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Chemosphere ; : 143841, 2024 12 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39732524


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Chemosphere ; : 143867, 2024 12 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39734150


This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( .

Chemosphere ; 343: 140173, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37714490


The production of low-cost solid adsorbents for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture has gained massive consideration. Biomass wastes are preferred as precursors for synthesis of CO2 solid adsorbents, due to their high CO2 adsorption efficiency, and ease of scalable low-cost production. This review particularly focuses on waste biomass-derived adsorbents with their CO2 adsorption performances. Specifically, studies related to carbon (biochar and activated carbon) and silicon (silicates and geopolymers)-based adsorbents were summarized. The impact of experimental parameters including nature of biomass, synthesis route, carbonization temperature and type of activation methods on the CO2 adsorption capacities of biomass-derived pure carbon and silicon-based adsorbents were evaluated. The development of various enhancement strategies on biomass-derived adsorbents for CO2 capture and their responsible factors that impact adsorbent's CO2 capture proficiency were also reviewed. The possible CO2 adsorption mechanisms on the adsorbent's surface were highlighted. The challenges and research gaps identified in this research area have also been emphasized, which will help as further research prospects.

Chemosphere ; 340: 139820, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37586499


Over the past decades, increasing research in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) being a large family of highly tunable porous materials with intrinsic physical properties, show propitious results for a wide range of applications in adsorption, separation, electrocatalysis, and electrochemical sensors. MOFs have received substantial attention in electrochemical sensors owing to their large surface area, active metal sites, high chemical and thermal stability, and tunable structure with adjustable pore diameters. Benefiting from the superior properties, MOFs and MOF-derived carbon materials act as promising electrode material for the detection of food contaminants. Although several reviews have been reported based on MOF and its nanocomposites for the detection of food contaminants using various analytical methods such as spectrometric, chromatographic, and capillary electrophoresis. But there no significant review has been devoted to MOF/and its derived carbon-based electrodes using electrochemical detection of food contaminants. Here we review and classify MOF-based electrodes over the period between 2017 and 2022, concerning synthetic procedures, electrode fabrication process, and the possible mechanism for detection of the food contaminants which include: heavy metals, antibiotics, mycotoxins, and pesticide residues. The merits and demerits of MOF as electrode material and the need for the fabrication of MOF and its composites/derivatives for the determination of food contaminants are discussed in detail. At last, the current opportunities, key challenges, and prospects in MOF for the development of smart sensing devices for future research in this field are envisioned.

Estruturas Metalorgânicas , Nanocompostos , Estruturas Metalorgânicas/química , Metais/química , Nanocompostos/química , Adsorção , Eletrodos
Environ Res ; 222: 115358, 2023 04 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36702188


The subject of water contamination and how it gets defiled to the society and humans is confabulating from the past decades. Phenolic compounds widely exist in the water sources and it is emergent to determine the toxicity in natural and drinking water, because it is hazardous to the humans. Among these compounds, catechol has sought a strong concern because of its rapid occurrence in nature and its potential toxicity to humans. The present work aims to develop an effective electrochemical sensing of catechol using mesoporous structure of Fe3O4-TiO2 decorated on glassy carbon (GC) electrode. The creation of pure TiO2 using the sol-gel technique was the first step in the synthesis protocol for binary nanocomposite, which was then followed by the loading of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of TiO2 using the thermal decomposition method. The resultant Fe3O4-TiO2 based nanocomposite exhibited mesoporous structure and the cavities were occupied with highly active magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) with high specific surface area (90.63 m2/g). When compared to pure TiO2, catechol showed a more prominent electrochemical response for Fe3O4-TiO2, with a significant increase in anodic peak current at a lower oxidation potential (0.387 V) with a detection limit of 45 µM. Therefore, the prepared magnetite binary nanocomposite can serve as an efficient electroactive material for sensing of catechol, which could also act as a promising electrocatalyst for various electrocatalytic applications.

Carbono , Nanopartículas de Magnetita , Humanos , Carbono/química , Nanopartículas de Magnetita/química , Catecóis , Água
Environ Res ; 216(Pt 1): 114428, 2023 01 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179883


Creating mesoporous architecture on the surface of metal oxides without using pore creating agent is significant interest in electrochemical sensors because these materials act as an efficient electron transfer process between the electrode interface and the analytes. Recent advances in mesoporous titanium dioxide (TiO2)-based materials have acquired extraordinary opportunities because of their interconnected porous structure could act as a host for doping with various transition metals or heteroatoms to form a new type of heterojunction. Herein, a simple method is developed to synthesize mesoporous copper oxide (CuO) decorated on TiO2 nanostructures in which homogenous shaped CuO nanocrystals act as dopants decorated on the mesoporous structure of TiO2, resulting in p-n heterojunction nanocomposite. The TiO2 particles exhibit a mesoporous structure with a pore volume of about 0.117 cm3/g is capable to load CuO nanocrystals on the surface. As a result, large pore volume 0.304 cm³/g is obtained for CuO-TiO2 heterojunction nanocomposite with the loading of uniform-shaped CuO nanocrystals on the mesoporous TiO2. The resulting CuO-TiO2 nanocomposite on modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode exhibits good electrochemical performance for oxidation of catechol with the observation of strong enhancement in the anodic peak potential at +0.36 V. The decrease in the overpotential for the oxidation of catechol when compared to TiO2/GC is attributed to the presence of CuO nanocrystals providing a large surface area, resulting in wide linear range 10 nM to 0.57 µM. Moreover, the resultant modified electrode exhibited good sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility and the sensor could able to determine the presence of catechol in real samples such as lake and river water. Therefore, the obtained CuO-TiO2 nanocomposite on the modified GC delivered good electrochemical sensing performance and which could be able to perform a promising strategy for designing various metal oxide doped nanocomposites for various photochemical and electrocatalytic applications.

Técnicas Eletroquímicas , Nanocompostos , Técnicas Eletroquímicas/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Cobre/química , Nanocompostos/química , Óxidos/química , Carbono/química , Catecóis , Água
Environ Res ; 215(Pt 3): 114427, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179884


The capacity to generate a constant signal response from an enzyme on an electrode surface has been a fascinating topic of research from the past three decades. To nourish the enzymatic activity during electrochemical reactions, the immobilization of dual enzymes on the electrode surface could prevent the enzymatic loss without denaturation and thus long-term stability can be achieved. For effective immobilization of dual enzymes, mesoporous materials are the ideal choice because of its numerous advantages such as 1. The presence of porous structure facilitates high loading of enzymes 2. The formation of protective environment can withstand the enzymatic activity even at acidic or basic pH values and even at elevated temperatures. Herein, we develop bienzymatic immobilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) on mesoporous V2O5-TiO2 based binary nanocomposite for effective sensing of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in presence of redox mediator hydroquinone (HQ). The utilization of redox mediator in second-generation biosensing of H2O2 can eliminate the interference species and reduces the operating potential with higher current density for electrochemical reduction reaction. Using this mediator transfer process approach at HRP/ChOx/V2O5-TiO2 modified GC, the H2O2 can be determined at operating potential (-0.2 V) with good linear range (0.05-3.5 mM) higher sensitivity (1040 µAµM-1 cm-2) and lower detection limit of about 20 µM can be attained, which is due to higher mediation of electrons were transferred to the enzyme cofactors. These interesting characteristics could be due to mesoporous structure of V2O5-TiO2 can induce large immobilization and facilitate higher interaction with enzymes for wide range of biosensing applications.

Técnicas Biossensoriais , Peróxido de Hidrogênio , Colesterol Oxidase , Coenzimas , Enzimas Imobilizadas/química , Peroxidase do Rábano Silvestre/química , Peróxido de Hidrogênio/química , Hidroquinonas , Titânio
Food Chem Toxicol ; 165: 113182, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35643232


Enhancing the current signal response for semiconductors is the key factor for designing and fabrication of efficient electrode in electrochemical sensors. By the aid of doping with binary metal oxides, the conductivity of the resultant titanium oxide (TiO2) based nanocomposite will deliver fast electron transfer rate at the heterojunction interface. Herein, by taking advantage of mesoporous structure in TiO2, cubic shaped multivalent cerium oxide (CeO2) was incorporated into the porous cavity by simple ground assisted solvothermal process, which resulted in enormous enhancement in the current response towards detection of 2-aminophenol. The advantage of CeO2 on TiO2 not only involves the loading of binary metal oxide on its mesoporous sites, but also facilitates the formation of CeO2 nanocrystals which induce larger surface area and high electroactive sites with rapid diffusion of target species through pores. As a result, CeO2-TiO2 on modified GC electrode exhibits drastic enhancement in the current response for oxidation of 2-aminophenol with large decrease in the onset potential than TiO2/GC electrode. Furthermore, the CeO2-TiO2 modified electrode shows significant behavior for sensing of 2-aminophenol with wide linear range of 0.01-500 µM. The sensitivity and detection limit were calculated to be 0.603 µA µM cm-2 and 3.5 nM respectively. This work establishes the facile strategy for decoration of binary metal oxide-based nanocomposites as effective electrode and also possible to create new opportunities in the designing and fabrication of variety of efficient electrode in various electrochemical applications.

Nanopartículas Metálicas , Titânio , Aminofenóis , Técnicas Eletroquímicas/métodos , Nanopartículas Metálicas/química , Óxidos/química , Titânio/química
Food Chem Toxicol ; 165: 113169, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35618108


The sensing of food contaminants is essential to prevent their adverse health effects on the consumers. Electrochemical sensors are promising in the determination of electroactive analytes including food pollutants, biomolecules etc. Graphene nanomaterials offer many benefits as electrode material in a sensing device. To further improve the analytical performance, doped graphene or derivatives of graphene such as reduced graphene oxide and their nanocomposites were explored as electrode materials. Herein, the advancements in graphene and its derivatives-based electrochemical sensors for analysis of food pollutants were summarized. Determinations of both organic (food colourants, pesticides, drugs, etc.) and inorganic pollutants (metal cations and anions) were considered. The influencing factors including nature of electrode materials and food pollutants, pH, electroactive surface area etc., on the sensing performances of modified electrodes were highlighted. The results of pollutant detection in food samples by the graphene-based electrode have also been outlined. Lastly, conclusions and current challenges in effective real sample detection were presented.

Poluentes Ambientais , Grafite , Nanocompostos , Técnicas Eletroquímicas/métodos , Eletrodos , Grafite/química , Metais , Nanocompostos/química
Chemosphere ; 302: 134933, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35561780


In the search of the viable candidate for the sensing of pollutant gases, two-dimensional (2D) material transition metal carbides (MXenes) have attracted immense attention due to their outstanding physical and chemical properties for sensing purposes. The formation of unique 2D layered structure with high conductivity, large mechanical strength, and high adsorption properties furnish their strong interactions with gaseous molecules, which holds a promising place for developing ideal gas sensing devices. This review looks at recent achievements in diversified MXenes, with a focus gaining on in-depth understanding of MXene-based materials in room temperature inorganic gas sensors through both theoretical and experimental studies. In the first part of the review, the properties and advantages of sensing material (MXene) in comparison with other 2D materials are discussed. In the second part, the unique advantages of chemiresistive based sensors and the demerits of other detection methods are summarized in detail. This section is followed by the unique structural design of MXene bases materials for improving the sensing performance towards detection of inorganic gases. The interaction between MXene and the adsorbed gases on its surface is discussed, with a possible sensing mechanism. Finally, an overview of the current progress and opportunities for the demand of MXene is emphasized and perspectives for future improvement of the design of MXene in gas sensors are highlighted. Therefore, this review highlights the opportunities and the advancement in 2D material-based gas sensors which could provide a new avenue for rapid detection of toxic gases in the environment.

Nanocompostos , Elementos de Transição , Adsorção , Gases , Nanocompostos/química , Elementos de Transição/química
Environ Res ; 212(Pt A): 113149, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35378122


Recently, halides (silver halides, AgX; perosvkite halides, ABX3) and oxyhalides (bismuth oxyhalides, BiOX) based nanomaterials are noticeable photocatalysts in the degradation of organic water pollutants. Therefore, we review the recent reports to explore improvement strategies adopted in AgX, ABX3 and BiOX (X = Cl, Br and I)-based photocatalysts in water pollution remediation. Herein, the photocatalytic degradation performances of each type of these photocatalysts were discussed. Strategies such as tailoring the morphology, crystallographic facet exposure, surface area, band structure, and creation of surface defects to improve photocatalytic activities of pure halides and BiOCl photocatalysts are emphasized. Other strategies like metal ion and/or non-metal doping and construction of composites, adopted in these photocatalysts were also reviewed. Furthermore, the way of production of active radicals by these photocatalysts under ultraviolet/visible light source is highlighted. The deciding factors such as structure of pollutant, light sources and other parameters on the photocatalytic performances of these materials were also explored. Based on this literature survey, the need of further research on AgX, ABX3 and BiOX-based photocatalysts were suggested. This review might be beneficial for researchers who are working in halides and oxyhalides-based photocatalysis for water treatment.

Bismuto , Nanoestruturas , Bismuto/química , Catálise , Luz , Nanoestruturas/química , Prata/química
Environ Res ; 209: 112834, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35122745


Bi-based photocatalysts have been considered suitable materials for water disinfection under natural solar light due to their outstanding optical and electronic properties. However, until now, there are not extensive reviews about the development of Bi-based materials and their application in bacterial inactivation in aqueous solutions. For this reason, this work has focused on summarizing the state of the art related to the inactivation of Gram- and Gram + pathogenic bacteria under visible light irradiation using different Bi-based micro and nano structures. In this sense, the photocatalytic bacterial inactivation mechanisms are analyzed, considering several modifications. The factors that can affect the photocatalytic performance of these materials in real conditions and at a large scale (e.g., water characteristics, pH, light intensity, photocatalyst dosage, and bacteria level) have been studied. Furthermore, current alternatives for improving the photocatalytic antibacterial activity and reuse of Bi-based materials (e.g., surface engineering, crystal facet engineering, doping, noble metal coupling, heterojunctions, Z-scheme junctions, coupling with graphene derivatives, magnetic composites, immobilization) have been explored. According to several reports, inactivation rate values higher than 90% can be achieved by using the modified Bi-based micro/nano structures, which become them excellent candidates for photocatalytic water disinfection. However, these innovative photocatalytic materials bring a variety of future difficulties and opportunities in water disinfection.

Desinfecção , Água , Bactérias , Catálise , Luz
Chemosphere ; 287(Pt 4): 132369, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34582930


Heavy metal pollution remains a global environmental challenge that poses a significant threat to human life. Various methods have been explored to eliminate heavy metal pollutants from the environment. However, most methods are constrained by high expenses, processing duration, geological problems, and political issues. The immobilization of metals, phytoextraction, and biological methods have proven practical in treating metal contaminants from the soil. This review focuses on the general status of heavy metal contamination of soils, including the excessive heavy metal concentrations in crops. The assessment of the recent advanced technologies and future challenges were reviewed. Molecular and genetic mechanisms that allow microbes and plants to collect and tolerate heavy metals were elaborated. Tremendous efforts to remediate contaminated soils have generated several challenges, including the need for remediation methodologies, degrees of soil contamination, site conditions, widespread adoptions and various possibilities occurring at different stages of remediation are discussed in detail.

Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Metais Pesados , Poluentes do Solo , Biodegradação Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental/análise , Poluição Ambiental/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Metais Pesados/análise , Solo , Poluentes do Solo/análise
Environ Res ; 199: 111324, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33991569


Enormous research studies on the abatement of anthropogenic aquatic pollutants including organic dyes, pesticides, cosmetics, antibiotics and inorganic species by using varieties of semiconductor photocatalysts have been reported in recent decades. Besides, many of these photocatalysts suffer in real applications owing to their high production cost and low stability. In many cases, the photocatalysts themselves are being considered as secondary pollutants. To eliminate these drawbacks, the green synthesized photocatalysts and the use of biopolymers as photocatalyst supports are considered in recent years. In this context, recent developments in green synthesized metals, metal oxides, other metal compounds, and carbon based photocatalysts in water purification are critically reviewed. Furthermore, the pivotal role of biopolymers including chitin, chitosan, cellulose, natural gum, hydroxyapatite, alginate in photocatalytic removal of aquatic pollutants is comprehensively reviewed. The presence of functional groups, electron trapping ability, biocompatibility, natural occurrence, and low production cost are the major reasons for using biopolymers in photocatalysis. Finally, the summary and conclusion are presented along with existing challenges in this research area.

Poluentes Ambientais , Purificação da Água , Biopolímeros , Catálise , Corantes
Environ Pollut ; 287: 117304, 2021 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34015669


The treatment of industrial waste and harmful bacteria is an important topic due to the release of toxins from the industrial pollutants that damage the water resources. These harmful sources frighten the life of every organism which was later developed as the carcinogenic and mutagenic agents. Therefore, the current study focuses on the breakdown or degradation of 4-chlorophenol and the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli (E. coli). As a well-known catalyst, pure titanium-di-oxide (TiO2) had not shown the photocatalytic activity in the visible light region. Hence, band position of TiO2 need to be shifted to bring out the absorption in the visible light region. For this purpose, the n-type TiO2 nanocrystalline material's band gap got varied by adding different ratios of p-type CuO. The result had appeared in the formation of p (CuO) - n (TiO2) junction synthesized from sol-gel followed by chemical precipitation methods. The optical band gap value was determined by Kubelka-Munk (K-M) plot through UV-Vis diffusive reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). Further, the comprehensive mechanism and the results of photocatalytic and antibacterial activities were discussed in detail. These investigations are made for tuning the TiO2 catalyst towards improving or eliminating the existing various environmental damages.

Escherichia coli , Titânio , Antibacterianos , Catálise , Clorofenóis , Cobre , Luz , Fotólise
Environ Res ; 195: 110852, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33556356


In recent times, cost effective synthesis of semiconductor materials has been a subject of concern for the day to today applications. In this work, novelty has been made on the facile synthesis of metal oxides (TiO2 and CeO2) and nanocomposites (TiO2-CeO2) through sol-gel and precipitation methods of imparting lemon extract. The synthesized materials behave as the functional catalysts which has been further carried out for the photocatalytic degradation against 2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). The materials are then valued for the structural and optical properties. The lemon extract used in synthesis has played a premier role in upgrading the charge carrier separation, bandgap, and size reduction of the composite system. Further, the CeO2 supported TiO2 sample acts as the better visible light catalyst, due to the prevention of aggregation and existence of line dislocation that supported to access the additional electron trap sites.

Clorofenóis , Nanocompostos , Titânio
Sci Rep ; 6: 31641, 2016 08 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27528264


In this study, pure ZnO, CeO2 and ZnO/CeO2 nanocomposites were synthesized using a thermal decomposition method and subsequently characterized using different standard techniques. High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements confirmed the oxidation states and presence of Zn(2+), Ce(4+), Ce(3+) and different bonded oxygen species in the nanocomposites. The prepared pure ZnO and CeO2 as well as the ZnO/CeO2 nanocomposites with various proportions of ZnO and CeO2 were tested for photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange, methylene blue and phenol under visible-light irradiation. The optimized and highly efficient ZnO/CeO2 (90:10) nanocomposite exhibited enhanced photocatalytic degradation performance for the degradation of methyl orange, methylene blue, and phenol as well as industrial textile effluent compared to ZnO, CeO2 and the other investigated nanocomposites. Moreover, the recycling results demonstrate that the ZnO/CeO2 (90:10) nanocomposite exhibited good stability and long-term durability. Furthermore, the prepared ZnO/CeO2 nanocomposites were used for the electrochemical detection of uric acid and ascorbic acid. The ZnO/CeO2 (90:10) nanocomposite also demonstrated the best detection, sensitivity and performance among the investigated materials in this application. These findings suggest that the synthesized ZnO/CeO2 (90:10) nanocomposite could be effectively used in various applications.