Abstract Introduction/objective: In this cross-sectional study, the connections between indicators of subjective happiness, hope, and resilience were investigated in 591 adult Paraguayans (average age 37.7 years; SD = 11.35) during the COVID-19 post-pandemic period, using network analysis for the first time. Method: The indicators of subjective happiness, hope, and resilience were assessed using the Subjective Happiness Scale, the Adult Hope Scale, and the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, respectively. Result: The results indicated that "Enjoy life in spite of it all," "Pursuing goals," and "Coping with stress" were the most central indicators of the resilience, hope, and subjective happiness network. While stronger conditional relationships were observed between indicators of the same network variable, potential bridge indicators were also noted that could link resilience, hope, and subjective happiness, such as "I am a strong person," "Enjoy life in spite of it all," "Pursuing goals," and "I have been successful in life." Conclusions: The results suggest that timely and multilevel interventions targeted at central and bridge indicators can help promote positive emotions that impact mental health.
Resumen Introducción/objetivo: En este estudio transversal se investigaron las conexiones entre los indicadores de felicidad subjetiva, esperanza y resiliencia en 591 paraguayos adultos (edad promedio 37.7 años; DE = 11.35) en el período pospandemia del COVID-19 utilizando análisis de redes por primera vez. Método: Los indicadores de felicidad subjetiva, esperanza y resiliencia se evaluaron utilizando la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva, la Escala de Esperanza del Adulto y la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson de 10 ítems, respectivamente. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que "Disfrutar la vida a pesar de todo", "Perseguir metas" y "Afrontar el estrés" fueron los indicadores más centrales de la red de resiliencia, esperanza y felicidad subjetiva. Si bien se observaron relaciones condicionales más fuertes entre indicadores de la misma variable de red, también se observaron posibles indicadores puente que podrían vincular la resiliencia, la esperanza y la felicidad subjetiva, como "Soy una persona fuerte", "Disfruta la vida a pesar de todo", "Persiguiendo metas" y "He tenido éxito en la vida". Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que las intervenciones oportunas y multinivel dirigidas a indicadores centrales y puente pueden ayudar a promover emociones positivas que impacten la salud mental.
BACKGROUND: The Mpox, a zoonotic viral disease that has historically affected Central and West Africa, has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. Rapid transmission and recent dissemination in Africa may imply significant challenges to global health, including mental health. METHODS: We reviewed the mental health implications of the Mpox outbreak according to the published literature. We also discussed the psychological effects of the global spreading of this infection and public health preparedness strategies. Key areas of intervention may include the epidemiological surveillance, vaccine development, and mental health strategies. COMMENTS: The Mpox outbreak calls for a robust global preparedness to address potential health emergencies. Strengthening epidemiological surveillance, ensuring equitable vaccine distribution, and building resilient public health infrastructure are crucial. Additionally, addressing mental health consequences may require immediate, intermediate, and long-term strategies, including telepsychiatry, stress management training, and the integration of mental health into primary care.
Craving is one of the most important symptoms of cocaine use disorder (CUD) since it contributes to the relapse and persistence of such disorder. This systematic review aimed to investigate which brain regions are modulated during cocaine craving. The articles were obtained through searches in the Google Scholar, Regional BVS Portal, PubMed, and Scielo databases. Overall, there was a selection of 36 studies with 1574 individuals, the majority being participants with CUD, whereby about 61.56% were individuals with CUD and 38.44% were controls (mean age = 40.4 years). Besides the methodological points, the neurobiological investigations comprised fMRI (58.34%) and PET (38.89%). The induction of cocaine craving was studied using different methods: exposure to cocaine cues (69.45%), stressful stimuli, food cues, and methylphenidate. Brain activations demonstrated widespread activity across the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, basal ganglia, diencephalon, brainstem, and the limbic system. In addition to abnormalities in prefrontal cortex activity, abnormalities in various other brain regions' activity contribute to the elucidation of the neurobiology of cocaine craving. Abnormalities in brain activity are justified not only by the dysfunction of dopaminergic pathways but also of the glutamatergic and noradrenergic pathways, and distinct ways of inducing craving demonstrated the involvement of distinct brain circuits and regions.
Introduction. The connection between news sources and the connotation of mental health articles in Paraguay during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2023) significantly impacted public opinion about mental health. Objective.This study analyzednews onmental health in Paraguay in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods.A descriptive retrospective study of all news articles on mental health published in the three primary newspapers of the country between May 2020 and May 2023 was conducted. The keywords were depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and mental health issues. Results. A total of 534 newswereexamined, 39.5% published by La Nación newspaper, 33.1% in 2023, and in 88.4% the author's identity and gender were not specified. Of the writing characteristics, 99.8% were written in the third person, 62.7% had a human-interest context,48.5% had a neutral connotation, 65.7% focused on health and well-being,and 7.5% written by health experts. The year of publication wasstatistically associated to connotation (p=0.003) and context (p<0.001). Conclusion. The media has paid significant attention to mental health. Despite the objectivity provided by third-person narration, problems arise because of a lack of author identification. To encourage balanced and non-polarized reporting, it is crucial to incorporate expert voices and promote the framing of mental health stories as "human interest". Palabras clave: mental health; news; newspaper article; COVID-19; Paraguay
Introducción. La conexión entre las fuentes de noticias y la connotación de los artículos sobre salud mental en Paraguay durante la pandemia de COVID-19 (2020-2023) impactó significativamente en la opinión pública sobre la salud mental. Objetivo. Analizar las noticias sobre salud mental en Paraguay en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de todos los artículos periodísticos sobre salud mental publicados en los tres principales periódicos del país entre mayo de 2020 y mayo de 2023. Las palabras clave fueron trastornos depresivos, trastornos de ansiedad, trastorno bipolar, esquizofrenia y problemas de salud mental. Resultados. Se examinaron 534 artículos periodísticos, 39,5% publicados por el diario La Nación, 33,1% en 2023y en 88,4%no se especificó la identidad ni el género del autor. De las características de redacción, el 99,8% estaban escritos en tercera persona, 62,7% pertenecían a un contexto de interés humano,48,5% tenían una connotación neutra, 65,7% se centraban en la salud y el bienestar y el 7,5% escritos por expertos en salud. El año de publicación se asoció significativamente con la connotación (p=0,003) y con el contexto (p<0,001). Conclusión. Los medios de comunicación han prestado gran atención a la salud mental. A pesar de la objetividad que aporta la narración en tercera persona, surgen problemas por la falta de identificación del autor. Para fomentar una información equilibrada y no polarizada, es crucial incorporar voces expertas y promover el encuadre de las historias de salud mental como "interés humano". Key words: salud mental; noticias; artículo de periódico; COVID-19;Paraguay
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Saúde Mental , COVID-19 , Paraguai , Notícias , Artigo de JornalRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Positive mental health includes not only the absence of mental disorders but also the presence of subjective well-being, good coping strategies for life stress, and strategies for adapting to community life. It is well known that the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged mental health in general population worldwide. However, research has not measured protective factors for mental health in the general population after the declared end of pandemic by the World Health Organization. METHODS: This observational, cross-sectional study surveyed 591 Paraguayan participants aged ⩾18 years, who were recruited through an online survey. Demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status were collected as well as mental health and validated tools for hope, resilience, subjective happiness were administered. RESULTS: Of the participants, 81.6% were women, 54% were married or in a relationship and 90.7% reported an university education. The main source of stress was economic issues (30.3%). A total of 22.7% had been previously diagnosed with a mental disorder, 22.2% had consulted a mental health professional and 10.8% had consumed prescription drugs. 42.6% reported flourishing, 36.2% reported moderate and 21.2% reported languishing mental health. CONCLUSIONS: This large survey has shown that most of participants reported a flourishing mental health with high ratings at hope, resilience, and subjective happiness scales. Also, the main sources of stress were economic issues, not consequently related to the pandemic. This may add evidences to the international debate on the long term effects of the global pandemic and probably suggests that recovery processes have been collectively adopted in Paraguay.
COVID-19 , Felicidade , Esperança , Saúde Mental , Resiliência Psicológica , Humanos , Feminino , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Paraguai/epidemiologia , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Idoso , Adaptação Psicológica , Adolescente , Pandemias , Estresse Psicológico/epidemiologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologiaRESUMO
El tema de la salud mental en niños y adolescentes requiere mayor atención. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las características de los pacientes de consulta externa de un centro especializado de un hospital universitario paraguayo. Este estudio empleó una serie retrospectiva, no probabilística, de casos consecutivos. Se examinaron las historias clínicas de pacientes de ambos sexos, de entre 2 y 17 años de edad, que solicitaron consulta en el Departamento de Psiquiatría del Niño y del Adolescente del Hospital de Clínicas entre julio de 2021 y julio de 2023, y que fueron diagnosticados con un trastorno mental según la CIE-10. Se recogieron datos demográficos y clínicos de 447 pacientes, representando 1278 consultas. La mayoría de los pacientes eran mujeres (57,7%), con una edad media de 13 ± 3 años. La mayoría de los pacientes (57,3%) procedían del Departamento Central, el 61,5% eran de zonas rurales y el 72% no tenían seguro médico. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron episodios depresivos (F32), otros trastornos de ansiedad (F41), trastornos de conducta (F91) y trastornos específicos de la personalidad (F60). Los resultados de este estudio proporcionan información crucial sobre la salud mental de niños y adolescentes, que es esencial para informar las políticas de salud mental, asignar recursos y formar a los profesionales sanitarios encargados de atender a este grupo de pacientes.
The topic of mental health in children and adolescents requires increased attention. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the characteristics of outpatient clinic patients at a specialized center within a Paraguayan University Hospital. This study employed a retrospective, non-probabilistic series of consecutive cases. The medical records of patients of both sexes, aged between 2 and 17 years, who sought consultation at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Hospital de Clínicas between July 2021 and July 2023, and were diagnosed with a mental disorder according to the ICD-10, were examined. Demographic and clinical data were collected from 447 patients, representing 1278 consultations. The majority of the patients were female (57.7%), with a mean age of 13 ± 3 years. Most patients (57.3%) were from the Central Department, 61.5% were from rural areas, and 72% did not have medical insurance. The most frequent diagnoses were depressive episodes (F32), other anxiety disorders (F41), conduct disorders (F91), and specific personality disorders (F60). The findings of this study provide crucial information on child and adolescent mental health, which is essential for informing mental health policies, allocating resources, and training healthcare professionals tasked with caring for this patient group.
Introducción: la salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina ha sido ampliamente investigada, demostrando que forman parte de un grupo vulnerable al desarrollo de trastornos mentales. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de NSSI y sus factores asociados en estudiantes de medicina del Paraguay. Metodología: este fue un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Se lanzó una encuesta online para evaluar depresión, ansiedad y autolesiones, se utilizaron las escalas PHQ-2, GAD-7 y SHQ, respectivamente. Resultados: recibimos respuestas de 330 estudiantes de medicina. De los participantes, el 71,2 % eran mujeres. Se identificó que el 46,4 % de los participantes padecía depresión (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) y el 37,3 % ansiedad (GAD-7 ≥10). La frecuencia de NSSI fue del 27 % (n = 89). Los principales factores asociados a NSSI fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental (que aumentó la probabilidad de NSSI en 3,76 veces) y/o una historia de abuso físico o sexual (con un aumento de 3,75 veces). Conclusión: esta investigación encontró la presencia de NSSI en casi 3 de cada 10 de los estudiantes de medicina encuestados. Los principales factores asociados con la conducta autolesiva fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental y/o antecedentes de abuso físico o sexual.
Introduction: the mental health of medical students has been extensively researched, showing that they are part of a group vulnerable to the development of mental disorders. Aim: the aim of this research was to determine the frequency of NSSI and its associated factors in medical students in Paraguay. Methodology: this was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. An online survey was launched to assess depression, anxiety, and self-harm, the PHQ-2, the GAD-7 and SHQ scales were used, respectively. Results: we received responses from 330 medical students. Of the participants, 71.2 % were female. 46.4% of the participants were identified as having depression (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) and 37.3 % as having anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10). The frequency of NSSI was 27 % (n = 89). The main factors associated with NSSI were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder (which increased the likelihood of NSSI by 3.76 times) and/ or a history of physical or sexual abuse (with a 3.75-fold increase). Conclusion: this research found the presence of NSSI in almost 3 out of 10 of the medical students surveyed. The main factors associated with self-injurious behavior were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder and/or a history of physical or sexual abuse.
Introducción: la salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina ha sido ampliamente investigada, demostrando que forman parte de un grupo vulnerable al desarrollo de trastornos mentales. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de NSSI y sus factores asociados en estudiantes de medicina del Paraguay. Metodología: este fue un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Se lanzó una encuesta online para evaluar depresión, ansiedad y autolesiones, se utilizaron las escalas PHQ-2, GAD-7 y SHQ, respectivamente. Resultados: recibimos respuestas de 330 estudiantes de medicina. De los participantes, el 71,2 % eran mujeres. Se identificó que el 46,4 % de los participantes padecía depresión (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) y el 37,3 % ansiedad (GAD-7 ≥10). La frecuencia de NSSI fue del 27 % (n = 89). Los principales factores asociados a NSSI fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental (que aumentó la probabilidad de NSSI en 3,76 veces) y/o una historia de abuso físico o sexual (con un aumento de 3,75 veces). Conclusión: esta investigación encontró la presencia de NSSI en casi 3 de cada 10 de los estudiantes de medicina encuestados. Los principales factores asociados con la conducta autolesiva fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental y/o antecedentes de abuso físico o sexual.
Introduction: the mental health of medical students has been extensively researched, showing that they are part of a group vulnerable to the development of mental disorders. Aim: the aim of this research was to determine the frequency of NSSI and its associated factors in medical students in Paraguay. Methodology: this was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. An online survey was launched to assess depression, anxiety, and self-harm, the PHQ-2, the GAD-7 and SHQ scales were used, respectively. Results: we received responses from 330 medical students. Of the participants, 71.2 % were female. 46.4% of the participants were identified as having depression (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) and 37.3 % as having anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10). The frequency of NSSI was 27 % (n = 89). The main factors associated with NSSI were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder (which increased the likelihood of NSSI by 3.76 times) and/ or a history of physical or sexual abuse (with a 3.75-fold increase). Conclusion: this research found the presence of NSSI in almost 3 out of 10 of the medical students surveyed. The main factors associated with self-injurious behavior were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder and/or a history of physical or sexual abuse.
Introducción: La investigación sobre la autolesión no suicida permite aumentar la conciencia sobre este fenómeno, posibilita su detección temprana y la implementación de estrategias más eficaces en prevención y tratamiento. Esto conlleva a una reducción del sufrimiento individual, los costos económicos y el impacto en la sociedad en su totalidad. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia y factores asociados a autolesión no suicida en una muestra de población adulta de Paraguay. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de asociación cruzada, de corte transversal y prospectivo. Una encuesta en línea fue difundida a través de redes sociales y aplicaciones de mensajería. Esta incluía preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos y clínicos. La presencia de autolesiones se determinó a través de la versión en español de la escala Self-Harm Questionnaire. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para todas las variables. Para buscar asociaciones se utilizó la prueba chi cuadrado. Resultados: Participaron 241 personas (media de edad=32±12 años, 74,7% mujeres). Se encontró una frecuencia de autolesiones de 24,5% (n=59). De estos, el 91,5% había tenido ideación suicida al menos una vez. Se encontró asociación entre el nivel de ingresos y la frecuencia de autolesiones (χ
Introduction: Research on non-suicidal self-injury raises awareness of this phenomenon, enabling the early detection and implementation of more effective strategies in prevention and treatment. This leads to a reduction in individual suffering, economic costs, and impact on society. Objective: To determine the frequency and associated factors of non-suicidal self-injury in a sample of the adult population of Paraguay. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, and prospective study. An online survey was disseminated through social networks and messaging applications. The survey included questions on sociodemographic and clinical data. The presence of self-injury was determined by using the Spanish version of the Self-Harm Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used for all the variables. The chi-square test was used to examine associations. Results: There were 241 participants (mean age=32±12 years, 74.7%female). A non-suicidal self-injury frequency of 24.5% (n=59) was observed. Of these, 91.5% reported suicidal ideation at least once. An association was found between income level and the frequency of non-suicidal self-injury (χ
(1) Background: The treatment of substance addiction is challenging and has persisted for decades, with only a few therapeutic options. Although there are some recommendations for specific treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), there is no specific medication used to treat alcohol cravings, which could benefit millions of patients that are suffering from alcoholism. Cravings, or the urge to use drugs, refer to the desire to experience the effects of a previously experienced psychoactive substance. (2) Methods: We included original studies of alcohol abuse or dependence extracted from a controlled, blind, pharmacological treatment study which presented measures and outcomes related to alcohol cravings. (3) Results: Specific drugs used for the treatment of alcoholism, such as Naltrexone and Acamprosate, have had the best results in relieving craving symptoms, as well as promoting abstinence. Baclofen and anticonvulsants such as Gabapentin and Topiramate have shown good results in promoting abstinence and the cessation of cravings. (4) Conclusions: Specific drugs used for the treatment of alcoholism to obtain the best results can be considered the gold standard for promoting abstinence and relieving cravings. Anticonvulsants and Baclofen also had good results, with these medications being considered as second-line ones. Varenicline is an option for alcohol dependents who also concomitantly ingest tobacco.
Introduction: Medical students are vulnerable to psychological distress and face a number of stressors such as academic pressures, economic concerns, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The quality of their educational training may also impact their mental health and subjective well-being. Objective: to describe their perception of subjective well-being and the impact of medical training on their own mental health. Methods: We surveyed 119 medical students and administered the "Perception survey on vocation, living and recreational habits, training and professional attitudes," the CAGE questionnaire, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2). Results: Students' mean age was 22.5±2.28 years old and 59.7 % of participants were women, their lifestyle habits were scored as acceptable, and the employment of cell-phones and social networks ranged 76-99%; 24.1 % recognized a problematic alcohol, 67.2 % reported anxiety according to the GAD-7, and 49.6 % depression according to PHQ-2. Symptoms of anxiety were frequent among females and were higher when the perceived quality of training and student/teacher ratio were lower. Discussion: Students' perceptions of lower quality of training and resources seemed to be associated with higher levels of anxiety, which may suggest that educational policies and resources should be carefully revised and implemented to improve students' health and well-being.
Introducción: los estudiantes de medicina son vulnerables al malestar psicológico y se enfrentan a una serie de factores estresantes como las presiones académicas, las preocupaciones económicas y las dificultades en las relaciones interpersonales. La calidad de su formación educativa también puede influir en su salud mental y bienestar subjetivo. Objetivo: describir su percepción de bienestar subjetivo y el impacto de la formación médica en su propia salud mental. Metodología: se encuestó a 119 estudiantes de medicina y se les administró la "Encuesta de percepción sobre vocación, hábitos de vida y recreación, formación y actitudes profesionales", el cuestionario CAGE, el Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada-7 (TAG-7) y el Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente-2 (PHQ-2). Resultados: la edad media de los estudiantes fue de 22,5±2,28 años y el 59,7 % de los participantes eran mujeres; sus hábitos de vida se calificaron como aceptables, y el empleo de teléfonos móviles y redes sociales osciló entre el 76 y el 99 %; el 24,1 % reconoció un consumo problemático de alcohol, el 67,2 % manifestó ansiedad según el TAG-7, y el 49,6 % depresión según el PHQ-2. Los síntomas de ansiedad eran frecuentes entre las mujeres y eran mayores cuando la calidad percibida de la formación y la proporción alumnos/profesor eran menores. Discusión: la percepción por parte de los estudiantes de una menor calidad de la formación y de los recursos parecía estar asociada a mayores niveles de ansiedad, lo que puede sugerir que las políticas y los recursos educativos deberían revisarse y aplicarse cuidadosamente para mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes.
(1) Background: Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) are emerging drugs of abuse sold as 'K2', 'K9' or 'Spice'. Evidence shows that using SCs products leads to greater health risks than cannabis. They have been associated with greater toxicity and higher addiction potential unrelated to the primary psychoactive component of marijuana, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). Moreover, early cases of intoxication and death related to SCs highlight the inherent danger that may accompany the use of these substances. However, there is limited knowledge of the toxicology of Spice ingredients. This systematic review intends to analyze the toxicity of SCs compounds in Spice/K2 drugs. (2) Methods: Studies analyzing synthetic cannabinoid toxicity and dependence were included in the present review. We searched the PubMed database of the US National Library of Medicine, Google Scholar, CompTox Chemicals, and Web of Science up to May 2022. (3) Results: Sixty-four articles reporting the effects of synthetic cannabinoids in humans were included in our review. Ten original papers and fifty-four case studies were also included. Fourteen studies reported death associated with synthetic cannabinoid use, with AB-CHMINACA and MDMB-CHMICA being the main reported SCs. Tachycardia and seizures were the most common toxicity symptoms. The prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms was higher in third-generation SCs. (4) Conclusion: SCs may exhibit higher toxicity than THC and longer-lasting effects. Their use may be harmful, especially in people with epilepsy and schizophrenia, because of the increased risk of the precipitation of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Compared to other drugs, SCs have a higher potential to trigger a convulsive crisis, a decline in consciousness, and hemodynamic changes. Therefore, it is crucial to clarify their potential harms and increase the availability of toxicology data in both clinical and research settings.
Stigma and discrimination are a major ongoing problem in the field of mental health as these impact on patient outcomes, access to and acceptability of therapeutic interventions, their quality of life, general wellbeing, social inclusion and opportunities. Social stereotypes, culture and prejudices all contribute to continuing discrimination in mental health. Different settings where people function may also be sources of discrimination such as work and educational environments. The lack of knowledge and understanding of mental health/illness by individuals, their families, carers and policymakers as well as the social media reporting also impact on social attitudes to discrimination. It has been also described a relevant impact of stigma among specific social minorities reporting poor mental health such as elderly people, youths, sexual variants, persons with disability. Educational programs, raising awareness trainings and proper public policies may be developed in order to reduce stigma at social level with favourable outcomes for people with mental illness.
Transtornos Mentais , Transtornos Parafílicos , Adolescente , Humanos , Idoso , Saúde Mental , Qualidade de Vida , Estigma Social , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia , PreconceitoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The number of suicides has been increasing worldwide, year after year, becoming the fourth leading cause of death among young people between 15 and 29 years of age. AIM: In this study, we explored the frequency and characteristics of suicides among the adult general population in Paraguay between 2004 and 2022, considering that suicide attempts and suicidal risk/ideation are frequent and relevant issues in the consultation activity, even if epidemiological evidence on the national rates of suicide is scarce. METHODS: In this observational, descriptive, and exploratory study, official records of all deaths by suicide were reviewed and information analyzed. In addition, an attempt was made to predict the number of suicides in the next 5 years according to a mathematical modeling. RESULTS: In the 18-year period, 5,527 suicides of adults were recorded. Patients' mean age was 36.8 ± 17 years old. A 76.77% of them were males, 77.44% were from an urban area and 25.98% from the Greater Asunción and Central Department of Paraguay. The most frequently used method of suicide was intentional self-inflicted injury by hanging, strangulation, or suffocation (all 67.6%). The expected number of national suicides in the following years from 2023 to 2027 will range between 462 and 530. Limitations include the lack of information regarding diagnoses and personal history in the suicide reports as well as the possibility of underreporting of national suicide cases. CONCLUSION: Our results represent the first large national epidemiological report of suicides in Paraguay and may be of interest for mental health professionals and health authorities in order to reduce the suicide mortality rate within the country.
Transtornos Mentais , Comportamento Autodestrutivo , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Paraguai/epidemiologia , Tentativa de Suicídio , Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia , Ideação SuicidaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Suicide and suicide attempts are impacting events for patients and their relatives, and these behaviors are still taboo among adults and may be even more traumatic when involving children and adolescents. AIM: In this study we aimed to describe suicide rates among children and adolescents in Paraguay over the last decades as well as associated factors such as sociodemographic characteristics and methods used for suicide. METHODS: This was an observational and exploratory study describing the frequency and characteristics of suicide among children and adolescents in Paraguay between 2004 and 2022. Official records of all deaths by suicide were reviewed, and statistical analyses were performed. In addition, an attempt was made to predict the number of suicides in the next 5 years using a mathematical model based on simple linear regression. RESULTS: In the 18-year period observed, 940 suicides among children and adolescents were recorded. The mean age was 15.05 ± 1.8 years old. Of these, 51.17% were male, 74.6% were from urban areas, and 22.2% were from the Greater Asunción and Central Department of Paraguay. The most frequently used method of suicide was intentional self-inflicted injury by hanging, strangulation, or suffocation, which all represented 75.3% of the cases. Our mathematical modeling based on simple linear regression determined that the expected yearly number of national suicides in the pediatric population for the following years, from 2023 to 2027, will range between 72 and 81. CONCLUSION: This study is the first large national epidemiological report on the emerging issue of suicide among children and adolescents in Paraguay. It may be a relevant source of information for mental health professionals, health authorities, and decision makers to develop national prevention strategies and actions against suicide among youths.
Transtornos Mentais , Comportamento Autodestrutivo , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Feminino , Paraguai/epidemiologia , Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia , Tentativa de Suicídio/psicologia , Comportamento Autodestrutivo/epidemiologia , Pessoal de SaúdeRESUMO
Introducción: La autorregulación del aprendizaje se refiere a la modulación de los procesos afectivos, cognitivos y conductuales a lo largo de una experiencia de aprendizaje para alcanzar un nivel de logro deseado. Los estudiantes que tienen un mejor manejo de sus habilidades cognitivas y metacognitivas aprenden de una mejor forma que aquellos que no, por lo tanto, es fundamental estudiar a qué nivel los estudiantes universitarios son capaces de aprender a aprender y a ser gestores de su aprendizaje. Objetivos: Analizar la relación entre la autorregulación del aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la carrera medicina de tres universidades en el año 2022. Materiales y métodos: Esta investigación siguió un enfoque cuantitativo, el tipo de investigación fue observacional de tipo descriptivo. Se utilizó un instrumento previamente validado para identificar los tipos de autorregulación, la Autorregulación del Aprendizaje a partir de Textos (ARATEX-R). Resultados: No se encontró relación significativa entre el perfil académico de los estudiantes de medicina y el puntaje total del ARATEX-R. Al estudiar la relación entre las dimensiones de la autorregulación se encontró relación entre el rendimiento académico y la planificación y la gestión de la motivación, lo que implica que los que tienen mejores habilidades de planificación y que son capaces de gestionar su motivación tienen mejor rendimiento académico. Conclusión: Las principales dimensiones que caracterizan la autorregulación del aprendizaje en estudiantes de medicina fueron: gestión del contexto, gestión de la cognición y evaluación de la comprensión.
Introduction: Self-regulation of learning refers to the modulation of affective, cognitive and behavioral processes throughout a learning experience to reach a desired level of achievement. Students who have a better management of their cognitive and metacognitive skills learn in a better way than those who do not, therefore, it is essential to study at what level university students are capable of learning to learn and to be managers of their learning. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between self-regulation of learning and academic performance in medical students from three universities in the year 2022. Materials and methods: This research followed a quantitative approach; the type of research was observational and descriptive. A previously validated instrument was used to identify types of self-regulation, the Self-Regulation of Learning from Texts (ARATEX-R). Results: No significant relationship was found between the academic profile of medical students and the total ARATEX-R score. When studying the relationship between the dimensions of self-regulation, a relationship was found between academic performance and motivation planning and management, which implies that those who have better planning skills and who are able to manage their motivation have better academic performance. Conclusion: The main dimensions that characterize the self-regulation of learning in medical students were: context management, cognition management and comprehension evaluation.
Desempenho Acadêmico , Corrida , Estudantes , Estudantes de Medicina , Universidades , Organização Mundial da Saúde , Cognição , Autocontrole , AprendizagemRESUMO
Antecedentes: Estudios observacionales han descrito una alta prevalencia de depresión y ansiedad en la artritis reumatoidea: los trastornos depresivos mayores se detectan en el 17 % de los pacientes con la patología, y la inflamación local y sistémica desempeña un papel importante en la ansiedad y la depresión. Objetivos: El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de ansiedad, depresión y vulnerabilidad al estrés en pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoidea. Materiales y métodos: Este fue un estudio observacional, descriptivo de asociación cruzada y temporalmente prospectivo. El muestreo fue no probabilístico de casos consecutivos. Se incluyó a personas adultas con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide que consultaron en el Departamento de Reumatología del Hospital de Clínicas, entre agosto y octubre del 2022. Para el diagnóstico psiquiátrico se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: Escala de Ansiedad Generalizada (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) y Escala de Vulnerabilidad al Estrés de Smith y Miller. Resultados: Se incluyó a 36 pacientes, todas mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y 77 años. El 27,8 % tenía depresión, según los puntos de corte del PHQ-2. El 22,2 % presentaba ansiedad, según los puntos de corte de GAD-7. En cuanto al estrés, el 22,2 % tenía vulnerabilidad a este y el 5,6 % era seriamente vulnerable. Conclusión: Depresión, ansiedad y vulnerabilidad al estrés son comorbilidades frecuentemente observadas en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea. Se requieren de intervenciones específicas de salud mental para abordar estas cuestiones y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados.
Background: Observational studies have described a high prevalence of depression and anxiety in rheumatoid arthritis: major depressive disorders are detected in 17 % of patients with the pathology, and local and systemic inflammation play an important role in anxiety and depression. Objectives: The overall objective of this research was to determine the frequency of anxiety, depression, and vulnerability to stress in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and methods: This was an observational, descriptive, temporally prospective, cross-association study. Sampling was non-probabilistic of consecutive cases. We included adults with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis who consulted at the Rheumatology Department of the Hospital de Clínicas between August and October 2022. The following instruments were used for psychiatric diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Scale (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) and Smith and Miller's Stress Vulnerability Scale. Results: Thirty-six patients, all women, aged between 20 and 77 years, were included in the study. The 27.8 % had depression, according to the cut-off points of the PHQ-2. Anxiety was present in 22.2 %, according to the GAD-7 cut-off points. Regarding stress, 22.2 % were vulnerable to stress and 5.6 % were seriously vulnerable. Conclusion: Depression, anxiety and vulnerability to stress are frequently observed comorbidities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Specific mental health interventions are required to address these issues and improve the quality of life of affected patients.
Ansiedade , Artrite Reumatoide , Depressão , Patologia , Pacientes , Qualidade de Vida , Pesquisa , Reumatologia , Saúde Mental , Transtornos MentaisRESUMO
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a heavy impact on daily life, leading to physical and psychosocial consequences. Nowadays, clinicians and health researchers are particularly interested in describing and facing the long-term effects of COVID-19, also known as "long-COVID syndrome". Pandemic fatigue has been defined as a cluster of demotivation, tiredness, and psychological effects that emerge gradually over time after the infection or through the adoption of the recommended measures to combat it. In this study, we report the findings of a large survey conducted in South America involving 1448 participants (mean age: 33.9 ± 11.2 years old) from Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Peru, and Paraguay. An online survey was launched through the common social media based on a specific assessment aimed to detect the prevalence of pandemic fatigue and associated factors. Socio-demographic characteristics, medical, and personal information were collected; the Pandemic Fatigue Scale (PFS) and the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) were also administered. We found mid-levels of pandemic fatigue among respondents (21.7 ± 7.95 score at PFS) as well as significant anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic (1.56 ± 2.76 score at CAS). In addition, pandemic fatigue was significantly associated with the experience of the loss of a relative/friend due to COVID-19, anxiety related to the infection, and reliance on social media as a primary source of information on the pandemic. Vaccination significantly reduced the levels of fatigue among respondents. Our findings may add to the international debate regarding the long-term health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and strategies to manage them in the general population of South America.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the effect of major depressive disorder (MDD) as a risk factor for suicidal ideation in individuals whose ages varied from 11 to 24 years and who were attending educational institutions. DATA SOURCE: A systematic review was carried out by searching in PubMed and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Original studies conducted in educational institutions, including individuals whose age varied from 11 to 24 years, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese were included. DATA SYNTHESIS: Eight studies were selected for the meta-analysis, including 35,443 youths, with an average age of 16.8 years, predominantly female (51.2%), and from middle-income Asian countries (91.6%). An odds ratio of MDD of 3.89 (95%CI 2.46-6.17) for suicide ideation in youth was found. Subgroup analysis showed higher effects in Asia (OR=4.71; 95%CI 3.22-6.89) than Americas (OR=1.71; 95%CI 1.44-2.03). The meta-regression model indicated that younger adolescents (coef=-0.63; 95%CI 1.09--0.18; p<0.01) and older studies (coef=-0.23; 95%CI 0.039--0.08; p<0.01) presented higher effects of MDD on suicidal ideation. CONCLUSIONS: Early detection and treatment of MDD in youth patients are of utmost importance for preventing suicidal ideation. Educational institutions could play an important role in the early detection and intervention.
Transtorno Depressivo Maior , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Transtorno Depressivo Maior/epidemiologia , Razão de Chances , Fatores de Risco , Instituições Acadêmicas , Ideação SuicidaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Insomnia, defined as a difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep, is a relevant medical issue. Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are commonly prescribed to treat insomnia. Two phases characterize human sleep structure: sleep with Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and sleep with Rapid Eye Movement (REM). Physiological sleep includes NREM and REM phases in a continuous cycle known as "Sleep Architecture." OBJECTIVE: This systematic review summarizes the studies that have investigated effects of BZDs on Sleep Architecture. METHODS: The articles selection included human clinical trials (in English, Portuguese, or Spanish) only, specifically focused on BZDs effects on sleep architecture. PubMed, BVS, and Google Scholar databases were searched. RESULTS: Findings on BZDs effects on sleep architecture confirm an increase in stage 2 of NREM sleep and a decrease in time of stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep with a reduction in time of REM sleep during the nocturnal sleep. CONCLUSION: Variations in NREM and REM sleep may lead to deficits in concentration and working memory and weight gain. The increase in stage 2 of NREM sleep may lead to a subjective improvement of sleep quality with no awakenings. BZDz should be prescribed with zeal and professional judgment. These patients should be closely monitored for possible long-term side effects.