes them an interesting species for surveillance studies due to their high potential for the acquisition and transport of viruses. In this study, we performed whole-virome and targeted viral surveillance for coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and influenza viruses in snowy sheathbills from two locations, the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland. Our results suggest the potential role of this species as a sentinel for this region. We highlight the discovery of two human viruses, a member of the genus Sapovirus GII and a gammaherpesvirus, and a virus previously described in marine mammals. Here, we provide insight into a complex ecological picture. These data highlight the surveillance opportunities provided by Antarctic scavenger birds. IMPORTANCE This article describes whole-virome and targeted viral surveillance for coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and influenza viruses in snowy sheathbills from the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland. Our results suggest an important role of this species as a sentinel for this region. This species' RNA virome showcased a diversity of viruses likely tied to its interactions with assorted Antarctic fauna. We highlight the discovery of two viruses of likely human origin, one with an intestinal impact and another with oncogenic potential. Analysis of this data set detected a variety of viruses tied to various sources (from crustaceans to nonhuman mammals), depicting a complex viral landscape for this scavenger species.
Charadriiformes , Expedições , Vírus , Animais , Humanos , Regiões Antárticas , Viroma , Estudos Prospectivos , Aves , Vírus/genética , Filogenia , MamíferosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Hepatitis A (HAV) virus causes asymptomatic to life-treating fulminant hepatitis. During infection, patients show large viral excretion in their stools. Resistance of HAV to environmental conditions, allows us to recover viral nucleotide sequences from wastewater and trace its evolutionary history. METHODS: We characterize twelve years of HAV circulation in wastewater from Santiago, Chile, and conducted phylogenetic analyses to decipher the dynamics of circulating lineages. RESULTS: We observed the exclusive circulation of the HAV IA genotype. The molecular epidemiologic analyses showed a steady circulation of a dominant lineage with low genetic diversity (d = 0,007) between 2010 and 2017. An outbreak of Hepatitis A associated with men who have sex with men, in 2017 was associated with the irruption of a new lineage. Remarkably, a dramatic change in the dynamic of HAV circulation was observed in the period post-outbreak; between 2017 and 2021 when 4 different lineages were transiently detected. Exhaustive phylogenetic analyses indicate that these lineages were introduced and possibly derived from isolates from other Latin American countries. CONCLUSION: The HAV circulation in recent years in Chile is rapidly changing and suggests that this phenomenon could be a consequence of massive population migrations in Latin America caused by political instability and natural disasters.
Vírus da Hepatite A , Hepatite A , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Masculino , Humanos , Vírus da Hepatite A/genética , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Homossexualidade Masculina , Epidemiologia Molecular , Filogenia , Águas Residuárias , Chile/epidemiologia , Surtos de Doenças , Genótipo , RNA Viral/genéticaRESUMO
During the COVID-19 pandemic, wastewater from WWTPs became an interesting source of epidemiological surveillance. However, there is uncertainty about the influence of treatment type on virus removal. The aim of this study was to assess viral surveillance within wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) based on different biological treatments. Seasonal monitoring (autumn-winter and spring-summer) was conducted in 10 Chilean rural WWTPs, which were based on activated sludge, aerated lagoons, bio-discs, constructed wetlands, vermifilters and mixed systems. Viruses were measured (influent/effluent) by the RT-qPCR technique, using a commercial kit for SARS-CoV-2, NoV GI, NoV GII, and HAV. The detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral variants by genotyping was performed using SARS-CoV-2 Mutation Assays (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA). JC polyomavirus detection (control), as well as a qPCR technique. Results showed that SARS-CoV-2, NoV GI and GII were detected in influents at values between <5 and 462, 0 to 28, and 0 to 75 GC/mL, respectively. HAV was not detected among the studied WWTPs. The monitored WWTPs removed these viruses at percentages between 0 and 100 %. WWTPs based on activated sludge with bio-discs demonstrated to be the most efficient at removing SARS-CoV-2 (up to 98 %) and NoV GI and GII (100 %). Meanwhile, bio-discs technologies were the least efficient for viral removal, due to biofilm detachment, which could also adsorb viral aggregates. A correlation analysis established that solids, pH, and temperature are the most influential parameters in viral removal. Wastewater-based surveillance at WWTP allowed for the detection of Omicron before the Chilean health authorities notified its presence in the population. In addition, surveillance of viruses and other microorganisms could help assess the potential public health risk of wastewater recycling.
COVID-19 , Hepatite A , Norovirus , Vírus , Purificação da Água , Humanos , Águas Residuárias , Esgotos , SARS-CoV-2 , Chile/epidemiologia , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCCIÓN: La cuantificación de SARS-CoV-2 en aguas residuales es una herramienta que permite determinar la tendencia de la circulación viral en un área geográfica determinada. OBJETIVO: Cuantificar el virus SARS-CoV-2 en 15 plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales en diferentes ciudades de Chile para establecer una comparación con las variables de: i) casos activos por cada 100.000 habs.; ii) positividad diaria (casos nuevos); y iii) fases del plan de confinamiento. METODOLOGÍA: SARS-CoV-2 se concentró a partir de muestras de aguas residuales. Para obtener el número de genomas del virus por litro se realizó una cuantificación absoluta utilizando qRT-PCR. RESULTADOS: Entre enero y junio de 2021 se procesaron 253 muestras, siendo todas positivas para la presencia del virus. Asimismo, se logró determinar que la tasa de casos activos por cada 100.000 habs. es la variable que mejor se ajusta a las tendencias obtenidas con la cuantificación de la carga viral en las aguas residuales. CONCLUSIONES: La cuantificación de SARS-CoV-2 en las aguas residuales de manera permanente es una herramienta eficiente para determinar la tendencia del virus en un área geográfica determinada y, en conjunto con una vigilancia genómica, puede constituirse en una vigilancia centinela ideal generando alertas sobre futuros brotes.
BACKGROUND: The quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater is a tool that allows determining the trend of viral circulation in a particular geographical area. AIM: To quantify the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 15 wastewater treatment plants in different Chilean cities to establish a comparison with the variables of: i) Active cases per 100,000 inhabitants; ii) daily positivity (novel cases); and iii) phases of the lockdown strategy. METHODS: SARS-CoV-2 was concentrated from wastewater samples. To obtain the number of virus genomes per liter, absolute quantification was performed using qRT-PCR. RESULTS: Between January and June 2021, 253 samples were processed, all of which were positive for the presence of the virus. Likewise, it will be determined that the rate of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants is the variable that best fits the trends obtained with the quantification of the viral load in wastewater. CONCLUSIONS: The quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater as a continuous strategy is an efficient tool to determine the trend of the viral circulation in a delimited geographical area and, combined with genomic surveillance, it can constitute an ideal sentinel surveillance alert on future outbreaks.
Humanos , Águas Residuárias/virologia , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , SARS-CoV-2/genética , COVID-19/epidemiologia , RNA Viral/genética , Chile/epidemiologia , Carga Viral , Genômica , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos , Vigilância Epidemiológica Baseada em Águas ResiduáriasRESUMO
SARS-CoV-2 variant Lambda was dominant in several South American countries, including Chile. To ascertain the efficacy of local vaccination efforts, we used pseudotyped viruses to characterize the neutralization capacity of antibodies elicited by CoronaVac (n = 53) and BNT162b2 (n = 56) in healthcare workers from Clínica Santa María and the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad de Chile, as well as in convalescent plasma from individuals infected during the first wave visiting the Hospital Clínico at Pontificia Universidad Católica (n = 30). We observed that BNT162b2 elicits higher neutralizing antibody titres than CoronaVac, with differences ranging from 7.4-fold for the ancestral spike (Wuhan-Hu-1) to 8.2-fold for the Lambda spike and 13-fold for the Delta spike. Compared with the ancestral virus, neutralization against D614G, Alpha, Gamma, Lambda and Delta variants was reduced by between 0.93- and 4.22-fold for CoronaVac, 1.04- and 2.38-fold for BNT162b2, and 1.26- and 2.67-fold for convalescent plasma. Comparative analyses among the spike structures of the different variants suggest that mutations in the spike protein from the Lambda variant, including the 246-252 deletion in an antigenic supersite at the N-terminal domain loop and L452Q/F490S within the receptor-binding domain, may account for immune escape. Interestingly, analyses using pseudotyped and whole viruses showed increased entry rates into HEK293T-ACE2 cells, but reduced replication rates in Vero-E6 cells for the Lambda variant when compared with the Alpha, Gamma and Delta variants. Our data show that inactivated virus and messenger RNA vaccines elicit different levels of neutralizing antibodies with different potency to neutralize SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the variant of interest Lambda.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/metabolismo , Vacina BNT162 , COVID-19/terapia , Chile , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Imunização Passiva , Glicoproteínas de Membrana/metabolismo , SARS-CoV-2/genética , Glicoproteína da Espícula de Coronavírus/genética , Proteínas do Envelope Viral/metabolismo , Soroterapia para COVID-19RESUMO
Bats are widespread mammals of the order Chiroptera. They are key for ecosystem functioning, participating in crucial processes. Their unique ability amongst mammals to fly long distances, their frequently large population sizes, and their longevity favor infectious agent persistence and spread. This includes a large variety of viruses, encompassing many important zoonotic ones that cause severe diseases in humans and domestic animals. Despite this, the understanding of the viral ecological diversity residing in bat populations remains unclear, which complicates the determination of the origins of zoonotic viruses. To gain knowledge on the viral community of a widely distributed insectivorous bat species, we characterized the guano virome of a native Chilean bat species (Myotis chiloensis (Waterhouse, 1840)). By applying a novel enrichment strategy, we were able to secure a consequent percentage of viral reads, providing unprecedented resolution for a bat virome. This in turn enabled us to identify and assemble a new bat alphacoronavirus from Chilean bats closely related to PEDV, an important viral pathogen with high mortality rates in suckling piglets. This study highlights the importance of applying and improving high-resolution virome studies in this vital order to ultimately enhance epidemiological surveillance for potentially zoonotic pathogens.
Alphacoronavirus/genética , Quirópteros/virologia , Genoma Viral/genética , Viroma , Alphacoronavirus/classificação , Alphacoronavirus/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Chile , Fezes/virologia , Filogenia , RNA Viral/genética , Viroma/genéticaRESUMO
Screening, testing and contact tracing plays a pivotal role in control of the COVID-19 pandemic. To enable this it is necessary to increase the testing capacity. This study compared a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test (RAT) and RT-PCR in 842 asymptomatic individuals from Tarapacá, Chile. A sensitivity of 69.86%, specificity of 99.61%, PPV of 94.44% and NPP of 97.22% with Ct values (Ct > 27) that were significantly higher among individuals with false-negative RAT were reported. These results support the fact that RAT might have a significant impact on the identification of asymptomatic carriers in areas that lack suitable laboratories to perform SARS-CoV-2 real-time RT-PCR diagnostics, or the results take more than 24-48 h, as well as zones with high traffic of individuals such as border/customs, airports, interregional bus, train stations or in any mass testing campaign requiring rapid results.
Infecções Assintomáticas , Teste de Ácido Nucleico para COVID-19/métodos , Teste Sorológico para COVID-19/métodos , COVID-19/diagnóstico , SARS-CoV-2 , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Chile has one of the worst numbers worldwide in terms of SARS-CoV-2 positive cases and COVID-19-related deaths per million inhabitants; thus, characterization of neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses in the general population is critical to understanding of immunity at the local level. Given our inability to perform massive classical neutralization assays due to the scarce availability of BSL-3 facilities in the country, we developed and fully characterized an HIV-based SARS-CoV-2 pseudotype, which was used in a 96-well plate format to investigate NAb responses in samples from individuals exposed to SARS-CoV-2 or treated with convalescent plasma. We also identified samples with decreased or enhanced neutralization activity against the D614G spike variant compared with the wild type, indicating the relevance of this variant in host immunity. The data presented here represent the first insights into NAb responses in individuals from Chile, serving as a guide for future studies in the country.
Anticorpos Neutralizantes/sangue , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Teste Sorológico para COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Mutação de Sentido Incorreto , SARS-CoV-2 , Glicoproteína da Espícula de Coronavírus , Substituição de Aminoácidos , Animais , COVID-19/sangue , COVID-19/genética , Chile , Chlorocebus aethiops , Feminino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Masculino , SARS-CoV-2/genética , SARS-CoV-2/metabolismo , Glicoproteína da Espícula de Coronavírus/sangue , Glicoproteína da Espícula de Coronavírus/genética , Células VeroRESUMO
Sewage-associated viruses can cause several human and animal diseases, such as gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and respiratory infections. Therefore, their detection in wastewater can reflect current infections within the source population. To date, no viral study has been performed using the sewage of any large South American city. In this study, we used viral metagenomics to obtain a single sample snapshot of the RNA virosphere in the wastewater from Santiago de Chile, the seventh largest city in the Americas. Despite the overrepresentation of dsRNA viruses, our results show that Santiago's sewage RNA virosphere was composed mostly of unknown sequences (88%), while known viral sequences were dominated by viruses that infect bacteria (60%), invertebrates (37%) and humans (2.4%). Interestingly, we discovered three novel genogroups within the Picobirnaviridae family that can fill major gaps in this taxa's evolutionary history. We also demonstrated the dominance of emerging Rotavirus genotypes, such as G8 and G6, that have displaced other classical genotypes, which is consistent with recent clinical reports. This study supports the usefulness of sewage viral metagenomics for public health surveillance. Moreover, it demonstrates the need to monitor the viral component during the wastewater treatment and recycling process, where this virome can constitute a reservoir of human pathogens.
Metagenoma , Metagenômica/métodos , Vírus de RNA/classificação , Esgotos/virologia , Animais , Chile , Humanos , Invertebrados , Picobirnavirus , Vírus de RNA/genética , Rotavirus , Proteínas Virais , Vírus/genética , Águas Residuárias/virologiaRESUMO
The role of meteorological factors in the transmission of the COVID-19 still needs to be determined. In this study, the daily new cases of the eight severely affected regions in four countries of South America and their corresponding meteorological data (average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average wind speed, visibility, absolute humidity) were collected. Daily number of confirmed and incubative cases, as well as time-dependent reproductive number (Rt) was calculated to indicate the transmission of the diseases in the population. Spearman's correlation coefficients were assessed to show the correlation between meteorological factors and daily confirmed cases, daily incubative cases, as well as Rt. In particular, the results showed that there was a highly significant correlation between daily incubative cases and absolute humidity throughout the selected regions. Multiple linear regression model further confirmed the negative correlation between absolute humidity and incubative cases. The absolute humidity is predicted to show a decreasing trend in the coming months from the meteorological data of recent three years. Our results suggest the necessity of continuous controlling policy in these areas and some other complementary strategies to mitigate the contagious rate of the COVID-19.
Betacoronavirus , Infecções por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral , COVID-19 , Humanos , Umidade , Conceitos Meteorológicos , SARS-CoV-2 , América do Sul , TemperaturaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The role of human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) in epithelial tumors such as head and neck carcinomas (HNSCCs) including oral and oropharyngeal carcinomas has not been established. In this study, we evaluated for the first time the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), BK human polyomavirus (BKPyV), and JC human polyomavirus (JCPyV) in HNSCCs from Chilean subjects. METHODS: One hundred and twenty HNSCCs were analyzed for the presence of MCPyV, BKPyV and JCPyV using real-time polymerase chain reaction procedures. In addition, 54 oral brushes from age- and sex-paired subjects were analyzed. RESULTS: Of the total of 120 HNSCCs, 15 were positive for MCPyV (12.5%). Only one case was positive for BKPyV (0.8%) and none for JCPyV (0%). In subjects without cancer, only one case (1.8%) resulted positive for MCPyV and none for JCPyV and BKPyV. MCPyV was associated with HNSCCs (p = 0.0239; OR = 7.571; 95% CI: 1.192-81.46). No association was found between age (p = 0.1996), gender (p = 0.7111) or differentiation status (p > 0.9999) and MCPyV presence in HNSCCs. CONCLUSIONS: MCPyVs were detected in HNSCCs from Chilean patients and were not detected in oral brushes from patients without cancer. More studies are warranted for defining an etiological role and clinical/molecular consequences of these viruses in HNSCCs.
We have previously shown that infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) enters the embryo cell line CHSE-214 by macropinocytosis. In this study, we have extended our investigation into SHK-1 cells, a macrophage-like cell line derived from the head kidney of Atlantic salmon, the most economically important host of IPNV. We show that IPNV infection stimulated fluid uptake in SHK-1 cells above the constitutive macropinocytosis level. In addition, upon infection of SHK-1 cells, IPNV produced several changes in actin dynamics, such as protrusions and ruffles, which are important features of macropinocytosis. We also observed that the Na+/H+ pump inhibitor EIPA blocked IPNV infection. On the other hand, IPNV entry was independent of clathrin, a possibility that could not be ruled out in CHSE 214 cells. In order to determine the possible role of accessory factors on the macropinocytic process, we tested several inhibitors that affect components of transduction pathways. While pharmacological intervention of PKI3, PAK-1 and Rac1 did not affect IPNV infection, inhibition of Ras and Rho GTPases as well as Cdc42 resulted in a partial decrease in IPNV infection. Further studies will be required to determine the signalling pathway involved in the macropinocytosis-mediated entry of IPNV into its target cells.
Vírus da Necrose Pancreática Infecciosa/fisiologia , Macrófagos/virologia , Pinocitose , Salmão/virologia , Internalização do Vírus , Actinas/metabolismo , Animais , Infecções por Birnaviridae/virologia , Linhagem Celular , Doenças dos Peixes/virologia , Rim Cefálico/virologia , Macrófagos/citologiaRESUMO
Human polyomavirus JC (JCPyV) is a widely distributed viral agent and because it high resistance against environmental conditions it is frequently recovered from diverse sources of water and is considered a good marker for human pollution. Phylogenetic analysis of JCPyV isolated in different part of the world has revealed 7 genotypes, which have been associated with specific populations or ethnics groups. This feature has been used to trace pre-historic and historic human migration patterns across the world. Although there are many reports describing genotypes distribution around the world, data on JCPyV genotypes in the southernmost areas of South America are scarce. The goal of this study is to detect and characterize the JCPyV that circulates in Santiago, Chile using sewage samples from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Sewage samples were obtained monthly during 1â¯year from three WWTPs which together process about 80% of wastewater generated in the city of Santiago, Chile. Our results show that JCPyV profusely circulates in Santiago, Chile, because it was detected in 80.56% of the samples, reinforcing the use of JCPyV as a feasible marker to assess human environmental pollution. JCPyV was detected in high frequency in influents and effluents samples, with the largest WWTPs showing the highest percentage of detection and viral loads. In the phylogenetic analysis the Chilean sequences clustered mainly with genotype 2A (Asian genotype). This is similar to that previously reported from Buenos Aires, Argentina and divergent to data from Brazil, where the circulation of European subtypes 1 and 4 and African subtypes 3 and 6 has been described.