PETRA III at DESY is one of the brightest synchrotron radiation sources worldwide. It serves a broad international multidisciplinary user community from academia to industry at currently 25 specialised beamlines. With a storage-ring energy of 6 GeV, it provides mainly hard to high-energy X-rays for versatile experiments in a very broad range of scientific fields. It is ideally suited for an upgrade to the ultra-low emittance source PETRA IV, owing to its large circumference of 2304 m. With a targeted storage ring emittance of 20 × 5 pm 2 rad 2 , PETRA IV will reach spectral brightnesses two to three orders of magnitude higher than today. The unique beam parameters will make PETRA IV the ultimate in situ 3D microscope for biological, chemical, and physical processes helping to address key questions in health, energy, mobility, information technology, and earth and environment.
Penetrating, high-energy synchrotron X-rays are in strong demand, particularly for high-pressure research in physics, chemistry and geosciences, and for materials engineering research under less extreme conditions. A new high-energy wiggler beamline P61 has been constructed to meet this need at PETRA III in Hamburg, Germany. The first part of the paper offers an overview of the beamline front-end components and beam characteristics. The second part describes the performance of the instrumentation and the latest developments at the P61B endstation. Particular attention is given to the unprecedented high-energy photon flux delivered by the ten wigglers of the PETRA III storage ring and the challenges faced in harnessing this amount of flux and heat load in the beam. Furthermore, the distinctiveness of the world's first six-ram Hall-type large-volume press, Aster-15, at a synchrotron facility is described for research with synchrotron X-rays. Additionally, detection schemes, experimental strategies and preliminary data acquired using energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction and radiography techniques are presented.
A new resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) instrument has been constructed at beamline P01 of the PETRA III synchrotron. This instrument has been named IRIXS (intermediate X-ray energy RIXS) and is dedicated to X-rays in the tender-energy regime (2.5-3.5â keV). The range covers the L2,3 absorption edges of many of the 4dâ elements (Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd and Ag), offering a unique opportunity to study their low-energy magnetic and charge excitations. The IRIXS instrument is currently operating at the Ru L3-edge (2840â eV) but can be extended to the other 4dâ elements using the existing concept. The incoming photons are monochromated with a four-bounce Si(111) monochromator, while the energy analysis of the outgoing photons is performed by a diced spherical crystal analyzer featuring (102) lattice planes of quartz (SiO2). A total resolution of 100â meV (full width at half-maximum) has been achieved at the Ru L3-edge, a number that is in excellent agreement with ray-tracing simulations.
Powder X-ray diffraction techniques largely benefit from the superior beam quality provided by high-brilliance synchrotron light sources in terms of photon flux and angular resolution. The High Resolution Powder Diffraction Beamline P02.1 at the storage ring PETRA III (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) combines these strengths with the power of high-energy X-rays for materials research. The beamline is operated at a fixed photon energy of 60â keV (0.207â Å wavelength). A high-resolution monochromator generates the highly collimated X-ray beam of narrow energy bandwidth. Classic crystal structure determination in reciprocal space at standard and non-ambient conditions are an essential part of the scientific scope as well as total scattering analysis using the real space information of the pair distribution function. Both methods are complemented by in situ capabilities with time-resolution in the sub-second regime owing to the high beam intensity and the advanced detector technology for high-energy X-rays. P02.1's efficiency in solving chemical and crystallographic problems is illustrated by presenting key experiments that were carried out within these fields during the early stage of beamline operation.
A hard X-ray delay line capable of splitting and delaying single X-ray pulses has been developed with the aim of performing X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) and X-ray pump-probe experiments at hard X-ray free-electron laser sources. The performance of the device was tested with 8.39 keV synchrotron radiation. Time delays up to 2.95 ns have been demonstrated. The feasibility of the device for performing XPCS studies was tested by recording static speckle patterns. The achieved speckle contrast of 56% indicates the possibility of performing ultra-fast XPCS studies with the delay line.
A prototype device capable of splitting an x-ray pulse into two adjustable fractions, delaying one of them with the aim to perform x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and pump-probe type studies, was designed, manufactured, and tested. The device utilizes eight perfect silicon crystals in vertical 90 degrees scattering geometry. Its performance has been verified with 8.39 keV synchrotron radiation. The measured throughput of the device with a Si(333) premonochromator at 8.39 keV under ambient conditions is 0.6%. Time delays up to 2.62 ns have been achieved, detected with a time resolution of 16.7 ps.
At BW4 at HASYLAB a beryllium compound refractive lens (Be-CRL) is used for the focusing in small-angle x-ray scattering experiments. Using it provides the advantages of higher long-term stability and a much easier alignment compared to a setup with focusing mirrors. In our investigations presented here, we show the advantages of using a Be-CRL in small-angle and also ultra small-angle x-ray scattering. We investigated the beam characteristics at the sample position with respect to spot size and photon flux. The spot size is comparable to that of a setup with focusing mirrors but with a gain in flux and better long-term stability. It is also shown that plane mirrors are still necessary to suppress higher order energies passing the monochromator.