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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231520, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527942


Abstract It is repeatedly stressed the need to characterize the extant biodiversity in tropical ecosystems. However, inventory studies are still progressing slowly in dry ecosystems, leading to the underestimation of their true biodiversity and hindering conservation efforts. In this study, we present primary and secondary data, along with an updated list of amphibians and reptiles from two localities in the São Francisco-Gurguéia region in Piauí. Additionally, we compare the species composition between nine areas within the Caatinga, which were sampled using standardized methods over the past ten years, to examine broader spatial patterns of community composition. To survey reptiles and amphibians, we employed similar methods and sampling efforts in two areas within the Serra das Confusões National Park (SCNP) region. Our surveys recorded a total of 73 species of amphibians and reptiles, of which 24 are new distribution records for the SCNP region. Consequently, our findings increase the known herpetofauna in the region to 94 species. Despite their proximity, the two sites in the SCNP region exhibited only 42% similarity in species composition, and they differed significantly from other areas within the Caatinga. Furthermore, even the closer Caatinga areas presented differences in species composition, highlighting the necessity to evaluate biodiversity across the landscape and contribute to understanding biogeographic patterns.

Resumo É repetidamente enfatizada a necessidade de caracterizar a biodiversidade vivente em ecossistemas tropicais. No entanto, os estudos de inventário ainda estão progredindo lentamente em ecossistemas secos, levando à subestimação de sua verdadeira biodiversidade e dificultando os esforços de conservação. Neste estudo, apresentamos dados primários e secundários, juntamente com uma lista atualizada de anfíbios e répteis de duas localidades na região de São Francisco-Gurguéia, do Piauí. Além disso, comparamos a composição de espécies entre nove áreas dentro da Caatinga, que foram amostradas usando métodos padronizados nos últimos dez anos, para examinar padrões espaciais mais amplos de composição da comunidade. Para estudar répteis e anfíbios, utilizamos métodos e esforços de amostragem semelhantes em duas áreas na região do Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões (PNSC). Nossos levantamentos registraram um total de 73 espécies de anfíbios e répteis, das quais 24 são novos registros de distribuição para a região do PNSC. Consequentemente, nossos resultados aumentam a herpetofauna conhecida na região para 94 espécies. Apesar da proximidade, os dois locais na região do PNSC exibiram apenas 42% de similaridade na composição de espécies e diferiram significativamente de outras áreas dentro da Caatinga. Mesmo áreas mais próximas da Caatinga apresentaram diferenças na composição de espécies, destacando a necessidade de avaliar a biodiversidade em toda a paisagem e contribuir para a compreensão de padrões biogeográficos.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 175: 107579, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35835425


Despite extensive research on biodiversity in Neotropical forests, biodiversity in seasonally dry, open biomes in South America has been underestimated until recently. We leverage a widespread group, Boana albopunctata, to uncover cryptic lineages and investigate the timing of diversification in Neotropical anurans with a focus on dry diagonal biomes (Cerrado, Caatinga and Chaco) and the ecotone between Amazonia and the Cerrado. We inferred a multilocus phylogeny of the B. albopunctata species group that includes 15 of 18 described species, recovered two cryptic species, and reconstructed the timing of diversification among species distributed across multiple South American biomes. One new potential species (B. aff. steinbachi), sampled in the Amazonian state of Acre, clustered within the B. calcara-fasciata species complex and is close to B. steinbachi. A second putative new species (B. aff. multifasciata), sampled in the Amazonia-Cerrado ecotone, is closely related to B. multifasciata. Lastly, we place a recently identified Cerrado lineage (B. aff. albopuncata) into the B. albopunctata species group phylogeny for the first time. Our ancestral range reconstruction showed that species in the B. albopuctata group likely dispersed from Amazonia-Cerrado into the dry-diagonal and Atlantic Forest. Intraspecies demography showed, for both B. raniceps and B. albopunctata, signs of rapid expansion across the dry diagonal. Similarly, for one clade of B. multifasciata, our analyses support an invasion of the Cerrado from Amazonia, followed by a rapid expansion across the open diagonal biomes. Thus, our study recovers several recent divergences along the Amazonia-Cerrado ecotone in northern Brazil. Tectonic uplift and erosion in the late Miocene and climate oscillations in the Pleistocene corresponded with estimated divergence times in the dry diagonal and Amazonia-Cerrado ecotone. Our study highlights the importance of these threatened open formations in the generation of biodiversity in the Neotropics.

Anuros , Florestas , Animais , Anuros/genética , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Filogenia , Filogeografia
Heredity (Edinb) ; 126(2): 251-265, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33051599


Isthmian Central America (ICA) is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, hosting an exceptionally high number of species per unit area. ICA was formed <25 million years ago and, consequently, its biotic assemblage is relatively young and derived from both colonization and in situ diversification. Despite intensive taxonomic work on the local fauna, the potential forces driving genetic divergences and ultimately speciation in ICA remain poorly studied. Here, we used a landscape genetics approach to test whether isolation by distance, topography, habitat suitability, or environment drive the genetic diversity of the regional frog assemblage. To this end, we combined data on landscape features and mitochondrial DNA sequence variation for nine codistributed amphibian species with disparate life histories. In five species, we found that at least one of the factors tested explained patterns of genetic divergence. However, rather than finding a general pattern, our results revealed idiosyncratic responses to historical and ecological processes, indicating that intrinsic life-history characteristics may determine the effect of different drivers of isolation on genetic divergence in ICA. Our work also suggests that the convergence of several factors promoting isolation among populations over a heterogeneous landscape might maximize genetic differentiation, despite short geographical distances. In conclusion, abiotic factors and geographical features have differentially affected the genetic diversity across the regional frog assemblage. Much more complex models (i.e., considering multiple drivers), beyond simple vicariance of Caribbean and Pacific lineages, are needed to better understand the evolutionary history of ICA's diverse biotas.

Ecossistema , Deriva Genética , América Central , Variação Genética , Geografia , Filogenia
Zootaxa ; 4779(2): zootaxa.4779.2.1, 2020 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33055785


Members of the Leptodactylus mystaceus species complex are widely distributed in forests and open formations of South America east of the Andes. Species of the complex are morphologically similar or indistinguishable among each other, but acoustic data have been the cornerstone for species discrimination across their geographic ranges. In this paper, we re-examine the monophyly, species diversity, and relationships in the L. mystaceus complex on the basis of morphology, coloration, acoustics, and DNA sequences. Morphological and color patterns originally used to the allocation of species to the L. mystaceus complex are also reassessed. Our results revealed three new species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, which are named and described herein, based mainly on acoustic and molecular data. Populations assigned to the lineage widely distributed across the South American Dry Diagonal (DD), reported in this study as L. cf. mystaceus, is likely paraphyletic with respect to the nominal species (Amazonian lineage), but additional data are still needed to address the taxonomic status of the DD lineage.

Anuros , Florestas , Acústica , Animais , Brasil , Filogenia
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 127: 638-645, 2018 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29906606


The Pleistocenic Arc Hypothesis (PAH) posits that South American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) were interconnected during Pleistocene glacial periods, enabling the expansion of species ranges that were subsequently fragmented in interglacial periods, promoting speciation. The lizard genus Lygodactylus occurs in Africa, Madagascar, and South America. Compared to the high diversity of African Lygodactylus, only two species are known to occur in South America, L. klugei and L. wetzeli, distributed in SDTFs and the Chaco, respectively. We use a phylogenetic approach based on mitochondrial (ND2) and nuclear (RAG-1) markers covering the known range of South American Lygodactylus to investigate (i) if they are monophyletic relative to their African congeners, (ii) if their divergence is congruent with the fragmentation of the PAH, and (iii) if cryptic diversity exists within currently recognized species. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses recovered a well-supported monophyletic South American Lygodactylus, presumably resulting from a single trans-Atlantic dispersal event 29 Mya. Species delimitation analyses supported the existence of five putative species, three of them undescribed. Divergence times among L. klugei and the three putative undescribed species, all endemic to the SDTFs, are not congruent with the fragmentation of the PAH. However, fragmentation of the once broader and continuous SDTFs likely influenced the divergence of L. wetzeli in the Chaco and Lygodactylus sp. 3 (in a SDTF enclave in the Cerrado).

Evolução Biológica , Lagartos/classificação , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Variação Genética , Geografia , Funções Verossimilhança , Lagartos/genética , Filogenia , América do Sul , Especificidade da Espécie , Fatores de Tempo
Mol Ecol ; 26(18): 4756-4771, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28734050


Many studies propose that Quaternary climatic cycles contracted and/or expanded the ranges of species and biomes. Strong expansion-contraction dynamics of biomes presume concerted demographic changes of associated fauna. The analysis of temporal concordance of demographic changes can be used to test the influence of Quaternary climate on diversification processes. Hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation (hABC) is a powerful and flexible approach that models genetic data from multiple species, and can be used to estimate the temporal concordance of demographic processes. Using available single-locus data, we can now perform large-scale analyses, both in terms of number of species and geographic scope. Here, we first compared the power of four alternative hABC models for a collection of single-locus data. We found that the model incorporating an a priori hypothesis about the timing of simultaneous demographic change had the best performance. Second, we applied the hABC models to a data set of seven squamate and four amphibian species occurring in the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (Caatinga) in northeastern Brazil, which, according to paleoclimatic evidence, experienced an increase in aridity during the Pleistocene. If this increase was important for the diversification of associated xeric-adapted species, simultaneous population expansions should be evident at the community level. We found a strong signal of synchronous population expansion in the Late Pleistocene, supporting the increase of the Caatinga during this time. This expansion likely enhanced the formation of communities adapted to high aridity and seasonality and caused regional extirpation of taxa adapted to wet forest.

Anfíbios/classificação , Biota , Modelos Genéticos , Répteis/classificação , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Clima , Florestas , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Dinâmica Populacional
Mol Ecol ; 24(23): 5957-75, 2015 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26502084


Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the diversification of the Caatinga biota. The riverine barrier hypothesis (RBH) claims that the São Francisco River (SFR) is a major biogeographic barrier to gene flow. The Pleistocene climatic fluctuation hypothesis (PCH) states that gene flow, geographic genetic structure and demographic signatures on endemic Caatinga taxa were influenced by Quaternary climate fluctuation cycles. Herein, we analyse genetic diversity and structure, phylogeographic history, and diversification of a widespread Caatinga lizard (Cnemidophorus ocellifer) based on large geographical sampling for multiple loci to test the predictions derived from the RBH and PCH. We inferred two well-delimited lineages (Northeast and Southwest) that have diverged along the Cerrado-Caatinga border during the Mid-Late Miocene (6-14 Ma) despite the presence of gene flow. We reject both major hypotheses proposed to explain diversification in the Caatinga. Surprisingly, our results revealed a striking complex diversification pattern where the Northeast lineage originated as a founder effect from a few individuals located along the edge of the Southwest lineage that eventually expanded throughout the Caatinga. The Southwest lineage is more diverse, older and associated with the Cerrado-Caatinga boundaries. Finally, we suggest that C. ocellifer from the Caatinga is composed of two distinct species. Our data support speciation in the presence of gene flow and highlight the role of environmental gradients in the diversification process.

Ecossistema , Fluxo Gênico , Especiação Genética , Lagartos/genética , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Núcleo Celular/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Variação Genética , Haplótipos , Lagartos/classificação , Modelos Genéticos , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 31(5): 418-425, Oct. 2014. ilus, tab, mapas, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30121


Life history parameters such as diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism are crucial to understand ecological and evolutionary forces shaping species traits. Nevertheless, such information is scant in the literature for most Neotropical squamates. Gymnophthalmidae contains over 242 species in 46 genera and includes small-size, mostly terrestrial species, although psamophilic, semi-aquatic, and low vegetation dwellers also occur. Dryadosaura is a monospecific genus - Dryadosaura nordestina Rodrigues et al., 2005 - , occurring in Atlantic Forest areas from Rio Grande do Norte to Northern Bahia, and little is known about its ecology and natural history. We analyzed the species' diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism based on 170 specimens deposited in museum collections. Dryadosaura nordestina is considered generalist and active forager, based on dietary items. Arthropods, especially ants and insect larvae, dominate the diet. The reproductive period shows a peak during the rainy season (May through June), while recruitment occurs from July through November. Males are significantly larger than females, and sexes can also be distinguished based on shape variables: males have higher heads and longer bodies, while body height and width are larger in females.(AU)

Animais , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/classificação , Lagartos/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Caracteres Sexuais , Reprodução , Brasil
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 31(5): 418-425, Oct. 2014. ilus, tab, map, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504276


Life history parameters such as diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism are crucial to understand ecological and evolutionary forces shaping species traits. Nevertheless, such information is scant in the literature for most Neotropical squamates. Gymnophthalmidae contains over 242 species in 46 genera and includes small-size, mostly terrestrial species, although psamophilic, semi-aquatic, and low vegetation dwellers also occur. Dryadosaura is a monospecific genus - Dryadosaura nordestina Rodrigues et al., 2005 - , occurring in Atlantic Forest areas from Rio Grande do Norte to Northern Bahia, and little is known about its ecology and natural history. We analyzed the species' diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism based on 170 specimens deposited in museum collections. Dryadosaura nordestina is considered generalist and active forager, based on dietary items. Arthropods, especially ants and insect larvae, dominate the diet. The reproductive period shows a peak during the rainy season (May through June), while recruitment occurs from July through November. Males are significantly larger than females, and sexes can also be distinguished based on shape variables: males have higher heads and longer bodies, while body height and width are larger in females.

Animais , Caracteres Sexuais , Dieta/veterinária , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/classificação , Lagartos/fisiologia , Reprodução , Brasil
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 44(1): 104-14, 2007 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17275349


We used mitochondrial DNA sequences of 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of the nine species of South American aquatic hylids known as paradoxical frogs. Pseudis minuta and P. cardosoi form the sister-group to a clade comprising Lysapsus and the remaining Pseudis. We suggest the resurrection of Podonectes, including P. minutus and P. cardosoi, to avoid the nonmonophyly of Pseudis. Some doubt is cast on the species status of P. cardosoi. Lysapsus limellum, P. bolbodactyla, and P. paradoxa each may comprise more than one species, but lack of comprehensive geographic and morphological appraisals precludes taxonomic changes. Biogeographic implications of the phylogeny are discussed. The correlation between hydrographic basins and Pseudis species is not fully supported, and a recent contact between Amazon populations in eastern Bolivia and western Brazil (Rondônia) and Paraná basin populations in the Pantanal is suggested. A dispersal-vicariance analysis showed that major diversification of Pseudis and Lysapsus species occurred in the Brazilian Shield, and that the presence of P. paradoxa and L. limellum in the Amazon and Paraná basins is due to recent dispersals. Evidence suggests a vicariant event, most likely caused by Miocene marine introgressions, as the cause for the restricted distribution of L. laevis in the Guiana Shield.

Anuros/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Filogenia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , RNA Ribossômico/genética , Animais , Anuros/classificação , Geografia , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Análise de Sequência de DNA , América do Sul
J Morphol ; 261(2): 196-205, 2004 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15216524


We describe, for the first time, the sperm ultrastructure of the two genera of Pseudinae. Based on sperm ultrastructure, the five species herein examined can be separated into three groups: one containing Pseudis paradoxa, P. bolbodactyla, and P. tocantins, the second containing P. minuta, and the third containing Lysapsus laevis. The midpiece is similar in all species and auxiliary fibers and the undulating membrane are absent. In Pseudis a subacrosomal cone and a multilaminar structure (P. minuta) or a granular material (P. paradoxa group) are seen above the nucleus. Lysapsus laevis has only remnants of the subacrosomal cone. All species have peripheral fibers associated with the outer doublets of the axoneme. We tested the hypothesis of correlation between the presence of an undulating membrane and fertilization environments in anurans using a concentrated changes test (CCT) based on the Hay et al. (Mol Biol Evol 1995;12:928-937) hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among anuran families. Only a subset of the resolved topologies derived from the Hay et al. (1995) cladogram, where Ranoidea is the sister-group of Sooglossidae, produced significant probabilities of the CCT. Therefore, support for the correlation between sperm ultrastructure and fertilization environments in anurans is, at best, equivocal.

Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Núcleo Celular/ultraestrutura , Filogenia , Cabeça do Espermatozoide/ultraestrutura , Peça Intermédia do Espermatozoide/ultraestrutura , Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Núcleo Celular/fisiologia , Fertilização/fisiologia , Masculino , Cabeça do Espermatozoide/fisiologia , Peça Intermédia do Espermatozoide/fisiologia
J Morphol ; 255(1): 114-21, 2003 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12420325


This study describes the spermatozoa of the dendrobatids Epipedobates femoralis and Colostethus sp. using light and transmission electron microscopy. Both species possess a biflagellate spermatozoon, an unusual characteristic only previously reported in two anuran species belonging to the families Leptodactylidae and Racophoridae. The acrosomal complex of both species consists of a conical acrosomal vesicle and a subacrosomal cone, both of which cover the anterior portion of the nucleus, but to differing extents. In the midpiece, the centrioles are disposed parallel to each other and to the cell axis and give rise to two axonemes. Two paraxonemal rods were also seen entering the nuclear fossa. Both flagella are surrounded by a single mitochondrial collar. Each flagellum is formed by an axial fiber connected to the axoneme by an axial sheath; juxta-axonemal fibers are absent. Our data seem to support that Epipedobates femoralis should be placed in a separate clade possibly related to Colosthetus and that these two genera may not be monophyletic.

Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Flagelos/ultraestrutura , Espermatozoides/ultraestrutura , Animais , Masculino , Microscopia Eletrônica
Tissue Cell ; 34(5): 356-64, 2002 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12270262


We describe, for the first time, the spermatozoon ultrastructure of a dendrobatid frog, Epipedobates flavopictus. Mature spermatozoa of E. flavopictus are filiform, with a moderately curved head and a proportionally short tail. The acrosomal vesicle is a conical structure that covers the nucleus for a considerable distance. A homogeneous subacrosomal cone lies between the acrosome vesicle and the nucleus. The nucleus contains a nuclear space at its anterior end, and electron-lucent spaces and inclusions. No perforatorium is present. In the midpiece, the proximal centriole is housed inside a deep nuclear fossa. Mitochondria are scattered around the posterior end of the nucleus and inside the undulating membrane in the anterior portion of the tail. In transverse section the tail is formed by an U-shaped axial fiber connected to the axoneme through an axial sheath, which supports the undulating membrane. The juxta-axonemal fiber is absent. The spermatozoon of E. flavopictus has several characteristics not observed before in any anurans, such as a curved axial fiber, absence of a juxta-axonemal fiber, and presence of mitochondria in the typical undulating membrane. Our results endorse the view that, in anurans, the conical perforatorium and subacrosomal cone are homologous and that Dendrobatidae should be grouped within Bufonoidea rather than Ranoidea.

Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Anuros/classificação , Fertilização/fisiologia , Espermatozoides/ultraestrutura , Testículo/ultraestrutura , Acrossomo/fisiologia , Acrossomo/ultraestrutura , Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Núcleo Celular/fisiologia , Núcleo Celular/ultraestrutura , Centríolos/fisiologia , Centríolos/ultraestrutura , Flagelos/fisiologia , Flagelos/ultraestrutura , Membranas Intracelulares/fisiologia , Membranas Intracelulares/ultraestrutura , Masculino , Microscopia Eletrônica , Mitocôndrias/fisiologia , Mitocôndrias/ultraestrutura , Filogenia , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Testículo/fisiologia