The Al(III)-based MOF CYCU-3 exhibits a relevant SO2 adsorption performance with a total uptake of 11.03 mmol g-1 at 1 bar and 298 K. CYCU-3 displays high chemical stability towards dry and wet SO2 exposure. DRIFTS experiments and computational calculations demonstrated that hydrogen bonding between SO2 molecules and bridging Al(III)-OH groups are the preferential adsorption sites. In addition, photoluminescence experiments demonstrated the relevance of CYCU-3 for application in SO2 detection with good selectivity for SO2 over CO2 and H2O. The change in fluorescence performance demonstrates a clear turn-on effect after SO2 interaction. Finally, the suppression of ligand-metal energy transfer along with the enhancement of ligand-centered π* â π electronic transition was proposed as a plausible fluorescence mechanism.