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Travel Med Infect Dis ; 52: 102516, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36581142


The current Monkeypox (MPXV) outbreak has put evidence the worrisome trend of an increased prevalence of other sexually transmitted infections (STDs) particularly in the group of Men who have sex with men (MSM). This phenomenon is illustrated through the case of a 24-year-old male living with HIV that after attending a party where potentially unprotected sex was performed developed a painful popular perianal rash. Laboratory examinations performed confirmed the presence of an acute MPXV infection and primary syphilis, receiving pain relief medication and antibiotics with a rapid control of both illnesses. As in many cases during this outbreak, his HIV status was well controlled and thus a further understanding of the sexual practices in the MSM should help design more adequate interventions to prevent the spread of this and other more conventional STIs.

Coinfecção , Infecções por HIV , Mpox , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Sífilis , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Sífilis/complicações , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Sífilis/tratamento farmacológico , Homossexualidade Masculina , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Coinfecção/epidemiologia , Equador , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Prevalência
Cambios rev. méd ; 17(1): 52-56, ene. - 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-981100


Introducción. Existe poca información disponible sobre disfunción tiroidea en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (EM), la mayoría proviene de estudios enfocados en la influencia del interferón b-1 (IFNb) en el hipotiroidismo. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el comportamiento epidemiológico del hipotiroidismo en un grupo de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple atendidos en consulta externa del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín entre septiembre del 2013 y octubre del 2015, a quienes se les diagnosticó disfunción tiroidea. Resultados. Se incluyeron 81 pacientes con esclerosis múltiple de los cuales el 17,2% (n=14) tuvieron hipotiroidismo clínico y subclínico confirmado. De este grupo, un paciente fue de sexo masculino y 13 del femenino. El promedio de edad fue 40±13,5 años. En los pacientes con comorbilidad esclerosis múltiple-hipotiroidismo, se encontró 78,5% (n=63) la variedad Remitente Recurrente y en 21% (n=17) la variedad progresiva. Se evidenció comorbilidad diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes con hipotiroidismo y esclerosis múltiple en un 24% (n=4). Cabe mencionar que entre los pacientes con comorbilidad de esclerosis múltiple e hipotiroidismo, el 14% (n=2) presentaron una tercera enfermedad autoinmune como lupus eritematoso sistémico. Conclusiones. La prevalencia encontrada de hipotiroidismo en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple en esta serie fue similar a la reportada en estudios internacionales. Sin embargo, no podemos asegurar si es similar a la de población ecuatoriana en general, ya que no existen estudios que precisen la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Ecuador, aunque esta se estima alrededor del 15 a 20%.

Introduction. There is little information available regarding thyroid dysfunction in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Most information on this matter comes from studies focused on the influence of Interferon b-1 in hypothyroidism. Objective. The goal of this study was to analyze the epidemiology of hypothyroidism in a group of MS patients. Materials and methods. Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients of the external care area of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital between September 2013 and October 2015, who had been diagnosed with thyroid dysfunctions. Results. Eighty-one MS patients were included in the study, and 17.2% (n=14) of them had confirmed clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism. Out of these, 7.1% (n=l) was male and 92% (n=13) were females, with an age range of M=40, SD-=13.55. In patients with MS-hypothyroidism comorbidity, 78.5% (n=63) had a relapsing-remitting variety, and 21% (n=17) a progressive variety. A Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 comorbidity was evident in hypothyroidism and MS patients; 14% (n=4) were diagnosed with a third autoimmune disease, such as systemic lupus erythematosus. Conclusions. The prevalence of hypothyroidism found in MS patients within this study was similar to the prevalence reported in international studies. However, we cannot be certain whether or not this value was similar to the overall Ecuadorian population, since there are no studies that pinpoint the exact prevalence of hypothyroidism in Ecuador, although this rate is estimated to be within a range of 15 to 20%.

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças da Glândula Tireoide , Hipotireoidismo , Esclerose Múltipla , Diabetes Mellitus , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico