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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535340


La distonía laríngea (DL), también conocida como disfonía espasmódica, es un desorden focal tarea-específico del movimiento, que afecta primariamente la producción de la voz. Los movimientos distónicos de las cuerdas vocales producen fenómenos diferentes, especialmente quiebres o interrupciones vocales y tensión en el tipo de distonía laríngea aductora (DLAD), e interrupciones y soplo o segmentos áfonos en el tipo abductor (DLAB). Más del 80% de pacientes sufren de DLAD o DEAD (disfonía espasmódica aductora). Dos pacientes de sexo femenino desarrollaron DL un mes después de haber contraído una infección del tracto respiratorio superior causada por COVID-19. Ambas presentaron distonía laríngea de tipo aductor. En el análisis acústico de la vocal /a/ sostenida se han observado quiebres o interrupciones, cambios frecuenciales y aperiodicidad. El rango de habla fue estudiado en ambas pacientes mediante el fonetograma, dando un resultado alterado. Posiblemente la inflamación de los nervios periféricos de la laringe, causada por COVID-19, produjo una alteración sensitiva con una respuesta mal adaptativa en estas pacientes con una base genética quizás predisponente. O la activación inmunológica, o la invasión del germen a través de la vía retrógrada alteraron las redes neuronales involucradas en la génesis de la DL.

Laryngeal dystonia (LD), also known as spasmodic dysphonia, is a task-specific focal movement disorder, primarily affecting voice production. The dystonic movements of the vocal folds result in a varied phenomenology, typically hard vocal breaks and strain in the adductor-type laryngeal dystonia (ADLD), and breathy breaks or aphonia in the abductor-type laryngeal dystonia (ABLD). More than 80% of patients have suffered from ADLD. Two female patients developed LD a month after presenting an upper respiratory tract infection by COVID-19. They had the adductor-type laryngeal dystonia. Through the acoustic study of the vowel /a/ breaks, frequency changes and aperiodicity were observed. Speech was studied using the phonetogram, and the range of speech is altered in both patients. The inflammation of the peripheral nerves of the larynx by COVID-19 produced a sensory alteration, with a maladaptive response in these patients, who perhaps had predisposing genetic basis, or the immunological activation or the invasion of the germ by retrograde pathway altered the neuronal networks involved in the genesis of LD.

Parkinsonism Relat Disord ; 93: 1-7, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34741998


BACKGROUND: Adherence to treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD) is compromised due to the need for multiple therapies, comorbidities related to aging, and the complexity of therapeutic schemes. In the present study, we aimed to explore adherence to treatment in groups of PD patients from six Latin-American (LA) countries and identify its associated demographic and clinical parameters. METHODS: A multicenter, cross-sectional, exploratory study was conducted from September 2016 to March 2017. Treatment adherence was assessed using the simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ), applied to patients and caregivers. Sociodemographic and clinical variables (MDS-UPDRS Part III-IV, MMSE, Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)) were recorded. RESULTS: Eight hundred patients from six LA countries were evaluated. Nonadherence was reported in 58.25% of the population, according to patients. The most frequent issues were forgetfulness and correct timing of doses. A high level of agreement in adherence prevalence and most SMAQ items were observed between patients and their caregivers. The nonadherent population had a significantly higher proportion of unemployment, free access to medication, troublesome dyskinesias and off-periods, lesser years of education, and worse motor, cognitive, and mood scores. In multiple logistic and linear regression analyses, MDS-UPDRS Part III, BDI-II, gender, free access to medication, treatment with dopamine agonists alone, years of education, excessive concerns about adverse effects, and beliefs about being well-treated remained significant contributors to adherence measures. CONCLUSION: Educational strategies, greater involvement of PD patients in decision-making, and consideration of their beliefs and values might be of great need to improve medication adherence in this PD population.

Adesão à Medicação/estatística & dados numéricos , Doença de Parkinson/terapia , Idoso , Cuidadores , Comorbidade , Estudos Transversais , Escolaridade , Emprego , Feminino , Humanos , América Latina , Masculino , Adesão à Medicação/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença de Parkinson/psicologia , Análise de Regressão , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Inquéritos e Questionários