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Environ Res ; 214(Pt 2): 113889, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35843276


This study addresses the significance of wastewater recuperation by a simple and facile treatment process known as photocatalyst technology using visible light. Titanium di-oxide (TiO2) is the most promising photocatalyst ever since longing decades, has good activity under UV light, owing to its small band gap. Hence, TiO2 has been modified with metal oxides for the positive response against visible light. Since this is an efficient process, the novelty has been made on nanometal oxide CdO (cadmium oxide) combined with TiO2 to acquire the best efficiency of degrading organic chlorophenol contaminant. Initially, the composites were synthesized by sol-gel and thermal decomposition methods and investigated for their various outstanding properties. The characterized outcomes have exhibited heterostructures with reduced crystallite size from the X-ray diffraction studies. Then, the determination of nanoporous feature was recognized through HR-TEM analysis which was also detected with some dislocations. The EDX spectrum was identified the perfect elemental composition. The nitrogen adsorption-desorption equilibrium was attained that offers many pores measured with high surface area. The XPS result convinced that Ti3+ was accessible along with TIO2/CdO composite. Further the absorption towards higher wavelength was obtained from UV-vis spectra. Finally, for the photocatalytic application of chlorophenol, the composite shows higher percentage of degrading efficiencies than the pristine TiO2. The photocatalytic mechanism was discussed in detail.

Clorofenóis , Poluentes Ambientais , Nanoporos , Catálise , Clorofenóis/química , Óxidos/química , Titânio/química
Environ Res ; 209: 112834, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35122745


Bi-based photocatalysts have been considered suitable materials for water disinfection under natural solar light due to their outstanding optical and electronic properties. However, until now, there are not extensive reviews about the development of Bi-based materials and their application in bacterial inactivation in aqueous solutions. For this reason, this work has focused on summarizing the state of the art related to the inactivation of Gram- and Gram + pathogenic bacteria under visible light irradiation using different Bi-based micro and nano structures. In this sense, the photocatalytic bacterial inactivation mechanisms are analyzed, considering several modifications. The factors that can affect the photocatalytic performance of these materials in real conditions and at a large scale (e.g., water characteristics, pH, light intensity, photocatalyst dosage, and bacteria level) have been studied. Furthermore, current alternatives for improving the photocatalytic antibacterial activity and reuse of Bi-based materials (e.g., surface engineering, crystal facet engineering, doping, noble metal coupling, heterojunctions, Z-scheme junctions, coupling with graphene derivatives, magnetic composites, immobilization) have been explored. According to several reports, inactivation rate values higher than 90% can be achieved by using the modified Bi-based micro/nano structures, which become them excellent candidates for photocatalytic water disinfection. However, these innovative photocatalytic materials bring a variety of future difficulties and opportunities in water disinfection.

Desinfecção , Água , Bactérias , Catálise , Luz
Environ Res ; 195: 110852, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33556356


In recent times, cost effective synthesis of semiconductor materials has been a subject of concern for the day to today applications. In this work, novelty has been made on the facile synthesis of metal oxides (TiO2 and CeO2) and nanocomposites (TiO2-CeO2) through sol-gel and precipitation methods of imparting lemon extract. The synthesized materials behave as the functional catalysts which has been further carried out for the photocatalytic degradation against 2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). The materials are then valued for the structural and optical properties. The lemon extract used in synthesis has played a premier role in upgrading the charge carrier separation, bandgap, and size reduction of the composite system. Further, the CeO2 supported TiO2 sample acts as the better visible light catalyst, due to the prevention of aggregation and existence of line dislocation that supported to access the additional electron trap sites.

Clorofenóis , Nanocompostos , Titânio