In Miami, Florida, USA, passenger compartments of jet aircraft were disinsected at "blocks away". An application of a 20 g/litre Freon-based or water-based permethrin formulation at 35 mg of aerosol per 100 m(3) was 100% effective against caged mosquitos and flies. The flammability hazard of the sprays from water-based hydrocarbon aerosols was evaluated.
Aeronaves , Clorofluorcarbonetos de Metano , Desinfecção/métodos , Esterilização/métodos , Aerossóis , Ciclopropanos , Saúde AmbientalRESUMO
In Miami, USA, passenger compartments of wide-bodied jet aircraft were disinsected at "blocks away" or while parked. The application of 2% Freon- and water-based formulations of (+)-phenothrin at about 35 g/100 m(3) was highly effective against mosquitos and flies in all instances. More basic research is needed on water-based aerosols.
Propelentes de Aerossol , Aerossóis , Aeronaves , Clorofluorcarbonetos de Metano , Controle de Insetos , Animais , Ventilação , ÁguaRESUMO
A 2% formulation of (+)-phenothrin dispensed from 340-g or break-off tip aerosol cans was highly effective against mosquitos in aircraft disinsection trials. Two minutes after application at "blocks away", the mass median diameter of the dispersed drops was 5.1-6.2 mum. The concentration of the insecticide in the cabin fell to 10% of the original concentration after 9.2 min. No odour or irritation was caused by the use of this insecticide.
Aeronaves , Desinfecção/métodos , Piretrinas , Esterilização/métodos , Aerossóis , Éteres FenílicosAssuntos
Aeronaves , Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium , Ciclopropanos , Controle de Insetos , Inseticidas , Animais , Éteres FenílicosAssuntos
Afídeos , Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium , Ácaros , Animais , Compostos de Benzil , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , FuranosRESUMO
Of several aerosol formulations of 3 synthetic pyrethroids, S-2539 Forte, resmethrin, and bioresmethrin, the 2% formulation was most effective for the disinsection of passenger spaces aboard jet aircraft; the 1.2% and 0.3% formulations were less effective. Break-off tip aerosol units gave good dispersal, but these limited production cans showed slight variability in the rate of release.