Confinement is a very common phenomenon in chemistry, for example, when molecules are located inside cavities. In these conditions, the electronic structure of atoms and molecules is modified. These changes could be mapped through the interaction with other molecules since non-covalent interactions between molecules are also influenced by confinement. In this work we address both topics, non-covalent interactions, and confined systems, using quantum chemistry tools with new software, emphasizing the importance of analyzing both fields simultaneously.
Encapsulating and protecting dopamine from oxidation is a difficult challenge. We propose to use SU-101 BioMOF as a dopamine host, where we study different adsorption scenarios by a robust computational approach. Our results show that dopamine encapsulation is feasible with the formation of non-covalent interactions within the SU-101 pores. These computational results have been corroborated experimentally.
The extensive spread of COVID-19 in every continent shows that SARS-CoV-2 virus has a higher transmission rate than SARS-CoV virus which emerged in 2002. This results in a global pandemic that is difficult to control. In this investigation, we analyze the interaction of N3 inhibitor and the main protease of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 by quantum chemistry calculations. Non-covalent interactions involved in these systems were studied using a model of 469 atoms. Density Functional Theory and Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules calculations lead us to the conclusion that non-conventional hydrogen bonds are important to describe attractive interactions in these complexes. The energy of these non-conventional hydrogen bonds represents more than a half of the estimated interaction energy for non-covalent contacts. This means that hydrogen bonds are crucial to correctly describe the bonds between inhibitors and the main proteases. These results could be useful for the design of new drugs, since non-covalent interactions are related to possible mechanisms of action of molecules used against these viruses.
Psychosis is one of the psychiatric disorders that is controlled by dopaminergic drugs such as antipsychotics that have affinity for the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2). In this investigation we perform quantum chemical calculations of two molecules [dopamine and risperidone] within a large cavity of DRD2 that represents the binding site of the receptor. Dopamine is an endogenous neurotransmitter and risperidone is a second-generation antipsychotic. Non-covalent interactions of dopamine and risperidone with DRD2 are analyzed using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and the Non-Covalent Interaction index (NCI). The QTAIM results show that these molecules strongly interact with the receptor. There are 22 non-covalent interactions for dopamine and 54 for risperidone. The electron density evaluated at each critical binding point is small in both systems but it is higher for dopamine than for risperidone, indicating that the interactions of DRD2 with the first are stronger than with the second molecule. However, the binding energy is higher for risperidone (-72.6 kcal mol-1) than for dopamine (-22.8 kcal mol-1). Thus, the strength of the binding energy is due to the number of contacts rather than the strength of the interactions themselves. This could be related to the ability of risperidone to block DRD2 and may explain the efficacy of this drug for controlling the symptoms of schizophrenia, but likewise its secondary effects.
Dopamina/química , Receptores de Dopamina D2/química , Risperidona/química , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Sítios de Ligação , Dopamina/farmacologia , Modelos Moleculares , Ligação Proteica , Conformação Proteica , Risperidona/farmacologia , TermodinâmicaRESUMO
NOTT-401 was found to be a highly stable adsorbent for SO2 and CO with excellent cyclability and a straightforward regeneration at room temperature. Moreover, the preferential CO binding sites within the MOF material have been identified by experimental in situ DRIFT spectroscopy coupled with DFT and QTAIM calculations. Such preferential CO adsorption sites were correlated to identify the most significant SO2 interactions within NOTT-401. This study sheds light on the role of the thiophene and hydroxo functionality, for a MOF material, in the binding of SO2 or CO.
Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that plays a key role in a wide range of both locomotive and cognitive functions in humans. Disturbances on the dopaminergic system cause, among others, psychosis, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. Antipsychotics are drugs that interact primarily with the dopamine receptors and are thus important for the control of psychosis and related disorders. These drugs function as agonists or antagonists and are classified as such in the literature. However, there is still much to learn about the underlying mechanism of action of these drugs. The goal of this investigation is to analyze the intrinsic chemical reactivity, more specifically, the electron donor-acceptor capacity of 217 molecules used as dopaminergic substances, particularly focusing on drugs used to treat psychosis. We analyzed 86 molecules categorized as agonists and 131 molecules classified as antagonists, applying Density Functional Theory calculations. Results show that most of the agonists are electron donors, as is dopamine, whereas most of the antagonists are electron acceptors. Therefore, a new characterization based on the electron transfer capacity is proposed in this study. This new classification can guide the clinical decision-making process based on the physiopathological knowledge of the dopaminergic diseases.
Dopaminérgicos/farmacologia , Desenho de Fármacos , Doença de Huntington/tratamento farmacológico , Doença de Parkinson/tratamento farmacológico , Transtornos Psicóticos/tratamento farmacológico , Dopaminérgicos/uso terapêutico , HumanosRESUMO
CO is extremely toxic to humans since it can combine with haemoglobin to form carboxy-haemoglobin that reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), in particular InOF-1, are currently receiving preferential attention for the separation and capture of CO. In this investigation we report a theoretical study based on periodic density-functional-theory (DFT) analysis and matching experimental results (in situ DRIFTS). The aim of this article is to describe the non-covalent interactions between the functional groups of InOF-1 and the CO molecule since they are crucial to understand the adsorption mechanism of these materials. Our results show that the CO molecule mainly interacts with the µ2-OH hydroxo groups of InOF-1 through O-HO hydrogen bonds, and Cπ interactions by the biphenyl rings of the MOF. These results provide useful information on the CO adsorption mechanisms in InOF-1.
The confinement of small amounts of benzene in InOF-1 (Bz@InOF-1) shows a contradictory behavior in the capture of CO2 and SO2. While the capture of CO2 is increased 1.6 times, compared to the pristine material, the capture of SO2 shows a considerable decrease. To elucidate these behaviors, the interactions of CO2 and SO2 with Bz@InOF-1 were studied by DFT periodical calculations postulating a plausible explanation: (a) in the case of benzene and CO2, these molecules do not compete for the preferential adsorption sites within InOF-1, providing a cooperative CO2 capture enhancement and (b) benzene and SO2 strongly compete for these preferential adsorption sites inside the MOF material, reducing the total SO2 capture.
The enhancement of CO2 capture due to the confinement of polar molecules within InOF-1 was previously demonstrated. In particular, the presence of MeOH produced 1.30-fold increase in the total CO2 capture. This was explained before with the presence of hydrogen bonds. However, a detailed analysis of the hydrogen bonds among µ2-OH functional groups, MeOH molecules and CO2 molecules was not elucidated; moreover, the possible mechanisms that could explain the enhancement of the capture were also not explained. In this investigation, the density functional theory (DFT) periodic calculations and experimental in situ DRIFTS results allowed us to postulate four plausible CO2 adsorption mechanisms for MeOH-functionalised InOF-1, which described the hydrogen bonds and rationalised the nature of the CO2 capture enhancement.
The correct description of van der Waals (vdW) interaction forces is required for accurately describing dispersion bonded systems. Several approaches have been proposed to include London dispersion in density functional theory exchange-correlation functionals, where the family of so-called van der Waals (vdW-DF) exchange-correlation functionals have shown a better performance than local or semi local exchange-correlation functionals for describing molecular adsorption on metals. Despite the numerous benchmarks performed with these functionals, their performance in predicting bulk properties of transition metals has hitherto not been investigated in detail. We have therefore tested five vdW-DF exchange-correlation functionals, vdW-DF2, optPBE-vdW, BEEF-vdW, optB88-vdW and C09 x -vdW to assess their performance in the prediction of lattice constants, bulk moduli, cohesive energies and surface energies of bulk Ni, Cu, Rh, Pd, Ag, Ir, Pt and Au (in fcc crystal structure). These transition metals are commonly used for benchmarking density functionals because they are important for applications in catalysis. The results are compared with experimental data and the PBE exchange-correlation functional. We found that both the optB88-vdW and the C09 x -vdW exchange-correlation functionals estimate all properties with high accuracy, in better agreement with experimental data than PBE and other considered vdW functionals. The C09 x -vdW functional clearly outperforms all other exchange-correlation functionals for surface energies for the (1 1 1) termination of different metals. We have also evaluated the interatomic electron density emerging from different functionals, and concluded that the observed differences are a result of the predicted lattice parameter, rather than a direct consequence of the functional form. Plane-wave and real-space grid-based expansions of the electron density are also compared, revealing good agreement between the two approaches for lattice parameters, cohesive energies, and surface energies, but more severe differences in bulk moduli. On the basis of our results, we recommend using the C09 x -vdW for studying bulk properties and surface energies of transition metals.
The 2-propanol (i-PrOH) adsorption properties of InOF-1 are investigated along with the confinement of small amounts of this alcohol to enhance the CO2 capture for i-PrOH@InOF-1 (1.25-fold improvement compared to pristine InOF-1). InOF-1 exhibited a high affinity towards i-PrOH, experimentally quantified by ΔHads (-55 kJ mol-1), and DFT geometry optimisations showed strong hydrogen bonding between O(i-PrOH) and H(µ2-OH). Quantum chemical models demonstrated that the CO2 capture increase for i-PrOH@InOF-1 was due to a decrease in the void surface of InOF-1 (bottleneck effect), and the formation of essential hydrogen bonds of CO2 with i-PrOH and with the hydroxo functional group (µ2-OH) of InOF-1.
The potential energy surface of [Cu(H2O)n]2+ clusters with n = 12, 16, and 18 was explored by using a modified version of the simulated annealing method. Such exploration was carried out by using the PM7 semiempirical method to obtain around 100,000 isomers, which provide candidates to be optimized with PBE0-D3, M06-2X, and BHLYP exchange-correlation functionals coupled with the 6-311++G** basis set. These methods based on the Kohn-Sham approach delivered isomers with coordination numbers of 4, 5, and 6. The analysis used to obtain coordination numbers was based on geometrical parameters and the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) approach. Our methodology found only one isomer with fourfold coordination and its probabilities to appear in these clusters are quite small for high temperatures. The procedure used in this article predicts important populations of fivefold and sixfold coordination clusters, in fact, the fivefold coordination dominates for PBE0-D3 and BHLYP methods, although the sixfold coordination starts to be important when the number of water molecules is increased. The nature of axial and equatorial contacts is discussed in the context of the QTAIM and the noncovalent interaction index (NCI), which gives a clear classification of such orientations. Also, these methods suggest a partial covalent interaction between the Cu2+ and water molecules in both positions; equatorial and axial.
Phenolic compounds represent an important category of antioxidants because they help inhibit the oxidation process of organic compounds, while also acting as antiradicals in many biological processes. In this work, we analyze the transfer mechanisms for a set of catechols and resorcinols of a single electron, proton and hydrogen, with the radical peroxyl (ËOOH) and with different electron withdrawing and donating groups as substituents. By using the M05-2X exchange correlation functional within the Density Functional Theory framework combined with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set, we were able to compute the Gibbs free energies for all mechanisms and compounds. According to the thermodynamic results, the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism was the most favorable. Therefore, this mechanism with substituents -CH3 and -COH in catechol and resorcinol was analyzed, using the reaction force and reaction electronic flux to characterize the structural and electronic changes that take place during the reaction. Our results show that electron donating groups favor electronic changes along the reaction path, increasing the spontaneity of the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism.
Characterization of hydrogen bonds in CH4-(H2O)12 clusters was carried out by using several quantum chemistry tools. An initial stochastic search provided around 2 500 000 candidate structures, then, using a convex-hull polygon criterion followed by gradient based optimization under the Kohn-Sham scheme, a total of 54 well defined local minima were located in the Potential Energy Surface. These structures were further analyzed through second-order many-body perturbation theory with an extended basis set at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) level. Our analysis of Gibbs energies at several temperatures clearly suggests a structural preference toward compact water clusters interacting with the external methane molecule, instead of the more commonly known clathrate-like structures. This study shows that CH4-(H2O)12 clusters may be detected at temperatures up to 179 K, this finding provides strong support to a recently postulated hypothesis that suggests that methane-water clusters could be present in Mars at these conditions. Interestingly, we found that water to water hydrogen bonding is strengthened in the mixed clusters when compared to the isolated water dimer, which in turn leads to a weakening of the methane to water hydrogen bonding when compared to the CH4-(H2O) dimer. Finally, our evidence places a stern warning about the abilities of popular geometrical criteria to determine the existence of hydrogen bonds.
In this report, it is shown that the Kohn-Sham (KS) kinetic energy density (KED) contains the average local electrostatic potential (ALEP) and the average local ionization energy (ALIE); the shell structure in atomic systems is presented as one application of the KS-KED. By writing the KS-KED from the KS equations, this quantity was divided in three contributions: orbital, Coulomb, and exchange correlation. By studying several closed and open shell atoms, the shell structure was established by the maxima presented by the Coulomb contribution and the minima in the orbital contribution of the KS-KED. The exchange-correlation contribution to the KS-KED does not show maxima or minima, but this quantity shows bumps where the division between shells is expected. The results obtained in this work were compared with other shell structure indicators such as the electron localization function, the ALEP, the ALIE, and the radial distribution function. The most important result in this work is related to the fact that even when the ALEP and the ALIE functions were built with different arguments to each other, they are contained in the KS-KED. In this way, the KS-KED shows its importance to reveal the electron localization in atomic systems.